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战争是推动美国经济发展不可或缺的手段,战争的种种红利客观证实了美国偏好战争的经济原因。在美国经济发展中,战争在带来国民收入、挽救经济萧条、刺激军事工业、扩大军火贸易、推动科技发展、获取资源和市场、吸引外部资本投入、催兴股市等方面发挥着特殊的作用。  相似文献   

The apparent tendency of ERM countries other than Germany to experience high real exchange rates and to subsidize manufacturing is explained by a rational expectations model in which there is optimally asymmetric policy reaction to good and bad times—devaluation in bad, no revaluation in good. The resulting expected depreciation (at all times) causes inflation in normal and good times to be less than expected inflation, raising real wages and the real exchange rate, and creating pressures for subsidy of the traded sector.  相似文献   

Conclusion This study has attempted to show the entrenched character of parasitic capitalism in the form of gambling in the Jamaican economy on a scale that massively but painlessly redistributes income from the working class to the petite bourgeoisie. It speaks to a dimension of class exploitation that is often ignored in the focus on large multinational corporations and has parallels in the parasitic forms of capitalism that exploit the black community in the United States. Parasitic capitalism is seen as promoting a form of false class consciousness that seeks outlets to class frustrations in precapitalist illusions of luck and chance that feed the coffers of the grasping petite bourgeoisie with hard-earned working class wage incomes. The data and findings point clearly to the need to either eliminate parasitic capitalist activities such as gambling or alternatively remove it from the control of the petite bourgeoisie and convert the capital accumulated to community and mass-oriented development and social projects.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the issue of trade liberalization in developing countries from a political economy perspective using the theory of collective action. The role of collective action and interest group behavior is analysed critically both with respect to the initiation of attemps at liberalization and its outcome in terms of success or failure. A probit model is then used to test empirically the various hypotheses as to the determinants of likelihood of success of liberalization attempts. A sample of 51 liberalization episodes relating to 24 countries and spanning the period 1950–80 is used. Five factors are found to be critical in the process of liberalization: the strength of exporters groups as represented by the diversification and importance of manufactures and traditional exports, the strength of import-competing sector's opposition as measured by the share of manufacturing in GDP, the time elapsed since the beginning of import substitution, the size of country and the leadership committment and role.  相似文献   

This paper uses a monetary model of exchange market pressure to examine the impact of monetary policy on the Nepalese exchange rate. Using a recently developed estimation technique, impulse indicator saturation, along with general-to-specific modeling, we find that a contractionary monetary policy results in easing of pressure on the exchange rate. The robustness of the results is confirmed using misspecification tests.  相似文献   

何涛  刘翔 《理论观察》2014,(12):23-25
公民社会包含多重涵义,它主要是一种社会形态,一种社会治理模式所蕴含的精神。社会现代化包括社会结构、政治、经济、文化、人的价值观念和行为方式的现代化等多个层面,而人的现代化是其最终归宿和目的,人的现代化包含价值和实践两个维度,公民社会本身的结构及其所蕴含的平等、民主、自由、仁爱、责任、宽容、竞争等精神与人的现代化理念相辅相成,公民社会的建构对于解决现代社会的人的异化,促成人的现代化发展具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Conclusion Former Secretary of State Kissinger’s policies towards and maneuvers in southern Africa must be examined within the context of America’s global strategy and imperialist objectives. As in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, the United States aims at giving South Africa sufficient support so that she can play a policing role in southern Africa, if not in sub-Sahara Africa as a whole. This is what the Nixon-Kissinger Doctrine called for. It argued that the Western countries must now establish a decentralized, global system of defense. This article was originally published inRBPE, Spring 1977 (vol. 7, no. 3).  相似文献   

Does the internal power structure of revolutionary organizations influence the process of political transition? We extend Acemoglu and Robinson’s democratization model by considering the collective action problem and the heterogeneity of the revolutionaries. The collective action problem of the revolutionaries is modeled using a global game. We find that overconcentration of power in revolutionary organizations makes the transition to democracy more difficult. Because under overconcentration of power, even democratization is not enough to prevent revolutions, and a revolution is more likely to lead to a new authoritarian system. We offer a comparative case study by comparing China and Europe. The more centralized revolutionary process in China explains why democratization has not happened in China.  相似文献   

This paper studies the driving forces behind the considerable expansion of the underground economy during the late 1990s. I propose a novel explanation for this phenomenon: the sharp increase in market competition worldwide, which reduces prices and profits and drives firms into the shadow economy. Empirical evidence from a panel covering 45 countries from 1995 to 2000 shows that increased competition is indeed correlated with an expansion of the underground economy. The effect is strongest in low-tax, high-corruption countries that do not provide the public services which make it worthwhile for firms to remain official despite growing competitive pressure.  相似文献   

Does the labeling of tradable products like carpets which have been produced without child labor increase the welfare of children and their families? This paper presents results of surveys conducted in India and Nepal. The findings suggest a positive link between social labeling and the removal of child laborers for households above the subsistence level. However, for households below the subsistence level, no significant influence has been found.  相似文献   

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