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随着国民经济的持续、快速发展,交通运输、汽车等支柱产业迅速兴起,对石油产品的需求不断增长,使石油在我国能源消费构成中的比例逐年提高,而原油增长速度相对较低,导致国内石油的供求矛盾日益突出。为确保我国石油、石化工业长期稳定发展,亟须落实石油资源并优化资源配置。从近中期我国石油供需形势的分析预测入手,探讨了原油配置的区域优化问题。  相似文献   

关于能源安全问题的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着经济的快速增长,能源的需求大幅增加,能源短缺问题日益突出,我国能源的主要矛盾是石油的供不应求。因此,有必要加快发展我国天然气工业,发挥我国煤炭资源的优势,研究利用可再生的生物资源生产醇类燃料等能源优化和替代措施,来缓解石油供需矛盾,还应建立国家战略石油储备,确保石油供应安全。  相似文献   

在未来相当长一段时间内,石油在经济发展中具有不可替代的作用,每年我国都要进口大量石油来满足需要。在世界上有的国家通过战争争夺石油资源的今天,认真分析石油供需状况,革新技术节能增效已刻不容缓。  相似文献   

到21世纪初期,目前的欧佩克成员国中有不少将失去或大幅度减少石油出口能力,世界石油市场可能出现几个相互竞争的石油出口中心,原油价格将越来越取决于非欧佩克国家边际油田的石油供给成本。2010年世界原油产量将达到高峰,之后将出现结构性的石油短缺。为应付这些情况,除加强节能和能源转换以及采取降低液体合成燃料成本等措施外,必须促进石油勘探、开发及生产的技术进步,以增加剩余可采储量,提高采收率。亚太地区石油需求增长率仍将居世界之首,这一地区面临的问题是:对中东石油的依赖性将迅速增加;中国和印尼将成为石油净进口国;轻质油品需求占主导地位,油品质量标准升级;低硫原油和重质燃料油将出现短缺;炼油能力不足,尤其需要增加裂化和脱硫能力。要维持亚太地区石油市场的稳定发展,就有必要鼓励在中东产油国、亚太地区欠发达国家、新兴工业化国家及日本之间,以多种形式开展石油项目的合作。  相似文献   

石油安全是事关经济发展和国家安全的重大战略问题。早在1997年有关领导和专家在《中国国家石油安全战略》中就提出了我国石油安全战略总的方针,并由此开始了我国石油安全问题的研究。其研究成果主要集中在对我国石油供需形势的分析和对国家石油安全战略的建议方面。但是这些成果大都局限于对发达国家在石油安全方面已经取得经验的借鉴,而在如何建立立足于我国国情的石油安全战略体系、石油安全评价量化模型以及石油安全预警体系等方面的研究还不够.亟待开展更深入的研究。  相似文献   

石油需求和预测 中国石油消费历史上曾二次下降,第一次是1981年,第二次是1990年。据统计分析。1978~1990年是我国石油消费的平稳增长期,石油消费从1978年的9130万吨增加到1990年的11030万吨,年均增加158万吨.增长1.6%。2001年中国石油消费量达2.322亿吨.成为继日本(2.475亿吨)之后亚太地区第2位最大的石油需求国。  相似文献   

保障石油供应 维护石油安全   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过我国与美国石油工业供需发展情况的对比,在分析美国石油工业发展的经验、结合我国石油工业自身特点和不足的基础上,对我国的石油供应提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

从经济运行、高耗能产业、固定资产投资、制造业投资等多个方面,全面分析了2013年我国宏观经济形势情况;并从煤炭、石油、天然气供需状况、可再生资源发展状况等方面,分析了2013年我国能源供需形势。分析认为,2013年我国的能源供需总体宽松,能源消费增速显著下降。  相似文献   

我国石油市场“十五”供需回顾及“十一五”展望(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“十五”期间,随着我国经济发展的重化工业化特征和城市化进程明显加快.石油产品市场经历了一个由供需平稳到供需偏紧的发展过程.我国成为仅次于美国的全球第二大石油消费国,虽然石油生产增速有所加快,但消费增长更快.年均增长达到7.7%,高于同期生产增速5.6个百分点,进口依存度也急剧扩大。石油已成为制约我国经济和社会发展的一个主要瓶颈。[编者按]  相似文献   

未来十年世界石油供需格局判断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张国生  梁坤  武娜 《国际石油经济》2012,20(4):1-6,124,125
随着中国石油对外依存度逐年攀升,世界石油市场变动将对国内石油供应产生重大影响.世界存在中东、中亚—俄罗斯、非洲和中南美洲四大石油供应中心以及亚太、欧洲、北美三大石油供应洼地,北美已实现石油来源多元化,欧洲形成以中亚—俄罗斯为主、中东和非洲为辅的供应格局,亚太地区石油供应严重依赖中东.世界剩余石油资源能够满足未来十年发展需求,但不同情景的供应格局将有所差异.在高油价情景下,美洲地区能够实现石油自给,中东石油将更多地流向亚太;在低油价情景下,全球对中东地区石油的依赖将进一步增强.未来非常规石油、深水石油和伊拉克石油产量增长潜力巨大,有望成为全球石油供应增长的重要支撑.世界石油需求增幅受各国应对气候变化政策执行力度的影响而存在变数.世界石油市场全球化趋势不可逆转,中国应持续强化“走出去”战略,稳步推进石油进口来源多元化,强化关键技术装备研发,把握未来发展制高点,以全球视野保障国家石油供应安全.  相似文献   

在油田原油的开采、集输及交接计量中,原油液量和含水率是油田生产的重要指标。近年来随着含水上升速度加快,吨油成本逐年提高,对分队计量数据的准确性提出了更高的要求,如何运用先进计量技术及工艺技术提高分队计量准确度,及时发现生产中存在的问题,科学合理地考核采油队原油任务完成情况,充分调动采油队原油生产的积极性,提高采油厂的经济效益,已成为计量工作亟待解决的问题。介绍了分队计量系统组成及射频含水仪工作原理,综合分析了影响分队计量准确度的主要因素,研究探讨了降低分队计量误差的措施。  相似文献   

讨论了加入世界贸易组织后,河北省铸造业所面临的机遇与挑战,分析了河北省乃至全国铸造业的现状和与国外存在的差距。根据世贸组织规则和铸造业特点及河北省具体情况,提出了河北省铸造业发展的措施和建议,例如:我国铸件生产能力大,但开工明显不足;铸件质量低、价格低、竞争能力低,同时面临世界铸件需求旺盛的机遇。文中从厂点布局、管理水平、铸件精度、环保意识、现代企业制度的建立等方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

Irrigation,agricultural performance and poverty reduction in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The overall goal of our paper is to understand the impact that irrigation in China has had on grain production and incomes, in general, and income and poverty alleviation in poor areas, in particular. The paper seeks to meet three objectives. First, we describe the relationship among irrigation status, yields and household crop revenue. Second, we seek to understand the magnitude and nature of the effect that irrigation has on yields and crop revenue. Finally, we seek to understand the impact that irrigation has on incomes in poor areas. Our analysis shows that irrigation contributes to increases in yields for almost all crops and in income for farmers in all areas. The importance of crop income in poor areas and the strong relationship between crop revenue and irrigation provides evidence of the importance of irrigation in past and future poverty alleviation in China. We also show that in the majority of the villages that invested in new irrigation, returns are positive even after accounting for increases in capital and production costs.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(10):914-932
This article analyzes the engagement of Japanese, Korean and Chinese participants in the development of Internet standards at IETF on the basis of four quantitative metrics: attendance, patenting, authorship and leadership. The results are strikingly divergent. Japanese involvement in Internet standardization began early and Japan was, for many years, second only to the U.S. in terms of IETF participation. Though Japanese participation has declined since the early 2000s, Japan remains a major contributor to IETF standardization. Korean involvement in IETF has always been significant, but below the levels of Japan and major European countries. Korean participation in IETF has also declined over the past decade, and has been dominated by one firm, Samsung. Though meaningful Chinese involvement in IETF did not begin until the mid-2000s, it has rapidly expanded in recent years. Today, China is a major player in numerous areas of Internet standardization in terms of three metrics (participation, patenting and leadership), and is rapidly gaining in terms of document authorship as well. Most of China׳s recent IETF involvement can be attributed to Huawei, though other Chinese firms have recently begun to increase their participation in the organization. Thus, contrary to some views that China׳s engagement with standardization is primarily one of indigenous innovation and “catching up”, China׳s experience with IETF demonstrates deliberate and effective engagement with a major Western standards-development organization on its own terms.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the activities performed by the Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe and Balkan countries (NCDNCEE) in the past decade. The article gives a retrospective of the achievements and challenges in building capacity in nutrition research.Recognizing the lack of capacity and incoherent nutritional situation in CEE/BC, the United Nations University (UNU), Food & Nutrition Programme and the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) encouraged the formation of NCDNCEE in 2005, which became CAPNUTRA in 2012.The network’s aim was to initiate and support tailor-made activities for capacity development in food & nutrition in research and training in CEE/BC. To identify the challenges and needs of nutrition research in the region, the network performed inventories on existence of food composition databases, food systems elements, dietary surveys, micronutrient recommendations, application of dietary assessment methods and grey literature. Further on, the network focused on the development of food composition databases and concomitant data management software, the Diet Assess & Plan platform for food consumption collection, dietary intake assessment and nutrition planning. These and other elements form the Balkan Food Platform, which underpins harmonized nutrition research in CEE/BC. Among key actions promoted by the platform are EFSA-supported dietary surveys conducted in four Balkan countries, on children and adults, in which food consumption data are collected and analysed in a harmonized way. Cooperation with FAO and active participation in international research projects enhanced the exchange of information and knowledge and brought international recognition to the CAPNUTRA network.  相似文献   

The liberalization of the telecommunications sector in Togo aimed at ensuring access to a better quality of telecommunication services at affordable prices to everyone. While the liberalization policy has increased competition in the sector and reduced significantly telecommunication services prices charged to costumers, statistics on the access and use of telecommunication services in Togo reveal disparities with respect to individuals' socio-economic characteristics which could be an indication of the existence of inequalities of opportunities in the access and use of these services.This paper investigates the inequalities of opportunity in the access and use of telecommunication services in Togo using a parametric approach. The results of estimations indicate that, inequalities of opportunities are larger for men and the elderly than respectively women and youths and are more pronounced in urban areas and regions such as the Plateaux and Savanna regions. Moreover, the circumstance variables such as the ‘place of residence’ and the ‘region’ are the key variables in explaining the inequalities of opportunities in the access and use of telecommunication services in Togo. So, policies toward reducing inequalities of opportunity in the access and use of telecommunication services in Togo should be designed with regards to men, the elderly, and people living in urban areas and regions such as the Plateaux and Savanna regions.  相似文献   

The reduction of the digital divide due to the availability of the Internet and the improvement of skills is accompanied by reverse and resistance trends associated with the influence of socio-demographic and economic characteristics of users. In this paper, we estimate the volume and dynamics of the digital divide in access and use of the Internet in Russia by key social groups according to a longitudinal survey for 2008–2018. We found that along with the reducing of the digital divide, its gaps still remain. The greatest polarization is associated with the income, age, and type of residence of the respondents. The most vulnerable social groups on access to ICTs and Internet use are the low-income, the elderly, citizens with disabilities, and those living in rural areas. The reverse shifts in the digital divide were recorded mainly in relation to the Internet usage by age between the middle-age and youth and by gender. In addition, we pointed out the most resistance social groups to reduce the digital divide in the period under review, in particular, by income and type of residence of the respondents. The findings contribute to an understanding of the dynamics and social consequences of the digital divide and can be taken into account in social policy and measures.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2018,42(10):800-809
There has been increasing scholarly interest in the concepts and practices of smart governance. However, there is a lack of comparative studies of smart governance in different institutional contexts. This study develops a framework for comparing smart governance in different institutional and technological contexts. Comparative and discourse analyses are conducted to understand the similarities and differences of smart governance practices in selected Western countries and China. A key finding of this study is that different institutions have largely affected smart governance strategies, arrangements and outcomes. Smart governance is tightly linked with e-governance and e-democracy in some Western countries, while it officially emphasizes smart management and service in China. A common aspect is that the increasing use of social media, smartphones, portals, crowdsourcing platforms, and planning support systems have generally promoted smart governments and services, e-participation, and wider collaboration through both top-down and bottom-up approaches. This could lead to gradual changes in government organizations, new relations between governments, the private sector and citizens, and improvements in the city.  相似文献   

国内外工程项目管理现状比较与探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章在介绍国外大型工程公司项目管理的形式、内容、手段和方法的基础上,对我国工程项目管理的现状及主要差距进行了较详细的分析和总结,并针对国内企业在工程项目管理方面存在的问题以及体制上存在的不足提出了一些较具体的建议.即:建构项目管理学科的培训内容;促进项目管理软件的开发与应用;建立科学的工程项目管理体系;重视工程项目的风险;抓紧培养人才,培育一批工程总承包和工程项目管理企业等.  相似文献   

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