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本文利用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2006年的城市调查数据,分别用企业任期和在职培训时间作为企业专用性人力资本的替代变量,分析它们对员工流动性的影响,结果显示,企业专用性人力资本与员工辞职概率显著负相关,企业专用性人力资本水平越高的员工,主动离开企业的可能性就越小.同时还发现,作为通用性人力资本的工作经验与员工辞职概率之间的关系不明确;受教育年限和工资收入与员工辞职概率显著正相关;企业规模与员工辞职概率之间不存在显著的相关关系;相对于女性而言,在其他条件相同的情况下,男性辞职的可能性更大.  相似文献   

A new microeconomic explanation for the divergent experiences of economies in forming human capital is proposed. It is suggested that the positive effect of a longer life expectancy on human capital formation arises from two separate effects: a life‐expectancy effect and a prolonged intergenerational overlap effect. It is argued that the duration of the overlap between generations and the associated parental support can affect the marginal cost of human capital formation and hence its level: parental support is cheaper than market financing. The strong correlation between the formation of human capital and life expectancy is thus attributed not merely to a higher marginal benefit arising from a longer payback period but also to a lower marginal cost arising from a prolonged intergenerational overlap. Conditions are provided under which a longer overlap results in a higher level of per capita output.  相似文献   

We study the design of education policies (subsidies and public education) when parents' investment in education is motivated by warm‐glow altruism and determines the probability that a child has a high ability. The optimal subsidy is not necessarily positive. It is determined by two conflicting terms: a Pigouvian term (warm‐glow altruists do not properly account for the impact of education on future generations) and a “paternalistic” effect (the warm‐glow term may not be fully included in social welfare). Finally, total crowding out of private expenditure (for one of the types) by public education may be desirable.  相似文献   

关于人力资本流动与聚集的认识与评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊莎 《经济研究导刊》2008,(15):123-124
人力资本聚集理论围绕着人力资本产生技术外溢,形成核心吸引力,解释人力资本为何出现马太效应。相对于传统人力资本流动理论以收入差为主要解释变量,聚集理论模型在解释中国人力资本流动现象上,更具有现实意义。在人力资本流动和聚集理论的综合评述基础上,针对中国人力资本空间配置不平衡现象提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of public education in determining intergenerational economic mobility. It considers a model in which education is free and admission to schools is competitive. The results indicate that for mobility to increase during the process of development, the share of resources devoted to public education needs to be large enough to offset the relative advantage of having educated parents in academic attainment.  相似文献   

Most individuals have more than one job or occupation in their working lives. Most employees are repeatedly faced with the choice of whether to remain in their present job (with the possibility of promotion), or quit to another job in the same occupation with a different firm, or – more radically – change occupation. At each stage in an individual's career, the scope for future job or occupational mobility is largely conditioned by the type and quantity of their human capital. This paper presents an empirical study of the factors which link occupational mobility and the acquisition of either firm-based, occupation-specific or general human capital. The data employed are from a cohort of 1980 UK graduates drawn from the Department of Employment Survey 1987. The econometric work presents estimates of the role of firm-based training and occupation-specific training in the career mobility of qualified manpower in the first seven years in the labour market.  相似文献   

Intergenerational Mobility and the Process of Development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper offers an explanation for some evidence that intergenerational earnings mobility is higher in more developed economies and that mobility is positively correlated with wage equality. In the model mobility promotes economic growth via its effect on the accumulation and allocation of human capital. Growth influences mobility via its effect on incentives to acquire education and its effect on liquidity constraints upon such acquisition. In the process of development mobility increases and the distribution of education becomes better correlated with ability. Redistributive policy has a negative effect on growth in developed economies and a positive effect in developing economies.  相似文献   

周兴  张鹏 《经济学(季刊)》2015,14(1):351-372
本文通过对中国城乡家庭代际间的职业流动与收入流动进行实证研究,得出以下结论:(1)城镇家庭子女的职业随其职业生涯的发展有向父辈职业"回归"的趋势,而农村家庭中父代从事非农职业有助于子女实现职业的向上流动。(2)子女受教育程度的提高有利于代际间职业的向上流动,但其父辈的社会经济特征也对代际间的职业传承和流动有显著的影响。(3)代际之间职业的传承在一定程度上阻碍了代际间的收入流动,代际职业传承对高收入家庭的代际收入弹性影响更强。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the large number of studies on intergenerational earnings and income mobility by providing new evidence for Spain. Since there are no Spanish surveys covering long‐term information on both children and their fathers' income or earnings, we deal with this selection problem using the two‐sample two‐stage least squares estimator. We find that intergenerational mobility in Spain is similar to that in France, lower than in the Nordic countries and Britain, and higher than in Italy and the United States. Furthermore, we use the Chadwick and Solon approach to explore intergenerational mobility in the case of daughters and we find similar results by gender.  相似文献   

Eco-Dumping, Capital Mobility, and International Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A small open economy’s optimal environmental policy is studied in a model with international capital mobility and local pollution. The country produces traded as well as non-traded goods. Is it in the country’s interest to engage in ecological dumping by choosing generous pollution allowances for the traded-good sector? The answer depends decisively on the policy regime in use. Dumping is not optimal if the country ensures that the implicit rent on pollution is completely appropriated within the country. However, if the implicit factor reward on pollution leaves the country because it accrues to (foreign) owners of mobile capital, the local welfare maximizing government tends to discriminate against the traded-good sector, the opposite of ecological dumping.  相似文献   

Labor market integration raises welfare in the absence of distortions. This paper examines labor and goods market integration in a general‐equilibrium model with social capital. The findings are: (i) labor market integration has an ambiguous impact on welfare, and raises it if the goods and labor skills are sufficiently different; (ii) compared to Pareto optimum, labor mobility (social capital) is excessively large (depleted); (iii) trade is superior to labor market integration if trading costs are no higher than private migration costs, otherwise the outcome is ambiguous; and (iv) the creation of new institutions in response to labor market integration has an ambiguous impact on welfare.  相似文献   

We investigate whether selective intermarriage and endogenous ethnic identification interact to hide some of the intergenerational progress achieved by the Mexican-origin population in the United States. In part, we do this by comparing an "objective" indicator of Mexican descent (based on the countries of birth of the respondent and his parents and grandparents) with the standard "subjective" measure of Mexican self-identification (based on the respondent's answer to the Hispanic origin question). For third-generation Mexican-American youth, we show that ethnic attrition is substantial and could produce significant downward bias in standard measures of attainment which rely on ethnic self-identification.  相似文献   

在经济全球化与对外开放进一步深化的背景下,人力资本较传统的因素更能对中国城市利用外商直接投资的非均衡分布产生重要影响,且关键是人力资本与城市利用外商直接投资的关系受工资水平地区异质性的制约和调节。在相同条件下,当一个城市工资水平大于其阈值时,人力资本水平的提高能促进当地城市利用外商直接投资的增长;而当一个城市的工资水平低于其阈值时,人力资本的提高反而不利于当地城市利用外商直接投资。更为重要的是,若考虑不同类别的人力资本时,只有在工资水平较高的城市群组中,人力资本教育指数的提高才能促进当地城市利用外商直接投资的增加。因此,各地政府要实施因地制宜的差异化经济发展政策,重视对人力资本的投入,提高各类人力资本的质量,完善当地基础设施和人才流动机制,推动当地城市经济的高质量发展,以此优化城市利用外商直接投资的分布,提高不同城市利用外商直接投资的质量。  相似文献   

鉴于2000—2016年省级R&D资本和异质型人力资本存在显著的空间相关性以及区域异质性特征,采用不同空间权重矩阵建立空间杜宾面板回归模型,实证分析地区R&D资本和异质型人力资本影响全要素生产率的空间特征。研究发现:从空间相关性来看,R&D资本和中级人力资本对本省市和相邻省市的全要素生产率和技术进步均产生显著的正向促进作用,说明两者引致的空间溢出效应要强于空间竞争效应;高级人力资本对本省市的全要素生产率和技术进步均产生显著的正向促进作用,而对相邻省市均产生显著的负面影响,即其引致的空间竞争效应显著强于空间溢出效应。从区域异质性来看,R&D资本和高级人力资本分别对东部地区的全要素生产率产生显著的正向促进作用;中级人力资本在东部和中西部地区均对技术进步产生显著的消极影响。  相似文献   

The paper considers a small, fully employed economy with non-tradeables, securities, and money. The paper first analyzes the effects of devaluation and financial controls in the short-run equilibrium on the trade balance, the capital account, and the overall balance of payments. Disequilibria in the capital account and the overall balance of payments cause changes in the stock of securities and money, shifting the short-run equilibrium. The paper investigates the condition for the- uniqueness and stability of the long-run equilibrium under this adjustment process (‘specie flow mechanism’). Finally, the long-run equilibrium effects of devaluation and monetary policies are examined.  相似文献   

This article extends Hopenhayn and Rogerson's analysis of firing taxes by introducing a flexible form of capital and considering transitionary dynamics. The article finds that capital is not important for understanding the long run and welfare effects of firing taxes. However, capital is crucial for determining the short run consequences of eliminating this type of policy.  相似文献   

The Coakley, Kulasi, and Smith current-account solvency model ( Economic Journal , 1996, pp. 620–7) is used to investigate saving and investment in LDCs. This model implies that saving and investment cointegrate with a unit coefficient irrespective of the degree of capital mobility. Panel and conventional unit-root tests indicate that LDC current accounts are stationary. The Feldstein–Horioka cross-section regression coefficient for LDCs is lower than the corresponding OECD coefficient, indicating different policy responses in these countries rather than higher capital mobility. Finally, adjustment toward solvency is slower in LDCs, reflecting their vulnerability to external shocks and the impact of financial repression.  相似文献   

This paper examines intergenerational wealth mobility between fathers and children in France between 1848 and 1960. Considering wealth mobility in the long run requires taking into account not only positional mobility (that is, how families move within a given distribution of wealth), but also structural mobility induced by changes in the distribution of wealth. Such changes are related to two structural phenomena: in the nineteenth century, the rising number of individuals leaving no estate at death and, after World War I, the decline in the number of the very rich who could live off their wealth. The paper studies the movements between these groups and estimates the intergenerational elasticity of wealth, taking into account the persistence at the bottom and at the top.  相似文献   

This article discusses major challenges facing intergenerational mobility research in three main domains: (1) the (dis)connection between theory and empirical applications; (2) data gaps; and (3) measurement concerns. In doing so, it highlights theoretical and empirical extensions to better describe, explain and predict complex intergenerational transmission processes in the light of new and rapid administrative data linkages, more mature survey data and other forms of big data. The article concludes with future directions for research.  相似文献   

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