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This study investigates whether corporate governance characteristics, mandated by the Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles (CGBPP) for companies listed in Taiwan, are associated with earnings management. In particular, we examine whether the independence, financial expertise, and voluntary formation of independent directorships (supervisorships) are associated with the absolute value of discretionary accruals. Our findings suggest that the independence of supervisors, the financial expertise of independent directors, and the voluntary formation of independent directorships (supervisorships) are associated with a lower likelihood of earnings management. These findings are stronger after the CGBPP was enacted, suggesting that the implementation of CGBPP has lowered the likelihood of earnings management.  相似文献   

尽管公司管理者有着各种各样的盈余管理动机,但是真正实施盈余管理行为会受到很多因素的影响,其中公司治理是最主要的影响因素。公司治理包括很多内容,本研究主要关注股权结构和董事会特征两方面与盈余管理之间的相关性。一般来讲,股权集中度与盈余管理呈正相关,董事会独立性与盈余管理呈负相关。本文在分析如何影响盈余管理的理论基础上,以2005至2009年我国上证180成分股为研究对象,提出研究假设并进行实证检验。结果显示,法人股比例、流通股比例与盈余管理呈现正相关关系,董事会特征则受制度影响,具有双重影响。文章最后,结合我国资本市场的实际提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between Chinese firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) and their earnings management (EM) practices. As China rapidly emerges as one of the largest exporters as well as importers, an understanding of Chinese CSR practices is increasingly important not only to Chinese authorities and firms, but also to international stakeholders. However, Chinese CSR has been largely underestimated in previous studies, and this CSR–EM relationship has never been sufficiently examined with regard to Chinese firms. In addition, this study measures the level of EM using two different methods: accrual‐based EM (AEM) and real activity‐based EM (REM). In general, REM is regarded as more costly but less detectable, while AEM is regarded as less costly but more detectable, owing to the fact that AEM is subject to greater scrutiny from auditors and regulators. The results show that Chinese firms’ enhanced CSR generally decreases their EM practices. On the contrary, state‐controlled firms and firms operating in more institutionally developed regions are more likely to engage in REM, while increasing their CSR activities. These findings provide new evidence that managers in Chinese firms tend to opportunistically adopt CSR practices according to the firm's institutional environment.  相似文献   

本文利用沪市上市公司2010、2011年内部控制审计及盈余质量数据考察了内部控制审计是否能够提高公司的盈余质量,即对内部控制审计的有效性问题进行了研究。通过分析发现,披露内部控制审计报告公司的会计盈余质量要高于未披露内部控制审计报告的公司;上市公司在决定是否披露内部控制审计报告时存在自选择问题,在控制自选择问题后,结论依然不变。另外,我们还发现首次披露内部控制审计报告的上市公司盈余质量显著高于上一年度,即内部控制审计能够提高公司会计盈余质量。本文的研究结论支持将内部控制审计作为法定要求,以提升上市公司盈余质量。  相似文献   

This paper examines earnings management by EU firms that initiate an antidumping investigation. We first document economically and statistically significant income‐decreasing earnings management around the initiation of an antidumping investigation. We show that earnings management increases when accounting data directly affect the magnitude of the tariffs imposed in the trade investigation. We also find that earnings management decreases as the number of petitioning firms increases or as the distance between petitioning firms increases, suggesting free‐rider and coordination problems. We find that earnings management increases when the petition is directed at a country that imports more goods from the petitioning firm's home country, suggesting that retaliation threats affect incentives. We document that raising equity or debt financing moderates income‐decreasing earnings management, consistent with the idea that sample firms trade off capital market and regulatory considerations. Our results indicate that contemporary research methods can detect accruals‐based earnings management in settings in which the incentives for earnings management can be clearly identified.  相似文献   

本文以代理理论为指导,运用我国制造业上市公司调查数据和公开数据,考察了公司治理对财务控制的影响。实证研究发现,第一大股东持股比例、独立董事制度、董事会活跃程度等因素对财务控制效果有显著影响。改善财务控制需要从公司治理方面入手,包括建立健全约束大股东行为的相关机制,提高董事会独立性作为制衡大股东的重要措施,运用组合治理机制,实现对财务控制的再控制;多元化经营的公司要重视企业集团的内部治理,重视财务控制系统的更新与变革。  相似文献   

The authors examine a sample of large Australian companies over a 10‐year period with the aim of analyzing the role that firm‐level corporate governance mechanisms such as insider ownership and independent boards play in explaining a company's cost of capital. The Australian corporate system offers a unique environment for assessing the impact of corporate governance mechanisms. Australian companies have board structures and mechanisms that are similar in design to Anglo‐Saxon boards while offering a striking contrast to those of German and Japanese boards. At the same time, however, the Australian market for corporate control is much less active as a corrective mechanism against management entrenchment than its U.S. and U.K. counterparts, making the role of internal governance mechanisms potentially more important in Australia than elsewhere. The authors report that greater insider ownership, the presence of institutional blockholders, and independent boards are all associated with reductions in the perceived risk of a firm, thereby leading investors to demand lower rates of return on capital. In so doing, the study provides evidence of the important role of corporate governance in increasing corporate values.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that managers may use earnings management to meet voluntary earnings forecasts. We document the extent of earnings management undertaken within Canadian Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and study the extent to which companies with better corporate governance systems are less likely to use earnings management to achieve their earnings forecasts. In addition, we test other factors that differentiate forecasting from non‐forecasting firms, and assess the impact of forecasting and corporate governance on future cash flow prediction. We find that firms with better corporate governance are less likely to include a voluntary earnings forecast in their IPO prospectus. In addition, we find that while IPO firms use accruals management to meet forecasts; the informativeness of the discretionary accruals depends on whether or not the firm would have missed its forecast without the use of discretionary accruals.  相似文献   

美国基金公司治理结构的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国共同基金大多采取公司型治理模式。与一般公司相类似,基金公司的董事会职责是监督公司运作、确保公司政策的执行;不同之处在于基金公司的董事会更扮演了一种“watchdog”的角色,其最重要的职能是保护投资的利益。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of the 2008–2009 financial crisis on the earnings management behavior of European-listed firms. We find that earnings management has significantly decreased in the crisis years. This trend is confirmed in most of the 16 countries under review. We also report a link between the level of earnings management and the economic growth rate and provide evidence suggesting that national characteristics and market forces affect the propensity of income smoothing but not accruals quality.  相似文献   

张璇  周鹏  李春涛 《金融研究》2016,434(8):175-190
本文利用2006-2014年中国A股上市公司数据,运用双重差分和安慰剂检验,考察卖空对财务重述的影响。研究发现,加入融券标的后,相较于不能被卖空的公司,融券标的公司发生财务重述的可能性显著降低,这种治理作用在金融市场欠发达和治理水平较差的公司更加明显。进一步研究发现,卖空机制可以通过增加激励合约的有效性和吸引分析师跟踪来减少财务重述。最后,使用可操控应计项目和是否报告微利作为盈余质量的代理变量进行稳健性检验,发现上述结论依然成立。因此,放开卖空限制,有助于改善上市公司信息披露质量和完善公司治理结构。  相似文献   

李春涛  薛原  惠丽丽 《金融研究》2018,457(7):124-142
本文利用中国A股上市公司2006-2015年的数据,研究社保基金持股对上市公司盈余质量的影响。我们用上市公司财务重述作为测度盈余质量的指标,发现社保基金持股能够显著降低企业发布财务重述的概率,这表明社保基金对上市公司盈余质量的提高具有促进作用。并且,社保基金的这一治理作用在国有企业、内部治理水平较差以及市场化程度较低地区的上市公司中更加显著。通过双重差分模型和安慰剂检验等方法弱化了内生性问题之后,以上结论依然成立,说明社保基金持股和盈余质量提升之间存在因果关系,我们称之为社保基金的公司治理作用。进一步研究发现,社保基金可以通过抑制控股股东资金占用、增加机构调研次数等途径提升被持股公司的盈余质量。本文有助于认识和评估社保基金持股对于上市公司的监督与治理作用。  相似文献   

依据沪深A股上市公司2008-2017年数据,考量高管学术经历对企业现金持有的影响。结果表明:高管学术经历通过风险特质和创新活动影响现金持有水平;高管学术经历与现金持有水平正相关,行业竞争的缓和会削弱二者的正相关关系;相对于国有企业,高管学术经历对非国有企业现金持有水平的影响更显著。  相似文献   

本文在分析公司治理机制的基础上,将影响公司治理的各个因素进行量化,通过构建上市公司估值模型,对公司治理影响估值进行实证分析.本文的结论是,公司治理对上市公司估值的影响很大;治理结构完善的公司,其估值水平相对较高,反之亦反之.  相似文献   

This study uses a large sample of UK‐listed closed‐end funds to examine whether governance has an impact on two indicators of fund performance: the level of fund‐management fees and the discount at which a fund trades. Fees are under the control of the directors, and we find that they are inversely related to fund returns, even after allowing for differences across investment sectors. Fees are, on average, higher if a fund has a large board, few directors from outside the fund‐family, many directors from within the fund‐family, and low ownership by the management company. Discounts for funds are wider if the management company or any blockholder has a significant long‐term stake, suggesting that investors are wary of entrenched management. The results suggest that boards are frequently compromised in their duty to shareholders by their dependence on fund‐management companies.  相似文献   

The UK regulatory requirements relating to going‐concern disclosures require directors to report on the going‐concern status of their firms. Such directors have incentives not to report fairly in the case of financially‐distressed firms. We expect effective corporate governance mechanisms will encourage directors to report more truthfully in such situations. This paper tests this proposition explicitly using a large sample of going‐concern cases over the period 1994–2000. We find that whereas auditors' going‐concern opinions predict the subsequent resolution of going‐concern uncertainties directors' going‐concern statements convey arbitrary and unhelpful messages to users. However, robust corporate governance structures and high auditor reputation constrain directors to be more truthful in their going‐concern disclosures, bringing these more into line with the more credible auditor opinions.  相似文献   

本文基于信息不对称、委托代理及预算软约束理论,以2011-2014年的沪深A股上市公司为样本,检验企业盈余管理对融资约束的影响.研究表明:应计盈余管理加剧了企业的融资约束状况,但是外部投资者没能有效识别真实盈余管理,其反而缓解了企业的融资约束状况;国有企业弱化了盈余管理对融资约束的影响;在竞争激烈的行业中,应计盈余管理对融资约束的加剧作用表现更强,而真实盈余管理对融资约束的缓解作用被削弱.  相似文献   

公司治理结构与盈余管理模式的互动分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公司治理结构影响会计信息质量,会计信息质量的高低对公司治理结构的完善起到关键作用.盈余管理通过会计政策的选择与公司治理结构产生关系,公司治理结构对盈余管理模式具有重要影响,这种影响体现在内部治理和外部治理两个方面.同时,不同的盈余管理模式对公司治理结构的完善起着不同的作用.  相似文献   

财务杠杆能够强化管理报酬的业绩敏感度,并优化管理报酬的激励结构。公司债务所生成的约束机制有助于改善公司治理机制,促进管理效率,减少自由现金流的代理成本,并最终实现公司价值的提升。财务杠杆对公司价值有积极效应。  相似文献   

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