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牛士华 《黑河学刊》2013,(10):14-16,61
近年来,江苏省农产品出口一直保持稳定增长。2012年江苏省农产品出口额达到30.6亿美元。外商直接投资对江苏省农产品出口的促进作用明显,利用农业FDI促进江苏省农产品出口。  相似文献   

Using spatial econometrics, we estimate the effect of externalities generated by neighbors’ exports on place-level exports, explicitly modeling the distance to those neighbors. We find there is a positive effect of neighbors’ exports on exports to the same country but less so for exporting generally. We also find that using a spatial-weights term based on the physical distance between exporters greatly outperforms a dichotomous measure based on exporters in the same region. The results are robust to alternative definitions of the spatial weight.  相似文献   

Empirical work shows that a considerable fraction of firms quit the export market soon after entrance. A natural interpretation to this quick exit from the export market is that firms did not predict the profitability of their variety correctly before entry. In this paper a firm heterogeneity model is put forward to account for this type of exporting uncertainty due to lack of information. Firms are heterogeneous with respect to the popularity of their good, technically the CES weight, and the popularity of a good varies across markets. Therefore, firms are uncertain about the profitability of their good in the export market. Upon payment of sunk export costs the popularity of the good is revealed and some firms stay in the export market while others leave. Comparative statics show that lower sunk export costs lead to higher probability that firms start to export, but to lower probability of export success. Lower fixed export costs instead lead to both a higher probability to start exporting and to be successful in exporting.  相似文献   

Exporting and Productivity in the USA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Exporting is often touted as a way to increase economic growth.This paper examines the interaction between exporting and productivitygrowth in US manufacturing. While exporting plants have substantiallyhigher productivity levels, there is no evidence that exportingincreases plant productivity growth rates. The higher productivityof exporters largely predates their entry into exporting. However,within the same industry, exporters do grow faster than non-exportersin terms of both shipments and employment. Exporting is associatedwith the reallocation of resources from less efficient to moreefficient plants. In the aggregate, these reallocation effectsare quite large, making up over 40 per cent of total factorproductivity growth in the manufacturing sector. Half of thisreallocation to more productive plants occurs within industriesand the direction of the reallocation is towards exporting plants.  相似文献   

文章将融资约束、产品质量引入异质性企业贸易模型,研究企业融资约束对其出口目的地选择的影响,并从产品质量的视角进行机制分析。理论模型推导得出企业生产率与其在低收入国家出口占比呈负相关关系,而融资约束的存在则强化了这种负相关关系。通过理论分析发现,生产率、融资约束对于企业最优产品质量选择的决策会产生相反的影响,在不同收入水平的国家对产品质量偏好不同的情况下,这种机制恰恰可能解释了企业出口目的地选择的差异。文章使用中国微观企业贸易数据,进行实证研究发现:融资约束与企业出口低收入国家贸易占比成正向关系,此外融资约束与生产率之间存在着调节效应,生产率的提高可以缓解企业由于受到融资约束带来的影响。  相似文献   

Exporting and Productivity in the United Kingdom   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper investigates various aspects of the links betweenexporting and productivity for a large sample of firms in theUnited Kingdom. We find evidence to support the propositionthat sunk costs are important. Self selection takes place, withlarger and more productive firms entering export markets, andfirms have to become more productive in order to enter. Industrycharacteristics also affect the likelihood of entry—bothindustrial and spatial agglomeration are important. When werely on an unmatched sample of firms we can find some evidenceof further productivity improvement after entry, but this disappearswhen we use a matched sample. Our results suggest that policyshould avoid simply subsidizing firms that may self select intoexport promotion policies and focus instead on reducing informationasymmetries and supporting development of clusters.  相似文献   

Many firms cite financial constraints as some of the most important impediments to their investment and growth. Using a unique data set from the Czech Republic this paper investigates the importance of financing constraints in the context of exporters. It finds that exporters are less financially constrained than non-exporters. However, after carefully correcting for possible endogeneity and selection issues, the evidence points to less constrained firms self-selecting into exporting rather than exporting alleviating firms’ financial constraints.  相似文献   

张婷 《特区经济》2009,(11):276-277
随着重庆市基础条件和投资环境的改善,逐步承接了来自东部地区外商投资的转移,吸引外资的内生机制逐步形成。但是在成绩斐然的同时,重庆市吸引外商直接投资还存在一些问题。本文主要从FDI与国际贸易的关系入手分析,对重庆市外商直接投资对重庆市对外贸易、经济增长做出研究。  相似文献   

外商直接投资的技术溢出效应对东道国的经济发展有着持久性的推动作用。本文结合广州利用外资的实际情况,在柯布—道格拉斯生产函数的基础上建立模型。回归分析结果表明,外商直接投资对广州有着正向的技术溢出效应。在此基础上,本文就如何提高广州吸收技术溢出效应能力提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

对外开放30年来,我国吸收外商直接投资额持续增加,尤其近15年一直高居发展中国家首位。外商投资发挥了巨大的制度效应,推动经济体制转轨和市场经济发展,带动经济成长,创造大量就业机会,形成了以开放促改革和发展的中国道路。如今,我国对外开放进入全面转型期,外商投资增长伴生的矛盾日益复杂,助长贸易失衡、流动性过剩,内外资企业竞争加剧、摩擦增加。展望未来,调整外资政策,在扩大开放中提高外商投资水平,将成为我国的必然选择。  相似文献   

信贷约束与企业出口行为的关系近年来引起越来越多的关注,不过目前尚没有文献分析信贷约束对于企业出口模式的影响。本文在内部化理论的框架下,构建模型分析了信贷约束对于企业出口模式及社会福利的影响。分析显示,如果出口国金融市场存在不完全性,则出口企业面临的信贷约束越高,越倾向于在进口国市场选择代销模式。相反,如果进口国金融市场存在不完全性,则当地代理企业面临的信贷约束越高,出口国企业越倾向于在进口国市场选择直销模式。企业的出口模式会影响进口国与出口国的社会福利水平,出口国的福利水平在直销模式下要高于代销模式下,进口国的福利水平则在代销模式下要高于直销模式下。因此信贷约束无论是发生在出口国还是进口国,都会对当地社会的福利水平产生负面影响。  相似文献   

我国引进FDI存在两个显著的现象,一是FDI区域分布不平衡,二是FDI引起的经济集聚现象明显.文章在一个三阶段技术转移和产品竞争模型的基础上分析FDI的区位选择以及内外资企业之间的经济集聚.考虑到技术转移成本.FDI倾向于进入基础设施完善、人力资本水平较高以及具备良好的工业基础的地区.此外,如果某地区不具备这些基础条件,则FDI对内资企业的技术外溢将受到限制,内外资企业之间的经济集聚现象很难在这些地方发生.  相似文献   

国际直接投资与引力模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文的模型表明,与国际贸易的引力模型类似,国际直接投资中也存在一个引力模型,即两国之间的国际直接投资总量与两国之间的距离负相关,与两国的经济规模正相关。之所以存在这样的关系,是因为跨国公司往往需要从母国运输部分原材料或者半成品,距离越远则运输成本越高,所以距离成为限制国际直接投资的一个因素。  相似文献   

This paper examines a setting where foreign direct investment (FDI) shifts demand for an intermediate good from the source to the host country. A domestic and a foreign firm choose between exports or FDI, always sourcing the intermediate locally. We show that by increasing the price of the intermediate, outward FDI can act as a cost-raising strategy for a firm and that attracting FDI can raise host country welfare. Two-way FDI is the equilibrium when the countries have similar market sizes. However, such FDI reduces global welfare relative to two-way exporting since it eliminates indirect competition between suppliers. JEL no. F12, F13, F23, L13  相似文献   

A large empirical literature suggests the performance characteristics of firms that export are different from firms that do not. Specifically, exporters tend to be larger, more productive and pay higher wages than non-exporters. This paper reports on an econometric analysis of the characteristics of exporters and non-exporters in Swedish manufacturing industry. We use matching and difference-in-differences analysis to investigate a panel data set on a large number of firms and spanning almost 20 years. Some of our results echo those reported elsewhere. However, in contrast to the findings for every other country analysed so far, we find that the performance characteristics of exporters and non-exporters are remarkably similar. In particular, we find no evidence of pre- or post-entry differences in firm level productivity. This is a striking outcome, probably driven by the extremely high openness of the Swedish economy. JEL no. F14  相似文献   

利用外国直接投资(以下简称FDI)是各国发展开放型经济的重要内容.自1993年以来,中国吸引外资连续10年在发展中国家名列第一,在全球国际投资领域占据着十分引人注目的地位.上海是中国改革开放的前沿阵地,吸收外资规模特别巨大,截至2001年底,累计签订了外商直接投资项目24728个,协议金额527.97亿美元,实际利用了353.85亿美元.20年来,外商投资企业对上海经济发展起了重要作用,尤其是对上海工业的增长和技术进步作出了很大贡献.  相似文献   

不同国家组群的FDI流入量与世界GDP增长率波动之间的相互关系反映了跨国公司对不同类别国家在不同经济景气阶段的投资态度。文章认为,跨国公司对发达国家具有较强的投资意愿,并且跨国公司对发达国家直接投资的意愿随经济波动状况的变化而变化。跨国公司对发展中国家、欠发达国家甚至高收入的石油国家的投资表现出明显的短期倾向和周期性,这是这些国家市场的有限性、经济对外依赖性和政府对经济的可控性差等因素对跨国公司综合影响的结果。  相似文献   

We show that industrial ownership structures, such as keiretsu groupings in Japan, may significantly impact firms’ incentives to engage in foreign direct investment (FDI). While the previous literature has mainly focused on the cost of capital advantages enjoyed by keiretsu firms, this paper examines two relatively unexplored channels by which ownership structure matters for FDI incentives. The first channel involves the direct incentives generated via standard product and factor market interactions whereby keiretsu firms with cross-ownership consider more directly the congestion effects of further FDI into a market. The second channel involves the indirect incentives generated by sharing of information across keiretsu firms which reduces entry costs of subsequent FDI. We find that keiretsu firms are more aggressive than non-keiretsu firms in their FDI strategies, that is, for any given parameter values they undertake FDI with a higher probability than independent firms. Furthermore, keiretsu firms adopt a more aggressive investment strategy against independent rivals than amongst themselves.  相似文献   

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