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人的全面发展与生态文明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的全面发展依靠社会变革与社会自我调节两条实现途径。前一条途径是打破社会生产关系对人的束缚,带来人的全面发展的社会前提。后一条途径是改进人的社会行为,其集中表现就是走可持续发展道路。在马克思主义理论体系中,社会变革的宏伟理想是共产主义;作为人类社会历史上一个新的文明形态,生态文明则是社会调节的宏伟理想。马克思主义应当且只有她才能科学地将生态文明概念纳入其理论体系,生态文明可与共产主义成为相对称的两个概念,成为两面指引人类走向未来的旗帜。生态文明从五个方面对人的全面发展的直接促进作用:(1)为人类提供良好的社会生活环境;(2)唤起和不断满足人的生态需要;(3)改进社会消费方式、为人类的身心健康提供保证;(4)改进社会生产方式,为人的全面发展提供和谐的劳动生活;(5)改变了人的物质价值观,彰显了人生的真正价值。  相似文献   

The contribution of a major aid agency, UNICEF, to the social sector in three African countries is reviewed and important lessons are drawn for developing the social sector in South Africa. UNICEF's commitment to children and women and its substantial development expertise bestow many advantages on developing bilateral relations with UNICEF. It is equally important to develop sound social policies and adequate community‐based programmes in which UNICEF's expertise and resources can be incorporated. Guidelines are formulated for reducing dependence and vulnerability to donor assistance in the social sector.  相似文献   

高校贷款投资项目社会评价的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了对高校贷款投资项目进行社会评价的意义,分析了高校贷款投资项目社会评价的主要内容,并构建了相应的评价指标体系.最后,对高校贷款投资项目社会评价的方法进行了评述.  相似文献   

目前 ,社会有效需求不足的问题仍在困扰社会经济的发展。消费需求是社会有效需求的关键组成 ,本文就影响消费需求的各因素进行分析 ,以期通过有效扩大消费需求带动整个经济增长。  相似文献   

统筹城乡社会养老保险实施路径与战略布置   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
童广印  薛兴利 《特区经济》2009,240(1):220-222
统筹城乡社会养老保险的基本路径是:"城乡分割→统一筹划、制度有别→制度统一、标准有别→城乡一体化",到2030年建立起覆盖全面、标准适当的城乡一体化的社会养老保险制度。措施有:明确城乡"制度统一,标准有别"的社会养老保险改革的条件和内容;重点抓好农村养老保险制度建设,进一步改革与完善城镇社会养老保险制度,缩小城乡差距;打破传统的社会养老保险对象的划分标准,建立城乡一体化的社会养老保险管理体制等。  相似文献   

人的生存和发展被设定为资本收益最大化的条件,是私人资本主导社会生产和社会分配以及二者结合的最大特点,这样必然出现:(1)获得生存和发展保障的只是一个特定的群体;(2)获得的保障有限;(3)要以牺牲部分人生存和发展保障为代价;(4)要以牺牲当代人和未来人生存和发展条件为代价。私人资本占有社会生产成果需要设计特别的财产权。资产阶级经济学的产权理论把剥削和占有的行为掩藏起来,让资本可以通吃其他生产要素的分配权。以私人财产面目掩盖着的私人资本,由于其占有其他生产要素收益权的产权关系不合理地扩展了私人财产本身应有的产权关系,其收益权的保护需要根据实际情况来确定。长期以来,在不合理的经济学理论引导下,社会生产和社会分配以及二者的结合以资本收益最大化为原则,人类社会生产发展以保障人生存和发展为目的被以资本收益最大化为目的取代,社会生产发展的目的和手段出现了不应该出现的倒置。资本家阶级原本只应该为社会生产的发展服务,为保障人的生存和发展服务,而不是要社会生产的发展或人的生存和发展为他们获取资本收益最大化服务。事实上,如果我们始终把资本家阶级看成是与社会生产的发展不可分割的部分,他们就是与社会生产发展过程有机组合起来的一个优秀群体,就如同是在社会生产发展过程中不可或缺的劳动者一样,参与社会生产的目的都是为了保障人的生存和发展。这样的优秀群体中的每一个人,必然、也应该会是真正自由而全面发展的人。  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that social/corporate norms play an important role in achieving higher productivity and better economic welfare. We define “social norm” to be a standard of behavior suggested by a social custom, i.e., a customary choice of actions in each social situation. We reinterpret the well-known Nash equilibrium as a “norm equilibrium.” A norm equilibrium is a stable social norm, stable in the sense that there is no incentive to deviate from the behavior suggested by the prevailing social norm. This interpretation requires less information than the traditional interpretation. Moreover, we need not be concerned with the problem of refinement because it is the social norm itself which refines the equilibria. We apply this concept to the labor market. The key assumption is that the level of an individual worker's effort is private information known to workers as a whole; i.e., all workers' efforts are known to their fellow workers as well as to the workers themselves. We show that different work norms may emerge in different corporations at an equilibrium. In “prestigious” firms cooperation is the prevailing work norm, while in “nonprestigious” firms noncooperation is the norm. Thus, the efficiency wage hypothesis holds without the existence of unemployment. Some implications of this interpretation for the Japanese labor markets are discussed.  相似文献   

Local governments in China have used a large amount of funds from individual accounts to finance deficits in the pay-as-you-go social pooling account, resulting in explicit social security debt. It is undoubtedly useful to know how large the debt is and how it will evolve in the future. This paper assesses the debt in China's social security individual accounts. It shows detailed calculations of the revenue, the anticipated funds, expenditures, and the debt in the individual accounts since their inception in 1997. The social security debt for China reached 1.59% of the GDP in 2015. The paper also assesses the historical social security debt in the individual accounts for each province. It shows that social security debt is unevenly spread, reaching more than 10% in Heilongjiang province and being negative in Guangdong province in 2015. The determinants for high debt in the individual accounts are examined based on the data from thirty-one Chinese provinces from 1997 to 2015. The paper also forecasts social security debt in the future and finds that the social security debt will reach over 8% of GDP in 2025 if the current system remains unchanged. Various ways to reduce the social security debt are also explored.  相似文献   

The increase in the movement of people from rural to urban areas since the mid-1980s represents the largest labor migration ever experienced in China. Because migration is a process of selection, it is imperative that the major dynamics determining the selection are studied. What are the critical characteristics of migrants that help them to realize their mobility from rural areas to urban areas? While educational attainment, gender, age, marital status and personal skills are important variables in the selection process, the present paper examines how social networks (guanxi connections) play a significant role in the process of migration selection in China. A case study from one of the northern villages in rural China is used to explore how social networks have shaped and given meaning to migration. The present paper elaborates on how people's social mobility has coincided with and been reinforced by people's physical mobility.  相似文献   

Using China Family Panel Studies data, we analyze online and offline social interactions' influence on household entrepreneurial choice. We conclude that social interactions can positively influence household entrepreneurial choice, intensity and performance, and our findings are robust considering the possible endogeneity problem. The mechanisms of information acquisition, financing constraints relaxing and relative wealth concern are valid. In terms of heterogeneity analysis, for entrepreneurs of rural migrant backgrounds (those with agricultural hukou and urban permanent residence), the impact of online social interaction is more significant than it is for others. For households in the eastern regions, social interactions show significant positive impacts on entrepreneurship choices. We also find that the promotion effect of social interactions is more pronounced for households with a higher debt level than for those with a lower debt level.  相似文献   

Recently, concerns have been raised on the adverse impacts of social media on people's subjective well-being. Using a large and representative sample of Chinese individuals, we explore the effects of social media browsing and social media communication on users' life satisfaction. The results show that while social media browsing has a strong negative impact on users' subjective well-being, there is no significant impact generated by social media communication. The relative income and social comparison are the main drivers of the result. The negative impact of social media browsing is more pronounced for low-income people than for high-income people. We do not find support for other possible mechanisms like information cocoons of information fragmentation.  相似文献   

After a discussion of the background of development, the evolution of social work and its place in development is examined. Internationally, social work has only lately started focusing on community work rather than just on case or group work. In South Africa such concern with development has not been so evident, although there have been some dramatic turns in the past decade.

The profession of social work and its training are discussed and finally attention is drawn to the need for cooperation with a number of other professions. The author's conclusion is that social work in South Africa has not kept in close enough touch with social changes taking place.  相似文献   

International comparisons of national social policy rely overwhelminglyon programme spending ratios. However, there are widespreadproblems with this type of data as an indicator of trends insocieties' commitments to social protection. This paper suggestsan alternative approach to understanding social commitmentsand introduces a new international data set of social insuranceprogrammes that is comprised of important characteristics ofthree types of public insurance: unemployment, sick pay, andpublic pensions. The data are available annually from the 1970sfor 18 OECD countries. Looking more closely at trends in twoprogramme characteristics, income replacement rates and programmecoverage, we develop an indicator of expected benefits. Accordingto this indicator, there is considerably more evidence of welfarestate retrenchment in recent years than most analyses of publicspending have suggested. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: lyle.scruggs{at}uconn.edu  相似文献   

失地农民社会排斥研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王慧博 《改革与战略》2008,24(2):23-26,85
失地农民是在我国城市化、现代化进程中形成的一个特殊群体。失地农民群体因受到来自社会政策、社会保障体制、劳动力市场就业、社会关系网络等方面的排斥,而成为新的弱势群体。因此,消除社会排斥、保障失地农民的权益,是建设社会主义和谐社会急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

郭连锋 《特区经济》2012,(5):225-227
新生代农民工正以一种不可忽视的力量在我国的社会变迁中发挥着重要作用。这一群体在融入城市的过程中需要解决的问题复杂而多样,主要包括:耐受性差,主动适应能力欠缺;心理压力问题突出,易诱发不安定行为;遭受的社会性歧视根深蒂固;城市入户条件苛刻,门槛依然很高;自身权益缺乏保障等。针对这些问题,笔者提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

中国地方政府的社会性支出:效率及其决定因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈刚  李树 《南方经济》2010,28(10):3-17
本文采用二阶段DEA—Tobit模型核算并解释了我国地方政府的社会性支出效率,主要发现是:(1)地方政府的各项社会性支出效率存在明显的地区差距,但地区差距正在逐步缩小,其中,中部地区的卫生和教育支出效率最高,东部地区的社会保障支出效率最高,西部地区的各项支出效率均最低,而总社会性支出效率最高的是东部地区;(2)总体而言,由于地方政府支出无效率导致的社会性公共产品的损失量大约占现有生产环境和技术条件下潜在产出量的10.8%;(3)政府规模、行政腐败、收入差距和人均GDP等环境因素是降低社会性支出效率的变量,而教育水平、城市化率和人口规模等环境因素则是提高社会性支出效率的变量,当然,各环境变量对分项社会性支出效率的影响也存在一定差异。  相似文献   

社会资本对企业影响的机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章基于对社会资本概念和结构的探讨,首先通过研究总结发现西方学者主要从社会伦理和责任、公司管理、智力资本等三种理论视角来探讨社会资本对企业的影响.然后找到了智力资本这个切入点,对近几年来在智力资本模型中探讨社会资本对企业影响的机制做了研究.最后指出了未来社会资本研究的发展方向和研究趋势,提出了加大智力资本研究和把社会资本可度量化的建议.  相似文献   

周业安  王一子 《南方经济》2016,35(10):95-105
社会认同理论的引入为实验经济学相关研究开拓了一个新的分支。通过假设个体间相互关联,社会认同因素直接作用于个体的偏好,进而改变经济决策,是对传统经济学理论的突破。总体来说,社会认同对偏好的塑造体现在两个方面:首先,社会认同会提升个体对内群的社会偏好,导致内群偏见,并使个体做出更加有利于内群的行为;其次,社会认同会改变个体对内群规则的偏好,进而导致不同维度的群体分类在经济决策上的差异。  相似文献   

以沈阳市高新技术企业为调查对象,收集2460家高新技术企业数据,通过构建企业的社会责任指数、知识吸收指数、技术创新指数,分析考察社会责任对企业技术创新的影响。实证研究发现,社会责任对企业技术创新具有正向影响作用,知识吸收在社会责任与企业技术创新之间起中介作用。进一步研究表明,潜在吸收能力和实际吸收能力在知识吸收与企业技术创新之间具有调节作用。研究结果对当前企业积极履行社会责任、突破关键核心技术的“卡脖子”问题具有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

根据STIRPAT模型,基于2003—2019年省际面板数据,对社会抚养压力与碳排放之间关系进行实证分析,将社会抚养压力细分为老年抚养压力和少儿抚养压力。研究发现:社会抚养压力与碳排放关系不显著;老年抚养压力与碳排放存在“U”形关系;少儿抚养压力与碳排放存在倒“U”形关系。最后将30个省区市通过总社会抚养压力的高低与经济发展水平的高低分成4个梯队,分别探讨这4个梯队的地区中,老年抚养压力、少儿抚养压力与碳排放之间的关系以及回归结果出现不同的原因。  相似文献   

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