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近年来,通货膨胀目标制已成为一种新的货币政策框架,而通货膨胀目标制的显著优点在于能通过增强货币政策的透明度,提高政策的可信度,进而提高货币政策的有效性。提高货币政策的透明度正在成为一种国际趋势。因此.本文通过借鉴实施通货膨胀目标制的西方发达国家的成功经验,探讨我国应如何加强货币政策透明度的建设,提高货币政策有效性。  相似文献   

This article presents a systematic analysis of the availability and use of fiscal space in emerging and developing economies. We report two major results. First, emerging and developing economies built fiscal space in the run-up to the Great Recession of 2008–2009, which was then used for stimulus. Since then, fiscal space has shrunk and remains narrow as these economies have taken advantage of historically low interest rates. Second, fiscal policy in emerging and developing economies has become countercyclical (or less procyclical), i.e., “graduated,” since the 1980s, as most clearly demonstrated during the Great Recession. The move towards graduation is most pronounced for those economies with greater fiscal space, which suggests that fiscal space matters for a government’s ability to implement countercyclical fiscal policy.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the 2000-2001 crisis in Turkey, the banking sector was in turbulence, requiring immediate action. The rescue operation significantly increased the public debt ratio with respect to gross domestic product. At the beginning of 2002, the central bank of Turkey announced that it was going to implement an implicit inflation-targeting regime. The fiscal dominance caused by the high debt ratio severely constrained the conduct of monetary policy. Other obstacles to the conduct of monetary policy included a high level of exchange rate pass-through, inflation inertia, and a weak banking sector. This paper offers an account of the monetary policy experience of Turkey in the postcrisis period and provides lessons for policymakers in other emerging markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the inflation record of twenty-nine inflation- and noninflation-targeting economies. Both industrial and emerging market economies are considered. Empirical evidence is based on a comparison of actual and forecasted inflation, an econometric analysis that estimates changes in inflation persistence, and an estimate of the probability of a breach in the inflation target as a proxy for the fragility of the targeting regime. I find that inflation persistence has fallen in only a handful of emerging market economies. However, the inflationtargeting regime is not especially fragile in emerging market economies. As these economies gain experience with inflation targets and respond appropriately to forecast errors generated by the private sector, the likelihood of breaches in the target ranges tends to fall.  相似文献   

Using a vector autoregression model, we show that the pass-through from imported inflation to domestic inflation has weakened substantially and slowed after the adoption of inflation targeting in Turkey. We argue that this finding is due mainly to several features—such as enhanced credibility of the central bank, changing behavior of the exchange rate, and a shift in expectation formation—possibly acquired by the implementation of a successful inflation-targeting regime. These observations suggest that adopting an inflation-targeting regime in itself may help to reduce exchange rate pass-through.  相似文献   

Inflation targeting may not be viable in less developed countries (LDCs) where policymakers rely too heavily on cuts in infrastructure investment to balance the budget. Using a mix of analytical and numerical methods, we demonstrate that the equilibrium ceases to be saddle point stable under active policy when infrastructure cuts account for 30–70% of fiscal adjustment and the return on infrastructure exceeds a comparatively low threshold value. The result is robust to the form of the Taylor rule, the degree of real wage flexibility, the initial level of debt, the choice of a balanced‐budget or debt‐targeting rule, and the q‐elasticity of private investment spending.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how a change in monetary policy affects the degree and the speed of exchange rate pass-through to import prices in the emerging market economy, using a newly constructed data set from Taiwan's trading commodities. First, the analytical framework is set up following Goldberg and Knetter (1997) and Campa and Goldberg (2005). Next, the period-by-period and the multiple-period cumulative effects of monetary policy on the degree of exchange rate pass-through can be traced out. The dynamic panel data model is then estimated by Bun and Carree's (2005) bias-corrected approach, which enjoys easy calculation and robust testing performances, leading to more reliable empirical results. Our cross-commodity evidence strongly supports the partial pass-through in the short run and the complete pass-through in the long run. Moreover, following a change in monetary policy, this pass-through effect increases during several initial periods and declines to zero over time.  相似文献   

财政政策与货币政策无论是在微观经济领域还是在宏观经济领域都相互影响、相互制约。作为现代宏观经济管理中的核心政策,实现两者的最佳配置并使其具有科学性、系统性和针对性,对于实现我国经济目标和促进经济的健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文选取1980~2009年度数据为样本,利用MS-VAR模型检验我国财政政策和货币政策在价格决定中的作用区制。实证结果表明,在1980~1997年间,价格为货币政策主导区制;之后为财政政策主导区制。为检验该结果的稳健性,本文分别对李嘉图等式和财富效应进行分样本区间的实证分析。最后,本文选取1996~2010年的月度数据,利用MS-OLS模型检验财政政策和货币政策与价格的关系,发现我国互补的宏观经济政策在稳定物价上是有效的。  相似文献   

In a sticky price model with investment spending, recent research shows that inflation-forecast targeting interest rate policy makes determinacy of equilibrium essentially impossible. We examine a necessary and sufficient condition for determinacy under interest rate policy that responds to a weighted average of an inflation forecast and current inflation. This condition demonstrates that the average-inflation targeting policy ensures determinacy as long as both the response to average inflation and the relative weight of current inflation are large enough. We also find that interest rate policy that responds solely to past inflation guarantees determinacy when its response satisfies the Taylor principle and is not large. These results still hold even when wages and hours worked are determined by Nash bargaining.  相似文献   

This paper combines insights from generation one currency crisis models and the fiscal theory of the price level (FTPL) to create a dynamic FTPL model of currency crises. The initial fixed‐exchange‐rate policy entails risks due to an upper bound on government debt and stochastic surplus shocks. Agents refuse to lend into a position for which the value of debt exceeds the present value of expected future surpluses. Policy switching, usually combined with currency depreciation, restores fiscal solvency and lending. This model can explain a wide variety of crises, including those involving sovereign default. We illustrate by explaining the crisis in Argentina (2001).  相似文献   

In standard macroeconomic models, equilibrium stability and uniqueness require monetary policy to actively target inflation and fiscal policy to ensure long‐run debt sustainability. We show analytically that these requirements change, and depend on the cyclicality of fiscal policy, when government debt is risky. In that case, budget deficits raise interest rates and crowd out consumption. Consequently, countercyclical fiscal policies reduce the parameter space supporting stable and unique equilibria and are feasible only if complemented with more aggressive debt consolidation and/or active monetary policy. Stability is more easily achieved, however, under procyclical fiscal policies.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a simple framework for modeling inflation targeting as constrained discretion. Although it is widely claimed that inflation targeting has been successful in maintaining low and stable inflation, an announcement of an inflation target does not by itself mean that central bankers are precommiting to how they conduct monetary policy. In comparison to the assumption of many theoretical studies, central banks conduct monetary policy in a discretionary fashion and rarely precommit to a rule in reality. Therefore, the central bank in this paper is modeled as discretionary, yet faced with a constraint, that an average of future inflation over a certain horizon should be kept on or near the preannounced target level. It is natural to add this constraint to the central banker’s optimization problem, since inflation targeting involves one way or another an evaluation of the performance over a certain horizon. So it is argued that the better outcome of inflation targeting does not come from a commitment but from “constrained discretion.” This paper also sheds some light on optimal targeting horizon.  相似文献   

We consider a monetary authority that provides an explicit inflation target in order to align expectations with the policy objective. However, biased perceptions of the target may arise due to imperfect information flows. We allow agents to revise expectations over time and we model their recursive choice among prediction strategies as an optimization problem under rational inattention. We then investigate whether a simple policy rule can steer the economy toward the targeted equilibrium. Our findings suggest that determinacy under rational expectations may not be sufficient to reach the target. Instead, monetary policy should be fine‐tuned to correct agents' biased beliefs.  相似文献   

We study the impact of Chinese monetary and fiscal policy shocks and the interaction of the two policies on stock markets. We find that, first, when we focus on the contemporaneous correlation, Chinese fiscal policy has significant, negative contemporaneous relationships with stock market performance, while monetary policy’s impact on stock market performance varies, depending on the fiscal policy. Second, with respect to the lagged variables, Chinese monetary and fiscal policy both have a significant and direct positive effect on stock market performance. Meanwhile, interaction between the two policies plays an extremely important role in explaining the development of stock markets.  相似文献   

中国核心通货膨胀率的度量及其货币政策涵义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于包含实际总产出、货币供给M2和CPI的向量自回归模型(VAR),将CPI分解为长期变动趋势和短期波动项。将长期趋势部分定义为核心通货膨胀率。运用1994~2009年中国季度数据进行实证检验,核心通胀率与CPI有长期均衡关系,主导CPI的长期变动趋势,是CPI的前导变量,能够为预测CPI提供有用信息,对为中央银行判断总体通货膨胀走势、制定及时有效的货币政策有所启示。  相似文献   

本文研究央行政策对人民币外汇市场压力的时变性影响。研究发现,央行数量型货币政策和宏观审慎政策主要通过影响人民币在国际货币市场的"相对"供给水平来影响人民币外汇市场压力的波动,宽松政策在经济高涨时期和经济新常态时期会引起人民币外汇市场贬值压力,在经济萧条时期会引起人民币外汇市场升值压力;央行价格型货币政策主要通过影响人民币在国际货币市场的"相对"需求水平来影响人民币外汇市场压力的波动,宽松政策在经济高涨时期和经济新常态时期会引起人民币外汇市场升值压力,在经济萧条时期会引起人民币外汇市场贬值压力。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the nature of fiscal discipline under alternative exchange rate regimes. First, it shows that fiscal agencies under a currency union with a fixed exchange rate can have a larger incentive to overspend or "free ride" than those under other exchange rate regimes, owing to the agencies' ability to spread the costs of overspending in inflation tax across both time, given the fixed exchange rate, and space, given the currency union. In contrast, such free-riding behavior does not arise under flexible regimes owing to the immediate inflationary impact of spending. Next, empirically, fiscal stances in countries with fixed pegs and currency union regimes demonstrate greater free-riding behavior than do countries with more flexible regimes in fifteen Caribbean countries from 1983 to 2004.  相似文献   

2001年10月以来匈牙利福林汇率先后实行水平区间盯住和自由浮动制度。通过分析此间货币政策执行情况和汇率走势,发现实行浮动汇率制度有助于通胀目标制在匈牙利的实施,但自由浮动制可能并不是最优的选择,改善经济基本面是防范汇率冲击的根本。这为中国当前的经济发展政策和人民币汇率制度改革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the null or weak response of emerging market currencies to domestic monetary policy documented in the literature is the result of wide event windows. An event study with intraday data for Mexico shows that an unanticipated tightening appreciates the currency and flattens the yield curve, consistent with the evidence for advanced economies. With daily event windows, however, only the yield curve responds to monetary policy. Noise in daily exchange rate returns explains the lack of response of the currency. Such noise gives rise to a bias that declines after controlling for potential omitted variables.  相似文献   

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