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This paper examines the role of technological capability in product innovation. Building on the absorptive capacity perspective and organizational inertia theory, the authors propose that technological capability has curvilinear and differential effects on exploitative and explorative innovations. The findings support the proposition that though technological capability fosters exploitation at an accelerating rate, it has an inverted U‐shaped relationship with exploration. That is, a high level of technological capability impedes explorative innovation. Strategic flexibility strengthens the positive effects of technological capability on exploration, such that when strategic flexibility is high, greater technological capability is associated with more explorative innovation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We focus on the firm's decision on product rollover strategies from the view of innovation level. Consider an innovative firm produces and sells durable goods to strategic consumers over two periods. In period one, the firm offers a product with a low innovation level. During that period, the firm continues to innovate such that a product with a high innovation level can be offered in period two. The analysis is separated into two parts: minor-to-moderate innovation and major innovation. We find that the rollover decision is considerably different when the innovation is minor-to-moderate from when the innovation is major. In the former case, the optimality of each rollover strategy is fully determined by the innovation level of the product introduced in period two and the customers' discounter factor; whereas in the latter case, the single rollover strategy always dominates the dual rollover strategy. Moreover, the firm's pricing policy under single rollover is strongly dependent on the innovation level of the product introduced in period two. Whereas under dual rollover, the firm's pricing decision is independent of the innovation level. Finally, it is to be noted that the findings in this research are mainly contingent on the model framework.  相似文献   

阐释了管理创新的涵义,然后探悉国有投资公司管理效益低下的原因并论述了管理创新的必要性,最后提出若干措施建议。  相似文献   

This paper documents the ways in which overseas R&D in MNEs now plays roles in what are innovative new approaches to innovation itself. Networks of laboratories are seen as supporting both the short-term and long-term competitive evolution of the MNE group's globally-effective product innovation.
In terms of the immediate commercial application of new products for global markets it is argued that product development labs work within creative overseas subsidiaries in MNEs. These aim to derive variants of the new product that fully meet the distinctive needs of each key regional market.
Another separate network of decentralised MNE labs carry out precompetitive (basic or applied) research, embodying particular areas of technological comparative advantage of their host countries. This network of labs therefore provides inputs into a centrally-articulated programme whose objective is to provide the basis of the longer-term technological evolution of the MNE, by upgrading the core knowledge from which future generations of innovative products can emerge.  相似文献   

This paper generates new insights into the market innovation process by merging literatures on higher-level learning and market shaping. The research shows that market learning expands the traditional organizational learning literature in three ways: it extends the unit of analysis from individual and organizational learning to inter-organizational learning; it implies a shift from adaptive to higher-level transformative learning; and it positions learning outcomes as changes in market-level properties rather than the mere cognitive developments of individual actors. A key contribution to the understanding of market learning is the development of a market-learning cycle framework that delineates the market-learning process into distinct phases. The framework structures the field in which focal actors with market driving strategies operate as they proactively engage other market actors during the different phases of the market-learning cycle. The usefulness of the framework is illustrated by a longitudinal case.  相似文献   

The paper explains how an important opportunity exists to pro-actively integrate suppliers at an early stage in the concept exploration and definition stages of product development. Research suggests that the concept of architectural innovation can be extended so that product features are matched with the associated specialized technical skills of partners in the development team.
In addition to the establishment of integrated product teams, key enablers include: long-term commitment to suppliers; co-location; joint responsibility for design and configuration control; seamless information flow; and retaining flexibility in the definition of system configuration. Important contributing factors include: supplier-capability-enhancing investments; target costing; and incentive mechanisms. To promote innovative outcomes in military and government programmes, attention is drawn to the importance of governments championing closely-knit customer-supplier relationships.
Firms can build enduring competitive strength by leveraging the specialized knowledge bases of their supplier networks. Two case-studies provide lessons to improve current approaches to the creation of long-term partnerships, or strategic alliances, with suppliers.  相似文献   

A key challenge in managing innovation is to explicitly identify ways to improve an organization's performance with regard to discontinuous innovation. However, discontinuous innovation does not fit the existing ‘frame of reference’ and hence requires a reframing of the traditional ways of innovating within the organization. More specifically, previous research shows that practices that work well in the context of incremental innovation do not work in the context of discontinuous innovation. Thus, the aim of this paper is to explore innovation practices that enable organizations to select innovation projects, which are ‘outside the box’ of its prior experience, i.e. are discontinuous in nature. Building on the experience of more than 150 firms across 12 countries, we have identified nine innovation practices for the selection of discontinuous innovation; these can be grouped into three clusters: enable, engage and experience. In sum, we identify that an organization needs to acknowledge that its choice to engage in discontinuous innovation will have consequences for the innovation practices chosen to select which discontinuous projects to carry forward.  相似文献   

Technological innovation has become a major source of farmer co-operatives’ competitive advantage, however empirical research on co-operatives innovation in a developing country context is rare. We adopt an ethnographic case study method collecting data from 32 co-operatives managers of four exemplar co-operative cases and agricultural experts in China and collected much archival data. In addition, a Delphi study was conducted to collect data on the innovation performance. Based on the distinctive characteristics of co-operatives, we found that first knowledge spillovers and technology acquisition modes are two constructs which best capture the dynamic of technological innovation in co-operatives and develop a typology based on them. Second, grassroots and social innovation in a Chinese co-operative context have their own characters and indeed a hybrid of capitalism (e.g., agribusiness) and New Rural Re-structuring principles (i.e., similar to ICA ones). Third and finally, we provide detailed agro-food policy implications for each of the four types of co-op innovation. The results of the research may be learned by co-ops and policy makers in other developing economies who face similar challenges as in China.  相似文献   

Big data is becoming more important to the new product development (NPD) efforts of global firms. Although the term of big data is not new, very few studies have investigated how firms can harvest big data to facilitate NPD. The purpose of this article is to present the means by which big data can be used to assist firms in NPD to shorten the time to market, improving customers’ product adoption and reducing costs. This research is based on a two-step approach. First, we identified and analysed three world-leading firms that have successfully integrated big data in supporting their NPD. Then, the observations from the firms were used to determine the principle involved in leveraging big data to reduce product development lead times and costs. Given the exploratory nature of the research objective, a participant-observation case study is adopted in which during a 6-month period a NPD project in a fast moving high-tech industry was investigated. This study provides empirical confirmation for the three principles to big data supported NPD: (a) Autonomy; (b) Connection; and (c) Ecosystem. It is termed the ACE principles which we believe represent a paradigm shift to help firms unlock the power of big data and make NPD faster and less costly. This article provides guideline to firms in harvesting big data to better support their NPD: it allows organisations to launch new products to market as quickly as possible; it helps organisations to determine the weaknesses of the product earlier in the development cycle; it allows functionalities to be added to a product that customers are willing to pay a premium for, while eliminating features they do not want; and it identifies and then prioritises customer needs for specific markets.  相似文献   

For almost 40 years academics from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds have sought to improve our understanding of the innovation process. In this paper, we examine the contribution made by those such as Kotler who have attempted to describe a rational approach to New Product Development (NPD). We argue that such frameworks offer a view of organisational activity which substantially understates the political activity associated with managing the innovation process. Most of those writing from a marketing perspective acknowledge external political influences such as government policies and the leverage of 'special interest groups'. We focus on the work of Burns and Stalker who clearly recognised the way in which internal political struggles to access resources or to improve career prospects impact on innovation. To analyse the role of micropolitics in the NPD process we describe the case of WEL, a medium-sized manufacturing firm, as managers and engineers attempted to develop an important new product. We conclude that it is essential to incorporate the role of internal politics into any framework which claims to offer a realistic account of NPD.  相似文献   

At the time of entry, market pioneers are known for emphasizing major product development projects. After being in the market for many years, however, do market pioneers, early followers, and late entrants maintain different product development strategies? Data from 2273 established manufacturing businesses reveal that market pioneers have the highest probability of engaging in product development, which covers product R&D spending as well as new product sales. Even so, market pioneers and early followers tend to emphasize minor projects, such as product improvements and line extensions. Late entrants are less likely to engage in product development, but those that do tend to emphasize major development efforts. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A company model is presented which may be used to assess the effecton future company performance of the level of investment in research and development. A distinctive feature of the model is the postulation of research return curve which relates the available return on potential new capital investments to the amountof capital invested and the size of a research pool. The latter is related to past R & D expenditure. It is shown how the research return curve may be adjusted to represent different types of industry and how a suitable form for this curve may be derived from company records. Examples are given of the use of the model for sensitivity and optimization studies.  相似文献   

There is a growing belief that investing in industrial design is beneficial to company performance. This article sheds more light on how and when integrating industrial design in the product development process can enhance a company's competitive position. The basic premise is that the impact of industrial design on company performance is not unconditional, but dependent on industry evolution and design strategy. We opted to define industrial design in a general way, namely as the activity that transforms a set of product requirements into a configuration of materials, elements and components. This activity can have an impact on a product's appearance, user friendliness, ease of manufacture, efficient use of materials, functional performance, and so on. The empirical data incorporated in this study stems from two Dutch manufacturing industries, namely home furniture and precision instruments. Home furniture and precision instruments were selected because the strategy of integrating industrial design in the product development process is rather mature in the first‐named industry and emerging in the second. We collected data from firms investing considerably in industrial design (n = 23) and firms investing little to nothing in industrial design (n = 24), using a semistructured questionnaire that was administrated during face‐to‐face sessions with senior managers. Two out of the three research hypotheses were supported. It was found that the extent to which firms integrate industrial design in new product development projects has a significant and positive influence on company performance (Hla), in particular when the strategy of investing in industrial design is relatively new for the industry involved (Hlb). There was no systematic pattern indicating that design innovation is more important in industries where the use of design is mature than in industries where the use of design is emerging (H2). Instead, we found that design innovation has significant positive performance effects in both types of industries. One important managerial inference from our study is that new product development managers should consider the changing nature of competition during industry evolution while developing strategies that encompass the use of industrial design in new product development. Another important managerial inference is that, besides being innovative in the field of products, being innovative with respect to design and design strategy can help to enhance competitiveness regardless of industry evolution.  相似文献   

We characterize the effect of overlapping ownership (OO) on investments in drastic product innovation. The success probability of innovation increases with investment. We analyse two opposing forces: (1) OO induces firms to internalize that success on their own behalf erodes the rivals’ business, reducing investments; (2) OO softens competition in the product market, enhancing investments. Our analysis reveals that the competition-softening effect, by stimulating investments, can induce OO to benefit consumers, in particular when the R&D projects are complex. We also show that an incumbent technology raises the threshold required for OO to stimulate investments in innovation.  相似文献   

This paper explores what it takes to actualize market innovation. It traces the ongoing efforts instigated by an exporter to bring about, and transform a mainstream market into, a new sustainability market; a market designed to advance ecological and social sustainability goals. We draw attention to the diverse and heterogeneous composite – a socio-technical agencement – whose transformative connections collectively reconfigure and transform the mainstream market into a sustainability market. This paper draws on evidence from an ethnographic study of a newly established sustainability coffee market in Uganda to discuss how market innovation unfolds. It illustrates the ongoing character of market innovation and reveals the agencing work involved in bringing about the agencement and capacitating agencies to realize market innovation.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the data obtained from a study of 500 industrial innovations introduced in major industrialized countries from 1953 to 1973. The trends in industrial innovation of both the country of origin and the country of market introduction are examined based on the data presented.  相似文献   

Firms increasingly engage in business-to-business cooperation to develop relevant innovations. Scholars have shown that firms can improve service innovation either by cooperating with suppliers or by cooperating with competitors. However, there is a dearth of research examining the relative importance of cooperating with suppliers and competitors to improve service innovation, and how this relative importance depends on embracing product innovation. Based on a cross-industry sample of 16,062 Spanish firms, this article addresses these research gaps, finding that firms can benefit from cooperating with both suppliers and competitors to boost service innovation, without prioritizing either. However, this article also shows that, if firms embrace product innovation, they should prioritize cooperating with competitors to boost service innovation.  相似文献   

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