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An important step in the internationalization process of emerging economy firms is the shift from exports to foreign direct investment (FDI). We integrate the resource- and institution-based views to suggest that firms that can use unique institutional advantages are more likely to make this shift. We test these arguments with a longitudinal sample of 28,563 firm-year observations (1989–2005). We found that firms that are affiliated with a business group, have more firm- and group-level international experience, have more technological and marketing resources, and operate in service industries are more likely to shift from exports to FDI.  相似文献   

As scholars have examined the antecedents, processes, and performance of early internationalizing firms in the past three decades, the domain has become a full-fledged research field. However, extant reviews have not yet provided a comprehensive picture of the determinants of early internationalizing firms and their performance although it is a relevant topic in the literature. In response, this paper seeks to systematically review and synthesize extant research on the determinants and performance of early internationalizing firms. The authors critically assess and examine 167 articles that have appeared in 28 academic journals over the last three decades. This study contributes to extant literature by highlighting the determinants of early internationalizing firms and their performance with a focus on the entrepreneur, firm, and environment factors. Furthermore, an integrative framework has been developed to account for the relationships among determinants, early internationalization, and outcomes. Finally, this paper reveals some significant gaps to advance an important research agenda for future research.  相似文献   

Some firms in internationally oriented industries are internationalized while other comparable firms in the same sector or industry do not. Observing this difference in strategic behavior among small firms led us to consider how differences in CEOs’ attitudes, international orientation, and mindset might explain it. Therefore, this study adopts a cognitive perspective on management to explore the formation of the global mindset and the relationship between the global mindset of small-firm decision makers and their firms’ internationalization behavior. A theory-based conceptual model and measurement instrument are developed and—using structural equation modeling—the model is estimated based on empirical data from cross-sectional samples of small Norwegian and Portuguese firms. The study finds: (1) a strong causal relationship between the global mindset and firms’ internationalization behavior; (2) the combination of the findings and substantive theory indicates that the main driver of firms’ internationalization operates through the global mindset. This study also covers the factors that strongly influence the formation of a global mindset, especially the decision makers’ work experience and personal characteristics in terms of propensity to interdisciplinary collaboration, cognitive flexibility, and networking capability. Based on these findings, suggestions are made for policies that can foster the internationalization of small firms.  相似文献   

We elaborate theories of indigenous innovation by explaining how internationalization choices help emerging market firms transition from dependence on external knowledge to self-reliance on internal knowledge. Using a 1998–2007 census dataset of Chinese manufacturing firms, we theorize and test the moderation effect of foreign equity and export orientation on the relationship between knowledge and indigenous innovation. We show that foreign equity dis-incentivizes, while export orientation incentivizes, investments in internal knowledge. We contribute by showing that internationalization choices may radically change indigenous innovation outcomes by shifting the locus of problem solving outside or inside the firm. Our study corroborates the negative direct and indirect effects of external knowledge on indigenous innovation at the firm level previously suggested by China-centric scholars but also shows how two types of internationalization choices may gradually relieve firm-level dependence on imported technology. We bridge the gap between Western research and Chinese thought and practice by introducing a do-it-yourself (DIY) explanation of how firms may implement China’s indigenous innovation (zizhu chuangxin) policy.  相似文献   

A body of research exists in the area of international entrepreneurship and a number of motives for internationalizing have been identified. However, once firms commence exporting, mixed results have been found in respect of the most appropriate market servicing strategy. This paper reports on findings from a survey of UK small to medium enterprises investigating their motives for internationalizing. Multivariate quantitative analysis of survey data and subsequent findings from interviews indicate that differences exist between two groups of firms, that is, those that employ as a strategy an approach that concentrates on key overseas markets compared with those that spread their efforts over a number of markets. However, perhaps more important is the finding that managers’ commitment to overseas activities has a strong influence over and above the strategy employed and this change over time is likely to affect the market servicing strategy employed.  相似文献   

Research concerning the influence of human capital (HC) on internationalization strategies typically highlights skills displayed by business executives. This article is one of the few studies that examines the values, attitudes, and capabilities related to the HC of international companies. Our study attempts to understand the role that HC plays in the international commitment (IC) achieved by family and nonfamily firms and whether the HC of family firms (FFs) can be considered a source of competitive advantage in pursuing an international strategy. Partial Least Squares method is used for analyzing data collected from 270 Spanish firms. Results show HC differs between family and non‐FFs and plays a crucial role in the international strategy of FFs. Specifically, professional experience, training, and educational level, the degree of market and industry knowledge, specific skills to work in international markets, and concern for employees are superior in FFs, resulting in the achievement of higher levels of IC when compared to non‐FFs. The results should encourage managers and/or owners of these companies to exploit and effectively govern specific human resource strengths when they enter and experience growth in other markets.  相似文献   

Although there is an increasing trend of services being traded across borders, quantity surveying (QS) firms in the construction sector remain under-researched. The triggers for the increasing globalization of QS firms are not clear, nor how these triggers are perceived by managers at different levels. A questionnaire was administered in over 84 QS consultancy firms, and the results were analyzed using the repertory grid technique, allowing a comparison between the general respondents and a focus group of senior managers. The findings show that senior managers with significant experience realize the importance of a strong internal capability of the QS firm and the capability to develop innovative offerings, coupled with an awareness of the target market and the ability to secure revenue through key contracts. Firm- and location-specific factors were more important than other competitive advantages or foreign markets’ characteristics when deciding to globalize.  相似文献   

In this research we use a data-base that reveals the propensity for contractual ventures and direct investments (1051 operations) of the clothing Italian companies during the period 1987–1991, on a national (342 operations) and international level (709 operations). The latter were analyzed with reference to the internal (412) and external growth strategies (297), cooperative (362) and non-cooperative (347) deals. Our analysis focuses on the different strategies that SMEs, on one hand, and large companies, on the other hand, show in the internationalization process. Main results of the study are:
  • the international growth of the SMEs takes place mainly through contractual agreements (68%), more so than with non-cooperative operation (32%), whereas in large companies the non-cooperative strategies slightly prevail (54%). Consequently, the external growth strategy is very important for the SMEs (72%) and somewhat less important for the large companies (54%);
  • the cooperative growth is usually seen by SMEs as an expansion both of the commercial (48% of the operations involves commercial purposes) and of the production areas (48% of the cases). This could indicate that SMEs try to organize on an international level the same network model used in Italy: SMEs decentralize their production within the country through networks of companies and industrial districts, whose horizontal connections (among SMEs themselves) and vertical connections (with large companies) provide flexibility and low costs;
  • large companies' expectations of the Single European Market have brought a great number of international operations in Europe (24%), notwithstanding the notable importance of Japan (23%) and U.S. (17%); on the contrary, SMEs focus on “niche and rich markets” as Japan (40%); but as far as the contractual agreements are concerned, both types of firm privilege the Japanese market: almost 50% of SMEs' international agreements are directed towards Japan (33% in the large company's case);
  • large companies and SMEs in the middle and high segments of the market carry out more operations than companies operating in the low quality and casual segments;
  • generally speaking, in Italy there is an urgent need for industrial policies promoting SMEs access to cooperative instruments (“learning by cooperating”).
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    An important factor facilitating the internationalization of product-oriented companies is an appropriability regime allowing a firm to become the sole or dominant provider of specific products. The challenge for service firms is that many appropriability mechanisms, such as patents, are traditionally targeted at protecting tangible products and processes from imitation. In this study, we address this issue and examine the role of appropriability conditions as a facilitator of internationalization in the service sector. The results collected from the analysis of 209 firms suggest that a strong appropriability regime (especially in terms of formal mechanisms) positively affects the internationalization of service industry firms.  相似文献   

    Despite the increased number of studies of the internationalization of emerging‐market multinationals (EMNCs), Latin American and Asian firms have dominated the focus of such studies, while the study of the internationalization process of sub‐Saharan African firms in the international business literature is quite limited. Therefore, this article examines the motivations and location patterns of the internationalization process of four Nigerian firms through a multiple case study approach. The findings show that the internationalization of the Nigerian firms is a recent phenomenon, but the foreign investment pattern reflects a pan‐African investment strategy. However, the findings also reveal that the firm‐specific advantages that had been accumulated in the domestic market, coupled with home‐country factors and regional‐/host‐market factors, were key determinants of the motivations and location patterns in the internationalization process of Nigerian firms.  相似文献   

    We investigate the effect of conducting FDI on the profitability of emerging economy firms in early stage internationalization. We argue that FDI can be an effective strategy to alleviate liabilities of emergingness, thus generating positive performance outcomes. We hypothesize that, contingent on factors altering motivation and capability of firms to diversify from home resource dependence, emerging economy firms can benefit from conducting FDI, resulting in a greater rate of intangible assets growth and enhanced profitability. Using panel data of Chinese firms prior to the global financial crisis, and through combining matching techniques with difference-in-difference analysis, we find empirical support for our arguments.  相似文献   

    Emerging economies are playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. The rising phenomenon of the internationalization process of firms in emerging economies, or emerging market firms, particularly their capacity to increase their presence in the markets of developed economies, has been insufficiently studied. Because of the unique characteristics of emerging economies, some assumptions of traditional international models are irrelevant. This paper provides a theoretical framework that explains the importance of different types of knowledge and the relationships between them in the internationalization process. We delineate an ambidextrous learning strategy that is contingent on different levels of firm competitiveness.  相似文献   

    This paper seeks to enhance understanding of the internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study focuses upon the following issues: Can the characteristics of principal founders, businesses, and the external environment at one point in time be used to `explain' at a later date whether a firm is still an exporter or a nonexporter, whether exporting firms are larger in size than nonexporting firms, whether exporting firms report superior performance than nonexporting firms, and whether exporting firms are more likely to survive than nonexporting firms? To address these questions, this study draws upon a sample of 621 manufacturing, construction, and services businesses located in twelve contrasting environments in Great Britain surveyed first in 1990/91 and then re-interviewed in 1997.A resource-based view is reviewed to identify the range of factors encouraging some owner-managed SMEs to enter export markets. Four categories of human and financial capital are examined: general human capital resources, the principal founder's management know-how, the principal founder's specific industry know-how, and a principal founder's ability to obtain financial resources that can act as a buffer against random shocks. Variables relating to resource availability in the external environment were also collected and considered control variables. Previous studies have highlighted substantial industry differences in the propensity for businesses to enter export markets as well as to survive. The principal industrial activity of each business in 1990/91 was, therefore, considered a control variable.Variables collected during the 1990/91 survey were selected to explain variations in the propensity to export reported by surviving independent firms in 1997. After elimination of missing values, the working sample was reduced to 116 independent firms for this study (86 nonexporters and 30 exporters in 1997). In addition, the 21 variables were selected to explain variations in business size in 1997, profit performance relative to competitors reported in 1997, changes in employment over the 1990/91 to 1997 period, and business survival over the 1990/91 to 1997 period (213 survivors and 395 nonsurvivors).Multivariate statistical analysis confirmed that previous experience of selling goods or services abroad is a key influence encouraging firms to export. Businesses with older principal founders, with more resources, denser information and contact networks, and considerable management know-how are significantly more likely to be exporters. Further, businesses with principal founders that had considerable industry-specific knowledge are markedly more likely to be exporters. Businesses principally engaged in the service sectors and those located in urban areas are significantly less likely to be exporters.A key finding of this study is that the explanatory variables significantly associated with the propensity to export sales abroad are not the same as those significantly associated with selected size and performance measures. The resource-based explanatory variables selected fail to significantly detect employment-growing firms over the 1990/91 to 1997 period. They also fail to significantly distinguish surviving independent firms from nonsurviving firms.Results from this study will provide policy-makers and practitioners with additional insights into the key resource-based factors associated with the decision by new and small independent firms to export sales abroad. Practitioners and policy-makers can focus upon the characteristics of principal founders, businesses, and the external environment to predict the subsequent propensity of an independent firm to be an exporter. Policy-makers and practitioners who want more new and small firms to export outside their local areas may prefer to target their resources and assistance to the relatively smaller proportion of firms that have the business and principal founder profiles that are significantly associated with a firm being an exporter.  相似文献   

    This paper examines the born-global phenomenon in the context of an emerging country, Brazil. A literature review was conducted in order to develop an integrative model of the phenomenon under study. Three sets of internal variables were identified in the literature which seemed to explain why a firm would follow a born global, rather than a traditional, internationalization process: firm, network, and entrepreneur variables. The final conceptual model was tested in a Brazilian sample of 79 software firms, of which 35 followed the born-global process of internationalization and 44 followed the traditional process. Logistic regression was used to test the research hypotheses. Results showed that certain firm and entrepreneur variables seemed to be associated to the type of internationalization process chosen by these firms. Network variables did not significantly differentiate the two groups.  相似文献   

    This paper contributes theoretical understanding to the learning processes adopted by firms for successful internationalization. Drawing from the internationalization process and organizational learning research, our longitudinal case study examines a firm’s learning processes as it grows internationally. In different phases and in different areas the firm learned at different paces, gradual and steep, and by responding retrospectively to past failings, and prospectively to anticipated challenges. From case data we identify and develop four constructs of internationalization learning: Gradual Retrospective, Steep Retrospective, Gradual Prospective, and Steep Prospective learning. The appropriateness of each depends on the urgency towards addressing challenges, and the firm’s learning capabilities. Firms can develop and steepen retrospective learning capability, enabling rapid identification and response to internationalization problems. Firms can also employ prospective learning to plan the development of knowledge capabilities ahead of future internationalization activity, to accelerate their learning, and increase the speed and effectiveness of internationalization.  相似文献   

    There has been a marked increase in the internationalization activities of African firms over the last two decades or so, resulting in the emergence of regional challenger firms that are aggressively competing with foreign multinationals in terrains historically dominated by the latter. However, our understanding of this phenomenon is limited, as empirical research examining the nature of internationalization of African firms is scarce, and research directly investigating drivers, outcomes, and boundary conditions of the internationalization of African firms is lacking. The goal of this special issue, therefore, is to contribute to the scholarly understanding of the increasingly prevalent internationalization of African firms. This guest editorial provides a summary of the six articles in this special issue, and highlights three broad thematic issues: internationalization opportunities for African firms (accelerated private‐sector development and regional integration, and ability to overcome institutional voids); internationalization challenges (global competitiveness challenges, limited management and cross‐cultural capabilities, and overcoming the liability of Africanness); and internationalization risks (losing focus on home markets and over‐internationalization).  相似文献   

    Through the lens of institutional work – the institutionally embedded practice that aims to create, maintain, or disrupt the rules and shared meanings in social life, we discuss how an emerging economy’s governments establish policies and regulations to develop outward foreign direct investment, and how domestic firms seek to shape these institutional arrangements to suit their interests and needs as they expand overseas. This study underscores the importance of the home country to multinational enterprises. We argue, the policymaking that underpins the internationalization of firms is not only a top-down (state inspired) but also a bottom-up process.  相似文献   

    This paper empirically explores a highly relevant, although poorly investigated topic: internationalization of family firms that operate in high-tech industries. Specifically, we compare internationalization of family and nonfamily entrepreneurial ventures in these industries. Relying on prior studies on internationalization of family firms, we speculate on how the specificities of high-tech industries shape the advantages and disadvantages of family entrepreneurial ventures in pursuing internationalization as compared with their nonfamily peers. In the empirical part of the paper, through a rigorous quantitative analysis of unique data from 264 Italian high-tech entrepreneurial ventures, we explore whether in high-tech industries family entrepreneurial ventures are more (or less) likely to pursue internationalization than their nonfamily counterparts. Surprisingly enough, our econometric estimates indicate that, in high-tech industries, family entrepreneurial ventures exhibit a higher internationalization propensity than their nonfamily peers.  相似文献   

    Political risk analysis primarily receives attention for foreign direct investment (FDI) but only rarely for exporting. We examine how exporters and foreign direct investors evaluate the relative importance of political risk factors. We provide a rationale for exporters to evaluate political risk factors for FDI and for foreign direct investors to evaluate political risk factors for exporting. Survey data were collected from Canadian exporters and foreign direct investors and capture the distinctive nature of salient factors for exporting and FDI. We offer unique insights on the evolutionary character of political risk that are of practical value for both exporting and FDI. Copyright © 2007 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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