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基于复杂系统理论的企业战略管理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何楠 《经济经纬》2005,(2):81-83
企业战略管理系统的复杂性是社会发展的必然趋势,是企业外部环境和内部结构变化的必然结果。针对企业战略管理系统的复杂性,企业应采取相应的战略与措施,以适应复杂性、降低复杂性、利用复杂性。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of FERC’s policy to create Independent System Operators (ISOs) that independently manage regional electricity transmission resources and institute regional electricity exchange markets. Our analysis examines how the formation of the PJM ISO affected inter-regional electricity trading costs during the period from March 1997 to June 2002. We also examine how ISO formation affected the likelihood of encountering “congestion” in trading electricity between PJM and adjoining regions (particularly the New York ISO and the more loosely organized East Central Area of Reliability (ECAR)). In addition, our analysis estimates the marginal economic value of increased inter-regional transfer capability.   相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of asymmetry information and illiquidity related to cluster trading on information integration efficiency in the Chinese stock market. The results show that information asymmetry and illiquidity related to cluster trading both negatively affect market efficiency in the Chinese stock market. While the effect of information asymmetry on market efficiency dominates in the informational period, the effect of illiquidity related to cluster trading dominates in other periods, when trading is less concentrated. Noise trading has a positive effect on market efficiency by greatly reducing the illiquidity related to cluster trading; however, its effect on information asymmetry is not significant. Our results provide insight into investors’ trading strategies.  相似文献   

素质教育是一项涉及范围广,波及面大,影响深远的系统工程.当前素质教育推行不力,从系统论角度分析,主要是素质教育系统中要素(家庭、学校、政府和社会)功能和系统结构两方面存在缺陷,推进素质教育必须改善素质教育系统的要素和结构.  相似文献   

This paper studies the aggregate implications of micro-level labor adjustment costs. Caballero and Engel [Caballero, R., Engel, E., 1993. Microeconomic adjustment hazards and aggregate dynamics. Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, 313–358] find a dependence of aggregate employment growth on the cross sectional distribution of “employment gaps.” This paper uses those results as moments in an indirect inference procedure to infer the underlying labor adjustment costs. We specify a dynamic optimization problem at the plant level, allowing for both convex and non-convex adjustment costs. Consistent with evidence at the micro level, our findings indicate that non-convex adjustment costs are necessary to match these aggregate moments.  相似文献   

随着积极心理学的产生和发展,人们更加重视个人自身的积极因素,心理韧性即是个体自身的一种积极的内在保护作用机制,已成为国内心理学界的热点研究。从心理韧性观出发,探究在员工管理的过程中心理韧性的积极作用,并提出在未来的员工管理工作中心理韧性的具体应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution of administrative and procedural transaction costs to economic growth under common legal system. We show that administrative and procedural costs vary quite a lot even within the institutional environment sharing the common legal system. States with low‐cost business registration, low‐cost access to property rights and greater judicial efficiency tend to have consistently higher growth. The established effects are robust to alternative model specifications, heterogeneity bias, and to a variety of control variables that might confound the effects of administrative and procedural costs on growth. Such differences in costs are far from being trivial as we show that these within‐system differences might be instrumental in influencing economic growth. Lower administrative and procedural costs induce growth by increasing investment rate, lowering unemployment rate, encouraging labor supply and improving total factor productivity. In the counterfactual scenario, the transition from high‐cost to low‐cost regime is associated with substantial growth and development gains over time. By exploiting the variation in the disease environment, ethnic fractionalization and historical urbanization, we show that the negative effect of rising procedural and administrative costs on growth and development appears to be causal.  相似文献   

杜娟 《经济研究导刊》2013,(20):221-223
针对企业信息化建设中数据重复和信息孤岛等问题,研究了XML环境下结合SOAP、WSDL等Web Ser-vices技术实现企业异构系统/数据库间数据交换的方案。通过进行数据建模,将企业异构系统信息表述为标准的XML格式,通过SOAP封装、WSDL描述实现对信息的请求、响应和传输,解决数据格式不一致的难题,实现异构系统之间的通信,从而使不同应用的系统之间实现协同,实现企业分布式环境下的资源共享。  相似文献   

In many differentiated product industries, both traditional and “new economy” activities, vertically integrated firms also supply inputs to apparent rivals in the downstream business. This generates heterogeneity between low- and high-sunk cost suppliers with implications for entry and competitive conduct. The web hosting market is typical with primary suppliers operating alongside resellers who rent server space from them. We explore the impact of competition in US hosting using a unique dataset covering 15,000 packages offered by 3,500 firms. The results suggest price is sensitive to competitor clustering in quality space; an outcome consistent with easy entry for resellers with ultra-low fixed costs.
Steve ThompsonEmail:

浅谈德国劳资关系对我国建立现代企业制度的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方国家劳资双方的矛盾近年来得到很大的缓解,劳资双方的合作关系发生了较大的变化,为社会稳定和经济发展提供了有利的条件,德国政府通过建立社会市场经济,在这方面进行了富有成效的探索,形成了一整套以两大社会平衡系统为主要内容的社会运行机制和企业组织制度,使劳资矛盾得到缓和,结成了较为稳定的“社会伙伴关系”,对社会稳定和经济发展产生了积极影响,为我国企业制度和分配方式的改革和完善提供一些参考。  相似文献   

新准则的颁布,对中国企业内部会计控制提出了新的要求。而健全的内部会计控制制度起到了从内部进行完善的重要作用,能进一步增强企业的核心竞争力。其贯彻和实施需要各有关部门的协作,企业应完善内部会计控制,强化内部会计控制意识,明晰其重要性,建立健全内部会计控制建设,加大执行力度。使之很好地为新准则服务。  相似文献   

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