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"过渡型社区"的概念、生成因素与存在的困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“过渡型社区”是我国快速城市化进程中出现的一种新型社区形态,其形成过程中地方政府发挥了核心作用,并受到经济、文化等因素的影响。“过渡型社区”形成后,面临着失地农民和流动人口的双重压力,带来了不同于一般社区的整合困境,如何突破这一困境,达到“过渡型社区”的良好治理成为学术界亟需关注的问题。  相似文献   

品牌定位在市场营销战略中的地位   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文认为,品牌是消费者关于该品牌的所有知识和联想,它存在于消费者的头脑中。品牌定位是在消费者心目中确定一个独特的位置,使本品牌和竞争品牌相区分,或使品牌与消费者的特定需求和目标相联系,它在企业营销战略中居于十分重要的地位。品牌定位有两种主要方式即竞争定位和目标定位,不论采用何种方式,企业都可以通过定位声明从战略高度对品牌面向谁和提供何种利益等问题作出回答,以协调企业内外的营销活动和保证定位的一致性。  相似文献   

Social networks are generally made of individuals who are linked by some types of interdependencies such as friendship. Most individuals in social networks have many linkages in terms of friends, connections, and/or followers. Among these linkages, some of them are stronger than others. For instance, some friends may be acquaintances of an individual, whereas others may be friends who care about him or her (e.g., who frequently post on his or her wall). In this study, we integrate data mining with social computing to form a social network mining algorithm, which helps the individual distinguish these strong friends from a large number of friends in a specific portion of the social networks in which he or she is interested. Moreover, our mining algorithm allows the individual to interactively change his or her mining parameters. Furthermore, we discuss applications of our social mining algorithm to organizational computing and e-commerce  相似文献   

知识资本是知识经济时代特有的一种资本形态 ,是人类社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物。知识资本将在组织结构、管理方式、市场营销、发展战略等各个方面对企业产生重要影响 ,所以企业必须根据知识资本的特点对其进行有效管理。  相似文献   

赵晓丽  李祺 《商业研究》2006,(23):141-145
消费集成作为一种新的营销管理模式,引起了商家越来越多的关注。消费集成主要包括顾客忠诚卡制度和虚拟社区消费两种形式。消费集成的效果取决于消费者的获益程度,消费集成有利于实现消费者效用最大化。另外,消费集成给消费者带来更大效用的同时,也存在一定的风险,为此,必须对消费集成的风险加强防范。  相似文献   

Intereconomics - The new EU member candidates, as well as those who have had this status for a decade, present the Union with an opportunity to decide what kind of club it should be.  相似文献   

运用含有噪声的甄别博弈模型,分析得出东道国在引资过程中需要结合自身情况和其他引资国的政策制定符合本国福利增进的引资分割点,且东道国引资优惠额度越大反而越有可能损害本国福利。在此基础上结合我国1997-2009年引进FDI数据进行实证分析得出:(1)整体FDI对我国福利效应的增加带来了积极作用,但FDI对收入福利指数的贡献较小,对生产福利指数贡献较大;(2)自2005年开始,制造行业FDI对我国福利增加的贡献率趋于减小且有恶化趋势;而处于农、林、牧、渔业和信息传输、计算机服务和软件行业的FDI对我国福利的贡献率却逐渐增加;(3)处于后危机时代的FDI在引资政策上更应该重视产业导向以提升FDI的正向福利效应。  相似文献   

<正>高敏,未到而立之年,已是汉帛集团掌门人,对外界给她冠上富二代称号,感到有些无辜。她说,"我只是半个富二代,另一半的角色是创业者。"尽管企业传承是个普遍性难题,但总有人能把它处理得得心应手。"它山之石,可以攻玉",从那些成功进行企业传承的案例中,我们读到的不只是一个个故事,更是一种传承智慧,以及可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

西方投资理论发展至今经历了三个主要阶段:第一阶段,以20世纪30年代凯恩斯的宏观经济学革命为标志;第二阶段,以20世纪60年代第一、二次华尔街革命为标志;第三阶段,20世纪80年代后的近几十年,关于投资的理论在微观领域内迅疾发展,"行为心理学"、"博弈论"的思想被移植到投资研究的领域内,使以往经典的"完全市场"和"理性人"的假设被颠覆,投资理论的研究自此又翻开了新的一页。  相似文献   

吸引效应反映了个体决策行为中的一种非理性行为,是指一特定备择项的加入会令选择集中某一备择项变得更有吸引力,从而被选概率提高的一种现象。本文主要介绍了吸引效应的基本含义及基本策略,探讨了影响吸引效应的主要因素以及吸引效应的形成机理,并对吸引效应的未来研究方向做出了展望。  相似文献   

In advertising agencies, insight is frequently sought to solve advertising problems. However, the ideation process of the account planner is not well understood. Viewing account planning through a lens of absorptive capacity suggests that planning is about identifying and assimilating external information about consumers for use in the creative process. Account planners thus need to search deliberately for insight and work hard to express it to the creatives, who then exploit it to develop powerful creative ideas. The study adopts an in-depth grounded theory investigation of the insight phenomenon among 20 Sydney-based account planners. The findings reveal that identifying and applying insight is a highly creative process. The account planner uses research, personal knowledge domains, challenging conventions, borrowed sources, and central narrative extension to search for insights. However, because not all insights are equal, this study also uncovered what account planners consider quality insight. These include attributes of originality, relatability, usability, and vision. These findings provide guidelines for marketers and account planners who seek insight in framing an advertising message.  相似文献   

While pictures tell stories, in the case of cartoons, stories also tell pictures. A theory of cartooning suggests that cartoons reflect public sentiment toward issues. As such, cartoons are a useful way of gauging and tracking public sentiment over time. This article uses a historical cartoon analysis to track public sentiment toward issues surrounding corporate governance. Specifically, it compares what cartoons reflected prior to the economic crash of 2008 and what they portrayed after. The criteria of narrative, location, binary struggle, and normative transfer were used as a framework to analyze 258 cartoons. We found that three major changes emerged after the 2008 crash that hold important lessons for those who govern corporations: the public's concern is no longer so much about corporate and individual fraudulent behavior as it is about corporate and individual greed; there is an impression that corporations do not do bad things so much as they do not do any good things; and ordinary people, workers, and taxpayers are those who suffer most when corporations are not governed well.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates an exogenous growth model that nests overlapping generations of workers who save for life cycle reasons with dynastic agents who save for bequest reasons (‘capitalists’). The model overcomes Marglin's objection that the overlapping generations framework requires special assumptions about technology, and it also provides a natural environment to revisit Samuelson's analysis of lump‐sum transfers between generations. The ability of a benevolent planner to improve workers' welfare is severely restricted by the control capitalists exercise over the accumulation process. Prefunding social security assumes renewed significance because it overcomes this restriction.  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国金融市场化步伐加快,金融领域竞争将更加激烈,所面临的各种风险也随之加大;而我国金融业存在大量的不良资产显然不利于我国金融业竞争力的提升,对不良资产的处理成为我国金融改革中一个重要问题.日本在这方面的经验值得我们借鉴.  相似文献   

This article provides a new, C-OAR-SE-based, contrastive measure that distinguishes “brand love” from “brand liking.” The new measure is tested in an empirical study conducted among German university students about brands of products that they buy in four diverse product categories. From a consumer perspective, the incidence of consumers who have a loved brand in the category was found to be only 17 % for laundry detergent, 18 % for coffee, and 26 % for computers, peaking at 45 % in the fashion clothing category — findings that suggest that over half of young consumers do not acquire the state of brand love. Turning alternatively to a brand perspective, the findings indicate that, in general, about one in four of the brand’s customers will come to love the brand. Loving the brand, versus merely liking it, clearly pays off behaviorally — thereby demonstrating very good predictive validity for the new contrastive measure. Brand purchase or usage rate and brand recommendations were found to be approximately doubled for those who love the brand in comparison with those who merely like it.  相似文献   

Past studies of dissatisfied consumers have either examined what kinds of people get upset about business practices or what kinds of people complain about the way they have been treated in the marketplace. This article develops a new profile of the dissatisfied consumer by considering not only who gets upset about business practices, but also what they do about it. This profile appears more complete than profiles presented in earlier studies. Several important conclusions are offered concerning the nature of consumer dissatisfaction and consumer policy.  相似文献   

反倾销的滥用及其贸易保护主义效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒋德恩 《国际贸易问题》2007,291(3):114-118
近年来,反倾销这种对不正当竞争行为的补救措施出现了滥用的趋势。对反倾销措施的不正当使用使实施国的某些企业除受到保护之外,还可以获得额外的利益,而反倾销的目标国的企业则受到了严重的损害。这种滥用反倾销的行为日益受到各国的关注。这种滥用行为可以通过政府间的斡旋,诉诸争端解决机制,或谈判修订有关规则而得到制约。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(3):395-404
A major factor in the success of an organization is its culture. Organizational culture can significantly influence the performance and effectiveness of a company; the morale and productivity of its employees; and its ability to attract, motivate, and retain talented people. Unfortunately, many leaders are either unaware of the significant impact culture can have, are aware but overwhelmed by the extensive and sometimes conflicting information available on culture, or are not well informed about how to build and sustain cultures effectively. This article integrates the most consistent findings that leaders need to know about culture and what they can do to build strong, successful cultures that bring out the best in people. Developing organizational culture requires far more than talk about culture and emphasis on its importance. In order to achieve the best results, culture development requires leaders who see it as one of their key tasks and who understand the importance of aligning organization strategies and decision making with cultural ideals.  相似文献   

Success is as much about whom you know as it is about what youknow and how you perform. Networks, mentors, and role modelsplay pivotal roles in corporate climbing and entrepreneurship.Although the business lexicon only recently incorporated theseterms into its vocabulary, Pamela Laird convincingly arguesthat these forms of social capital, which she calls pull, havealways helped determine success. Moreover, because they existprimarily among individuals who see each other as belongingto the same cohort, success  相似文献   

Rand’s philosophy of objectivism has enjoyed a recent resurgence of interest in the United States, but little is known about how it is conceptualized in non-Western cultures and how it influences business practice. This paper investigates and supports the existence of a form of objectivism within the Chinese culture, drawing into question the notion that Chinese society is inherently collective. Results concerning an anticipated metaphysical dimension were inconclusive, suggesting that Chinese who embody epistemological, ethical, and political aspects of objectivism lack a corresponding and clear notion of causality, time, and identity.  相似文献   

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