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农民贫困问题探源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对农民贫困问题,结合十六大报告提出全面建设小康社会的目标,第一次比较系统地提出了农村贫困包括物质贫困、精神贫困和政治贫困的新观点。  相似文献   

收入、知识和健康的三类贫困测算与解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用 Watts 多维度贫困指数,从收入、知识和健康三个维度测算了我国1990年、1997年和2003年的多维度贫困.并对引起贫困状况变化的原因进行了夏普里分解。测算结果表明,从1990~2003年,我国多维度贫困出现大幅下降,其中,收入贫困下降最多,健康贫困下降最少。同时,近年来在我国整体义务教育水平提高的同时,有一部分人的教育年限却在下降,说明教育发展很不均衡。  相似文献   

西藏易地扶贫搬迁涉及26.6万贫困人口,生存空间的改变给搬迁人口带来一系列影响,由于思想观念传统、人力资本失灵、社会关系网络缺失、安置地经济带动作用小等原因,搬迁群体贫困特征将由绝对贫困向相对贫困转变,由显性贫困向隐性贫困转变,由生存型贫困向发展型贫困转变,由整体型贫困向分散型贫困转变。文章认为需要更加关注社区治理,并从安置地经济发展和搬迁家庭人力资本两个视角,提出了增量扶贫和流量扶贫相结合、思想扶贫和能力扶贫相结合的防治对策。  相似文献   

区域贫困程度测度是精准施策,打赢脱贫攻坚战的重要依据。在对已有贫困程度测度方法回顾的基础上,文章通过分析深度贫困地区的贫困特征,提出区域贫困程度测度原则,构建区域贫困程度测度指标体系,并以甘肃为例对深度贫困县贫困程度进行测算,进一步了解深度贫困县的贫困现状、集中区域、影响因素及贫困差距等,以期为地方打赢脱贫攻坚战提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Measures of poverty are much used, but also much criticised as having limited value in debates on public resource allocation. Some argue that the measures are too conservative and do little more than complicate important issues of inequality and injustice. However, poverty measurement can be sensitive to these concerns if grounded in the field's well-developed theoretical foundation. In South Africa, poverty measures over more than 50 years have consistently taken into account distributional issues and the causes and implications of deprivation, and most South African analyses of poverty have recognised and incorporated the multi-dimensional nature of poverty. Recognising different perceptions of aggregation, time horizon and the role of states and markets is perhaps more important than methodology when assessing what poverty measures can contribute. With proper theorisation, and attention paid to the purpose of poverty diagnostics, measurement is more than sleight-of-hand and can provide both a tool for advocacy and a means to implement policies that promote greater social justice.  相似文献   

Poverty, despite being a multifaceted concept, is commonly measured in either absolute or relative monetary terms. However, it can also be measured subjectively, as people form perceptions on their relative income, welfare and life satisfaction. This is the first study that uses the National Income Dynamics Study data to analyse poverty across various objective and subjective methods. The paper finds that while respondents' poverty status varies across methods, blacks remain the racial group most likely to be defined as poor by at least one method. The multivariate analysis reveals that the impact of some explanatory variables, such as experience of negative events, frequency of crime victimisation, health status and importance of religious activities, is mixed across methods.  相似文献   

中国农村产业化扶贫模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业化扶贫是近年来全国贫困地区正在实践的一种新型扶贫方式。文章对产业化扶贫开发中的五种模式进行了梳理,并对每种模式的成功案例进行了探讨,最后指出了实施产业化扶贫应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

农村多维贫困问题的研究有助于精准扶贫和乡村振兴战略的有效实施。本文基于2016 年中国家庭追踪调查数据库(CFPS),运用A-F 测度方法对农户的多维贫困进行测度和分解,着重探讨了互联网使用对农户多维贫困的减贫效应。研究结果表明,财产性收入、农户家庭住房、生活燃料、受教育年限和社会保险等方面的贫困发生率较高;财产性收入、受教育年限对多维贫困的贡献率最大,在农户脱贫过程中起关键作用;农户家庭使用互联网对农户多维贫困的减贫效应显著,而且在高维贫困上的减贫效应更大,个体特征、家庭特征、村级特征等也都对多维贫困产生影响。因此,加大农村地区互联网基础设施建设力度,注重信息化的普及和推广,贯彻落实“互联网+”扶贫政策,能够有效解决贫困农户的“能力贫困”问题,有助于实现贫困户脱贫及脱贫质量的提高。  相似文献   

This study uses the Census 2001 and 2011 as well as Community Survey 2007 and 2016 data to derive a multidimensional poverty index in South Africa for each year, before assessing the changes in non-money-metric, multidimensional poverty over time. Both the incidence and intensity of multidimensional poverty decreased continuously, and these declines were more rapid than that of money-metric poverty. The decrease in multidimensional poverty between 2001 and 2016 was most rapid for female Africans residing in rural areas in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu–Natal provinces. Multidimensional poverty was most serious in numerous district councils in these two provinces, despite the fact that poverty decline was also most rapid in these district councils. The results of the multidimensional poverty index decomposition indicated that Africans contributed more than 95% to multidimensional poverty, while unemployment, years of schooling and disability were the three indicators contributing most to poverty.  相似文献   

贫困问题是全球面临的重大难题,亦是古今中外治国理政的大事。我国为响应全球治理贫困的需求,同时为化解国内严峻的贫困形势,2013年在农村地区开始实行"精准扶贫"战略,实践取得了巨大成功。反观城市贫困人口的数量却一直居高不下,不仅缺乏精准化救助理念与形式,而且在治理主体与体系方面也缺少精准性,为实现城市与乡村的协调发展,也为实现共同富裕的目标,在分析精准扶贫对城市反贫困的契合基础上,欲运用精准扶贫作为指导,从救助理念、形式、主体、体系这四个方面进行精准化设计,实现精准性城市贫困治理。  相似文献   

Wide arrays of econometric techniques have been proposed to assess vulnerability to poverty. All such measures attempt to determine the probability to fall (or remain) into poverty given households’ characteristics. We have used cross-section data from the Chinese Household Income Project Series and subjective poverty lines to shed light on the sources of uncertainty in China. The lack of a comprehensive pension system and distance from the markets raise vulnerability in rural areas, whereas the hukou registration system has generated a growing mass of exploited and unprotected migrants in urban areas.  相似文献   

农村产业扶贫机制是调动政府、企业、贫困户多方主体积极性的有效开发式扶贫机制。但是,当前农村产业扶贫依然面临着扶贫产业结构不优、农产品精深加工不足、农产品产销对接不畅、利益联结机制不健全等诸多实践困境。要破解上述实践困境,需要通过正确处理产业扶贫与区域发展的关系,不断夯实农产品加工业发展的支撑体系,积极探索农产品产销无缝对接的新模式,不断深化贫困人口与市场主体利益联结机制等举措才能实现。  相似文献   

易地扶贫搬迁是精准扶贫背景下解决“一方水土养不起一方人”地区贫困人口脱贫问题的有效途径。青河县作为全疆五个率先脱贫摘帽的贫困县之一,将易地扶贫搬迁作为打赢脱贫攻坚战的头号项目。在相关研究基础上,通过对工作人员的访谈和易地扶贫搬迁户的实地调查,找出了政策规定、搬迁计划和后续发展三个方面的问题,进一步分析出造成这些问题的原因,最后提出了为推进易地扶贫搬迁工作的进行,应该在完善政策体系、提高工作人员执行能力以及加强监督考核等方面着手,确保搬迁户“搬得出”、“稳得住”、“能致富”。  相似文献   

Economic mobility, especially through expansion of the middle class, will dominate the future of Indonesia’s development agenda. Based on data from five waves of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS), we found that (1) poverty decreased significantly between 1993 and 2014, from 86.1% to 20.2%, while the middle class grew by almost nine times; (2) 34.4% of the poor moved into the middle class, but 11.9% were still categorised as chronically poor; (3) 42.3% of the middle class did not move into the upper class; (4) the middle and upper classes are vulnerable and easily fall into the lower classes. Our econometric estimations confirm that the drivers of economic mobility are educational attainment, formal employment, water and electricity supply, land ownership, and health investment. These findings suggest that investment in human and physical capital are the two main strategies to expand the middle class.  相似文献   

We estimate inequality in Indonesia between 1932 and 2008. Inequality increased at the start of this period but declined sharply from the 1960s onwards. The increase was due to a shift from domestic to export agriculture over the period up to the Great Depression. During the 1930s, as the price of export crops declined, the income of rich farmers suffered a blow. Yet this was counterbalanced by an increasing gap between expenditures in the urban and rural sectors, causing an overall rise in inequality. As for the second half of the century, we find that the employment shift towards manufacturing and services—combined with an increase in labour productivity in agriculture—accounts for inequality’s decline, which was halted in the 1990s. These inequality trends affected poverty as well, but prior to the 1940s the negative impact of the rise in inequality was offset by an increase in per capita GDP. Between 1950 and 1980 a decline in inequality, combined with increased per capita GDP, rapidly raised a large portion of the population above the poverty line.  相似文献   

Indonesia has made well-documented and drastic progress in raising average incomes and reducing poverty. This article adds to the literature by providing a complementary perspective of poverty between 1984 and 2011. We discuss the evolution of poverty in Indonesia using international poverty lines—$1.25 per person per day (in 2005 purchasing power parity dollars) and $2.00 per day, and we add $10.00 per day. We generate estimates of poverty since 1984 and make projections based on various trends in growth and inequality. We find that Indonesia has the potential to become a high-income country by around 2025 and end $1.25-per-day and $2.00-perday poverty by 2030, but this will require strong economic growth and favourable changes in distribution. Looking ahead, the end of poverty in Indonesia may mean that a large proportion of the population will remain vulnerable to poverty for some time to come, suggesting that public policy priorities will need to balance insurance and risk-management mechanisms with more ‘traditional’ poverty policy.  相似文献   

An opportunity to improve measurement and modelling of poverty in Africa arises from recent intra‐year panel surveys that observe household consumption in post‐planting and post‐harvest periods. Observing the same household twice lets an intra‐year correlation be estimated, which can be used to form a corrected estimate of annual consumption. The usual approach surveys consumption for just one short period, like a week or month, and extrapolates to an annual total. This may adequately estimate mean annual consumption for samples spread over a year but overstates dispersion. The resulting noise in consumption estimates inflates measures of poverty and inequality and creates misclassification errors that bias logit and probit models of poverty determinants. This study uses data from the 2012/2013 Nigeria General Household Survey panel to show effects on poverty measures of using annual estimates extrapolated from short‐period surveys. With the corrected extrapolation method that uses intra‐year correlations to adjust for inflated variances, Nigeria's poverty headcount rate falls by one half. Hence, much of the poverty measured in cross‐sectional surveys is transient poverty, for which different policy interventions are needed than for alleviating chronic poverty.  相似文献   

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