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Most previous research on the economics of information has been based on the expected utility hypothesis and Bayesian learning. Yet there is experimental evidence that decision makers do not always maximize expected utility and that human learning is not always consistent with Bayes' rule. Using a two-period model, this paper examines the valuation of information as well as the demanf for information in the broader context of a state preference approach under an ordinal representation of preferences. In particular, it is not assumed that the decision maker is Bayesian, nor that he behaves in a way consistent with the expected utility hypothesis. In this general framework, the value of information is defined and analysed. Also, under active learning, the optimal allocation of information gathering activities is discussed. Behavioural properties of the demand for information are derived making use of a compensation function. Implications of the results for measuring the value of information and for the economic analysis of learning activities are discussed.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2007,61(2):62-70
This paper mainly focuses on the role of information in the competition for FDI when host countries are not sure of the “fixed cost” differences MNEs are working with to make FDI in different countries. It is found in this paper that as the public information increases and the uncertainty declines, host countries will first provide more and more subsidies to compete for FDI, which will reduce their welfare; then after the current uncertainty has been reduced to a relatively low level, any further reduction in uncertainty will pull down their subsidies and increase their welfare.  相似文献   

This article examines the influence of global risk on the holding of gold by central banks based on annual data for 100 countries during 1990–2015. We use a dynamic panel generalized method of moments model to estimate this effect, controlling for a variety of domestic factors. Consistent with portfolio diversification and perception of gold as a safe asset, we find that the gold holdings of central banks increase in response to higher global risk. This effect varies based on the levels of capital account openness, reserve adequacy, income status and currency regimes. These findings suggest that central banks adjust their gold holdings in response to changes in global risk conditions, with the magnitude of response depending on country-specific vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

The supply of and demand for accounting information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article analyzes the use of accounting information in Russia. We assess reporting behaviour in the lending process for a sample of Russian companies in the years 1999–2004 and postulate that Russian companies manage their earnings in order to avoid showing losses when applying for bank financing. Once a credit has been granted, companies are predicted to manage earnings because of the bank's monitoring activities. By means of univariate and multivariate analysis we are able to attribute the discontinuity around a zero target in the earnings distribution with firms’ response to the banks’ assessment of accounting performance. This implies that financing considerations affect the reporting incentives of Russian companies.  相似文献   

This paper produces a theory of value for Gaussian information with two states and two actions, tracing the solution of the option pricing formula, but for the process of beliefs. We derive explicit formulas for the value of information. The marginal value is convex and rising, concave and peaking, and finally convex and falling. As the price falls, demand is initially zero, and eventually logarithmic. Its elasticity exceeds one, and falls to zero with the price. Demand is hill-shaped in beliefs, zero at extremes. Our results approximate models where information means the sample size for weak discrete informative signals.  相似文献   

The paper applies an event study methodologyaims to investigate the macroeconomic announcements effects on Standard&Poor’s500 and oil prices. Our results provide evidence for a significant impact of the US macroeconomic news on oil prices. This impact is split into two components, namely the direct effect (common response) and indirect effect (volatility transmission). Altogether our results show that the volatility transmission is bidirectional. Not only a significant volatility transmission from the oil market to the US stock market is revealed, but also a high volatility transmission is recorded from the oil market to the stock market especially after the release of consumption indicators.  相似文献   


A panel smooth transition regression model was adopted to analyse the non-linear impact of oil prices on oil demand. Data for 42 countries was obtained from the International Energy Agency for the time period spanning from January 1990 to June 2017. The results indicate that a threshold value does exist. Furthermore, when the oil price was lower than this threshold value, a positive relationship between oil price and oil demand was observed. When the price of oil was higher than the threshold value, however, a negative relationship between price and demand was found.  相似文献   

The role of structural breaks in long spans of ex-post real interest rates for 10 industrialized countries is studied. First, the persistence of the real interest is assessed with newly proposed low-frequency tests of Müller and Watson (2008). Second, the test of Leybourne et al. (2007) for a change in persistence of a time series is applied to the real interest rate. The results show that real interest rates over the full sample period do not fit a covariance-stationary or unit-root model, nor a fractionally integrated, near-unit-root or local-level model. Instead, the persistence of real rates changes over time and there are periods when the real rate is covariance-stationary and other periods when it follows a unit-root process.  相似文献   

This paper uses an optimizing theoretical framework for modelling openness in the demand for money function for a small, open, developing economy; in so doing, it subsumes the ad hoc specifications of three previous studies. Its findings confirm the importance of a measure of openness in the money demand specification for Barbados. More specifically, it appears that transactions associated with the traded sector of the economy exhibit greater elasticity of money demand than those associated with the nontraded sector.  相似文献   

In the presence of precontractual information asymmetry between principal and risk-neutral agent, the optimal strategy for the principal will be to deliberately induce outcomes which are ex post Pareto inefficient, except under rare circumstances.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse the importation of virgin olive oil to European Union countries, paying special attention to the Spanish export contribution. The method used is based on the estimation of an imports demand system. The novelty of the paper lies not in the modelling approach but in the explicit consideration of the univariate characteristics of series that is included in the analysis. Since prices are non-stationary, cointegration among them has been tested. Results indicate that they are cointegrated and that homogeneity holds. As a result, relative prices are included in the imports demand system. Structural change is also considered so as to account for the entrance of both Spain and Greece into the EU during the period studied. Results demonstrate the leadership of Spain within the EU virgin olive oil market as well as the increasing competitiveness of Greek oil.  相似文献   

In a model of competing managerial firms I show that the equilibrium number of firms decreases with uncertainty if entry is relatively more costly than monitoring. The result adds to the earlier contributions and is consistent with the available evidence.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of volatility transmission between EU emission allowances (EUA) and oil markets using a range-based volatility measure. We propose a multivariate conditional autoregressive range model with bivariate lognormal distribution to capture volatility dynamics and volatility spillovers between oil and EUA markets. Our findings for Phase II of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme point to the existence of volatility dynamics and leverage effects and to no significant volatility spillovers between these markets. These results remained robust to other volatility measures and model specifications.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between sticky information and inflation persistence by implementing a novel approach to estimate the Sticky Information Phillips Curve (SIPC). The degree of sticky information is estimated using a GMM estimator that matches the covariance between inflation and the shocks that affect firms’ pricing decisions. Although the SIPC contains an infinite number of terms, the theoretical covariances derived from the model have finite dimensions, thus allowing the estimation of the structural parameters without any truncation of the original model. This work shows that sticky information is significantly different if the model is estimated by matching inflation persistence or inflation variance. Previous empirical literature found that the SIPC model does not provide an accurate representation of the US postwar inflation. This paper qualifies such a finding by demonstrating that the SIPC is able to match the inflation persistence only at the cost of mismatching the inflation variance.  相似文献   

The question of how information technology-both as an operand resource and as an operant resource-impacts on innovation processes and innovation outcomes remains largely uninvestigated in the manufacturing enterprises. Building on an in-depth case study of a manufacturing enterprise in China, we present a resource orchestration for innovation model and examine the dual role of IT in three distinct innovation processes. The model highlights the multilevel nature of the computerisation process, showing that it entails different IT role and be associated with a particular innovation outcome at each process. This study synthesises resource orchestration framework and IT concepts to elaborate the synergistic relationships between various resources at all levels both inside and between enterprises. Our study not only contributes to broadening the theoretical perspectives by exploring the dual role of IT in managerial issues but also provides some practical suggestions for business leaders to facilitate innovation processes.  相似文献   

Recent organizational changes in the health care sector promote greater patient participation in their treatment decisions. How physicians respond to patient-initiated requests for treatment is an issue of considerable policy interest. To study this phenomenon, we introduce the notion of physician-enabled demand and examine empirically whether this behavior responds to competitive pressures in the market and financial incentives associated with different physician payment mechanisms.We find that physician-enabled demand increases with more competition under fee-for-service reimbursement, but decreases with greater competition under managed care. This asymmetric response is quite consistent with our conceptual framework and at odds with alternative interpretations.  相似文献   

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