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大城市女性家居服市场及消费特征初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于上海服装市场,通过市场调查及消费者研究,对国内家居服消费者的消费行为特点进行了分析讨论,总结了消费者的生活状态和生活方式,以及他们在产品质量、款式、服务、价格等方面的消费特征和对购物环境和广告宣传形式的偏好,从而为国内家居服品牌产品开发和市场拓展提供了应对措施。  相似文献   

家居服作为新兴服装门类,以其独特的穿着方式,越来越受广大消费者青睐,使其在庞大的服装体系中,独树一帜.在同质化严重的设计现状中,找到新的设计突破口,为家居服发展注入新鲜血液很有必要.剪纸应用于家居服设计,不仅赋予了家居服内在的传统文化特性,也使剪纸有了活态发展的新载体.  相似文献   

家文化预热“家居服” 当许多消费者还将家居服就理解为是睡衣的时候,家居服行业则已经开始作为服装业的一个独立业态而发展了。有种定义认为,家居服就是在家周围500米以内的地方可以穿着的服装,但是我们经常看到在一些超市或是社区里遛弯的人们,旁若无人地穿着睡衣散步或是购物,特别是在江淅、上海等地。  相似文献   

本文把女性自我概念结构应用于女装消费行为研究,采用实证研究方法,设计女性自我概念与女装消费行为量表,并对有效样本进行因子分析和相关分析,验证了女性自我概念与女装消费行为之间的关系,揭示了女性服装消费行为的特征。  相似文献   

文章通过对女装店铺的市场调查,研究提升当下女装店铺顾客流量的方法。根据当下女性消费者的购物习惯和消费行为分析,通过几个维度提升消费者对店铺的关注度,从而提升顾客进店率,实现提高销售业绩的目的。  相似文献   

试论消费文化建设的内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济生活中,消费行为是广大消费者最普遍的对商品或物质的需求与支配行为。广大城乡居民的消费实践证明,一定时期的消费行为及其结构取向不仅取决于社会生产力水平和生产结构,而且亦取决于消费者的消费文化水平。消费文化是消费者在消费结构和消费行为等方面的价值观念。当今消费者的消费文化层次和消费心理颇为复杂,陈旧落后的消费文化往往导致消费者消费行为的盲目、冲动、虚荣和缺乏理智,违背了正常的市场需求规律,迎合了某些商品所有者如醉如痴地追求利润的需要,扰乱了市场以及商品的正常投入结构甚至商  相似文献   

@@@@在欧洲著名的购物中心,不论是巴黎老佛爷商场还是罗马的Via Condotti大街,每天都可以看到很多来自中国的消费者。这些现象传递了一个明显的信息,中国消费者已经遍布全球。而对于在消费中扮演重要角色的中国女性,其消费行为特征值得关注。  相似文献   

由不穿睡衣、家居服,逐渐发展到拥有数套睡衣和家居服,家居服行业经历了消费升级;而家居服市场必将随着休闲生活的发展而获得充足发展,将有越来越多的消费  相似文献   

第二届中国家居服发展论坛于今日在上海博龙国际大酒店举行。论坛的主题是“中国家居服饰品牌、设计、营销、文化理念研究,以及未来市场发展探讨”。此次论坛力邀商圈高层、业界精英,通过各种特色、不同角度的思辨与争鸣,对家居服行业现状及发展趋势全方位诊症、把脉共商中国家居服发展之道。嘉宾建言献策,极大地推动了各界人士对家居服的深入认识,增强了各级家居服从业者的关注、做大中国家居服市场的信心。  相似文献   

当别人都把家居服业看成鸡肋时,他却把家居服看作一个"鸡腿";而再当别人刚开始注意家居服时,他则把家居服慢慢做成了品牌。这就是唐以锦,一个发现别人发现不了的新大陆的人,一个需要激发自己灵感的人。  相似文献   

This essay identifies five research opportunities that concern consumer response to product design. The first opportunity involves the need for more research on the interaction between form and function in consumer product evaluations. To this end, more knowledge about how product appearance characteristics influence consumer evaluation of both product form and function, and how this differs between countries and in time, is needed. The second research opportunity concerns the influence of consumer input in the front end of new product development on product success. Although the positive effect of market information use on product success is known, more actionable insight into which consumer information or input is beneficial in which circumstances is largely missing. The third opportunity for research concerns how to include subjective product attributes in concept testing. Getting valid feedback from consumers, which includes functional as well as emotional and experiential aspects, can improve proficiency in the early stages of product development. In this essay, several ways of approaching this research endeavor are highlighted. Next to enhancing market receipt and the assessment of product design, two topics that concern consumer response to product design from a more managerial viewpoint are identified. The first of these is strategic management of product styling. The importance and opportunities of visual design for brand management has gained more attention in the literature; different strategies and the cases in which they are beneficial are issues for further research. And finally, the design of product service systems (PSSs) provides opportunities for future research. Here, engendering perceptual unity between products and services and an explicit managing of meanings and feelings that PSSs should communicate are issues at play.  相似文献   

Product design is a key driver of competitive advantage and new product success. Relative to its importance, product design remains an underresearched area. The authors address this issue by examining the moderating effects of consumer innovativeness and design acumen on consumer response to product form—i.e., the product's visual appearance. Using subjects from the United Kingdom, these effects were tested with a technology‐based product that is expected to be introduced to market in the near future. A technological innovation was chosen because such products are often characterized by an accelerating pace of innovation and shortening life cycles. In such contexts, the product's visual appearance is often critical to success because it drives inferences about the technical capabilities and functional novelty. Our findings indicate that for more innovative consumers, an innovative product form can further enhance perceived value, product liking, and purchase intention. Furthermore, for consumers who possess more design acumen, an innovative product form can increase perceived value and product liking. An innovative product form was not found to enhance purchase intention for consumers with higher levels of design acumen. A primary implication of the study is to consider target market characteristics such as consumer innovativeness and design acumen when selecting a product form strategy. Additional implications include involving consumer innovators in the development and evaluation of product forms and involving consumers with greater design acumen early in the product's introduction so that they may influence other buyers.  相似文献   

With consumers increasingly taking on the role of product designer, interesting and important avenues for new research are emerging. This article highlights two broad areas that researchers in both consumer behavior and product design may want to consider: (1) what constitutes consumer design and (2) what factors influence value creation when consumers assume responsibility for some or all of the design task.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the personal and home computer marketplace have raised questions about the effectiveness of current product strategies. In this article, Alladi Venkatesh and Nicholas Vitalari focus on the home computer market which continues to evolve in different ways. Specifically, they identify five technologically oriented product strategies, the electronic game technology strategy, the children's educational focus strategy, the office technology transfer strategy, the consumer electronic interchange strategy, and the home information systems strategy. The authors feel that the home information systems strategy may have the best long-run potential for success because it comes closest to meeting the needs of the changing household.  相似文献   

Product design is an integral component of a brand and an important driver of brand equity. For the brand, product design is an important tool for driving differentiation, creating value for both the consumer and the firm, driving consumer preferences, and creating a sustainable competitive advantage. At the firm level, the importance of investing in design has been substantiated by studies that suggest firms capable of creating innovative design and providing superior consumer value perform better in the marketplace. Thus, product design clearly presents an important area of research for those studying and managing brands. In this context, the goal of this research is to explain the brand‐level affective outcomes that product‐level design features can create. This paper develops a conceptual framework and hypotheses that theoretically connect design‐based values, at the product level, to affective brand‐level relational outcomes with the brand. The drivers of product affection include social value, altruistic value, functional value, emotional value, and economic value. Analogous to “firm affection,” the paper postulates a brand affection construct that is defined as the passion and pride that a consumer feels about owning a brand. Using syndicated product‐level data from the automotive industry collected from a national sample of consumers, 712 useable consumer/product observations of 30 small vehicles are employed in the analysis. A confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model are developed to test the conceptual model. This research finds that the social value and emotional value that a design provides to consumers have a greater effect on brand affection than purely transactional values, such as functional value or economic value. This research contributes to the literature by providing evidence that product design‐related values are multifaceted and can contribute to relational outcomes, such as brand affection. It contributes to practice by highlighting the means by which design can be used as a strategic tool to create a sustainable long‐lasting relationship with the consumer, and provides managers with a framework to assess the impact of design‐based values on long‐term relationship‐based outcomes. The results provide new insights about how consumers' perceptions of the value of product design at the product level can help create enduring relationships with brands.  相似文献   

In designing consumer durables such as appliances and power tools, it is important to account for variations in product performance across different usage situations and conditions. Since the specific usage of the product and the usage conditions can vary, the resultant variations in product performance also can impact consumer preferences for the product. Therefore, any new product that is designed should be robust to these variations—both in product performances and consumer preferences. This article refers to a robust product design as a design that has (1) the best possible (engineering and market) performance under the worst‐case variations and (2) the least possible sensitivity in its performance under the variations. Achieving these robustness criteria, however, implies consideration of a large number of design factors across multiple functions. This article's objectives are (1) to provide a tutorial on how variations in product performance and consumer preferences can be incorporated in the generation and comparison of design alternatives and (2) to apply a multi‐objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) that incorporates multifunction criteria in order to identify better designs while incorporating the robustness criteria in the selection process. Since the robustness criteria is based on variations in engineering performance as well as consumer preferences, the identified designs are robust and optimal from different functional perspectives, a significant advantage over extant approaches that do not consider robustness issues from multifunction perspectives. This study's approach is particularly useful for product managers and product development teams, who are charged with developing prototypes. They may find the approach helpful for obtaining customers' buy‐in as well as internal buy‐in early on in the product development cycle and thereby for reducing the cost and time involved in developing prototypes. This study's approach and its usefulness are illustrated using a case‐study application of prototype development for a handheld power tool.  相似文献   

Product design is inherently a key component of brand strategy. Accordingly, significant resources are invested to improve product and brand performance; however, foundations for understanding the role product design plays in influencing actual consumer opinions from the marketplace have not been fully explored in the literature. This paper develops a conceptual framework illustrating how two critical design factors—form and function—impact consumer opinion and delineate brand‐specific effects. Nonmonotonic effects are identified, as well as the interaction effects of the individual factors among the dimensions. A longitudinal model based on objective measures of form and function is tested with a data set developed from models available in the U.S. automotive market from 1999–2007; it includes 16 firms, 32 brands, and 137 products. The results indicate the relationships between factors of form and function are multifarious and complex, but clearly play a significant role in forming consumer opinions, although they do exhibit diminishing returns. The findings further indicate brand‐specific effects exist, and consumer opinions vary by brand. The findings provide foundations for understanding the interplay between product development and brand management. Overall, this research supports the notion that brand strategies can be supported through the management of design dimensions.  相似文献   

造型、色彩、材质、图案等结构单元是影响服饰产品意义产生的基本元素,本文从产品语义学角度剖析了服饰产品设计元素内涵及意义,以及这些结构单元在不同存在状态下的语意构成。把感性的服饰产品设计过程纳入到理性化思维模式中,使设计过程透明化,将理性分析与感性经验有机地结合在一起,增强产品开发对市场的把握度。据此,设计师可结合目标消费群体的生活方式、价值取向、审美喜好、消费心理等,选择相应的的设计元素进行创作,增强设计的可控性。  相似文献   


Traditional warranty analysis focuses on the reliability of a product and offers warranty designs that compensate a consumer if the item fails. We introduce the concept of a performance-based warranty (PBW) that guarantees that a product will operate at or above some baseline level of performance, such as a minimum energy efficiency for an appliance. We illustrate how consumer behavior can change in the presence of a PBW and define the parameters for which a manufacturer may increase revenue. Finally, we present an algorithm to solve for the optimal PBW design given a consumer’s belief about the expected performance of the product.  相似文献   

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