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S&P 500 trading strategies and stock betas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows that S&P 500 stock betas are overstatedand the non-S&P 500 stock betas are understated becauseof liquidity price effects caused by the S&P 500 tradingstrategies. The daily and weekly betas of stocks added to theS&P 500 index during 1985-1989 increase, on average, by0.211 and 0.130. The difference between monthly betas of otherwisesimilar S&P 500 and non-S&P 500 stocks also equals 0.125during this period. Some of these increases can be explainedby the reduced nonsynchroneity of S&P 500 stock prices,but the remaining increases are explained by the price pressureor excess volatility caused by the S&P 500 trading strategies.I estimate that the price pressures account for 8.5 percentof the total variance of daily returns of a value-weighted portfolioof NYSE/AMEX stocks. The negative own autocorrelations in S&P500 index returns and the negative cross autocorrelations betweenS&P 500 stock returns provide further evidence consistentwith the price pressure hypothesis.  相似文献   

We show here that risky asset returns generating processes stated in terms of factors which include both accounting and non-accounting based measures of risk (e.g. book to market ratios) imply, under fairly standard regularity conditions, that the Sharpe-Lintner-Black asset pricing model beta is a 'sufficient' statistic in the sense that it captures all important attributes of the returns generating process in a single number. We then derive the parametric relationship between betas based on inefficient index portfolios and betas based on the market or tangency portfolio. We demonstrate that the relationship between risky asset expected returns and betas computed on the basis of inefficient index portfolios is both consistent with the predictions of the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the multi-factor asset pricing models of Fama and French (1992, 1993, 1995 and 1996). The 'trick' is to realise that inefficient index portfolios are composed of the market portfolio and a collection of inefficient but self financing 'kernel' or 'arbitrage' portfolios. It then follows that there is a perfect linear cross sectional relationship between risky asset expected returns, betas based on inefficient index portfolios and the arbitrage portfolios. Hence, if we happen to stumble across variables that span the same subspace as the vectors representing the arbitrage portfolios, it is easy to create the illusion that risky asset expected returns depend on variables other than 'beta'.  相似文献   

The concept that portfolio betas are more stable than betas for individual securities has become the 'conventional wisdom' in finance; statements to this effect may be found in many popular finance textbooks. The objective of this paper is to challenge the conventional wisdom. A random sample of individual stock returns and portfolio returns is used to compare the empirical distribution of beta shifts for individual firms and portfolios. The number of statistically significant changes in beta are no greater for individual securities than for portfolios.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the risk transmission, linkages, and directional predictability between green bonds, Islamic stocks, and other asset classes. Using daily data from November 2008 to August 2020, we use the Standard & Poor's (S&P) Green Bond Index to represent the green bond market and the Dow Jones Islamic World Index and the S&P Global Shariah Indices to represent Islamic stocks. The other asset classes considered include the S&P 500 Stock Composite, S&P 500 Bond, and S&P 500 Energy indices. This paper uses the novel quantile cross-spectral (coherency), the windowed scalogram difference (WSD), and the cross-quantilogram (CQ) correlation approaches. The results from the quantile coherency analysis reveal a negative spillover effect from green bond price returns to Islamic stocks in the long run, which indicates that the green bond market poses a long-run systemic risk to Islamic stocks. From the WSD analysis, the results show that the integration between green bonds and Islamic stocks, the S&P 500 Stock Composite, and the S&P 500 Bond index is weaker during volatile market conditions. The CQ correlation suggests that the dependency between green bonds and other asset returns is concentrated in the lower quantiles and that this dependency is weaker at longer lags. Our results underscore the significance of green bonds in investor portfolios as a new investment asset class.  相似文献   

Passive index investing involves investing in a fund that replicates a market index. Enhanced indexation uses the returns of an index as a reference point and aims at outperforming this index. The motivation behind enhanced indexing is that the indices and portfolios available to academics and practitioners for asset pricing and benchmarking are generally inefficient and, thus, susceptible to enhancement. In this paper we propose a novel technique based on the concept of cumulative utility area ratios and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to construct enhanced indices from the DJIA and S&P500. Four main conclusions are forthcoming. First, the technique, called the utility enhanced tracking technique (UETT), is computationally parsimonious and applicable for all return distributions. Second, if desired, cardinality constraints are simple and computationally parsimonious. Third, the technique requires only infrequent rebalancing, monthly at the most. Finally, the UETT portfolios generate consistently higher out-of-sample utility profiles and after-cost returns for the fully enhanced portfolios as well as for the enhanced portfolios adjusted for cardinality constraints. These results are robust to varying market conditions and a range of utility functions.  相似文献   

Commercial real estate indices play an important role in performance evaluation and overall investment strategy. However, the issue of how representative they are of the returns on portfolios of commercial properties is an open issue. Our study addresses this topic by analyzing a sample of 12,427 repeat sales transactions between Q4 2000 and Q2 2011. We find that the aggregate real estate indices (Moody’s REAL CPPI) do a good job of tracking real returns when portfolios of more than 20 properties are considered. At this level, tracking is somewhat less effective than our benchmark of the S&P500 and its component stocks. Compared to the average root mean squared deviation (RMSD) from one asset, randomly selected portfolios with 20 assets reduce the RMSD by 75 % for the S&P500 compared to 66 % for the aggregate index. These results suggest that the aggregate indices can be effective in hedging and evaluating the performance of direct real estate investment. We further find that tracking at the property type level provides little benefit over using an aggregate index. However, indexing using a property type and location matched index provides lower tracking error for any level of diversification.  相似文献   

We estimate a flexible affine model using an unbalanced panel containing S&P 500 and VIX index returns and option prices and analyze the contribution of VIX options to the model’s in- and out-of-sample performance. We find that they contain valuable information on the risk-neutral conditional distributions of volatility at different time horizons, which is not spanned by the S&P 500 market. This information allows enhanced estimation of the variance risk premium. We gain new insights on the term structure of the variance risk premium, present a trading strategy exploiting these insights, and show how to improve S&P 500 return forecasts.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the usefulness of multivariate semi-parametric GARCH models for evaluating the Value-at-Risk (VaR) of a portfolio with arbitrary weights. We specify and estimate several alternative multivariate GARCH models for daily returns on the S&P 500 and Nasdaq indexes. Examining the within-sample VaRs of a set of given portfolios shows that the semi-parametric model performs uniformly well, while parametric models in several cases have unacceptable failure rates. Interestingly, distributional assumptions appear to have a much larger impact on the performance of the VaR estimates than the particular parametric specification chosen for the GARCH equations.  相似文献   

When the seasonal components of the monthly returns as opposed to the returns themselves, are examined over the 1927–1984 period, the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Index (S&P 500) and the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) value-weighted portfolio exhibit significant seasonality. Their seasonal behavior is quite similar to that of the smallest quintile of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) stocks and the CRSP equally weighted portfolio during March through October. While January is strong for the two latter portfolios, December, November, and January appear to be consistently strong for the two former portfolios. The seasonal pattern has, however, changed substantially over time. While June and July returns experienced a significant drop in seasonal strength, March and April returns gained seasonal strength for all four portfolios from 1927–1958 to 1959–1984. These changes coincide in an inverse fashion with the shifts in interest rate seasonality.  相似文献   

We examine whether the dynamics of the implied volatility surface of individual equity options contains exploitable predictability patterns. Predictability in implied volatilities is expected due to the learning behavior of agents in option markets. In particular, we explore the possibility that the dynamics of the implied volatility surface of individual stocks may be associated with movements in the volatility surface of S&P 500 index options. We present evidence of strong predictable features in the cross-section of equity options and of dynamic linkages between the volatility surfaces of equity and S&P 500 index options. Moreover, time-variation in stock option volatility surfaces is best predicted by incorporating information from the dynamics in the surface of S&P 500 options. We analyze the economic value of such dynamic patterns using strategies that trade straddle and delta-hedged portfolios, and find that before transaction costs such strategies produce abnormal risk-adjusted returns.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the returns to a portfolio of 29 firms that are perceived as family-oriented. The sample is based on firms awarded the best 100 companies for working mothers in Working Mother Magazine’s annual survey. There is much anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of these programs, but little evidence relating family-oriented policies to shareholder wealth. We find, based on raw returns, that family-friendly firms do not earn statistically significant excess returns relative to a matched sample or to the S & P 500. Based on risk-adjusted returns, the family-friendly portfolio outperforms the market, but underperforms a matched sample portfolio.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the individual investor can build stock portfolios that outperform broad market indices. Based on this research and on evidence supporting the persistence of mutual fund performance, we test whether or not the individual investor can build market-superior portfolios from stocks selected from the top holdings of Morningstar’s ten-year, five-star general equity mutual funds. We use modern portfolio theory to construct the portfolios. Although the portfolios tend to outperform the S&P 500 for the 1990s, we conclude that the evidence is not strong enough to recommend this stock selection strategy to the individual investor.  相似文献   

We investigate the median and tail dependence between cryptocurrency and stock market returns of BRICS and Developed countries using a newly developed nonparametric cumulative measure of dependence over the period January 4, 2016 – December 31, 2019 as well as before and after the introduction of Bitcoin futures on December 17, 2017. The new measure is model-free and permits measuring tail risk. The results highlight the leading role of S&P500, Nasdaq and DAX 30 in predicting BRICS and developed countries’ stock market returns. Among BRICS countries, BVSP shows a starring role in predicting stock market returns. BSE 30 is the most predictor of cryptocurrencies, which have a little predictability on stock market returns. Ethereum has the leading role in predicting cryptocurrencies and stock market returns followed by Bitcoin. Tail dependence shows substantial role of S&P500, Nasdaq and BVSP in predicting stock market returns. Subsample analysis show the role of Bitcoin futures in reshaping the mean and tail dependence between cryptocurrency and stock market returns. Our results have important policy implications for portfolio managers, hedge funds and investors.  相似文献   

We examine the risk-return characteristics of a rolling portfolio investment strategy where more than 6000 Nasdaq initial public offering (IPO) stocks are bought and held for up to 5 years. The average long-run portfolio return is low, but IPO stocks appear as “longshots”, as 5-year buy-and-hold returns of 1000% or more are somewhat more frequent than for non-issuing Nasdaq firms matched on size and book-to-market ratio. The typical IPO firm is of average Nasdaq market capitalization but has relatively low book-to-market ratio. We also show that IPO firms exhibit relatively high stock turnover and low leverage, which may lower systematic risk exposures. To examine this possibility, we launch an easily constructed “low-minus-high” (LMH) stock turnover portfolio as a liquidity risk factor. The LMH factor produces significant betas for broad-based stock portfolios, as well as for our IPO portfolio and a comparison portfolio of seasoned equity offerings. The factor-model estimation also includes standard characteristic-based risk factors, and we explore mimicking portfolios for leverage-related macroeconomic risks. Because they track macroeconomic aggregates, these mimicking portfolios are relatively immune to market sentiment effects. Overall, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the realized return on the IPO portfolio is commensurable with the portfolio's risk exposures, as defined here.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the intraday price formation process of country Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). We identify specific parts of the US trading day during which Net Asset Values (NAVs), currency rates, premiums and discounts, and the S&P 500 index have special effects on ETF prices, and characterize a special intraday and overnight updating structure between these variables and country ETF prices. Our findings suggest a structural difference between synchronized and non-synchronized trading hours. While during synchronized trading hours ETF prices are mostly driven by their NAV returns, during non-synchronized trading hours the S&P 500 index has a dominant effect. This effect also exceeds the one that the S&P 500 index has on the underlying foreign indices and suggests an overreaction to US market returns when foreign markets are closed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether commodities are effective hedges for equity holders. We employ three different methodologies to calculate time varying hedge ratios. First, we examine time-varying hedge ratios and how much portfolio risk can be reduced relative to a long position in the S&P 500. We calculate hedge ratios from realized variances and covariances; second, we estimate a recursive multivariate GARCH (BEKK) model and calculate the hedge ratios from the estimated covariances; and thirdly, we calculate the hedge ratios by estimating recursive OLS regressions. The results of our paper are very clear. First, commodities are not effective hedges for the S&P 500. Equity market investors and asset managers looking for a way to manage and reduce portfolio risk will be well advised to search for alternative hedges for the S&P 500 than commodities. Second, our results do not support the claim that commodities were a good hedge for the equity market during the financial crisis.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how one can build pricing formulae in which factors other than beta may be viewed as determinants of asset returns. This is important conceptually as it demonstrates how the additional factors can compensate for a market portfolio proxy that is mis‐specified, and also shows how such a pricing model can be specified ex ante. The procedure is implemented by first selecting an ‘orthogonal’ portfolio which falls on the mean‐variance efficient frontier computed from the empirical average returns, variances and covariances on the equity securities of a large sample of firms. One then determines the inefficient index portfolio which leads to a vector of betas that when multiplied by the average return on the orthogonal portfolio, and which when subtracted from the vector of average returns for the firms comprising the sample, yields an error vector that is equal to the vector of numerical values for the variables that are to form the basis of the asset pricing formula. There will then be a perfect linear relationship between the vector of average returns for the firms comprising the sample, the vector of betas based on the inefficient index portfolio and such other factors that are deemed to be important in the asset pricing process. We illustrate computational procedures using a numerical example based on the quality of information contained in published corporate financial statements.  相似文献   

This article studies equilibrium asset pricing when agents facenonnegative wealth constraints. In the presence of these constraintsit is shown that options on the market portfolio are nonredundantsecurities and the economy's pricing kernel is a function ofboth the market portfolio and the nonredundant options. Thisimplies that the options should be useful for explaining riskyasset returns. To test the theory, a model is derived in whichthe expected excess return on any risky asset is linearly related(via a collection of betas) to the expected excess return onthe market portfolio and to the expected excess returns on thenonredundant options. The empirical results indicate that thereturns on traded index options are relevant for explainingthe returns on risky asset portfolios.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between investor sentiment (extracted from the StockTwits social network), the S&P 500 Index and gold returns. We investigated bilateral causality between gold prices and S&P 500 prices, the power of investor sentiment and gold returns to predict S&P 500 returns, and the influence of gold returns on S&P 500 volatility. We also considered whether the influence of sentiment varies according to the user's degree of experience. We considered the sentiment of messages that mentioned the S&P 500 Index and that users posted between 2012 and 2016. Granger causality analysis, ARIMA models and GARCH models were used for predicting S&P 500 Index returns and S&P 500 volatility. We observed a causal relationship between gold price and the S&P 500 Index. Our results also suggest that sentiment and gold returns predict S&P 500 Index returns. Finally, we observed that gold returns influence S&P 500 volatility and that the sentiment of experienced users affects S&P 500 returns.  相似文献   

We use predictions of aggregate stock return variances from daily data to estimate time-varying monthly variances for size-ranked portfolios. We propose and estimate a single factor model of heteroskedasticity for portfolio returns. This model implies time-varying betas. Implications of heteroskedasticity and time-varying betas for tests of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) are then documented. Accounting for heteroskedasticity increases the evidence that risk-adjusted returns are related to firm size. We also estimate a constant correlation model. Portfolio volatilities predicted by this model are similar to those predicted by more complex multivariate generalized-autoregressive-conditional-heteroskedasticity (GARCH) procedures.  相似文献   

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