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随着21世纪无形资源在企业中所发挥的作用越来越大,智力资本对企业的绩效产生了较为深远的影响。本文试图从直接效应、间接效应和协同效应三个角度出发,去探究智力资本与企业创新绩效二者的相关关系,分析出智力资本在企业的经营管理中所起的重要作用,并为企业关于智力资本的运用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

在经济全球化进程中,智力资本正在成为高科技企业制胜的法宝。在各企业的各个成长阶段,组成智力资本的三个要素即人力资本、组织资本和关系资本对企业的绩效产生不同的影响,而在这三者之中起关键作用的是人力资本。本文简单地介绍了组成智力资本的要素,分析了智力资本的三个要素是如何影响绩效的,最后指出高新技术企业在成长的过程中应该重视人才引进及员工培训、加强组织文化建设和优化智力资本结构,从而提升企业绩效。  相似文献   

田心语 《商场现代化》2022,(18):104-106
如今的时代我们称之为知识经济时代,在这个时代,知识性资源是企业发展的主要驱动力,也就是我们所说的智力资本。本文以制造业上市公司数据为研究样本,利用净资产收益率这一指标来对企业绩效进行量化衡量,以制造业上市公司2016年-2020年的数据为样本,构建智力资本与企业绩效的结构方程模型。最后,提出了相关建议,总结了不足之处,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代来临,知识经济时代智力资本的作用愈发显著,为探究智力资本对企业财务绩效的影响,选取2016年-2018年我国信息技术行业153家上市企业为研究样本,采用智力资本增值系数法和因子分析法分别对智力资本和财务绩效进行测度,利用多元回归探究智力资本与财务绩效间的关联性,结果显示:人力资本、结构资本及其整体对企业财务绩效有着正向作用,关系资本与财务绩效关系正向相关但并不显著.  相似文献   

绿色发展要求企业重视绿色创新与环境绩效。本文探讨了绿色人力资源管理影响企业环境绩效的作用机制,在文献梳理的基础上,构建了绿色人力资源管理影响企业创新与环境绩效的理论模型。研究表明:绿色人力资源管理可以正向预测企业环境绩效,其中,企业绿色创新具有中介作用。绿色人力资源管理实践通过培养员工的绿色能力、绿色动机,提供绿色机会和明晰环保目标间接影响员工绿色行为和企业绿色创新,进而对企业环境绩效产生影响。此外,绿色人力资源管理实践的前因变量包括来自利益相关者的压力、企业社会责任信息披露、企业绿色发展战略和绿色变革型领导。最后,基于企业社会责任信息披露、绿色人力资源管理实践和绿色创新等方面提出相关建议。  相似文献   

目前,国内外很多学者研究了单一企业的知识吸收能力,但在产业集群的背景下研究企业吸收能力的较少。本文以产业集群为背景,探讨了群内企业的知识吸收能力对其创新绩效的影响,构建了相关关系模型,并提出了研究假设。  相似文献   

绿色创新战略与企业绩效的关系:以员工参与为中介变量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取中国制造业企业数据为研究对象,围绕绿色创新战略对企业社会绩效和经济绩效的影响,以员工参与为约束指标,实证检验绿色创新战略与企业绩效的关系.结果表明:开展绿色创新战略不仅能提高企业社会绩效,同时还能提升企业经济绩效;员工参与在绿色创新战略与企业绩效之间具有中介作用.  相似文献   

随着全球一体化的加深以及社会发展的速度,当前的企业所面临的生存环境和经营管理环境都出现了很大的改变。在当前的网络环境背景下,企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立足于不败之地,需要充分的认识网络化环境对于企业所产生的影响。但是企业如何有效的利用网络获取资源呢?网络密度与知识吸收能力是非常关键的两个因素。本文主要分析与探讨网络密度以及知识吸收能力对企业创新绩效的影响。  相似文献   

No research explored intellectual capital about green innovation or environmental management. This study wanted to fill this research gap, and proposed a novel construct – green intellectual capital – to explore the positive relationship between green intellectual capital and competitive advantages of firms. The empirical results of this study showed that the three types of green intellectual capital – green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital – had positive effects on competitive advantages of firms. Moreover, this study found that green relational capital was the most common among these three types of green intellectual capital, and the three types of green intellectual capital of Medium & Small Enterprises (SMEs) were all significantly less than those of large enterprises in the information and electronics industry in Taiwan. In sum, companies investing many resources and efforts in green intellectual capital could not only meet the trends of strict international environmental regulations and popular environmental consciousness of consumers, but also eventually obtain corporate competitive advantages. Dr. Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration in National Yunlin University of Science & Technology in Taiwan. His research focused on management of technology, innovation management, corporate environmental management, and patent analysis.  相似文献   

李先江 《财经论丛》2016,(7):94-103
为了探索先动式顾客导向对突破式产品创新的真实影响,本研究以绿色创业企业为研究对象,将突破式绿色产品创新划分为以技术为基础的突破式绿色产品创新和以市场为基础的突破式绿色产品创新,将突破式绿色产品创新兼容性与重要性作为中介变量构建了先动式顾客导向和两种类型突破式绿色产品创新之间关系的概念模型,并以国内193家企业为样本进行了实证研究。研究发现:先动式顾客导向在促进突破式产品创新的过程中存在着局限性,即先动式顾客导向对以技术为基础的突破式绿色产品创新有正向的显著影响,但对以市场为基础的突破式绿色产品创新的正向影响不显著,突破式绿色产品创新兼容性与重要性在先动式顾客导向和以技术为基础的突破式绿色产品创新之间发挥着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

人力资本流动对增强东道国自身技术吸收能力具有重要意义。本文选取来华留学生数与留学回国人数以及外资就业率作为人力资本流动的代理指标,使用数据包络分析方法(DEA)来测算技术进步,就人力资本流动对FDI技术吸收能力的影响进行了实证分析,并得出结论:FDI和人力资本流动相结合与技术进步存在正相关关系.但正效应并不显著。因此,我国应当提高人力资本流动质量,提升其总体水平,为FDI技术溢出创造优越的人才环境。  相似文献   

Recently, environmental management offers firms a source of competitive advantage in the marketplace. The development of environmental innovations is critical to the success of today's firms. Drawing on the Schumpeterian perspective of competition, this research examines how the perception of rival firms' green success influences a firm to pursue and produce environmental innovation through its green supply chain integration activities. Using survey data from 230 firms, a conceptual model is developed and tested using structural equation modeling. We find that the firms in our sample do perceive pressure from their competitors' success in environmental management activities, and thus take supply chain action to pursue integration activities. By differentiating incremental and radical environmental innovation, this study also reveals the role of three dimensions of green supply chain integration (internal, supplier, and customer integration of green product development) on incremental and radical environmental innovation separately. Specifically, findings suggest that green supply chain integration has a positive impact on developing incremental environmental innovation, while only customer integration has a significant positive impact on developing radical environmental innovation.  相似文献   

基于CSM的区域智力资本与区域创新能力的互动模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用复杂科学管理理论(CSM),分析研究了区域智力资本与区域创新能力之间的互动关系,认为区域智力资本与区域创新能力都是区域这一巨型社会复杂系统的一个组成部分,并提出了基于CSM的区域智力资本与区域创新能力静态互动关系模型和动态互动关系模型,旨在为深入探索二者的互动关系提出了一个基本的理论框架。  相似文献   

This study proposed a novel construct – green core competence – to explore its positive effects on green innovation and green images of firms. The results showed that green core competences of firms were positively correlated to their green innovation performance and green images. In addition, this research also verified two types of green innovation performance had partial mediation effects between green core competences and green images of firms. Therefore, investment in the development of green core competence was helpful to businesses for the enhancement of their green innovation and green images. Furthermore, this study found that green core competence, two types of green innovation performance, and green images of medium & small enterprises (SMEs) were all significantly less than those of large enterprises in the information and electronics industry in Taiwan. Therefore, there was the advantage of firm size for the green core competence in this industry, and it was imperative for SMEs to develop and create their green core competences to strengthen their green innovation performance, and green images.  相似文献   

企业的技术创新始于决策,其技术创新决策机制是企业其它机制良好运行的基础,不同的创新决策机制会对技术创新产生不同的效果。知识产权是企业战略的重要组成部分,建立基于知识产权战略的决策机制对企业具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

The author examines the determinants of technological innovations in Egyptian manufacturing and service small and medium-sized enterprises. Three categories of determinants are explored: (a) firms’ exposure to external knowledge and technologies, (b) firms’ absorptive capacity, and (c) financial and market barriers to innovation. A large dataset derived from the 2009 Egyptian innovation survey is used to estimate two binary logit models of factors explaining firms’ propensity to innovate in the manufacturing and service sectors. Results show that Egyptian manufacturing and service small and medium-sized enterprises follow similar paths to innovate and confirm the assumption that the catching-up reality in most developing countries makes the patterns followed by firms to innovate fundamentally different from those applied in countries at the technology frontier.  相似文献   

本文基于国内外相对成熟的企业吸收能力调查问卷构建了具有中国情景的测量项目,形成了由获取、消化、转化和利用4个维度组成的企业吸收能力量表。结合184家长江经济带战略性新兴产业上市公司研究发现:消化能力与其他能力的关系非常重要;利用能力在提升以净资产收益率为代表的企业绩效时效果明显。建议战略性新兴产业在提升企业吸收能力时,首先管理层要重视,其次是提升消化能力,从而提高利用能力,最终促进产业转型升级。  相似文献   

新创小微企业往往资源匮乏,需要从外部关系网络中获取所需资源,创业者的网络能力就成为影响企业成长的重要因素,但是网络能力对新创企业绩效影响机理的"黑箱"有待进一步打开。为此,本文从创业者能力的异质性出发,提出"网络能力—吸收能力—成长绩效"的作用路径,并以141家新创小微企业为样本进行实证分析。结果发现:创业者的网络构建能力和网络嵌入能力对企业成长绩效具有显著的直接影响,而关系管理能力对企业成长绩效的直接影响并不显著;创业者的吸收能力在网络嵌入能力与企业成长绩效之间起到部分中介作用,在关系管理能力与企业成长绩效之间起到完全中介作用。  相似文献   

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