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高校共青团开展"青年就业见习基地"建设为大学生开拓了更为广阔的就业市场,因此,积极推进"青年就业见习基地"的规范化建设,了解企业、学生在就业见习基地建设过程中的现状,分析共青团组织在基地建设过程中的得失,缓解社会的就业压力具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

服务青年就业创业,是共青团服务青年的一项长期性、战略性任务。近年来团市委围绕党政中心工作,从机制建设层面人手,着力构建“党政支持、共青团主导、部门协同、银企共助、媒体推介、青年得益”的宁波青年就业创业服务体系,实现了服务青年就业创业的路径之变。  相似文献   

彭琳琳 《魅力中国》2010,(9X):169-169
当前大学生就业难的问题日益凸显,服务大学生就业创业工作是新时期高校共青团工作的新要求。本文就共青团组织如何发挥作用进行了有益的探索,积极拓宽服务大学生就业创业工作的渠道。  相似文献   

就业与创业,是青年参与社会实践,实现自身价值的重要途径.为积极参与社会管理创新,大力服务青年,几年来,在共青团中央的号召下,全国各级团组织努力探索新时期服务青年就业创业的新形式、新手段,并取得了一定的成效.文章以抚顺共青团组织为例,重点介绍抚顺团市委在服务青年就业创业工作中采取的“覆盖城乡-点面结合-全程陪伴”新模式,为服务青年就业创业提供新思路.  相似文献   

服务农村青年就业创业是共青团职能的重要体现,是新农村建设与发展的希望所在,不仅具有重大的经济意义,更有重大的政,治意义,是共青团维护改革发展稳定大局的重要途径,也是共青团扩大在农村影响力和服务新农村建设的有效手段。  相似文献   

近年来,共青团宁波市委紧密围绕市委市政府提出的"两创"战略和创新型城市建设、国家级创业型城市创建等中心工作,大胆创新,主动作为,坚持"服务到基层,工作项目化"要求,以创业带动就业为导向,以大学生、企业青工(包括进城务工青年)、农村青年为主要对象,以提升青年就业创业能力为根本,从破解合作难题、培训难题、融资难题等关键环节入手,帮助和促进更多青年实现就业创业,  相似文献   

郑甜甜 《魅力中国》2013,(26):186-186
共青团组织作为党联系广大青年的桥梁和纽带.应充分发挥自身优势,创新工作思路,为大学生就业创业工作发挥积极作用。本文分析了大学生在就业创业中所面临的问题,阐述了高校共青团组织如何更好的发挥优势为大学生就业创业服务。  相似文献   

呼禾 《新西部(上)》2010,(5):152-152,149
本文分析了现阶段大学生就业困难的现状和原因,认为服务大学生就业创业是高校共青团工作的重要职能和要求.高校共青团组织要配合大学生课外素质拓展计划的实施,培养大学生就业创业的竞争力,帮助大学生树立正确的择业观,构建服务平台,拓宽就业创业的渠道.  相似文献   

韦雪华 《黑河学刊》2015,(2):92-93,97
当前就业问题面临十分严峻的形势,大学生就业创业是当前热点话题,高职院校共青团组织服务学生就业创业是时代所需更是其服务学生职责的体现,具体说来就是通过提高学生综合素质和实践经验帮助学生提升就业创业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

徐双 《魅力中国》2013,(28):183-183
在大学生就业形势严峻的大背景下,高校共青团组织如何更好地服务大学生就业创业工作。是个重要的课题。就业问题是一个关乎个人生存和尊严、社会和谐稳定、经济健康发展的重要经济、政治与社会问趣。党的十八大报告明确高校共青团组织应从帮助大学生树立正确的就业创业理念.提升综合素质和打造核心竞争力。拓宽就业创业渠道和尽快融入社会角色等几个方面入手,发挥独特作用。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the relationship between the likelihood of being in regular wage employment and parental education for Malawian youth. It uses data from the third integrated household survey (IHS3). Only a mother's education is found to have a statistically significant effect on the likelihood of being in regular wage employment for young females and males. It is established that the effect of a mother's education on young males is significantly larger than that for young females. The paper also finds that, regardless of gender, a mother's education complements/reinforces the positive effect of a youth's own education on the probability of being in wage employment. The evidence from this paper points to the existence of an intergenerational poverty trap; with children of uneducated mothers or mothers with low education finding themselves outside regular wage jobs.  相似文献   

One of the most pressing socio-economic problems of the South African economy is high youth unemployment. Recent studies only briefly examined how youths have fared since the transition by comparing the 1995 October Household Survey with a Labour Force Survey, and hardly investigated whether the discouraged workseekers are different from the unemployed. This paper re-examined youth unemployment trends in the 2008–12 Quarterly Labour Force Surveys, before comparing the characteristics of discouraged workseekers and narrow unemployed. Whether different policies are needed to boost youth employment in each group is also discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to investigate if previous informal employment experience of youth affects later labor-market outcomes in transition economies. We consider the effects on employment, decent job and wages. Some theories suggest that previous informal job experience may extend informality later and negatively impact decent employment and wages, while others argue that informal jobs may provide training, networks and working attitudes to young workers hence improving their formal employment and wage potential. We rely on the newly-produced School to Work Transition Surveys for seven transition economies of Southeast Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Our results robustly suggest that early informality of youth is negative for the later labor-market outcomes. However, for the wage, there is limited evidence that the negative effect potentially turns positive for long informal job experiences. The negative effect of informal job on later outcomes is stronger for females, while any differences between the two regions of transition economies are neither systematic nor robust.  相似文献   

为了准确衡量新业态下青年灵活就业质量,采用扎根理论和层次分析法,围绕薪酬福利、工作特征、社会保障、职业发展、工作感受5个维度构建一套评价新灵活就业质量的标准体系。采用该评价体系对206份调查数据进行分析。结果显示,新灵活从业青年就业质量的综合评分为62.3分,其中社会保障54.7分,薪酬水平61.3分,工作特征70.0分,职业发展68.4分,工作感受68.1分。反映出新灵活就业青年存在社会保障严重缺失、薪资收入并不理想、职业发展空间有限、工作幸福程度不高等问题。据此,提出提升青年新灵活就业质量的对策建议。  相似文献   

South Africa's Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) came into effect on the 1st of January 2014, with the objective of reducing the substantial national youth unemployment rate. Under the ETI, firms are eligible to claim a deduction from their taxes due, for the portion of their wage bill that is paid to certain groups of youth employees. We utilise several waves of nationally representative data and implement a difference‐in‐differences methodology at the individual level, in order to identify the effects of the ETI on youth employment probabilities in the short run. Our primary finding is that the ETI did not have any statistically significant and positive effects on youth employment probabilities. The point estimate from our preferred regression is ?0.005 and the 95% confidence interval is from ?0.017 to 0.006. We also find no evidence that the ETI has resulted in an increase in the level of churning in the labour market for youth. Thus, any decrease in tax revenues that arise from the ETI are effectively accruing to firms which, collectively, would have employed as many youth even in the absence of the ETI.  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(1):167-188
A holistic approach to schooling in developing countries—considering schooling in conjunction with labor force work, child care, and other household responsibilities—is necessary to construct policies that will encourage greater educational attainment, especially for children and youth in poor families. Using data from the Encuesta Nacional de Empleo Urbano (ENEU), we jointly estimate the determinants of studying and working, doing both, or doing neither for 12- to 17 year-olds in urban Mexico. We consider the implications of defining work to include both labor force employment and household domestic work, in contrast to the traditional definition of market-based employment. Results based on the traditional definition indicate that girls are 13.8 percentage points more likely than boys to specialize in school, while those based on the more inclusive measure of work indicate that girls are 7.7 percentage points less likely than boys to specialize in school.  相似文献   

The severity of youth unemployment in South Korea has prompted the government to implement various preventive measures such as employment services and vocational training. Local governments implemented a Youth Job Seeker Allowance in 2016 as a new form of support, which was adopted by the central government in 2017. This study examines the impact of the Youth Job Seeker Allowance in South Korea on employment. It finds that the allowance had a positive effect on employment; recipients of the allowance have a higher probability of being employed. However, recipients took longer to obtain employment than non-recipients, corroborating previous studies that unemployment benefits lengthen the duration of unemployment. But, recipients of the allowance have more time to look for quality work. Therefore, although the Youth Job Seeker Allowance has the effect of demotivating recipients from looking for employment, its limited duration of three months obliges them to engage in job search activities. The study has implications for the introduction of Youth Job Seeker Allowance systems to support job search activities.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence on the effect of minimum wages on youth employment is inconclusive, with studies pointing to negative, positive or insignificant effects. In trying to explain some of the conflicting evidence, this research paper examines synergies of minimum wages with other labour market institutions using an unbalanced panel dataset of 19 OECD countries over 1985–2013. Institutions that enforce labour market rigidity, such as unemployment benefits and union density, are found to exacerbate the negative effect of minimum wages on youth employment, while government expenditure on training programmes for the unemployed dampen it. This finding of significant synergy effects indicates that panel data models which omit interactive terms between minimum wages and institutions might be misspecified. In addition, the analysis suggests that the negative effect of minimum wages is most severe in rigid labour markets with high unemployment benefits and union density. Therefore, policymakers need to consider the full spectrum of institutions they face before adjusting minimum wages.  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the extent to which technology progress and youth employment are related. In doing so, we divide workers into two groups – young workers and old (prime-aged) workers - and then estimate the elasticity of substitution between (physical) capital and workers à la Jaimovich et al. (2013. “The Demand for Youth: Explaining Age Differences in the Volatility of Hours.” American Economic Review 103 (7): 3022–3044) by using the Korean labour market data between 2000 and 2014. Our findings indicate that the elasticity of substitution is greater (or at least not smaller) for young workers than for old workers.  相似文献   

This study assesses the nature of networking between youth and agricultural policy-makers – given youth disillustionment with agricultural livelihoods. Using the Malawi case, a mixed-methods approach shows, first, that local government departments which are mandated to work on youth issues are the main hubs of information for youth in agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture plays a secondary role. Second, the study shows that youth in agriculture have little or no direct interactions with each other. Therefore, youth remain on the periphery of agricultural policy-making and their role in shaping agricultural policy dialogue is negligible. This is attributable to both lack of a deliberate government policy to include the youth and lack of a unified youth platform. The onus is therefore on the youth to ensure that they are effectively engaged in agricultural policy dialogue. The study concludes with policy recommendations relevant for countries with a ‘youth/agriculture’ problem like Malawi.  相似文献   

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