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汇率预期影响人民币汇率的重要因素之一。针对人民币汇率预期的形成机制,本文分别对理性预期和适应性预期假设进行实证检验。通过对理性预期假设进行直接检验,发现同时考虑无偏性和有效性,人民币汇率预期显然是非理性的。在此基础上,构建了基于非抵补利率平价的适应性预期模型,检验人民币汇率预期是否具有适应性特征。实证结果表明,相较于理性预期而言,人民币汇率预期具有更显著的适应性预期特征,即在人民币汇率预期形成过程中,对未来汇率的预期会受到上期汇率预期偏差的影响。  相似文献   

马克思关于不确定性和计划的思想,使预期的思想实质得到了明确的表述,对理解股民预期的不稳定性有相当的借鉴意义,而西方预期理论主要集中在外推性预期和理性预期理论方面,尤其是理性预期理论影响广泛,但它不适合分析我国股民的预期行为,我国股民的预期既不是适应性预期,也不是理性预期,而是准理性预期。  相似文献   

本文基于1991—2020年的季度数据,通过构建适应性学习预期的状态空间模型,采用卡尔曼滤波算法对我国学习型预期进行了测度,并将适应性学习预期、高阶滞后适应性预期、理性预期和混合预期分别代入新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线进行经验研究,进而分析我国新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线的混合学习预期特征。研究结果表明:首先,我国适应性学习预期并非完全理性预期,而是一种近理性预期,具有近理性特征。其次,我国新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线具有高阶滞后适应性预期与适应性学习预期的混合学习预期特征,同时高阶滞后预期对通胀率的影响表现为逆向的通胀惯性。最后,适应性学习预期特征要强于高阶滞后适应性预期特征,即相比于高阶滞后适应性预期,适应性学习预期可以更好地反映我国通胀预期形成机制,但适应性学习预期相对于高阶滞后适应性预期的强度受通胀率衡量指标的影响。  相似文献   

凯恩斯的"动物精神"是预期理论的原初思想。预期成为一种正式理论始于理性预期假说的提出。理性预期要求主体拥有完全理性,并且相互在认识上具有一致性,因此预期是同质的。正在兴起的新预期理论,即异质预期假说认为,经济是一个复杂的适应性体系,它立足于有限理性,在社会不确定性下,信心(动物精神)是经济活动一个独立的决定因素;由于主体在预期形成中的内生学习、动物精神和相互作用等,商业周期是内生的;预期的异质性会导致多重均衡、预期陷阱等经济问题;就货币政策而言,其本质是进行预期管理。  相似文献   

创新的高度不确定性使企业家预期成为其关键影响因素.本文认为,具有理性预期能力的企业家是核心能力;企业家理性预期能力由信息充分程度、知识系统化程度和适应性转换能力决定.实验表明,理性预期能力有助于企业家形成,群体决策理性预期程度优于个体决策,人们存在着时间偏好并且对未来持谨慎态度.因此,可以通过企业家自身的信息搜集与知识化能力、群体决策以及"干中学"的试错来提高理性预期程度.公共信息、风险投资、管理咨询以及宽容的创业环境都有助于提高理性预期能力,进而有助于创新.  相似文献   

本文基于异质有限理性预期,将更为广泛的有限理性预期模式纳入到房地产价格决定模型之中,并利用我国35个大中城市2002~2010年的动态面板数据分析了异质预期对于城市住房价格波动的作用.研究发现,房价并没有与经济基本面相偏离,人均可支配收入、利率和房价预期都会影响房价,但收入水平和利率的决定作用有限,房价预期对于城市住房价格波动的解释力最强.异质的预期模式对于房价波动也具有明显不同的作用,适应性预期和一般有限理性预期能够自发地调节房价,将房价波动限制在一定的范围之内并逐渐实现住房市场的稳定.  相似文献   

科学测度居民的通胀预期水平,是宏观调控部门有效引导公众形成合理预期并实现物价稳定的核心技术环节。在对各种测算方法进行理论比较的基础上,本文运用我国1997—2013年的季度数据,实证分析了净差额统计测算法、概率测算法、计量模型测算法等在我国的适用性。结果发现:不同特征的通胀预期有着不同的测算原理;我国公众的通胀预期属于适应性预期,具有黏性特征,是一种有限理性的预期;基于差分自回归移动平均模型的方法更适合于测度并预测我国居民的通胀预期水平。我国应从健全物价预期统计调查体系、加强与公众信息沟通、提高央行货币政策独立性等方面提高通胀预期管理效率。  相似文献   

应樱 《经济问题》2013,(1):57-61
在理性预期理论的基础上,选用FL模型和BL模型进行对比,对我国实行的积极财政政策的有效性进行了实证研究。在FL模型中引入理性预期变量,对财政政策的效果进行了实证研究。模型的实证结果表明:经济主体的理性预期会影响到财政支出的效果,FL模型的财政支出对于民间消费具有负效应,而FL模型和BL模型都证明了持续的财政支出对民间投资有挤出效应,前者的影响更为明显。经济主体对将来的预期对经济增长和扩大需求起着非常重要的作用,因此改善经济主体的理性预期有助于提高财政政策的效果。  相似文献   

在介绍我国通胀预期测量与估计方法的基础上,分析差额法、正态分布概率法、均匀分布概率法和Logistic分布概率法下通胀预期的形成机制。研究表明,通胀预期的理性或适应性的判断取决于我国居民对未来物价预期所服从的分布,均匀分布下的通胀预期具有较强的特殊性,并且这种分布直接影响着政策制定部门抑制通胀的侧重方向。  相似文献   

通胀预期陷阱的生成机理是货币当局与微观主体之间的相互博弈。本文运用理论模型对承诺解、欺骗解、均衡解、陷阱解依次进行了演绎推论,通过经典函数找到了通胀预期陷阱区。本文实证研究发现,我国近年来共有三个连续型与间断型的通胀预期陷阱区域,这说明我国公众的通胀预期在短期是学习型适应性预期,在长期属无偏性、有效性的非完全理性预期。公众通胀预期非稳定性和周期性波动是一种常态,但基本上处于可控状态。中国货币政策时间非一致性问题存在但并非显著,超常经济增长冲动、政绩导向和投资增长是通胀预期陷阱的宏微观主导诱因。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the Defris-Williams inflationary expectations series as a measure of rational expectations for the period 1973(1) to 1980(2). The results show that the series violates the rationality criterion, being an inefficient and biased predictor of inflation. By constructing an ‘information-augmented’ D-W series, the quantitative importance of omitted information available to consumers at the time of making their forecasts is isolated. The key omitted economic variables are found to be lagged monetary growth and unemployment or an indexation dummy which explains 70 percent of the forecast error of the D-W series. These results suggest that a theoretically constructed expectations series may prove to be a superior measure of market expectations of inflation in Australia.  相似文献   

A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a common prior for several players is given in terms of the players' present beliefs only. A common prior exists iff for each random variable it is common knowledge that all its iterated expectations converge to the same value; this value is its expectation with respect to the common prior. The proof is based on the presentation of type functions as Markov matrices.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: C70, D82.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence on two types of investor attitudes that change in important ways through time, with important consequences for speculative markets. The paper explores changes in bubble expectations and investor confidence among institutional investors in the U.S. stock market at six-month intervals for the period 1989 to 1998 and for individual investors at the start and end of this period.

Based on the results of the questionnaires administered during the period, the author develops specific time-series indicators for each of the following: a speculative bubble (an unstable situation with expectations for a increase in the short term only), a negative speculative bubble (an unstable situation with expectations for a downturn in the short term only), and investor confidence (a feeling that nothing can go wrong).

Using the indicators, the author produces indexes indicating the average percentage of the population at a given time with bubble expectations, negative bubble expectations, and investor confidence, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate whether and to what extent inheritance expectations act as a driver of economic choices. We use survey data that are representative of the Dutch adult population with a specific module on subjective probabilities on receiving an inheritance and its amount in the next 10 years. We analyze whether the expected inheritance acts as a deterrent to saving. Results suggest that individuals perceive the expected inheritances as a potential increase of personal wealth, which leads to a reduction in savings. Expectations also appear to matter for the intentions to bequeath and for intended choices on work versus leisure in the future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of the black market premium—the percentage differential between the black market and the official exchange rate. Tests are used to see whether the black market premium responds to variations in expectations about the official exchange rate in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. Expectations of devaluation do cause movements in the black market premium for Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico but this behavior is not observed for Colombia. Colombian economic agents seem less sensitive to expected returns. This perhaps explains the relatively flat black market premium series observed for Colombia.  相似文献   

Until recently, risk-taking in investment decisions has been explained by cognitive biases and emotional urges. I would like to propose an alternative explanation, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, who links cultural capital to risk-taking. His concept of cultural capital has a very broad meaning, as it encompasses technical skills, aesthetic preferences, verbal facility, general cultural awareness, educational credentials, and artistic competencies. On theoretical grounds, one can assume that a high level of cultural capital enables the taming of uncertainty and allows for temporal horizons that cover longer terms. I test this hypothesis by conducting and analyzing a survey of 307 entrepreneurs. I define risk-taking in two ways: (i) in a somewhat mainstream way, on the basis of expected utility, and (ii) in a heterodox way, in a qualitative, context-dependent setting. I find that, in both cases, there seems to be a link between cultural capital and risk-taking. Furthermore, it seems to make financing issues more salient. I conclude by opening a discussion about the heterogeneity of entrepreneurs and their animal spirits.  相似文献   

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