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唐晓倩 《银行家》2013,(1):114-116
基本案情2008年,林成、郑晓夫妻以买房的名义申请住房公积金个人借款。林成向西定县住房公积金办公室提供了一份其本人与九龙房地产开发有限公司的房屋买卖协议,但林成并未实际购买该房屋。2008年8月19日,林成、郑晓作为借款人,魏生、林卫(林成之妹)作为保证人与西定A银行签订了《北宁市住房公积金个人住房借款合同》。同日,西定县公证处对该借款合同进行了公证,公证内容包括三方当事人在订立合同时具有法律规定的民事权利能力和民事行为能力,合同上三方当事人的盖章、签字、指印属实等。同日,西定A银行向林成交付了10万元借款,林成在个人住房贷款凭证上签字确认。林成于2008年9月、10月、11月、12月分别按期偿还本金和利息共计3209.2元后于2009年元月死亡,剩余本金98521.19元及利息一直未予偿还。  相似文献   

李源洪 《银行家》2011,(12):111-113
基本案情原告东城大化公交广告有限公司与被告新城银行股份有限公司大名分行广告合同纠纷一案,于2011年8月24日公开开庭进行了审理。2009年1 2月20日,原告作为乙方与被告作为甲方签订《大化公交广告发布合同》,约定原告为被告设计、制作、发布公交广告10台,时间为2009年12月25日至2010年12月24日;合同约定被告向原告分三次共支付293400元广告费,在广告发布结束前付完,现原告已按约定全部履行自己的义务,而被告拖欠原告29340元广告费拒不支付,构成严重违约。按照原、被告签订的《大化公交广告发布合同》第四条规定,"甲方未按期支付到期款项,应按合同总标的30%向乙方支付违约金"。为此,原告按合同总标的30%计算,被告应向原告支付约定的违约金88020元。原告多次以友好的态度与被告协商未果。2010年12月20日,原告聘请东城正程信律师事务所给被告发了催款律师函,并告知  相似文献   

金融消费者保护在国外尤其是在欧美发达国家已逐步成熟,而在我国近年来才逐渐引起重视。本文通过对一起借款合同纠纷案件的分析,指出了我国金融消费者保护存在的主要问题,提出了完善我国金融消费者保护制度的建议。  相似文献   

基本案情1999年7月30日,王永辉与王都实业有限公司(以下简称王都公司)签订《商品房购销合同》,王永辉购买王都公司开发的位于B市小庄区新村河边街1号五福世家C幢8楼1号房屋一套,总房款为793336元。合同签订后,王永辉向王都公司首付房款243335.60元,余款为银行按揭。1999年8月11日,王永辉与A银  相似文献   

基本案情A银行东达支行在一审中诉称:2002年7月26日,A银行东达支行与张大生、成泰公司签订《中国A银行分行个人住房贷款借款合同》(以下简称《借款合同》),约定张大生向A银行东达支行借款184万元,借款期限自2002年7月26日至2012年7月25日,张大生应从贷款发放的次月开始,按月偿还贷款本息。成泰公司  相似文献   

基本案情原告为魏某。被告为某建设工程有限公司(简称B公司),B公司罗某等该公司股东4人(均因虚报注册资本罪被判处刑罚)和某会计师事务所;A银行为无独立请求权的第三人。  相似文献   

基本案情上诉人中国A银行新宾满族自治县支行(下称A银行新宾支行)为与被上诉人中国B财产保险股份有限公司抚顺中心支公司(下称B保险公司抚顺支公司)保险合同纠纷一案,不服抚顺市中级人民法院民事判决,向二审法院提起上  相似文献   

案情原告陈东春诉A市商业银行股份有限公司大和支行(下称大和支行)储蓄存款纠纷一案,原审法院于2004年12月15日作出的民事判决,已发生法律效力。A市人民检察院第二分院于2006年9月18日对该案提出抗诉。原审认定,2002年4月27日原告到被告处存款,原告交易完毕后,其存折上显示:续存25000,现支25000,续存  相似文献   

基本案情原告张峰涛与被告A市邮政储蓄银行(以下简称市邮政储蓄银行)、被告A市邮政储蓄银行某区长安路邮政储蓄所(以下简称长安储蓄所)储蓄合同纠纷一案基本案情如下:2004年7月2日,原告在被告长安储蓄所办理了中国邮政储蓄活期存折一本、绿卡(储蓄卡)一张,并设置了密码。此后,原告陆续在该账户  相似文献   

High‐cost consumer credit has proliferated in the past two decades, raising regulatory scrutiny. We match administrative data from a payday lender with nationally representative credit bureau files to examine the choices of payday loan applicants and assess whether payday loans help or harm borrowers. We find consumers apply for payday loans when they have limited access to mainstream credit. In addition, the weakness of payday applicants’ credit histories is severe and longstanding. Based on regression discontinuity estimates, we show that the effects of payday borrowing on credit scores and other measures of financial well‐being are close to zero. We test the robustness of these null effects to many factors, including features of the local market structure.  相似文献   

正确确定合同准据法是有效解决国际贷款合同法律冲突的关键,准据法的确定一般应遵循当事人意思自治原则和有管辖权的法院确认原则,就国际融资实践而言,国际借款合同的准据法的适应范围是很广的,但在涉及当事人身份能力,合同形式以及有关诉讼程序等问题上却不适用合同准据法,而受其他有效法律的调整。  相似文献   

This paper examines the financial ratio covenants found in a sample of 25 UK bank loan contracts and 13 contract templates. Minimum net worth, interest cover and gearing are the most widely occurring ratios. GAAP are used as the basis for all definitions. The definitions of net worth, borrowings and interest are frequently modified in a conservative direction, drawing on information both from the notes to published accounts and from outside those accounts. The definitions of profit, current assets and current liabilities, however, rarely deviate from GAAP. Thus some definitions restrict corporate management's scope to avoid covenant violation through appropriate accounting method choice while other definitions appear to permit it. Furthermore the widespread use of ‘rolling’ GAAP means that standard setters need to bear in mind that new standards can cause covenant violations. The findings of this study are consistent with those of previous research in the US and Australia.  相似文献   

The Effects of Banking Mergers on Loan Contracts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper studies the effects of banking mergers on individual business borrowers. Using information on individual loan contracts between banks and companies, I analyze the effect of banking consolidation on banks' credit policies. I find that in-market mergers benefit borrowers if these mergers involve the acquisition of banks with small market shares. Interest rates charged by the consolidated banks decrease, but as the local market share of the acquired bank increases, the efficiency effect is offset by market power. Mergers have different distributional effects across borrowers. When banks become larger, they reduce the supply of loans to small borrowers.  相似文献   

Using a sample of firms that disclose the realizations of earnings used for determining covenant compliance in loan contracts, we provide direct evidence on the informational properties of earnings used in the performance covenants included in debt contracts. We find that the earnings measure used in performance covenants does not exhibit asymmetric loss timeliness and has significantly greater cash flow predictive ability than GAAP measures of earnings. We suggest that these results reflect the idea that contracting parties design accounting rules for performance covenants to enhance their efficacy as “tripwires.”  相似文献   

以信号理论、信息不对称理论、关系型信贷理论以及债务代理成本理论等信贷合约相关理论为基础,围绕信贷合约的内部机理,即内生变量利率、担保和期限三者之闻的相互关系以及影响信贷合约的关键外生变量,提出了本文需要验证的若干核心理论假设,在考虑信贷合约要素利率、担保和期限内生性的情况下,建立了结构方程模型,最后对结构方程模型解的识别进行了验证并给出了结构方程模型的理论求解.  相似文献   

张贵有 《国际融资》2002,(10):44-45
近年来,随着资金融通领域不断拓宽,融通的品种和数量也呈现出前所未有的发展势头.发生在金融机构与企业、金融机构与个人、企业与企业、企业与个人以及个人与个人之间的各种资金借贷关系异彩纷呈.从资金融通角度出发,这种现象无疑是件好事.  相似文献   

The attitudes of lending bankers to the use of restrictive ratio covenants in loan contracts are of importance to both corporate management and accounting policy makers. Such attitudes also underly research linking costly contracting with accounting policy choices. This paper reports a survey of 33 UK lending bankers. It analyses their views on (a) the extent of ratio covenants in UK bank loan contracts and factors with which their presence is most likely to be associated; (b) costs that may be imposed on borrowers violating such covenants or expecting to do so; and (c) the ability of borrowers to avoid such costs by appropriate choice of accounting methods. Respondents indicated that ratio covenants are widely used, particularly for loans in excess of £1 million and with companies that are relatively highly geared. ‘High cost’ penalties such as loan acceleration are most likely to be adopted where no prior warning has been given of a covenant breach. Where prior warning has been given, or where a breach is due to an acquisition, waivers and contract renegotiation are more likely responses. Breaches caused by new SSAPs cause few real costs to borrowers, while just under 60% of respondents indicate they may take no action in response to a voluntary accounting method change.  相似文献   

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