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This study explores the finance and economic growth nexus in G‐7 economies as these countries experience significantly higher levels of financial development. Using a balanced panel of 31 years from 1983 to 2013, we provide new evidence on the finance–growth relationship. We show the presence of nonlinearity as there is an inverted U‐shaped relationship between finance and growth in the long run. Estimating the thresholds in the finance–growth nexus, we notice that there exists a threshold effect of finance at 109% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We observe that exceeding the threshold would hinder the countries instead of furthering economic growth as too much finance is harmful. Based on the panel Granger causality test results, we claim that financial development should be associated with optimal growth performance. Our findings for the G‐7 economies offer some useful policy inferences to the emerging and developing economies in designing their financial development strategies.  相似文献   

According to Gurley and Shaw, economic development typically is accompanied by a transition from self-financed to intermediated investment activity. In their account, economic growth stimulates financial market development, and financial market development is a strong contributing factor in enhancing real growth. We model the co-evolution of the real and financial sectors during the growth process. To do so, we embed a role for liquidity provision into a conventional neoclassical growth model. Following Baumol and Tobin, we also introduce a fixed cost associated with “trips to the bank”. We describe conditions under which the development of a financial system may or may not proceed smoothly. When it does not, development traps are observed. We also discuss policy interventions that may reduce the potential for development traps to arise.  相似文献   

Using a sample splitting approach that does not impose an exogenous quadratic term, we examine the effect of financial development on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa by allowing the link to be mediated by the level of institutions. Our findings reveal a disproportionate growth-enhancing effect of finance, given countries’ distinct level of institutional quality. More specifically, when the International Country Risk Guide-based measure of institutions is used as the threshold variable, below the optimal level of institutional quality, financial development does not significantly promote economic growth. For countries with institutional quality above the threshold, higher finance is associated with growth. However, when institutions are measured by World Governance Indicators proxy, we find a significant effect of financial development, irrespective of whether a country is below or above the threshold. Interestingly, the growth-enhancing effect of finance is greater for low-institution countries relative to high-institution countries. Thus, through its ability to provide some crucial roles, the well-developed financial sector may also perform the function of sound institutions in influencing economic growth.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an endogenous growth model with foreign transfers for public capital formation in order to analyze the implications for growth maximization when the public sector in recipient countries co‐finances investment projects. Our main innovation is to show that, first, there is a unique growth‐maximizing absorption rate of funds that decreases with the co‐financing ratio and, second, that high amounts of assistance may be an impediment to growth due to the excess domestic taxation required to co‐finance investment projects. We then derive a policy rule for designing the growth‐maximizing co‐financing share under a given level of assistance. Finally, we also highlight some implications for EU regional policies, which aim at fostering growth in poorer EU countries by co‐financing public capital formation.  相似文献   

文章利用1978—2008的年度数据,通过协整检验、向量误差修正模型、G ranger因果检验等方法实证检验了农村金融发展、金融中介效率与农村经济增长的关系。实证结果表明,农村金融发展规模的提升并未促进农村经济增长,而农村金融中介效率的提升有助于农村经济增长。农村金融发展滞后于农村经济增长,二者之间并未形成良性互动机制。继续推进农村金融改革,扩大农村金融供给,突破农村金融促进农村经济增长的"门槛",同时提升支农贷款的效率是农村金融进一步发展的方向。  相似文献   

How does financial development affect economic growth: through its impact on accumulation of physical and human capital or by boosting total factor productivity (TFP) growth? We use a new data set on output, inputs, and total factor productivity for the US states to study this question. Unlike previous cross-country research that tries to disentangle the channels through which financial development impacts growth, we use a plausibly exogenous measure of financial development: the timing of banking deregulation across states during the period 1970–2000. At the same time our new data set allows us to go beyond what was previously done in the state banking deregulation literature and identify whether finance impacts states’ input accumulation or TFP growth. We find, in line with existing cross-country studies, that deregulation boosts growth by accelerating both TFP growth and the accumulation of physical capital without having any impact on human capital. In contrast to the cross-country studies, we also find that the effects of deregulation are largely independent of states’ initial level of development; both rich and poor states grow faster after deregulation. Additionally, since our data set breaks down aggregate output into three sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, and the remaining industries, we are able to show that deregulation accelerates the growth of productivity in manufacturing. This last finding answers an important critique of the banking deregulation studies which asserts that observed growth effects may be coming from the growth of financial industry itself and not from the beneficial effect of finance on other industries, such as manufacturing.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the dynamic relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania using two tests. In the first test, we examine the impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening using a financial deepening model. In the second test, we examine whether the financial deepening, which results from interest rate reforms, Granger‐causes economic growth – using a trivariate model. The empirical findings of our results reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania. However, the results fail to find any support for finance‐led growth.  相似文献   

本文运用我国省区1999至2008年的面板数据,系统考察了金融规模、银行集中度、直接融资比例以及其他相关控制变量对各地区经济增长的作用和影响。通过运用固定效应模型、工具变量法以及动态面板数据模型,我们发现,目前金融规模扩张不利于经济增长,而改善金融结构,降低银行集中度,提高中小金融机构在银行业中所占的比重,会增加银行业内部的竞争,促进经济增长。直接融资对经济增长的作用不显著。我们还发现,改善我国所有制结构有利于经济增长,固定资产投资和对外贸易依然是拉动经济增长的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper revisits the question of whether the finance–growth nexus varies with the stages of economic development. Using a novel threshold regression with the instrumental variables approach proposed by Caner and Hansen (2004) to the dataset used in Levine et al. (2000) we detect overwhelming evidence in support of a positive linkage between financial development and economic growth, and this positive effect is larger in the low‐income countries than in the high‐income ones. The data also reveal that financial development tends to have stronger impacts on capital accumulation and productivity growth in the low‐income countries than in the high‐income ones. The findings are robust to alternative financial development measures and conditioning information sets.  相似文献   

对信贷增长与经济增长的关系进行研究,对于探索经济金融协调发展之路有着重要的政策含义.本文选取反映经济发展水平最具代表性的GDP和货币政策决策的重要信息变量之一的信贷规模,建立东、中、西部地区相关回归模型,分区域对经济发展促进信贷增长的作用进行了比较分析.结果显示:经济发展水平决定了金融发展水平,区域经济发展的差异会导致区域金融发展也存在差异.  相似文献   

We investigate the extent to which an increase in financial development affects the positive effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth. Although the financial sector is beneficial for economic growth, the effect of further financial development on growth is found to become insignificant. Using a dynamic panel threshold model on 62 middle- and high-income countries spanning the period 1987–2016, we re-examine the possible nonlinearity between finance, foreign direct investment, and growth. Consistent with the “vanishing effect” of financial development, we find significant evidence that foreign direct investment fosters growth in general, but the growth effect of foreign direct investment becomes negligible when the ratio of private sector credit to gross domestic product exceeds 95.6%. This finding is robust to different econometric methods, various subsamples and interaction analyses, and distinct financial development indicators.  相似文献   

The Sustainable Development Goals have refocused attention on ways of providing external finance to support development. Because they have different motivations and work through different modalities, remittances, foreign direct investment (FDI), and official development assistance may be expected to have different consequences for economic growth. Existing empirical evidence suggests that both positive and negative effects are associated with each source of finance. We use both a dynamic panel model and a fixed effects model to calculate the overall effects of each source of finance in isolation and taken together over the period 1976–2015. We include a range of control variables to allow for other potential influences on economic growth. We disaggregate the effects across geographical regions and income levels to test for heterogeneity. We also undertake a series of robustness checks. Our results suggest that FDI has a significant positive effect on economic growth, whereas remittances have a significant and negative effect. The effect of foreign aid is more ambiguous but is usually insignificant. The article offers an interpretation of the results drawing on ideas from the relevant theory.  相似文献   

We analyze the implications of endogenous fertility choices on both economic and environmental performances in a stylized AK‐type growth model. Differently from what traditionally assumed in the growth and environment literature, we allow pollution to be not only a by‐product of productive activities by firms but also a result of households’ behavior, as suggested by the celebrated IPAT equation. We show that along the balanced growth path equilibrium, economic growth may be non‐monotonically related to the population growth rate as agents care for the environment; moreover, demographic policies can be used both to achieve win‐win outcomes (simultaneously fostering economic growth and improving environmental quality) and to stabilize the otherwise non‐monotonic economic and population growth relationship.  相似文献   

This paper studies monetary and fiscal policies in an endogenous growth model with transaction costs. We show that the relation between long-run economic growth and both monetary and fiscal policies is subject to threshold effects, a result that gives account of a number of recent empirical findings. Furthermore, the model shows that, to finance public expenditures, growth-maximizing governments must choose relatively high seigniorage (respectively income taxation), if “institutional quality” and “financial development” indicators are low (respectively high). Thus, our model may explain why some governments resort to seigniorage and inflationary finance, and others rather resort to high tax rates, as a result of growth-maximizing strategies in different structural environments (notably concerning institutional and financial development contexts). In addition, the model allows examining how the optimal mix of government finance changes in response to different public debt contexts. A short empirical section confirms our theoretical results.  相似文献   

Tsionas has offered a more revisionist approach to the empirics of the nexus between financial development and economic growth following our paper entitled ‘Financial development and economic growth nexus: A revisionist approach’. In the current note, we engage Tsionas’ approach in tandem with our original finance–growth nexus review. We concur with Tsionas’ approach and reiterate that the debate on the relationship between financial development and economic growth remains a complex terrain both on the theoretical and empirical fronts.  相似文献   

金融发展、财政分权与地区经济差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国28个省份1990-2004年的数据进行面板分析,考察金融发展对地区经济差异的影响,以及与金融联系紧密的财政分权对于这种影响的作用.结果表明:在东部和西部地区,金融发展对经济增长产生了显著的促进作用,而在中部和东北地区,金融发展却没有形成推动经济增长的良性机制.而财政分权对金融发挥促进经济增长作用的影响在不同区域也各不相同,其中仅在东北地区和西部有利于金融发挥促进经济增长的作用,其他地区则产生了不利影响.同时,还考虑了金融政策因素,以及经济的非国有化等反映市场经济制度的变量对金融与地区经济增长之间关系的影响.最后,在实证分析的基础上提出了从区域金融的角度协调我国区域经济发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the causal interactions between financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in 13 Latin American and Caribbean countries. We construct a composite indicator for financial deepening and use it to detect Granger causality within a modified Vector Autoregressive/Vector Error Correction Model (VAR/VECM) framework. We find almost no evidence for the popular hypothesis of finance-led growth. Evidence of bidirectional finance–growth causality is stronger but mostly instable in the long run. Most results indicate a demand following or insignificant causal relationship between finance and growth. There is also no evidence that finance indirectly induces growth via the channel of trade openness. Hence, policies that prioritize financial and trade sector development cannot be supported.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth for six Middle Eastern and North African countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Syria, and Tunisia), within a quadvariate vector autoregressive framework. We employ four different measures of financial development and apply the augmented vector autoregression vector (VAR) methodology of Toda and Yamamoto to test for Granger causality. Our empirical results strongly support the hypothesis that finance leads to growth in five out of the six countries. Only in Israel could weak support be found for causality running from economic growth to financial development but no causality in the other direction. These findings suggest the need to accelerate the financial reforms that have been launched since the mid 1980s and to improve the efficiency of these countries’ financial systems to stimulate saving/investment and, consequently, long‐term economic growth.  相似文献   

This research is the first comparative attempt incorporating the role of economic, demographic, sectoral contribution, government and trade in explaining financial development for India and China. Using time-series estimations, we establish that institutional quality and government size impede financial development, whereas urbanization, industrialization and service sector growth help in financial development for both countries. Trade openness also enhances Indian financial development but hinders Chinese financial development. We suggest that the policy advisers should not underestimate the role of urbanization, industrialization and service sector growth in implementing financial development. Finally, we find that the institutions and governments will play a key role for both economies in enhancing finance and growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution of administrative and procedural transaction costs to economic growth under common legal system. We show that administrative and procedural costs vary quite a lot even within the institutional environment sharing the common legal system. States with low‐cost business registration, low‐cost access to property rights and greater judicial efficiency tend to have consistently higher growth. The established effects are robust to alternative model specifications, heterogeneity bias, and to a variety of control variables that might confound the effects of administrative and procedural costs on growth. Such differences in costs are far from being trivial as we show that these within‐system differences might be instrumental in influencing economic growth. Lower administrative and procedural costs induce growth by increasing investment rate, lowering unemployment rate, encouraging labor supply and improving total factor productivity. In the counterfactual scenario, the transition from high‐cost to low‐cost regime is associated with substantial growth and development gains over time. By exploiting the variation in the disease environment, ethnic fractionalization and historical urbanization, we show that the negative effect of rising procedural and administrative costs on growth and development appears to be causal.  相似文献   

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