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最近翻看某杂志,看到了这样一则信息:在美国,每个家庭都有电冰箱.面对激烈的市场竞争,许多美国冰箱厂商们束手无策.可是,日本的帕纳索尼公司却将一种"微型冰箱"投放到美国市场,令精明的美国人茅塞顿开.这种"微型冰箱"有的被作为"办公室冰箱",有的成为"汽车冰箱",还有的被当作"柜台冰箱".这样一来,沉寂已久的美国电冰箱市场又出现了生机.  相似文献   

A bstract A trustworthy monetary system is necessary to support the division of labor and extended trading relationships. In the context of classical economics and of Keynes'macroeconomics, the origin of pervasive economywide problems have been traced to monetary disturbances. The relevance (to interest rate theory) of the market for credit and of bond price speculation is critical to judging the plausibility of those rival theories.  相似文献   

This study examines how stakeholders' investment time horizons interact with information about corporate giving in initial public offering (IPO) firms. Specifically, we build a model that explains how corporate philanthropy affects IPO performance. We find that at the IPO‐preparation stage, corporate giving is negatively related to underwriter prestige, venture capital investment, and IPO financing costs. We also find that at the IPO‐issuance stage, negative media coverage of IPOs moderates the U‐shaped relationship between corporate giving and market premiums. At the IPO‐trading stage, we find that corporate giving only positively influences the market premiums for IPO firms that are the subject of negative media reports. Our findings contribute to the signalling theory by showing how various stakeholders interpret the same signals differently, and they have implications for understanding how the relationship between corporate philanthropy and corporate financial performance materializes in the IPO markets.  相似文献   

本文以一种全新的视角对客户价值重新界定,认为客户对企业的价值贡献应体现在有形资产和无形资产两个方面;并从价值来源的角度解构客户总体价值,认为总体价值包含当前价值、潜在价值和隐性价值,而当前价值和潜在价值又都有直接价值和附加价值两种价值来源。在此基础上,本文构建了各类价值测算模型及基于客户整个生命周期的总体价值测算模型。  相似文献   

Abstract . The speculative demand for money has occupied an important role in Keynes’ General Theory. Since then it has received only sporadic attention. The lack of sustained interest among specialists in monetary theory is largely due to the fact that the theory, in its original form, has usually failed to survive the empirical tests. In this paper, an attempt is made to estimate the speculative demand for money using the general framework of the “Efficient Markets Theory.” The study uses the United States seasonally adjusted monthly data for the period 1952-72. The results strongly indicate the existence of the speculative demand for money.  相似文献   

雷霆生 《经营者》2014,(14):98-99
把钱投向何方?中国汽车制造商特别容易将所谓“重大突破”视为救世主,事实却恰恰相反,最重婴的不是所谓的“一鸣惊人”,而是脚踏实地在技术领域建立自己的优势.  相似文献   

出奇的广告福特公司推出"野马"轿车,正式投放市场前四天,便邀请报界100多名人士参加从纽约到迪尔的70辆"野马"的汽车竞赛.  相似文献   

凯恩斯的货币需求理论引发了关于交易性货币需求理论的争议和修正,后来的发展演变更加注重从需求的微观基础出发来研究,强调约束条件下的交易成本和收支的不确定性,这对转轨时期的我国货币需求理论有很大的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

宋方 《价值工程》2011,30(9):324-325
计算机音乐创作系统也就是计算机数字音频工作站的出现,取代了过去由音序器、调音台、采样器、音源、合成器、效果器等昂贵的硬件设备组成的传统音乐工作站系统,使用计算机数字音频工作站进行音乐创作已经发展成为一种流行趋势。  相似文献   

Money Out of Thin Air: The nationwide Narrowband pcs Auction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Federal Communications Commission held its first auction of radio spectrum at the Nationwide Narrowband PCS Auction in July 1994. The simultaneous multiple-round auction, which lasted five days, was an ascending bid auction in which all licenses were offered simultaneously. This paper describes the auction rules and how bidders prepared for the auction. The full history of bidding is presented. Several questions for auction theory are discussed. In the end, the government collected $617 million for ten licenses. The auction was viewed by all as a huge success an excellent example of bringing economic theory to bear on practical problems of allocating scarce resources.  相似文献   

海云 《中外企业家》2005,(7):106-109
在日益凸显个性和时尚的今天,赚钱新行当层出不穷.好创意永远是致富的利器,愿以下几个"金点子"能为读者开启创业思路,从面体验"闪电"创富的快乐!  相似文献   

在经济全球化、新经济和市场竞争激烈的背景下,企业需要通过创造更多顾客价值来走出经营和营销困境。企业顾客价值创造需要以基于顾客价值的产品创新为先导,通过价值网创新进行增值的顾客价值传递,提高顾客满意度,赢得市场和经营绩效。  相似文献   

海岩计划再写一部小说,原因只有一个“因为太缺钱了!”他有些无奈地对《中国新时代》说:“我自己管理的企业都非常赚钱,但是被朋友煽动自己投资的都赔钱,可能是因为我不操作的缘故吧,我也实在没有精力操作。我现在手里真是缺钱,如果你给我200万,我就不写了。”  相似文献   

2002—03臻善圈发展方向 使命 培养不断学习、力求创新及臻善的文化,为员工及公司创造价值,令员工倍感自豪。 策略 培育员工以创新思维及有系统的方法来解决问题,并运用数据作为支持。 推广臻善圈活动成为工作的一部分。 扩大各阶层员工参与臻善的人数。 鼓励筹组跨功能/跨企业  相似文献   

权静 《中国新时代》2006,(12):33-33
尤纳斯用格莱珉银行的盈利向世界证明了扶贫和商业上的可持续发展能够并存要不要借给穷人钱,这是个悖论。穷人最需要钱,这谁都知道,可是真借到自己头上来,掂量掂量:万一人家“要钱没有要命一条”,那真是哭都没眼泪。所以,还是借钱给富人更靠谱,钱好还不说,落个人情,以后找富人帮个忙也方便。但是,还真有人专门借钱给穷人,而且“在贷款之前都会去到他家里查看,如果有任何家具,包括床在内,都不能从我们这里得到贷款。”不够穷还借不着,真是匪夷所思。资本从来都是“嫌贫爱富”的,专门找穷人的那是慈善,不是商业。可是人家最牛的地方就在专门给…  相似文献   

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