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改革开放三十年来。成都理工大学始终坚持以社会主义先进文化为指引,着力打造校园文化标识,着力提升校园文化内涵。注重构建校园文化建设平台和文化建设机制,动员全体师生参与到校园文化建设中来。通过建设,校园文化的软硬件环境得到极大改善,师生同台的校园文化活动丰富多彩,为学校的发展、为学生的成长成才提供了良好的文化土壤和精神动力。  相似文献   

品牌内涵的发展与品牌创建者的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着卖方市场向买方市场的转变,品牌内涵在向前发展,其创建者也发生了很大的变化。品牌内涵的发展与品牌创建者的变化是相应的。品牌由推销型品牌向营销型品牌发展经历了五个阶段,品牌创建者的变化也经历了五个阶段。  相似文献   

李刚 《中国市场》2008,(6):80-81
随着竞争的加剧,物流在企业中的作用日益突出,全面、准确地对物流成本进行核算和控制,已成为现代企业管理的首要问题。本文分析了中国的社会物流成本构成、核算方法,并运用预测模型分析法与统计学分析两种方法,得到的物流成本的统计学估算方法的计算结果与回归方程拟合结果基本一致。  相似文献   

综述了国内外废橡胶的热解技术,并根据锁定目标物质的不同和热解时反应压力的不同,分别介绍了废橡胶热解制备燃料油技术、制备炭黑技术、制备燃料气技术以及高压热解、常压热解和真空热解技术.此外,还介绍了废橡胶超临界裂解工艺.  相似文献   

The Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) is a generic health-related quality of life (HRQL) measure. It is the only HRQL instrument, currently available, that incorporates health preference values derived from an Australian population and has been extensively trialled in over 40 studies. However, prior to this study, it had not been used to measure HRQL in injury patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the AQoL, as a measure of the impact of injury on HRQL, by examining its correlation with other commonly used measures of health outcome and its ability to discriminate between groups with injuries of varying type and severity. A total of 221 admitted injury patients, aged 18-74 years, were recruited into the study from four major Victorian metropolitan hospitals and followed up over 12 months. The AQoL and the SF-36 were administered to obtain retrospective measures of pre-injury HRQL and health status with post-injury measurements obtained at five intervals post-injury (to 12 months). A preliminary analysis of data from this study showed the AQoL was positively related to other common outcome measures and, overall, showed a strong correlation with the SF-36 Physical Component Summary and a moderate correlation with the Mental Component Summary. It also demonstrated good discrimination between groups on the basis of type of injury, body region injured and severity of injury. While further testing of the AQoL, in this context, is still necessary, this study suggests that the AQoL may be a useful measure of the impact of injury on HRQL.  相似文献   

海运提单是目前海运业务中使用最广泛的运输单据,作为货物所有权的凭证,谁拥有了提单,谁就控制着货物所有权,因此,提单在国际贸易中具有十分重要的地位和作用,然而,在实际业务中,提单的使用也存在着各种风险.本文就提单的风险作出分析,并提出了相应的防范措施.  相似文献   

<正> 李鹏同志曾多次强调指出,高等院校要根据社会的需要,明确自己的任务,在不同层次上办出各自的特色和水平。在深化改革开放,实行沿海经济发展战略的新形势下,我们上海外贸学院的任务就是为国家培养更多德智体能全面发展的、高水平的外经贸人才。经济的竞争,首先是人才的竞争。近二十年来,为适应经济发展与市场竞争的需要,欧、美、日等工业发达国家,  相似文献   

税收超常增长的再认识   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
余显才 《财贸经济》2005,(8):41-45,53
本文首先对税收超常增长给出一个简要界定,意在从量上对税收的超常增长有一个再认识,以区别"超常增长"和"正常增长".在此基础上对超常的增长从其来源结构上进行分解,以便于更好地对增长的原因和趋势进行分析和预测;其次对超常增长的原因进行分类与概括,并认为应将增长总体区分为实增和虚增两大部分;最后分析各种不同的原因所引致的税收增量的变化规律,并据此对税收超常增长的趋势进行预测.  相似文献   

张伟  马聪 《江苏商论》2012,(6):133-135
企业所有权分享主体的安排存在两种不同的理论流派:一种是"物质资本股东至上"理论,强调企业所有权由物质资本所有者单方面拥有;另一种是基于人力资本理论,认为企业所有权应该由物质资本和人力资本所有者共同分享。随着知识经济时代的到来,技术资本在企业中的重要性日益突出,我们提出了由物质资本、人力资本、技术资本所有者共同分享企业所有权的理论。  相似文献   

烟草行业近年推行的创建优秀卷烟工厂、行业对标、卷烟工厂对标、管理创一流和精益管理等管理活动中,对卷烟工厂提出了各项管理指标;同时,卷烟工厂在实施战略管理、目标管理、绩效管理和体系管理等过程中,也提出了各项管理指标,如何统筹管理好内外部各项管理指标是卷烟工厂面临的一个问题,本文提出将内外部管理指标进行整合,形成层次清晰、层级支撑的一体化目标指标体系,利于企业简化管理活动,提升企业管理水平.  相似文献   

奸淫幼女型强奸行为与嫖宿幼女行为是两类不同性质的行为,前者是“缺乏有效性同意”的奸淫行为,而后者是建立在“有效性同意”基础上的钱色交易行为。刑法规定嫖宿幼女罪的目的在于对以幼女为对象的卖淫嫖娼行为的否定,以凸显刑法对失足幼女的特殊保护。在司法实践中。嫖宿幼女罪的认定应当以卖淫嫖娼行为的认定为前提,以幼女因素的介入为基础,并根据案件情况准确把握“钱色交易”的行为本质。当前嫖宿幼女罪司法适用面临的困境完全可以在解释论的维度加以解决,而无需诉诸立法。废除嫖宿幼女罪的观点是对该罪罪质和法定刑的错误解读,立足于解释论廓清该罪与强奸罪的关系才是当下司法实践亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The Measures adopted at the Executive Meeting of the General Administration of Customs on 10 March 2008,promulgated in the form of Decree No.172 of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China on28 March 2008,and effective as of 1 January 2009.  相似文献   

经济全球化的和谐发展需要和谐文化的支撑。驱赶当前全球化寒流、抑制文化霸权主义与文化殖民主义、克服文化民族主义和文化发展的本土化倾向,是当前经济全球化发展应该高度关注的课题。应建设和谐文化,追求世界的和谐发展,在和谐文化指导下树立世界和谐的发展观,克服经济全球化带来的消极影响,实现全球多样文化的和谐共处。  相似文献   

外部逆向法人人格否认指的是债务人滥用股东权利和公司独立法人地位,故意将财产无偿转移给公司法人,或者姐妹公司之间利益输送,’以逃避债务侵害债权人权利时.可以否定公司法人独立人格.使公司在受让财产限度内对债权人承担债务的清偿责任。从我国理论发展币口司法实践的需要来看,《公司法》第二十条所确立的法人人格否认制度适用范围过窄,有必要引入逆向法人人格否认制度.与传统的人格否认制度统一为整体,以更好地保护债权人的利益。  相似文献   

资产结构优化的动态不一致研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过构建完全信息动态博弈模型,研究了企业资产结构优化的路径依赖和动态不一致。资产结构优化策略路径依赖于预期的资产结构和产品市场竞争策略。长期来看,资产结构优化策略的依赖路径是不稳定的。资本合约驱动的变化,转化因子的变化和管理者对均衡收益率的认知变化,共同导致了资产结构优化策略的动态不一致。  相似文献   

郭沙  任婷 《适用技术市场》2014,(10):130-132
人才培养模式的改革与创新已成为制约高等职业院校可持续发展的薄弱环节,因此,审慎地对高职人才培养模式进行改革与创新是提高高等职业院校办学水平,促进高等职业教育向内涵建设发展的重要途径.拟从高职人才培养模式的内涵、困境、改革与措施三方面进行研究,以期待寻求可供高职人才培养模式变革的理论依据及具体改革措施,促进高等职业教育向纵深发展.  相似文献   

李勇军 《商业研究》2012,(3):114-120
目前,在我国展会领域存在以政府为中心,和以展会与组办方为中心两种典型的组织网络。这两种组织网络在结构性嵌入、关系与知识治理等方面存在着诸多不同,后一种组织网络更符合网络治理的发展趋势,并在关系与知识治理等方面具有优势。但是,前者与中国渐进式改革进程相对应,也具有一定的历史合理性逻辑,转变自身也应符合这一历史逻辑逐步进行。  相似文献   

Drawing from the Boulding's (1956) framework for general systems theory, the need to employ richer paradigm in the study of organizations (Pondy and Mitroff, 1979) is reiterated. It is argued that a better understanding of organizational ethical behavior is contingent upon viewing organizations as symbol processing systems of shared language and meanings. Further, it is proposed that organizations, like individuals, develop into collectivities of shared cognitions and rationale, over a period of time. The study adapts Kohlberg's (1983) model of moral development to examine if organizations can be viewed as passing through different stages of moral development depending on the type of moral reasoning employed to explain their behaviors in the face of ethical crises. Several cases raising questions about the ethics of corporate behavior were researched. An instrument entitled Organization Response Analysis was constructed using statements made by various spokespersons representing five of these organizations. The instrument was administered to 246 graduate and undergraduate students of business (N = 246). Results indicated a great degree of concurrence among respondents of differing genders, levels of education and work experience in determining the stages of moral development of organizations. Limitations of the current study and implications for future research and practice are discussed.B. S. Sridhar, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Management at the College of Business, University of Wisconsin — Oshkosh. His research interests include transformational leadership, decision making, attribution, business ethics and cross cultural issues.Artegal Camburn, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Management at the Harold Walter Siebens School of Business, Buena Vista College in Storm Lake, Iowa. His research interests concern the social responsibility of business and decision making in the areas of business ethics and corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of national culture on various facets of a country's sustainability indicators, namely environmental performance, human development, and the avoidance of corruption. At the outset, using exploratory factor analysis from data from 57 countries from the GLOBE cultural practices, we identify three dimensions of culture: performance based culture (PBC), socially supportive culture (SSC) and gender egalitarianism culture (GEC). Then, using hierarchical regression analyses, we explore the role of cultural and economic factors on the various facets of sustainability. Specifically, we find that both PBC and GEC positively influence the environmental performance, even after controlling for wealth of a nation, i.e., GDP. GEC interacts with economic freedom in positively influencing environmental performance. GEC also positively influences human development as does GDP and economic growth rate. Interaction effects are also explored. We finally summarize the implications of the dimensions of culture and economic factors on the sustainability factors, and provide suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

通过采用离心风机和轴流风机对高温玉米进行通风降温试验,总结了离心风机具有降温速度快、用时短的特点,轴流风机具有降温均匀、粮食损耗少、节约能源等特点。  相似文献   

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