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由中国质量认证中心(CQC)主办的“认证机构履行社会责任研讨会”日前在北京召开。会上,中国质量认证中心、中国信息安全认证中心、方圆标志认证集团3家认证机构共同发起《中国认证机构履行社会责任联合倡议》,《中国质量认证中心社会责任报告(2002—2011)》同时发布。  相似文献   

本文系国资委副主任黄淑和11月3日在中央企业社会责任工作会议上的讲话.标题为本刊编辑所加,内容有删减。在此次会议上,黄淑和强调“闰前还没有发布社会责任报告或可持续发展报告的企业,要积极研究,尽早启动,逐步建立报告发布制度,力争在3年内所有中央企业都能做到定期向社会公羿发布企业社会责任报告或可持续发展报告。已经发布报告的企业,要不断提高报告质量,增强报告的时效性、客观性、可比性和可读性。”  相似文献   

以国有上市公司社会责任榜发布事件为基础,采用事件研究法,检验企业社会责任绩效信息在我国资本市场的信息含量。研究表明,上市公司披露的社会责任信息,在经过甄别过滤后,"信号"有所增强,信息有用性相对提高,但是其所发挥的作用依然弱于公司规模、会计盈余等因素。因此提出了积极推进企业社会责任绩效评价工作的社会化、进一步规范社会责任绩效报告的形式与内容,增强其可理解性以及尽早实施社会责任审计制度等建议,以期提高市场的认同度,实现企业履行社会责任与信息传递的良性循环。  相似文献   

一个完整有效的具有普遍可执行力的履行企业社会责任的系统应该包含对履行企业社会责任的指导及协助,企业社会责任的报告与披露,对报告的评审、监督,纳入企业目标与绩效考评体系,最后建立奖惩制度。  相似文献   

上市公司社会责任报告通过外部鉴证或认证,可以增加报告使用者和内部管理者对社会责任报告数据质量的信心,使其更值得信赖和便于决策,并给企业的未来前景提供了强有力的参考。本文以上市公司发布的社会责任报告为研究样本,系统分析了社会责任报告独立鉴证的现状,探究其鉴证的规律,最后得出结论并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

1月13日,玉柴机器2009年新闻发布暨营销服务大会在南宁隆重召开。大会的主要内容有“三年再造一个玉柴”新闻发布、签订“社会责任共同承诺书”、总结2008年玉柴营销服务工作。有1300多人出席了此次大会。  相似文献   

今年1月,国资委印发了《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》,要求中央企业要带头履行好社会责任。本文拟就政府管理特别是工商行政管理对推动企业社会责任的履行谈点粗浅的看法和建议。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院高度重视社区卫生工作,国务院召开全国城市社区卫生工作会议十分重要。我们一定认真学习和贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理的重要指示和吴仪副总理的重要讲话,以及《国务院关于发展城市社区卫生服务的指导意见》的精神,从促进国民经济持续平稳较快发展和社会全面进步的高度,切实履行好发展改革部门的工作职责,将发展社区卫生服务的工作落到实处。  相似文献   

朱伟 《中国海关》2013,(5):73-73
党的“十八大”和今年的政府工作报告都提及社会团体改革思路,将推动行业协会改革,通过依托市场服务和收取会费等实施运转。这样的改革举措将对口岸协会有怎样的影响?  相似文献   

深化睦邻互信促进东北亚各国共同发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,东北亚各国在政治上应相互尊重,共同协商;在经济上应相互促进,共同发展;在文化上应相互借鉴,共同繁荣;在安全上应相互信任,共享和平。文章提出了东北亚地区各国睦邻合作的五点建议:一是继续深化睦邻友好;二是大力拓宽经贸合作;三是积极推进金融合作;四是发展中小企业集群;五是建立物流合作网络。本文还指出,要从四个方面重点推进区域合作,为最终实现东北亚自由贸易区奠定坚实的基础。第一,持续推进图门江区域项目合作计划;第二,抓住振兴东北老工业基地的发展机遇,促进东北亚地区经济结构调整和发展;第三,共同解决东北亚地区的能源安全问题;第四,逐步改善各国贸易商品结构。  相似文献   


In order to promote web sales, companies conducting electronic commerce are constantly seeking viable and efficient ways to increase web traffic. One approach is to build consumers' trust, and ultimately to increase web sales. Many business-to-consumer online merchants follow this approach and display trust-promoting seals on their websites. However, whether these seals really fulfill the tasks they have promised has remained unexplored. This study empirically examines the influence of trust-promoting seals on consumers' online purchasing decisions. The results show that the trust-promoting seals are generally effective in promoting web sales, and some seals enhance promotion better than others.  相似文献   


The global market has begun to effect organizations in most industries. Organizations are entering strategic alliances and networks of these alliances to reduce risk, exposure, and to compete effectively in a global context. This paper views the importance of the network of alliances from a dynamic capabilities perspective that builds off of the resource-based view of the firm.

The paper explores the development of strong form trust to maintain and facilitate the advantages of the network members. The steps in which this form of trust development is outlined, including: appropriate identification of candidates, the funding mechanism, network inclusion, top management team inclusion, as well as, effective communication.  相似文献   

The Third International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) hosted by the Communist Party of China (CPC) will soon be convened. This is the very first international political party meeting ever sponsored by the CPC in its history. It is a grand gathering for political parties from various Asian countries to share their experience in running the party and state affairs, explore ways of friendly cooperation, formulate strategies of peace and development through joint consultation and promote regional cooperation in Asia.……  相似文献   

The Third International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) hosted by the Communist Party of China (CPC) will soon be convened. This is the very first international political party meeting ever sponsored by the CPC in its history. It is a grand gathering for political parties from various Asian countries to share their experience in running the party and state affairs, explore ways of friendly cooperation, formulate strategies of peace and development through joint consultation and promote regional cooperation in Asia.  相似文献   

随着现代化进程的发展,人类在追求自身进步的同时也不可避免地对环境造成了破坏,对现代人的文明生活构成威胁。  相似文献   

Energy efficient buildings refer to those meeting energy efficient standards during design and building process and thus consuming less energy in use.  相似文献   

In 2015, for the first time in history, the number of extremely poor people dropped below 10 percent of the world’s population. The world also adopted 17 new Sustainable Development Goals, and more than 180 countries agreed to curb carbon emissions. Hardly ever before have so many governments, businesses, international organizations, and civil society groups agreed on such ambitious targets. However, the global economic environment is weak and fragile and getting more volatile. Emerging economies and developing countries are underperforming, commodity prices will likely stay low, climate change is an additional threat, and the geopolitical situation is tense. These risks are global in nature and therefore need global, coordinated responses. countries need to build stronger foundations to be able to withstand shocks and volatilities. We should not just care about the level of growth, but also the quality and inclusiveness of the growth process. There is a strong and positive correlation between the quality of institutions and a country’s prosperity.  相似文献   

As Bangladesh celebrated its 37th anniversary of Independence and National Day on March 26, China's Foreign Trade interviewed H.E.Mr.Munshi Faiz Ahmad,Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bangladesh to the People's Republic of China."Bangladesh and China enjoy traditional friendship for a long time.For example,Xuan Zang (the Chinese Buddhist monk famous for his"Journey to the West"during the Tang dynasty) and Admiral Zheng He (the great Chinese navigator from the Ming dynasty) visited Bengal in their respective times.  相似文献   

西部大开发是我国在世纪之交作出的旨在加快西部地区发展、消除区域经济发展非均衡的重大战略举措。西部开发的关键是通过大力发展高新技术产业培育西部地区自身的经济增长点,促进西部自成长机制的形成.而风险投资作为一项重要的投融资体制创新,将有效地推动西部地区高新技术产业的发展和西部创新机制的形成,对于西部大开发战略的实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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