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中韩工业制成品的贸易竞争关系分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
作为当今全球最重要的双边经贸关系之一,中韩贸易发展迅速,两国已互为重要的贸易伙伴。利用贸易竞争力指数、产业内贸易指数、GHM指数对中韩工业制成品的贸易竞争关系进行实证分析,结果显示:中韩双边工业制成品以产业间贸易为主,产业内贸易为辅;劳动密集型制成品、技术和资本密集型制成品以产业间贸易和低质量垂直型产业内贸易为主。两国的制成品贸易互补性强,中国相对处于产业分工的低端。为提升中国制成品的贸易竞争力,应采取加强技术自主研发、完善双边贸易合作机制、加快产业结构调整等措施。 相似文献
随着中朝经贸合作深入开展,中朝间跨境人民币结算业务不断推进。根据对延边朝鲜族自治州对朝贸易、投资企业调查显示,中朝跨境人民币结算仍存在诸多问题,亟待解决。本文以对企业问卷调查∞为基础,通过对中朝经贸合作开展情况,跨境结算方式和主要货币情况进行深入分析,提出现阶段中朝跨境人民币结算存在的问题以及政策建议。 相似文献
Trade credit has been shown to be an important source of short-term finance for smaller firms but small firms are also suppliers of trade credit. There is little empirical evidence on the credit granting decisions of small firms. Previous empirical work (Petersen and Rajan, 1997; and Ng, Smith and Smith, 1999) has focused on credit granting and investment in accounts receivable in larger firms. In this paper we look at the influences on credit granting for the smallest firms, using a sample of firms with an average of 10 employees. As in previous studies we find that product and demand characteristics influence credit terms. Moreover, we find evidence that firm size affects credit extension choices directly by setting limits on the possibilities for economies of scale, but it also impacts indirectly by affecting the firm's access to finance and its bargaining strength vis-à-vis suppliers. The dominant position of larger customers in bargaining with small suppliers constrains the impact of other factors on the firm's choice of credit terms. Small firms are also under pressure to conform to industry norms, although lack of resources can be a limiting factor. Constrained firms may make use of two-part terms in an attempt to improve their cashflow. 相似文献
在中国加入WTO之后,中韩工业制成品双边贸易发展迅速。以UNComtrade数据为基础,利用CMS模型考察在1996~2001年、2002~2009年两个时期内推动中韩工业制成品贸易增长的因素。结果显示:从总体上看,导致中韩工业制成品双边贸易增长的因素是一致的,即进口国进口需求的增加、产品出口竞争力的提高以及进口需求结构与出口产品结构互补性的增强。但对于不同的工业制成品来说,推动中韩贸易增长的因素略有差异。 相似文献
This study employs a general equilibrium monetary search model to examine the effects of the recent dollarization in North Korea on seigniorage and prices. Maximum seigniorage is generated at a high rate of money growth when dollarization is mild. However, under a high degree of dollarization seigniorage declines sharply when the money growth rate is high. Accordingly, seigniorage can be increased by de-dollarizing the economy through lowering the money growth rate. This finding implies that the post-2013 price stabilization may be a result of the restriction on printing of money with the aim of increasing seigniorage. This finding also recognizes that the North Korean authorities have little room for maneuver on monetary policy under the conditions of widespread dollarization. 相似文献
中韩产业内贸易结构实证分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文采用实证分析方法,对中韩两国间的产业内贸易进行了测算.在此基础上将产业内贸易细分为水平型和垂直型两种形式.得出了中韩贸易的主要形式为产业内贸易,且在产业内贸易内部,垂直型贸易比例较大,水平型贸易份额逐步上升的基本结论. 相似文献
Using Chinese province-level panel data for 2001-9, we investigate significant factors for the development of financial intermediation via trade credit in developing economies. First, we confirm that a competitive market environment, a well-functioning legal system, and greater bank loans for non-state-sector firms promote the development of trade credit in China. Conversely, corruption hinders its development. Second, we find that proper functioning of the legal system and bank lending to non-state-sector firms are highly likely to be the causes of the complex relationships between these determinants. Finally, we observe that an increase in the number of lawyers effectively improves the quality and function of the legal system, which, in turn, alleviates the harmful influence of corruption on trade credit development. 相似文献
推进中韩农业一体化的对策研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中韩两国具有互补的农业资源,中国入世后将加快农业领域利用外资步伐,中韩农业一体化有利于中韩农业技术合作交流,这些都是中韩农业一体化的有利条件。但是中韩农业一体化也将给两国农业带来一定的冲击,中韩农业一体化还存在诸多的障碍。因此,中韩两国应按照比较优势原则调整农业结构,促进两国农业和谐发展与共赢;建立两国共同的粮食储备机制,消除韩国对粮食安全问题的顾虑等,以促进中韩农业一体化进程。 相似文献
朝鲜是中国的友好邻邦,而中国是朝鲜的第一大贸易伙伴。随着中国长吉图先导区开发开放和(珲春)国际合作示范区建设的逐步推进,中朝经贸协作变得更加重要。本文通过分析中国对朝鲜的投资趋势,提出中国对朝鲜投资中存在的问题及今后发展战略。 相似文献
服务贸易统计的复杂性高于商品贸易,全球范围内服务贸易的国家间贸易统计数据更是严重匮乏,发达国家的服务贸易统计数据较发展中国家略为丰富.全球化下的商品价值链研究揭示了商品生产过程的分散和地理集中化趋势,与此同时服务价值链研究日益受到关注,服务业产业链对生产网络的影响以及发展趋势亟待明确.根据OECD的增值数据库,通过分析中国和印度服务业增值出口的现状,发现中印两国在服务业增值出口中呈现出各自典型特征. 相似文献
引入汇率变动引力模型,采用“一带一路”沿线64个国家2002-2015年面板数据,研究汇率变动和外贸依存度对出口贸易的影响,结果显示:汇率变动不是影响中国对“一带一路”沿线国家出口贸易的最重要因素,人民币升值促进了出口贸易,原因在于中国“一带一路”沿线国家的汇率变动不是很大;外贸依存度对出口贸易影响显著且存在双重门槛效应,外贸依存度越小,出口潜力越大;两国之间距离对出口贸易有显著负向影响;缔结自由贸易协定对出口贸易的影响尚未显现。因此,我国应保持人民币汇率基本稳定,以外贸依存度大小分类实施不同贸易政策,继续推进“一带一路”国家基础设施建设,并细化自由贸易协定。 相似文献
This study analyzes the effects of inflation on intra- and intercounty wage inequality, specialization, and growth, using a North–South endogenous growth model with international trade and money. The relationship between inflation and intracountry wage inequality depends on firms' credit constraints and on the inflation levels. Our results indicate that inflation decreases specialization in skilled production and increases intracountry wage inequality. Moreover, increasing inflation in the South increases the wage inequality gap between countries. Theoretical results are confirmed through calibration and match with existing empirical evidence. 相似文献
This paper assesses the sensitivity of consolidated corporate performance to two aspects of foreign direct investment (FDI): international involvement and target market selection. Empirical evidence from China-bound FDI by Taiwan's listed companies between 2000 and 2010 is summarized as follows. First, under the internalization of FDI, performance tends to rise with intensity of FDI activity. Second, profitability appears higher as FDI targets the export market outside China. Third, synergetic performance is created mainly through improved efficiency in resource management rather than increased sales, which indicates effective cost control is crucial for successful FDI in emerging markets such as China. 相似文献
The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Productivity and Exports: A Firm-Level Evidence from China
AbstractThis paper investigates the influence of environmental regulation on firm performance, as captured by firm productivity and firm exports. We first construct a Melitz-style model investigating the causal effects of environmental regulation on firm productivity and firm exports, and then test the theoretical predictions using firm-level data over the period 2005–2009. The theoretical and empirical investigation suggests that environmental regulation promotes firm productivity slightly with a lagged effect, has a harmful impact on firm exports, and has a U-shaped relationship with firm exports. China is to the far left of the inflection point, but this U-shaped relationship is not present at firms in clean industries and clean regions. 相似文献
国家税务总局税收科学研究所课题组 《涉外税务》2007,226(4):18-24
近年来东盟与中日韩(以下简称“10 3”)区域一体化发展步伐加快,对本地区的税收政策协调提出了现实的要求。本文主要考察了“10 3”税收协调的现状和面临的困难,认为目前“10 3”税收协调主要还停留在关税协调层面,国内税制的协调,除签署双边税收协定以外,基本没有涉及;而税收协定网络并不健全,有些国家签署的税收协定很少;国际税收管理方面的协调与合作尚未形成有效机制。针对“10 3”各成员国发展水平差异大,经济互补性与竞争性并存,区域一体化程度低但合作形式多样、内容广泛等现实特点,提出“10 3”税收协调的战略框架,即分两个层次:近期的预防性税收协调措施和长期的税收协调机制的建立和完善。在此基础上还就中国的税收应对措施提出了若干建议。 相似文献
This article analyzes the relationships among trade, the economy, and environmental quality in China. First, in the context of these relationships, the Super-SBM model is used to calculate the environmental efficiencies of thirty Chinese provinces and cities to obtain the degrees of regional disparity. Second, China’s provincial panel data from 2003 and 2012 are used to establish an influential factor indicator system of environmental efficiency. A section-weighted fixed effect model then provides insights about influential factors such as spatial heterogeneity. Third, the article establishes a variable coefficient model to identify the relationships among the objects of the study and divides the Chinese regions into four types. The suggestions include enhancing environmental and business regulations to ensure equilibrium between trade, the environment, and local economies. 相似文献
This paper investigates the effects of bank loan availability on the trade credit and credit card demand of small firms, using firm‐level data from the 1995 Credit, Banks, and Small Business Survey, conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business. We find that firms increase their demand for trade credit and credit card debt when facing credit constraints imposed by banks. These results provide evidence of a pecking order of debt financing, where firms increase their reliance on potentially expensive sources of funds when bank loans are not available. 相似文献
我国对外贸易中的突出问题及其政策性因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
张志敏 《中央财经大学学报》2006,(5):68-71
我国对外贸易在取得很大成绩的同时也存在一些突出问题:贸易结构不合理造成的“有贸易无产业”的现象、过大的贸易顺差加剧了贸易摩擦、产业的贸易竞争力较低、资源和环境代价巨大等.这些问题与贸易政策关系密切,其中,政策不完善和缺乏前瞻性,政府调整惰性是主要因素. 相似文献
金融危机导致世界贸易大幅下降,中国对外贸易同样受到严重冲击.当前主要发达国家财政风险较大,各国金融体系受损尚未完全修复,贸易保护主义盛行,人民币升值压力加大,中国面临着复杂的对外贸易环境.在这样的背景下,应审慎对待汇率波动、资本泡沫等可能导致经济不稳定的因素,加强监管,提早防范,积极面对来自发达国家和发展中国家的贸易摩擦;更重要的是加快产业结构升级,争取产业产品的定价权,保证经济的持续稳定增长. 相似文献