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公司中经国有股权支持当选的董事及监事,负有公法上特定的国资经营与监督职责,实质为国家出资人公务代表。而作为公司的董监事,其与公司为私法上的委任与代表关系,由此决定了其兼具公法人格与私法人格。因公私法调整的对象及侧重的利益点不同,其双重人格必然发生冲突。为解决其冲突并实现其平衡,立法应确立国家出资人代表与公司经理层的隔离机制,创设影子董事责任制度和国家民事赔偿制度,并通过公司章程的规制来实现。  相似文献   

十届人大一次会议正式确定成立国务院国有资产监督管理委员会代表国家履行国有资产所有者的职能,承担管资产和管人、管事的职责.国资委的成立明确了国有企业的出资人代表,对控制国有企业的"内部人控制"和防止国有资产流失必将起到积极的作用.国资委职能发挥的前提是它与国有企业的财务关系清晰.因为,财务关系不清,必将致使各主体职责、权力和利益不清,影响职能发挥.本文通过分析国资委与国有企业的财务活动,认为两者之间应建立起以投资、监督与被监督和收益分配为主的财务关系,规范两者的财务活动,达到国有资本保值增值的目的.  相似文献   

作为国家的出资人代表,国资委如何管人、管事、管资产。成立三年的国资委,在中国经济体制改革不断深化中,在中国经济与世界经济接轨的过程中,国资委引领国企,不断探索新的出路和方向。其中,围绕国企公司治理结构书写出了一连串的答卷。全球选秀、股权、期权激励、问责  相似文献   

十六大和国有资产监督管理暂行条例都明确将国资委定位为出资人,但仍存在这样的疑问:国资委到底是出资人机构,还是监管出资人的机构?应该直接当企业的股东,还是由中间层公司当企业的股东? 由于政府对多年来国有资产疏于监督、管理的状况有切肤之痛,所以希望国资委能够扭转这种局面,加之“监管”的泛化以及政府对“监管”的偏好,“监管”俨然成为国资委  相似文献   

我国证券交易所有权对券商、上市公司等市场主体收取惩罚性违约金.然而,由于该自律监管措施权力来源多元,既源于公法上的国家立法,又源于私法上的契约设定,使法律性质存疑,也难以确定纠纷适用诉讼类型.相比"违约责任"说与"行政罚款"说,突破公法私法二元体系下的"社会权力"说能贴切地诠释惩罚性违约金的内涵.由法律关系性质、主体性...  相似文献   

在地方国有企业资产迅猛增长的背景下,面对一些地方政府国资委与政府其他部门的关系没有完全理顺、国有资产监管范围也没有得到合理界定等问题,国务院国资委正试图理顺和地方国资委的关系,在加强国资系统垂直指导监督和尊重下级国资委出资人权利之间寻求平衡。9月19日,国务院国资委召开首次有关指导监督地方国资工作的专题会议,总结交流七年来国资委系统开展指导监督地方国资工作的做法和经验,研究部  相似文献   

税务行政处罚的法理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法学意义上的税收是一种金钱给付关系。关于税收的法律关系性质有权利关系说和债务关系说两种观点,不同观点之下对于税务行政处罚的法理有不同的分析。事实上,国家和纳税人之间是一种公法意义上的债权债务关系,税务行政处罚是国家对纳税人不按时履行税收合约的一种惩罚。  相似文献   

国务院国资委成立后,随着国资委管人、管事、管资产职能的逐步到位,开展经济责任审计工作已成为国资委成立后履行出资人职责  相似文献   

国家Country 李荣融:将以资产经营公司为 平台加快国企重组 国务院国资委主任李荣融日前表 示,2006年我国国企改革的步子将加 快,国资委将探索以资产经营公司为 平台推进国有企业调整重组,加快培 育一批有国际竞争力的大公司大企业 集团。 他表示,国资委将在六方面切实 履行好出资人职责。一是不断探索和  相似文献   

侯立新 《财会学习》2007,(12):16-18
一、国资委要对央企整合"设限" 国资委副主任邵宁近期在一个论坛上表示,我国国有企业的改革和国有经济的战略性调整取得了重大进展,国有企业的经营状况发生了重大变化,这主要得益于国有企业布局结构的优化和国有资产出资人到位带来的体制改善.  相似文献   

This paper extends the risk-return argument of modern portfolio theory to the institutional typologies with which state-sponsored local government investment pools (LGIPs) operate. By using fixed-effects regression on monthly panel data from 18 LGIPs across seven years, the author found that institutional typologies with which LGIPs operate matter. An LGIP should be structured and managed based on its ability to mitigate risks. The paper contributes to increasing the accountability and fiscal governance over public money and promotes public funds investment laws in the US, UK and internationally.  相似文献   

邹静娴 《财务与金融》2011,(2):55-57,63
2010年始,国资委在央企全面推行以EVA为核心指标的年度经营业绩考核体系,国企如何建立与此相适应的价值管理体系是亟需解决的理论和实践问题.本文在阐述EVA的历史沿革、核心理念、国资委EVA考核体系政策意义基础上,初步探讨了以EVA为导向的国企价值管理体系的几个核心要素-战略管控、财务决策、绩效考核和激励制度设计相关问...  相似文献   

The existence of an effective means of citizen participation within public service decision-making forums will be one of the biggest challenges for public mangers in 2010. The establishment of systems which bring citizen representatives into the polity can provide unique opportunities for citizen inputs-one such system is the school governing body, made up of citizen, professional and political representatives. This article reports on an investigation into citizen participation within the governance of schools. It finds that while governing bodies provide the opportunity for citizen participation, citizens are not actively involved in school governance. A number of measures are recommended which may assist in enhancing the citizen governance role.  相似文献   

预约定价作为税法开拓的新领域,尽管起步较晚,但发展却异常迅速。与预约定价实践迅速发展形成鲜明对比的是预约定价的理论研究却异常缓慢,在中国如此,在世界亦如此。通过对预约定价的概念进行界定,建议运用法学多学科的视角对预约定价进行理论分析,并大胆把民法、行政法和公共管理的相关理论援引到预约定价中,来分析预约定价的民法适用问题。  相似文献   

私法与公法的不断交融使得传统的公法私法二元论不断受到冲击。并非完全二元对立的私法与公法在法律规范层面存在不同种类的协动形式,私法公法协动论可以有效解释公法私法的新关系。私法与公法的协动既存在于利益层面,也存在于主体层面。利益层面的私法公法协动论主要包括公法规范和私法规范的重叠型适用、冲突调节型适用和协同型适用三类。重叠型适用主要出于保护特定利益的需要;冲突调节型适用则需要基于适当性、必要性和均衡性调节有冲突的利益关系;协同型适用本质是对利益的双重连续性衡量过程,可以分为差异化协同、竞合协同和组合协同等不同情况。而主体层面的私法公法协动论主要包括公私协动和私行政法等内容。  相似文献   

We use data from China to examine whether regulations that limit management influence over auditors improve audit quality. China’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) issued two rules in 2004 aimed at improving audit quality for state-owned enterprises ultimately controlled by the central government (CSOEs). These rules limit management influence over auditors by mandating that SASAC assign auditors for CSOEs and by requiring management to retain auditors for at least 2 years and at most 5 years. Since these rules apply only to CSOEs, we use a difference-in-difference design to study the impact of these regulations on audit quality. We find that audit quality for CSOEs relative to other companies improves after the enactment of these rules. Our results are robust to a battery of sensitivity analyses. Our findings suggest that limiting management influence over auditors helps improve audit quality.  相似文献   

反垄断法被誉为经济宪法,根本目标是为了维护社会公共利益,其采用行政执法的方式,严重违法垄断行为者将承担强制性的法律责任,因此,反垄断法是一部公法性质很强的法律。而我国反垄断法就公法性而言仍然存在诸多不足,主要表现为对严重垄断行为刑事责任的立法不足,行政执法程序中体现公平正义的听证程序的缺失,以及公益诉讼的立法空白。为实现反垄断法的价值目标,我国应该在借鉴国外先进经验的同时,结合本国国情,在刑事立法、听证程序和公益诉讼方面不断完善反垄断法。  相似文献   

魏丽君 《金卡工程》2009,13(7):72-72
私法公法化是私法自近代向现代转变过程中出现的一种趋势。商法在本质上具有私法属性,但是商法公法化赋与了商法公法色彩。大量公法性规范注入商法,可是商法的私法性质并未因私法公法化而改变。  相似文献   

At the start of 2010, the Central SASAC initiated a three‐year “Performance Assessment Policy” that has the potential to transform Chinese business practices. Since 2010, return on capital has been a major criterion in the performance evaluation and compensation of the senior managements of the 100 largest Chinese state‐owned enterprises. Although sales growth will still count for 60% of executive assessment, 40% will be determined by a simplified version of EVA, or Economic Value Added. The guiding principle behind the new policy is simple and straightforward: Executives of state‐owned enterprises are now being asked to manage capital more efficiently than they have in the past—and in much the same way that private enterprises are now expected to do. Observers might be inclined to downplay this change. The assessed cost for capital, at 5.5%, is well below the market's required rate of return. And SASAC may not allow the firms to close plants, make positions redundant, and lay off employees. Veteran managers may try to outlive the interest in EVA, expecting SASAC's new standards to be unenforced. But SASAC's leaders expect a few pioneering companies to take the framework farther than the guidelines demand. To the extent they succeed in creating value for their shareholders, these companies could help bring about important change at many other Chinese companies.  相似文献   

This empirical study explores perceptions of bullying among public sector workers with long-term health conditions (LTHC), using focus groups and interviews with knowledgeable trade union members and representatives. While incidents of overt discrimination occurred, there was more support for the social model of disability, with bullying largely attributed to intensive working practices typical of new public management.  相似文献   

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