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I study rollover risk in wholesale funding markets when intermediaries hold liquidity ex ante and fire sales may occur ex post. Multiple equilibria exist in a global rollover game: intermediate liquidity holdings support equilibria with both positive and zero expected liquidation. A simple uniqueness refinement pins down the private liquidity choice, which balances the forgone expected return on investment with reduced fragility and costly liquidation. Due to fire sales, liquidity holdings are strategic substitutes. Intermediaries free ride on the holdings of other intermediaries, causing excessive liquidation. To internalize the systemic nature of liquidity, a macroprudential authority imposes liquidity buffers.  相似文献   

农村信用社流动性管理存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,农村信用社的资产结构不均衡,变现能力差,流动性不佳,要么流动性过剩,要么流动性不足,其原因主要是信用社流动性管理意识淡薄,管理理念滞后.为此,农信社应树立正确的流动性管理目标,增强风险管理意识,采用主动的流动性管理策略,多渠道化解流动性风险,完善流动性风险的分析指标体系,建立有效的风险预警系统和应急处置机制,以更好地均衡流动性与盈利性之间的关系.  相似文献   

本文试图引入宏观审慎管理理念,从支付系统整体流动性入手,通过构建logistic模型来测度与评估支付系统流动性风险。实证结果显示,系统参与者整体流动性风险概率水平波动较为频繁,但处于较低状态。在宏观审慎管理框架下,人民银行应重点关注系统性风险,把系统潜在的流动性风险降到最低层次。  相似文献   

信贷国别风险已上升为国际社会最为关注的风险之一。与商业银行一般信贷风险相比,国别风险在风险的界定、风险的源头、风险的种类、风险的补偿、风险的群体、风险的关联、风险的分类以及风险的计量方面都有明显的不同。目前对国别风险认识尚处于初级阶段,只是定性的指引而并没有定量分析,鉴别和衡量技术标准不一,风险计提实际操作难度大。因此,对于国别风险事件中信贷资本回收等造成的影响和损失商业银行应进行量化评估,建立与国别风险暴露规模相适应的监测机制,对不同类型、不同概率和规模的国别事件引发的风险分类处理。  相似文献   

为了反映全球金融市场的最新发展,总结2007年金融市场动荡的经验教训,巴塞尔银行监管委员会对其2000年发布的《银行机构流动性管理的稳健操作》进行了重大调整。调整后的报告认为有效的流动性风险管理至关重要,有助于银行始终拥有满足现金流需要的能力,减少对金融系统所产生的负面影响;而金融市场在过去十年间的发展加剧了流动性风险及其管理的复杂性,国际清算银行在此基础上从流动性风险的治理、计量和管理,银行信息的公开披露、监管者的职责等几个方面提出了十七条流动性风险管理和监管的准则。  相似文献   

流动性风险是商业银行面临的最核心风险。本文主要基于反映商业银行流动性状况的指标,对我国16家上市银行的流动性风险进行比较分析,研究发现,我国商业银行总体流动性达标,但有恶化趋势;与人民币相比,外币资产流动性较差;商业银行资产负债结构需要进一步优化。与国有商业银行和城商行相比,股份制银行流动性状况有待提高。  相似文献   

本文通过对商业银行资产均衡投放的实证研究,认为均衡投放下各期间段资产重新定价的规模与到期现金流相对稳定,有助于利率及流动性风险的管理。但是,在部分利率及期限结构过于极端的情况下,资产"均衡投放"理论将会失效。商业银行在实际运用"均衡投放"策略时应当先做"有效性验证"模拟验证。国内商业银行应当用前瞻性的视角来实施主动性的风险管理,以更加有把握地将风险损失控制到风险偏好以内。  相似文献   

在对流动性和流动性过剩的内涵进行分析的基础上,文章从货币超额供给、外汇占款持续快速增加、银行业金融机构货币沉淀快速扩大、价格泡沫日益显现和各因素的综合表现等五个方面分析了流动性过剩的主要表现。提出了流动性过剩宏观调控的对策建议:明确流动性过剩宏观调控应关注的方向、充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用、完善中央银行的宏观货币调控体系和进一步推进人民币国际化。  相似文献   

流动性错配是流动性风险产生的根本,有必要从资产端和负债端研究和度量商业银行流动性风险。在综合外部因素的基础上,通过理论和实证两个层面构建我国商业银行流动性错配指数(LMI),并对我国18家上市银行的流动性风险进行度量、识别和压力测试。研究表明:我国商业银行流动风险存在异质性和时变性,LMI的压力测试结果显示,不同类型银行压力测试和抵御风险的能力具有显著的异质性。为有效地管理和防范商业银行流动性风险,需要严格控制流动性错配程度,密切关注宏观经济形势和资产价格的波动,并建立相应的风险监测和管理机制。  相似文献   

We argue that a higher sensitivity to aggregate market‐wide liquidity shocks (i.e., a higher liquidity risk) implies a tendency for a stock's price to converge to fundamentals. We test this intuition within the framework of the earnings‐returns relationship. We find a positive liquidity risk effect on the relationship between return and expected change in earnings. This effect on the earnings‐returns relationship is distinct from the negative effect observed for stock illiquidity level. Notably, the liquidity risk effect is evident (absent) during periods of neutral/low (high) aggregate market liquidity. We also show that the liquidity risk effect is dominant in firms that: (a) are of intermediate size; (b) are of intermediate book‐to‐market; and (c) are profit making.  相似文献   

中国股票市场流动性风险溢价研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在对Fama三因素模型和LACAPM模型进行改进的基础上,实证研究了中国股票市场的流动性风险溢价、规模效应以及价值效应。实证结果发现,改进的FAMA三因素模型能够比CAPM更好地解释价值效应,但却不能解释规模效应和流动性风险溢价现象;而改进的LACAPM在解释市场异象上的有效性则明显优于其他定价模型。  相似文献   

Reducing systemic liquidity risk related to seasonal loan demand was one reason for founding the Federal Reserve System. Nevertheless, less than 8% of state‐chartered banks joined the Fed in its first decade. Banks facing high liquidity risk from seasonal loan demand were more likely to join the Fed in its first decade. We also find evidence consistent with the notion that banks could obtain some indirect access to the discount window through interbank transfers. Some banks apparently joined the Fed to pass through discount window liquidity to other banks via the interbank network.  Joining the Fed increased member banks’ lending.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the efficiency of liquidity flows in stabilizing distressed markets from a theoretical perspective. We show that even in the event of a major negative market shock, a financial institution can increase its investment in the market when there is a strong incentive for arbitrage profit. However, the institution may choose to reduce its investment if the fear from liquidity risk exceeds the arbitrage incentive. In addition, our model reveals a positive relationship between funding liquidity and market liquidity. Our findings help to explain several financial issues in distressed markets, including the flight to quality, liquidity dry-ups, asset fire sales, and market shock amplifications.  相似文献   

基于银行业在宏观风险来临时出现的流动性不足和系统性风险,通过建立 DSGE-VAR 模型,考量银行业在宏观经济运行框架下的系统流动性风险,结果发现:银行同业借贷、其他证券资产和交易性负债业务的综合作用会使得银行系统流动性风险总体增大,银行如果想要降低存款提取率对其流动性的影响,就要在银行间市场停止拆出资金、出售政府证券及其他流动资产,并出售潜在的流动性较低的资产.从监管层面来讲,应当通过监管的引导效应将交易性负债进行转化,引导同业借贷和其他证券资产业务向平衡区域集中,并在一定范围内减少银行其他证券资产业务的规模.  相似文献   

Although reserve requirements (RR) have been used in emerging markets to smooth credit cycles, the transmission mechanism remains blurry. Using bank‐level data, we unveil the interaction of RR with bank lending. We identify a new channel that works through a decline in banks’ liquid assets and loan supply due to an increase in RR. “Quantitative tightening” through RR raises the short‐term funding needs of the banking system, which is met by collateralized central bank lending, thus depleting banks’ unencumbered liquid assets. Our results suggest that such a shift in bank liquidity is associated with a significant change in lending.  相似文献   

现阶段宏观经济政策不断变更给企业经营带来诸多不确定性,从而增加了流动性风险,而通过参股保险公司所建立的产融结合平台能使企业降低制度调整的风险成本。我们对此进行了实证分析,以2006年~2010年上市公司季度数据为样本,利用倾向概率配对模型控制样本内生性问题后实证检验发现:参股保险公司的上市公司日常现金持有水平和调整水平较未参股公司低,且在面对从紧货币政策时,这种流动性风险管理的提升效果更加突出。结论显示,上市公司与保险公司建立产融结合平台具有财务协同效应,部分抵消了货币政策变更不确定性的冲击。这一研究对于企业产融结合实践策略部署有着重要的现实意义,对保险行业引导产融结合趋势也有较强的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

We consider the liquidity shock banks experienced following the collapse of the asset‐backed commercial paper (ABCP) market in the fall of 2007 to investigate whether banks' liquidity conditions affect their ability to provide liquidity to corporations. We find that banks that borrowed more from the Federal Home Loan Bank system or the Federal Reserve's discount window following that liquidity shock passed a larger portion of their borrowing costs onto corporations seeking access to liquidity when compared to the precrisis period. This increase is larger among banks with a bigger exposure to the ABCP market, credit lines that pose more liquidity risk to banks, and borrowers that are likely dependent on the credit‐line provider. Our findings show that the crisis that affected the banking system had a negative effect not only on the price of credit to corporations, but also on the price corporations pay to guarantee access to liquidity.  相似文献   

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