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沙特阿拉伯境内的麦加城是伊斯兰教最重要的圣城。相传公元610年先知穆罕默在城郊希拉山洞受到安拉的启示,在此开始传播伊斯兰教。公元630年,穆罕默德攻克玫加并清除克尔白神殿中的偶像后,遂成为全世界穆斯林朝觐瞻仰的圣地。按照伊斯兰教教义的规定,对于任何身体和经济善允许的信秆来说,一生至少应去圣城麦加朝觐一次。这是伊斯兰教  相似文献   

情调营销即以情调为卖点的营销。作为情调营销的崭新工具,香气营销开始风行。香气营销的风行绝非偶然,它是由旺盛的需求和不足的供给共同推动的结果。作为新兴的品牌识别,香气识别凭借超凡的功效,开始成为新时代下品牌形象塑造的一大利器;相对于其他的社会阶层,香气营销应将其主要的目标群体锁定在日益扩大的中产阶层上;香气营销的应用前景看好;作为新兴的产业,国内嗅觉产业的可持续发展取决于法律、市场、观念等方面的合力,也就是知识产权的保护、中产阶层的规模、审美观念的流行等三方面条件的改善。  相似文献   

Make Architects are a designer ing in architectural design and also lowenergy and resource sustainable design. We are currently involved with a lot of interesting opportunities in -China, as many larg...  相似文献   

强势品牌形象的塑造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在市场竞争日益激烈的今天,塑造强势品牌形象对于品牌资产的培育意义非比寻常。本分析了Keller关于强势品牌形象的判断标准,并提出从品牌联想的强度、美誉度和独特性三个维度来塑造强势品牌形象。  相似文献   

中国是制造大国但不是制造强国,面临利润微薄、产品低端和自主品牌少等诸多尴尬。从“中国制造”向“中国创造”的转变是中国经济的未来发展战略,但目前“中国创造”凸显三大软肋:缺乏核心技术、缺乏全球知名本土品牌和缺乏品牌建设的观念和体制。中国的品牌建设之路势在必行。以企业为主体,品牌建设的路径依赖与品牌建设者对品牌个性的独到理解、品牌策略的灵活运用和品牌战略的长远规划分不开。  相似文献   

欧阳明  叶平 《市场研究》2006,(12):42-45
在以“需求”确定市场均衡(即“买方市场”)的当代经济中,企业之间的商战在很大程度上归结为品牌(Brand)之争。品牌的强弱对企业经营的影响往往更胜过其产品的价值本身。这一现象在开放的国际市场上尤其明显。例如,许多消费者都愿意花100美元去买一双“耐克”牌运动鞋,但他们却  相似文献   

This paper examines the self-interested reasons that businesses can have for ethical behaviour. It distinguishes between economic and non-economic reasons and, among the latter, notes those connected with the self-esteem of managers. It offers a detailed typology of prudential reasons for ethical behaviour, laying particular stress on those to do with avoiding punishment by society for wrongdoing and, more particularly still, stresses the role of campaigning pressure groups within that particular category of reasons. It goes on to suggest that because of their occupation of the moral high ground, campaigning groups are well placed to damage the self-esteem of managers and that this is why those groups seem able to exert an influence that goes beyond their somewhat limited capacity to inflict economic damage upon businesses. The paper concludes with the suggestion that we may be witnessing a virtuous spiral whereby rising public expectations of morality in business lead to ever increasing moral commitments by business that then cause those expectations to rise still further.  相似文献   

“我是个不自觉受梦想支配的人,随着童年的梦想渐渐实现,我更加自信了。没有刻意为之,但终于梦圆。这其中,一半是幸运,一半是努力。”  相似文献   

“中华老字号”品牌经营的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“老字号”是一个约定俗成的概念,通常是指:有多年成功的经营经历;有中国的传统文化内涵和良好声誉的商号;有自己开发的、专属的、消费者认可的原创产品和服务;品牌创立于1956年以前的民族企业。  相似文献   

德国联邦政府希望通过企业社会责任战略达成两个目标:一是通过提升企业社会责任在社会公众心目中的认知程度进而在国内外强化德国企业社会责任的特色;二是为实现全球化背景下生态环境保护与经济社会协调发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

一介书生涉商海,偏偏舍易求难,不但选择了一个新兴的行业——信用管理,而且以民营企业的身份担当起了市场先行者和培育者,在这条创业路上,王艺走得坚韧而又执著。  相似文献   

This article explores how perceived disempowerment impacts the intention to adopt smart autonomous products. Empirically, the paper builds on three studies to show this impact. Study 1 explores the relevance of the perceived disempowerment in respect of smart autonomous products. Study 2 manipulates autonomy of smart products and finds that perceived disempowerment mediates the link between smart products’ autonomy and adoption intention. Study 3 indicates that an intervention design―that is, a product design that allows consumers to intervene in the actions of an autonomous smart product―can reduce their perceived disempowerment in respect of autonomous smart products. Further, Study 3 reveals that personal innovativeness moderates the role that an intervention design plays in product adoption: an intervention design shows a positive effect on adoption intention for individuals with low personal innovativeness, but for those with high personal innovativeness no effect of an intervention design is present on adoption intention. The authors suggest that managers consider consumers’ perceived disempowerment when designing autonomous smart products, because (1) perceived disempowerment reduces adoption and (2) when targeted at consumers with low personal innovativeness, an intervention design reduces their perceived disempowerment.  相似文献   

<正>品牌公关危机是这两年的一个焦点话题,不论是外资品牌还是本土品牌,很多品牌都遇到了品牌危机,而危机公关能力也成为了考验品牌的一个重要方面。但是,外资品牌和本土品牌,到底谁的公关能力更强呢?在盛世指标数据管理有限公司近期开展的一项研究中发现,外资品牌由于拥有强大的品牌,出现危机后更容易获得中国消费者信任。  相似文献   

The selection of the right brand name is one of the most important marketing decisions and brand memorability has been proposed to be one of the key brand name selection criteria. Prior brand naming research has primarily dealt with word-level analysis in examining English brand name characteristics that are desirable for improving brand memorability. In this regard, this research examines the effects of suggestiveness at both the word and sub-word levels on consumer responses to Chinese brand names. Through two experiments, the findings demonstrate the ability of both character-level and radical-level suggestiveness in improving the memory for brand name and target claim. This research also extends the findings of previous studies on suggestiveness by demonstrating its favorable attitudinal effects. Based on these findings, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

田丰 《中国海关》2012,(9):72+17-72
未来5—10年,中国应该着力去做的事情是建立若干总部在中国、中国具有发起人资格、具有主导权的国际经济组织。  相似文献   

杨君武 《广告大观》2007,(1S):68-69
“化妆品广告一定要讲功能!”[第一段]  相似文献   

再论“外贸民营化”   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
作者的论文《第四浪潮 :外贸民营化》由本刊1998年第1期发表后 ,在经贸论坛上引起了一定的反响和学术争论。本文对“外贸民营化”这一理论概念进行了进一步的阐述 ,更加深刻地说明了国营外贸公司体制转型的必要性 ,不仅反驳了那种将“民营”和“国有”对立起来的论点 ,而且系统地探讨了外贸行业的多种民营模式 ,提出了外贸体制改革的新思路。  相似文献   

束顺民 《商业研究》2003,(22):50-51
品牌经营是企业运营的一个至关重要的问题。在WTO的全球竞争态势之下,中国企业能否造就自己的名牌乃至世界名牌,关系到中国企业的生死存亡。因此必须从以品牌为纽带组建现代中国企业、品牌延伸与品牌开发并举、品牌感性经营与品牌理性经营并重及超越消费者需求四个方面出发,对中国企业的品牌经营策略作一些有益的探讨,以赢得企业的生存与发展。  相似文献   

二、三十年前,随着日本经济的腾飞,日本的电器、汽车等相继大举进入欧美和世界市场,而日本游客的频出国旅游使得欧美的一些旅游观光和度假胜地,在原有的英文、法文和西班牙文的标识和批示牌上,纷纷加上了日文,以吸引和方便大批日本游客.  相似文献   

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