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中国为能源消费大国,能源消耗总量大,一次能源消耗中天然气占比在逐年提高。天然气的用气规划将很大程度上影响一个区域的天然气供应和天然气终端业务的布局实施。在天然气用气规划的研究中,市场需求分析要结合一个区域的特点、社会经济发展情况、天然气发展基础及面临形势等方面,利用项目分析法、能源消费比例法、增量预测法等科学的分析方法进行合理预测,为某一区域天然气的发展提出发展思路、确定发展目标,最终指导工程实施和天然气业务的调度实施。  相似文献   

随着天然气市场规模不断扩大,管网设施逐步独立开放,天然气市场化程度不断加深,用气特征和用气类型也越发复杂,亟需天然气销售企业建立新形势下的天然气行业客户评价及精准营销体系.本文将评价体系的决策场景分为3大类、10个细化的子场景,综合了客户的共性问题、销售部门的共性需求、专家的共性经验等方面的建议,确定了一种基于决策场景的天然气客户管理评价体系.该体系既能包含全部评价指标且具有普适性,又能根据适用场景灵活调整指标和权重并体现差异性.在实际应用中,可以通过决策场景的选择、销售公司锚点的设定、评价指标的组合等满足更多的评价需求.  相似文献   

<正>大工业客户的电费收入是供电企业财务收入的重要来源。因此,正确执行电价政策,加强大客户电费电价管理,实现合理增收,是供电企业经营工作的宗旨,也是追求企业经济效益的有效途径。严把电价审核关。月用电量较大的用户一般都是大工业客户。准确界定客  相似文献   

近年来,中国天然气行业市场化改革不断深化,市场原有竞争格局受到挑战,但供应商现有客户评价管理较为粗放,客户评价体系不尽完善。新形势下的天然气行业客户评价及精准营销体系亟待建立,新体系遵循的原则包括:多维衡量,因地制宜;分类细化,量化评价;结合场景,灵活运用。可依据"销量、价格、效益、信用、协作"5个维度及15个指标,选取所需指标并赋予权重,获取指标数据源,运用分数归类定级方法进行判断。客户评价是工具,精准营销是措施。建议从做好精准营销基础项目、立足本职工作替客户分忧、运用大数据探索精准营销3个层面进行规划与升级。  相似文献   

英国天然气工业的改革发展及对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
英国天然气工业先后走过了天然气替代煤制气的能源结构优化、行业私有化改造、引入市场竞争机制和构建现代法律及监管框架等艰苦的改革与发展道路。英国天然气改革的实践表明,立法先行,依法监管,规范经营,分离行业可竞争业务与垄断业务,制定科学合理的价格形成及监督机制,是实现由政府控制和国家公司垄断经营向市场竞争成功过渡,增强企业竞争力,培育天然气市场,推动行业高速有序发展的关键所在。为了适应我国天然气工业发展的新形势,我国首先应当尽快出台过渡性政策法规,填补目前的一些法律空白,及早着手起草《天然气法》;其次,尽快考虑建立独立监管机构;第三,在充分调研和科学分析的基础上,制定合理的天然气价格形成机制;第四,通过试点,摸索天然气输配气管网系统合理监管、城市配气企业商业化改造和吸引投资的有效途径。  相似文献   

根据"昆仑"工业润滑油销售现状,分析了原有流通贸易型销售渠道的局限性.基于工业油从流通贸易型销售向终端型销售转型的发展趋势,探讨了设立专业的行业开发小组,开发"昆仑"工业润滑油大中型终端客户的设想.  相似文献   

一、新的工业管理体制正在形成改革开放以来 ,我国的经济体制 ,由计划经济体制逐步向市场经济体制转变 ;我国的工业体制 ,由部门管理体制逐步向行业管理体制转变 ;我国的企业体制 ,由政府直接管理企业的工厂制逐步向政企分开的公司制转变。按照社会主义市场经济体制的要求 ,我国的工业体制将逐步转变为 :政府对市场进行宏观调控 ,市场引导企业行为 ;行业中介组织进行自律性行业管理 ,为企业、行业、政府服务 ;企业建立现代企业制度 ,成为市场主体 ,进行自主经营。在这种思路指导下 ,我国目前正在逐步形成的格局是 :政府有四个宏观调控部门 ,…  相似文献   

株洲是湖南省重要的工业城市,在全国地级以上城市中,根据人口和劳动力、经济发展、环境和基础设施四个指标群的系统评估,株洲综合实力居全国第54位,属具有地区优势、规模优势和大城市群优势有显著特征的第二类城市.入世后,我国包装工业的发展面临着严峻的考验,如何把握"入世"给株洲包装工业发展带来的机遇,促进株洲包装产品业结构的优化升级和包装企业素质的提高,以及如何制定正确的包装工业发展战略,成功地应对"入世"给株洲包装工业发展带来的机遇,对于株洲包装工业持续、快速、健康、稳定发展,使包装工业更好地适应株洲国民经济发展的需要,具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

工程建设信息网是各级建设行政主管部门发布工程建设管理和项目信息的专业网站,也是政府有关部门利用先进的信息技术对建筑市场实施及时、有效、动态监管的重要电子平台。建设维护好工程建设信息网,对整顿和规范建筑市场有着十分重要的意义。在分析全国工程建设网建设管理工作中存在着不足的基础,提出了今后的发展思路,以充分发挥网络信息平台在行业管理和为社会提供公共服务工作中的作用。  相似文献   

化肥是现代农业生产必不可少的重要生产资料,对于我国农业生产发展和国家粮食安全意义重大。经过多年发展,我国已成为世界化肥生产和消费大国。2008年以来,我国化肥行业前期受原材料价格大幅上涨的影响,后期又受到国际金融危机的冲击,销售不畅,开工率不足,生产大起大落,产量增幅明显回落,  相似文献   

In business-to-business markets, customer success management is gaining growing practical importance. The concept comprises customer-related activities that aim at monitoring, securing and enhancing customer success as well as the implementation of the corresponding organizational structures and processes within the supplier firm. In contrast to existing research, this article takes a customer perspective to customer success management and investigates how business customers judge respective supplier activities; first, to reveal the quality dimensions business customers apply when assessing suppliers' customer success management activities, and second, to investigate how the quality of suppliers' customer success management activities leads to business customers' perceived value. Addressing these questions, this research contributes to literature by exploring customer success management from a customer perspective. The findings elucidate that customers' perceived value in use does not simply develop over time. Rather, through the implementation of customer-related activities of customer success management, suppliers can actively influence customers' value-in-use experiences thus fostering customers' rebuy decisions. From managerial perspective, the findings support suppliers in successfully shape their customer-oriented customer success management activities as well as the necessary internal structures and processes.  相似文献   

This research investigates whether customer justice perception influences affect and, in turn, customer citizenship behavior and customer dysfunctional behavior. Drawing on the social exchange theory and frustration-aggression theory, this paper argues that distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice influence positive affect as well as negative affect. Furthermore, this study argues that positive affect influences customer citizenship behavior, while negative affect influences customer dysfunctional behavior. To test these relationships, the present study uses data from 209 executive-MBA students and 68 buyer companies. The results of the structural equation analysis reveal that most of these hypotheses are supported. Following a discussion of the results, research limitations and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

When appropriate variables are used, account portfolio analyses engender a convenient framework for the relationship composition of companies and allow management to reconsider which customers and relationship dimensions need attention. Based on an industrial company's key account relationships, the portfolio approach considered in this study employs Customer Satisfaction (CS) metrics as a portfolio dimension and suggests a new and more customer oriented approach to account portfolio analysis. Proposed portfolio matrices provide insights into the strength and stability of customer relationships. Furthermore, the matrices force managers to adopt a future perspective on customer relationships by evaluating the business potential of customers along with CS information and allow prioritization with respect to resource allocation. The study attempts to put forward customer heterogeneity in industrial markets and offers a managerial guideline embracing customer specific marketing actions. In addition, the paper proposes a new use for CS information in strategic decision making.  相似文献   

在新的形势下,省级煤炭行业管理部门如何履行行业管理职能,从计划型政府向市场型政府转变,从决策政府向参与型政府转变?陕西省煤炭工业局找准了位置,强化了行业职能管理,促进了全省煤炭工业的健康发展。  相似文献   

This article argues that tight linkages with customers present a paradox for the firm. The research question of this study is: What is the behavioral and cognitive process by which a firm establishes close links with its customers, and how can this process be both beneficial and detrimental? Existing theory and data from apparel retailers suggest that firms forge these tight links by enacting their customer environment. In the process of enactment, cognitions and actions reinforce each other and become increasingly focused. The tight coupling generated through enactment comes at the price of increased commitment and restricted vision. The author argues that firms should balance the natural process of tight coupling with a deliberate effort at loose coupling, and draws implications for further research on the organization‐environment interface. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CRM data is among the most important and comprehensive information available to management in many organizations. This is particularly the case in business-to-business marketing, where the firm's extended working relationship with its customers is frequently crucial for the maintenance of a healthy business. However, in many instances management has treated CRM data as highly specific to its client relationships and has therefore neglected to analyze this information across market segments, customer categories, and customer–firm relationship forms in order to draw meaningful conclusions for driving business decisions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on concepts and techniques which have been developed for analysing customers and used as an aid to assessing the strategic position of companies in industrial markets. The emphasis on supplier/customer relationships presented here derives from the interaction approach to marketing and purchasing strategy. Many industrial markets are highly concentrated, and many companies develop in conjunction with key customers in a symbiotic relationship, where strategy evolves as proposals made by either side are either accepted or rejected. To take account of this we propose a 3-stage framework for analysing customers which builds on and transforms techniques traditionally used for an analysis of products. The purpose of the analysis is to improve the allocation of scarce marketing and technical resources, to reappraise the company's competitive position with different customer groups and to ensure that key relationships are managed effectively.  相似文献   

The study of value delivery through complex industrial solutions involves a service-rich deployment of resources, many of which are human. Despite this realization, few studies consider the activities of specific actors in this service-dominant context. Through an exploratory netnography of ten online community discussion boards, this study investigates the link between the activities of supplier representatives and the effects on customer perceived value in complex industrial solutions. The findings reveal four major categories of activity (communication, planning, risk management and coordination) as important sources of intangible value (conceptualized as emotional, social and functional outcomes). The data shows, however, that activities must be executed in a timely, accurate, appropriate and value-added manner. The study compliments research in complex industrial solutions through explicit consideration of activities and their relationship with perceived value from a supplier perspective.  相似文献   

The object of this article is the development of customer banking skills as a result of using online banking and its impact on the competence of customer advisers in face‐to‐face customer contacts. The main results show that online banking enables customers to develop a range of banking skills.  相似文献   

Understanding success and failure in customer relationship management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems can help organizations manage customer interactions more effectively. Like many new technologies, CRM has been accompanied by vendor hype and stories of implementation failure. Work on critical success factors (CSFs) should encourage more appropriate implementation practice; however many CSF studies conclude with a list of factors but provide little further guidance. In particular, there is a need for stronger theoretical models of the entire CRM innovation process which can be used by managers to understand better the underlying causes of success and failure. This paper adopts a novel approach to this problem by firstly developing a conceptual model of CRM innovation and then converting this model into a dynamic simulation model. Some early simulation results illustrating changes in CRM benefits and organizational support over time are presented together with a discussion of the underlying causes and suggestions for how managers can counteract potential innovation failure.  相似文献   

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