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Investor Protection and Firm Liquidity 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between investor protection and firm liquidity. We posit that less protective environments lead to wider bid-ask spreads and thinner depths because they fail to minimize information asymmetries. The Hong Kong equity market provides a unique opportunity to compare liquidity costs across distinct investor protection environments, but still within a common trading mechanism and currency. Our empirical findings verify that firm liquidity is significantly affected by investor protection. Regression and matched-sample results show that Hong Kong-based equities exhibit narrower spreads and thicker depths than their China-based counterparts. 相似文献
机构持股与中小投资者保护 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
信息不对称是导致中小投资者在资本市场遭受利益损失的重要原因,本文以会计盈余质量作为衡量中小投资者保护水平的指标,以2003-2005年沪、深两市A股为样本,实证检验了中国机构持股对中小投资者保护的影响.结果发现,机构持股降低了会计盈余质量,没有发挥保护中小投资者的利益的作用.上述研究发现,对理解机构持股的经济后果具有重要意义,有助于更加深入地理解机构持股影响中小投资者利益保护的制度条件,也为投资者保护研究提供了一个有益的视角. 相似文献
Amy Hutton 《实用企业财务杂志》2004,16(4):8-16
A company's market value is a key determinant of its future success, affecting its ability to raise capital, recruit and retain key employees, and make strategic acquisitions. Confident, well‐informed investors are necessary for achieving and maintaining accurate valuation of a company's stock. But standard disclosure practice has left many companies releasing a great deal of data while conveying only limited understanding to outsiders. This article presents the outline of an integrated approach to corporate disclosure in which each of the three major elements–required financial reports, supplemental disclosure, and interactions with investors and intermediaries–are consistent and mutually reinforcing. Such an approach begins with required reports that refiect as closely as possible the economic reality of a company's business. But if GAAP income statements and balance sheets are often useful for communicating current and past performance, they are not designed to convey management's strategic vision and the company's prospects for creating value. To achieve and maintain accurate valuation, management must supplement mandated financial reporting with voluntary communication that highlights value drivers and helps investors understand both the company's strategic goals and management's progress in meeting those goals. Finally, management must interact with investors and capital market intermediaries in ways that provide them with a clear and compelling picture of the company's prospects, which should help both analysts and institutional investors become more effective monitors of the firm's performance. Through consistent communication that goes well beyond the sell side's focus on quarterly earnings per share, management will discover that it has the power to set the agenda for how the company's performance is evaluated by the market. In the process, companies are also likely to find that their investors (and analysts) are more patient than they thought, while their operating managers feel less pressure to take shortsighted steps to boost EPS. Both of these expected benefits of an integrated disclosure policy should end up increasing a company's value. 相似文献
内部控制、治理环境与投资者保护 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文研究了内部控制质量对投资者保护的影响,以及不同治理环境对内部控制治理功能的影响。研究发现:内部控制质量的提高,或更为充分的内控信息披露有助于抑制大股东资金占用,有助于抑制经理人与股东之间的代理成本;治理环境越差的地区,内部控制治理效应越高。这说明,对于投资者保护较弱的地区,内部控制可能成为补偿弱投资者保护负面影响的一种替代机制。本文研究意味着,近年来推出的内部控制相关制度起到了积极的效果;此外,完善上市公司内部控制,对于治理环境较差、投资者利益得不到有效保障的地区显得尤为重要。 相似文献
International law prescribes that in a cross-border acquisitionof 100% of the target shares, the target firm becomes a nationalof the country of the acquiror, and consequently subject toits corporate governance system. Therefore, cross-border mergersprovide a natural experiment to analyze the effects of changesin corporate governance on firm value. We construct measuresof the change in investor protection in a sample of 506 acquisitionsfrom 39 countries. We find that the better the shareholder protectionand accounting standards in the acquiror's country, the higherthe merger premium in cross-border mergers relative to matchingdomestic acquisitions. 相似文献
从企业制度变迁视角探讨投资者保护的产生和演变有助于从根源上探索投资者保护的有效途径.本文以企业制度的发展变迁为脉络,从企业所有权结构,法律环境,以及资本市场发展方面分析了企业制度变迁过程中投资者保护的主要矛盾及其相应解决途径,为有效的投资者保护制度设计提供理论支撑. 相似文献
AbstractThis study examined the association between intensive board monitoring (IBM) and segment disclosure quality (SDQ). It also investigated whether this association can be moderated by firm's home country investor protection (IP) level. Based on a panel of 271 non-financial European Union (EU) listed corporations covering the 2007–2012 period, this study estimated two multiple regression models including industry and year fixed effects. We found evidence that the segment disclosure quality is higher when a majority of outside directors serve on monitoring committees. We, also, found that the positive association between IBM and SDQ is more pronounced for firms in a weak IP environment and less pronounced for firms in a strong IP environment. Thus, we provided evidence in favor of a substitutive relationship between IBM and IP level with respect to their association with SDQ. Our findings are evidenced by several robustness tests. 相似文献
机构投资者的发展对资本市场的影响——以美国为例的分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
机构投资者的发展无论是从哪一个方面来说,对证券市场都有着积极的正面的影响。尽管我国在发展机构投资者过程中暴露出各种各样的问题,但这主要是由于没有经验和监管手段不足等原因造成的,不能因此而质疑大力发展机构投资者的政策思路。…… 相似文献
We document significant heterogeneity in the relation between chief executive officer (CEO) equity incentives and firm value using quantile regression. We show that CEO delta is more effective in the presence of ample investment opportunities, while CEO vega is more beneficial for firms lacking investment opportunities. Further, Tobin's Q increases in CEO delta for more risk‐tolerant firms but increases in CEO vega for more risk‐averse firms. We also observe that higher monitoring intensity after the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act reduces CEO delta's role in compensation. Risk aversion alters the optimal incentive‐value relation, and the nature of this relation also depends on the level of Tobin's Q. 相似文献
This paper investigates the relationship between firm value and the quality of Australian listed corporations’ sustainability reporting. We examine whether firms that make higher‐quality sustainability disclosures exhibit systematically higher equity prices, through either (or both) cost of capital or expected future performance effects. Using proprietary data obtained from a specialist responsible investment research firm, we document a significant negative association between quality sustainability reporting and the cost of equity capital for ASX 200 firms from 2003–2005, and a significant positive association between expected future performance and the quality of sustainability reporting. We also test for industry‐specific associations and find that our main results are driven heavily by the reporting behaviour of, and market response to, firms in environmentally sensitive industries. 相似文献
投资者适当性制度作为投资者保护理念的具体应用,是证券监管中需要强化和落实的重要一环,其核心目标是督促证券公司更好地履行适当推荐义务,将适当的证券产品推荐给适当的投资者.实践中投资者适当性制度的适用仍存在大量问题,证监会以及各地证监局在适用过程中尚未形成具有可操作性的处罚标准,新《证券法》第88条虽然规定了证券公司应当遵... 相似文献
投资者利益保护效果评价研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
国内外已有的关于投资者利益保护的研究主要是从不同的制度、法律背景出发,探讨不同的投资者利益保护状况所导致的经济后果。但是这种研究方法不适用于评价同一制度背景下不同公司投资者利益保护效果的差异,以及这些差异所导致的不同经济后果的研究。针对这一问题,本文主要从微观公司组织这一角度,兼顾制度执行层面,对既定制度背景下,如何评价投资者利益保护效果进行了一定的思考。与Laporta等从事前角度评价投资者利益保护的方法不同的是,本文主要是从事后角度进行考量的,认为投资者利益保护效果应从效率和公平两个层次进行评价,主要的评价指标可以选择投资者获得的投资回报、公司质量和公司诚信三个方面。 相似文献
Kyoungrae Jung 《The Journal of risk and insurance》2010,77(1):183-210
This study examines incentives for voluntary disclosure of quality information by health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Economic theory predicts complete voluntary disclosure without mandatory rules. This article introduces plans' selection motives to avoid high-risk consumers as a deterrent of full unraveling; if disclosure is expected to attract high-risk members, plans have incentives to withhold information. The empirical analysis shows that while market unraveling was an important mechanism to bring disclosure, it was not complete, and plans in markets with high-risk consumers were less likely to disclose. This study suggests that market unraveling may not arise if risk selection incentives are prevalent. 相似文献
We examine the influence of normative and regulative institutional factors on cost shifting by nonprofit hospitals in their publicly reported statements. We explore whether normative constraints imposed by stakeholders, who prefer that nonprofit hospitals allocate their resources toward patient‐related program services, influence the extent to which nonprofit hospitals shift costs toward program services and away from administrative and fundraising categories, thereby appearing more efficient. We also explore whether regulative factors, such as oversight, influence cost shifting behaviors. Results indicate that nonprofit hospitals facing higher normative pressures to demonstrate efficiency shift costs to a greater extent, and hospitals facing higher regulatory oversight shift costs to a lesser extent. Consistent with prior research, we also find that hospitals that obtain higher donations revenue shift costs to a greater extent. Our results show that, in addition to economic factors documented by prior literature, institutional factors also influence nonprofit hospitals’ cost shifting behaviors. 相似文献
本文主要考察企业业绩组合、业绩差异与季报披露的时间选择之间的关系以及季报披露时间的信息内涵。实证研究显示,上年年报和一季度季报均为“好消息”,一季度每股收益、净资产收益率和主营业务利润率高的上市公司季报披露时间间隔大;上年年报为“好消息”而一季度季报为“坏消息”,上年年报为“坏消息”而一季度季报为“好消息”,上年年报和一季度季报均为“坏消息”,一季度每股收益比上年度高的上市公司季报披露时间间隔小。这可能是由于一季度季报和上年年报均要求在4月30日之前披露的特殊性,上市公司管理层在信息披露的过程中可能存在组合动机与信息操作行为,一季度季报披露的时间选择可能关键取决于上年年报和一季度季报披露的“好消息”或“坏消息”带来的积极影响或消极影响的组合与权衡。 相似文献
This instructional case connects whistleblowing incentives and ethical issues in different reporting environments. It provides three different whistleblowing scenarios that allow students to identify and grapple with multiple whistleblowing incentives, issues and resultant ethical dilemmas present in both the academic and financial reporting environments. The purpose of the case is threefold. First, the case makes students aware of the whistleblowing incentives and ethical issues present in different environments. Second, by linking academic and financial whistleblowing issues across scenarios, students see the relevance of whistleblowing ethics in their current lives and are motivated to develop ethical habits now. Third, the case forces students to practice making decisions in situations with conflicting incentives, uncertainty and ambiguous guidance. Strong conflicting incentives can cloud and challenge whistleblowing intentions. 相似文献