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在资金博弈的股票市场中,资金流向确认与计算是金融工程的一大理论难题,国内有学者在现有资金流计算方法基础上,提出了股票资金流强度模型和构建了股票资金流指数指标体系。根据统计分析方法利用SPSS软件对股票资金流强度和股价波动环比增长率进行相关性分析,进而实证股票资金流强度指标的有效性。实证结果表明股票资金流强度与股价波动环比增长率呈线性趋势,从而利用股票资金流强度指标可以很好地预测股价的变化。  相似文献   

The present study examines the determinants of foreign institutional investments (FII) in India, which by January 2003 almost exceeded U.S. $12 billion. Given the huge volume of these flows and their impact on the other domestic financial markets, understanding the behavior of the flows becomes very important, especially at a time of liberalizing the capital account. By using monthly data, we found that FII inflow depends on stock market returns, inflation rates (both domestic and foreign), and ex‐ante risk. In terms of magnitude, the impact of stock market returns and the ex‐ante risk turned out to be the major determinants of FII inflow. Unlike some of the other investigations of this topic, our study has not found any causative link running from FII inflow to stock returns. Stabilizing stock market volatility and minimizing the ex‐ante risk would help to attract more FII, an inflow of which has a positive impact on the real economy.  相似文献   

与国际发达的资本市场类似,我国资本市场也存在企业零(低)杠杆现象。基于1992-2014年沪深两市全部A股上市公司的财务报表数据及股票收益数据,文章使用事件研究法与日历时间组合法,实证检验了零(低)杠杆公司的财务特征及股票长期收益情况。研究表明,我国A股市场中的零(低)杠杆现象呈现扩大化及增长趋势,且零(低)杠杆公司具有规模小、上市年限短、市账比高、投资水平低及盈利性好等共同特征。研究也发现相较非零(低)杠杆公司,连续三(五)年零(低)杠杆公司具有显著的长期超额收益,说明持续的极端财务保守政策对于股票收益具有重要的影响作用。  相似文献   

The issue of whether stock markets reflect economic fundamentals or speculative bubbles is an important one for their potential role in allocating capital, and relates to a policy issue of whether stock markets should be encouraged in developing countries. This article examines the impact of both domestic and foreign economic factors on real stock market returns in three southern African stock markets – South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana, from 1985-95 – using cointegration and error correction techniques. It finds that, while in all cases stock markets are influenced by domestic economic growth, there are no common patterns beyond this. The influence of other domestic and economic variables depends on the size, openness and market-orientation of the individual economies, as well as the size and liquidity of the various stock exchanges. Where foreign economic variables are important, they appear to be those related to trade, rather than international capital flows, indicating that there is little integration of these capital markets, whether regionally or internationally.  相似文献   

后金融危机时期全球股市一体化程度不断提高,全面认识中国股市的国际地位对于揭示国际股市一体化联动中的传导机制,防范和应对国际金融风险冲击具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。文章应用非线性格兰杰因果检验方法和社会网络分析方法,对金砖国家和七国集团股市收益率和波动率的联动关系及其联动网络结构进行分析,揭示出中国在国际股市联动中的地位对传导关系的控制方式,定量分析出事件冲击下中国股市与国际股市之间的交互影响。研究发现:(1)国际股市收益率和波动率联动网络呈现出稳定的非线性联动关系网络结构,受其影响各国股市收益之间存在互惠性,而波动之间则存在传染性;(2)在收益率联动网络中,中国股市的作用和地位已与英国相当,远高于其他金砖国家,正逐渐由"从属地位"转向"中心地位";(3)在波动率联动网络中,中国股市是造成国际股市风险交叉影响的重要"桥梁"。综上而言,当前中国股市表现出"高风险低收益"的市场特征;(4)中国对国际股市的影响具有典型的"地缘特征",将网络中心国家股市的利好传递给地缘临近国家股市;(5)波动率联动网络中初始冲击强度较大的国家,往往是对中国股市持续大规模产生冲击的国家;(6)相比较国际股市调整波动冲击的时间而言,中国股市调整时间较短,这表明后金融危机时代中国致力于股市的一系列改革举措取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

中国证券市场的周期性异象检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了6年多来中国证券市场大盘指数和基金指数的周内、月内及年内效应,并对其相互间的关联性进行了检验。实证表明,中国市场存在“周二周四”的周内效应;市场大盘指数2月份的收益率相对最高,基金指数在3月份、12月份的收益率较高,同时大盘指数和基金指数9月份的收益率都显著较低;各指数第三季度收益率相对最低;上半年收益率要高于下半年。联动性检验显示。周二、周四与月内的不同时段交互作用并不显著;周四与10月份对大部分市场大盘指数和基金指数有负的联动效应。  相似文献   

International equality of stock market returns   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Real returns, excess returns, and nominal returns from stock markets in 11 developed countries are compared for the difference in their means and variances by using a new procedure to test their equality and to determine if one stock market dominates another. The sample period from January 1973 to September 1989 is divided into three subperiods. Results show that stock markets in the United States and Germany dominate those in the other countries in early sub-periods, but not in a recent sub-period, to indicate an increasing capital market integration. Integration with Germany has increased more than with the United States, due possibly to the European Monetary System.  相似文献   

Most studies on the correlations in stock returns and volatilities focus on the contemporaneous relationships and spillover effects in major stock markets such as the US and Japan. This paper adds to the literature by focusing on the dynamic relationship in the volatilities of the returns in the Pacific-Rim stock markets. The causality in variances test method of Cheung and Ng (1996), a multivariate GARCH model and VAR analyses are employed to model conditional volatilities and study the dynamic responses of volatilities to innovations in conditional variances. The results suggest that while the stock markets are correlated in returns and volatilities contemporaneously and with lags, idiosyncratic factors play important roles in national stock markets. In addition, the dynamic adjustment of the market return volatilities can take a much longer time than previously reported in some of the countries studied.  相似文献   

Empirically we investigate how three types of private capital flows could promote economic growth in recipient developed and developing countries. Our focus is on the role of stock markets as a channel through which foreign capital flows could promote growth. The findings reveal that FDI exhibits a positive impact on growth, while both foreign debt and portfolio investment have a negative impact on growth in all sample countries. However, our results indicate that stock markets might be a significant channel or leading institutional factor through which capital flows affect economic growth. The findings provide clear implications that the negative impact of private capital flows can be transformed into a positive one if the stock market development has attained a certain threshold level, regardless of whether it is in developed or developing countries.  相似文献   

刘爽 《特区经济》2007,(3):75-77
随着货币市场基金规模的迅速扩大,货币市场基金在整个金融市场改革发展中的地位越来越重要,起着举足轻重的作用。本文:首先,针对我国金融体系的现状,分别从协调金融市场结构关系、提供新的投资工具等几个方面阐述了货币市场基金在完善我国金融体系方面的功能和作用;其次,对目前制约货币市场基金发展的一系列因素提出了行之有效的举措,随着货币市场的发展,体制的改革,逐步放宽品种、规模的限制,让货币市场基金循序渐进的发展;同时,在整个过程中加强有效的监管,加快制度、规则的制定等,为货币市场基金的发展提供良好的制度环境。  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic relation between stock returns and four types of investment flows using Korean daily data for the period 1998–2010, focusing on the investment/trading behavior of four types of investors – individual, institutional, government, and foreign – and the effect of cross-border investment flows on the Korean equity market. We find that, first, foreigners and institutional investors tend to drive the Korean equity market, and their trades seem to be information-driven, whereas individual investors do not drive the Korean equity market and their trades do not seem to be information-driven. Second, as a result, both foreigners and institutional investors performed well in the sample period, whereas individual investors performed poorly. Third, the four types of investors differ in their trading behavior. In response to U.S. market returns, foreigners and institutional investors tend to take a momentum strategy whereas individual investors and government tend to take a contrarian strategy.  相似文献   

In frictionless capital markets with complete information and rational investors, stock prices adjust to new information instantaneously and completely. However, a substantial body of research studies information imperfections such as asymmetric information and incomplete information. Information imperfections potentially hinder timely price discovery and are likely associated with delayed stock price adjustment to information. Our first research question therefore is whether the quality of accounting information (or “accounting quality”) is one such information imperfection that is associated with cross‐sectional variation in stock price delay. We define accounting quality as the precision with which financial reports convey information to equity investors about the firm’s expected cash flows. Poor accounting quality is likely associated with higher expected returns through uncertainty about stock valuation parameters and incomplete information. Our second research question therefore is whether the accounting quality component of price delay is associated with higher future stock returns. Consistent with our hypotheses, the results show that poor accounting quality is associated with delayed price adjustment and higher future stock returns. Thus, accounting quality plays a role in timely stock price discovery.  相似文献   

The impact of computers on productivity in the Dutch trade sector during the period 1988-1994 is examined. The analysis is based on a panel data set derived from the Production Survey of Statistics Netherlands, which includes data on output, employment, wages, and various types of investment. A new method is developed to estimate IT- and non-IT capital stocks for each firm based on investment flows and booked depreciation figures by firm. A Cobb-Douglas production function setting is used to study the effect of computer capital stock on productivity. We find that computers contributed positively to productivity, even when firm-specific effects such as labour quality are accounted for. In retail trade computers yielded returns above their relatively high rental price. For wholesaling, no evidence for excessive returns is found. The rates of return were not subject to a decline in the period studied, in contrast to findings for the US. This suggests that the Netherlands has been lagging in the application of IT compared to the US and that further productivity boosting effects can be expected.  相似文献   

利用DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis)方法,构造基金相对有效性评价模型,选择的输入输出指标具有合理性和科学性。研究对象是我国上市基金,包括开放式股票基金、开放式配置型基金、开放式债券型基金和封闭式基金四种类型各9支基金。数据通过lingo优化软件处理,其结果令人深思。文章深入分析市场内在原因,将其归结为投资者暂时的“非理性”。  相似文献   

In their out-of-sample predictions of stock returns in the presence of structural breaks, Lettau and Van Nieuwerburgh (2008) implicitly assume that economic agents’ perception of the regime-specific mean for the dividend-price ratio is time-invariant within a regime. In this paper, we challenge this assumption and employ least squares learning with constant gain (or constant-gain learning) in estimating economic agents’ time-varying perception for the mean of dividend-price ratio. We obtain better out-of-sample predictions of stock returns than in Lettau and Van Nieuwerburgh (2008) for both the U.S. and Japanese stock markets. Our empirical results suggest that economic agents’ learning plays an important role in the dynamics of stock returns.  相似文献   

吴凌芳 《特区经济》2010,(7):114-116
伴随着国际资金的频繁流动,东亚金融市场成为国际证券投资的主要地区。东亚各国和地区为了使其股票市场健康稳定发展,采取了一系列措施增强其区域内股票市场的一体化程度。本文通过Johansen协整,方差分解等方法,分析了当前东亚股票市场的股票指数与两大国际股票市场(美国和日本)股票指数的趋同性,以此为基础讨论东亚股票市场的全球一体化程度与区域一体化程度。本文研究发现,东亚股票市场的一体化程度不高,但其全球化程度高于其区域化程度。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of global investor sentiment on capital inflows in the Korean stock and bond markets using textual analysis. First, we conclude that global investor sentiment about Korea causes fluctuations in capital inflows to the Korean stock market. Second, global investor sentiment about Korea causes foreign investors to modify their investments but not by enough to cause drastic changes. Third, positive sentiment about Asia-Pacific countries results in more foreign investment in Korea. The results suggest that research on global investor sentiment provides insight into the determinants of capital flows and has implications for capital flow management policies.  相似文献   

交易所交易基金(ETF)在国际社会上被认为是长线投资、价值投资,规避风险的良好金融工具。中国股市投机炒作风气历来盛行,因此在投资领域有必要增强投资者对ETF的认知度和接受度。选用嘉实沪深300ETF作为研究对象,其所追踪的沪深300指数覆盖面广,基本体现中国沪深两市股市的收益状况。从其风险入手,运用GARCH模型研究分析得出该基金收益率的有效条件方差并结合VaR方法准确测量其风险价值,最终确定在95%的置信水平下GARCH(2,1)-t-分布模型能够最佳度量其风险价值。  相似文献   

本文研究中国股市知情交易概率(probability of informedtrading,PIN,)与基金投资业绩之间的关系,采用Easleyeta1.(1996)提出的删测度,并进一步利用基金投资组合的PIN均值作为基金的信息测度。研究发现,知情交易概率与基金业绩之间存在显著的负相关关系。这说明对于基金而言,参与那些具有更高内幕/知情交易的股票,并没有取得更高的收益,或者即使本身作为知情交易者,基金根据所了解的私有信息所进行的交易并未让他们获得更好的收益,甚至反而给他们带来了损失,这与Barberand O’dean等学者所发现的个人投资者行为相类似。  相似文献   

世界经济全球化已成为趋势,发达经济体的股市之间以及发达经济体与新兴经济体股市之间的联动性也在经济全球化的趋势中更加紧密。各国金融领域以及金融市场间的快速融合,不断形成统一规范的金融行为准则,也使得全球金融周期性特征越来越明显。文章选取世界五个主要股票市场指数为研究对象,按照已有研究对全球金融周期的划分,将该样本区间分成了繁荣期、衰退期和正常期三个阶段,然后基于这三个阶段分析了在不同金融周期五国股票市场指数收益率联动效应。基于实证研究结论,认为美国和欧洲股市联动性较强,与亚洲股市联动性相对较弱,且美国和中国股市之间联动性最弱,基本捕捉不到下尾相关。相关实证结论有利于国际投资者的投资组合管理,也有助于各国股票市场的风险规避。  相似文献   

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