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This paper generalizes the asset market approach to exchange rate determination by introducing gradual adjustment of asset-holder portfolios. The influence of different speeds of portfolio adjustment on exchange rate dynamics is considered. Asset market models characterized by instantaneous portfolio equilibrium appear as a special case. The dynamics of exchange rate adjustment following an open-market operation are shown to be qualitatively similar to those of the orthodox instantaneous portfolio equilibrium models. Thus, gradual portfolio adjustment does not compromise the qualitative results derived with the help of those models. The speed of portfolio adjustment is however shown to influence the degree of exchange rate volatility. In particular, the phenomenon of exchange rate overshooting depends crucially on the speed of portfolio adjustment.  相似文献   

We use a panel of a hundred-plus countries with differing degrees of dollarization to perform an empirical analysis of the effects on inflation of exchange rate depreciations. The results qualify the common view that countries with higher dollarization exhibit higher inflation pass-through. We show that large depreciations tend to generate a negative impact on the pass-through coefficient, this impact being more intense the higher the level of dollarization of the economy. We interpret this as evidence that, in highly dollarized economies, the classic inflationary effects of a real depreciation—higher internal demand and imported inflation—can be offset or diminished by both the larger financial costs and the balance-sheet effect, especially if the depreciation is “large”. Additionally, the exchange rate regime is shown to matter: countries with fixed exchange rates suffer more noticeably the balance-sheet effects of large depreciations.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the phenomenon of real exchange rate appreciation that has characterized transition economies. It is shown that the real exchange rate—measured as the relative price of tradables in terms of non-tradables—is affected by adverse initial conditions and structural reforms only in the first 5 years of the transition process. After that period, the so-called Balassa–Samuelson effect seems to dominate the real exchange rate determination. The paper discusses the implications for exchange rate policy and concludes that while for countries of the former Soviet Union a flexible exchange rate regime seems desirable, for Central and Eastern Europe countries a stable exchange rate and even an early move to the adoption of the euro should be considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to calculate pruchasing power parity rates and the real exchange rate using several methods of calculation to estimate long-run equilibrium real exchange rates in transition economies, mainly in Eastern European countries considered in transition, such as Poland. The authors calculate different measures of exchange rate misalignment (absolute and relative deviations from long-run equilibrium). Each measure is calculated using different price indices, which include consumer price indices, GDP deflactor, and unit labor cost. The expected values of these variables are used. To calculate the long-run equilibrium, different methods such as an error correction equation and a forward-looking model are utilized, and again, the expected values of the variables are introduced along with new variables. The estimation of the long-run cointegration equation of the equilibrium real exchange rate and the corresponding dynamic error correction specification strongly corroborates the model and produced fairly consistent results across the countries under study. Using appropriated proxies, the estimated long run equations were used to derive indices of the equilibrium real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper considers the question of Walrasian stability in the context of a two-country model in which gross substitutability is assumed and negative net foreign asset positions are ruled out. It demonstrates that these assumptions neither guarantee stability nor guarantee that an increase in the factors deemed destabilizing (stabilizing) in the literature will not in fact turn out to be stabilizing (destabilizing). However, it derives a condition which guarantees stability, pointing out that this condition is more plausible than certain “smallness” assumptions which have performed a similar function in portfolio balance models.  相似文献   

This paper intends to formalize the behavior of exchange rate dynamics in integrated markets. The decomposition of the exchange rate behavior in different time frequencies suggests that both stochastic and fundamental processes as well as exogenous random shocks are present in the determination of the nominal exchange rate dynamics in integrated countries. A stochastic process within a potential well captures all the elements observed in the data. In addition, the mathematical solutions shed some light on the relationship between the stochastic process and the drift found in the literature. Finally, this model provides an alternative to the Standard Target Zone Stochastic Model thus far used to analyze the exchange rate dynamics in integrated markets.  相似文献   

With full stock/flow accounting respected, the two-country openeconomy portfolio balance model has just two independent equationsfor asset market clearing. It can determine home and foreigninterest rates but not the exchange rate. If asset market equilibriavary smoothly over time, the balance of payments equation inthe Mundell–Fleming model is not independent and cannotset the exchange rate either. The familiar fixed reserves/‘floatingrate’ vs endogenous reserves/‘fixed rate’dichotomy does not exist, and ‘fundamentals-based’econometric models of the exchange rate are bound to fail. Analternative is a two-country IS/LM model with exchange ratedynamics added. Its dynamic properties under uncovered interestrate parity are briefly explored.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a simple model of the exchange rate between the East and West German Mark immediately preceding German monetary union. Although there is a theoretical literature on exchange rate dynamics when the introduction of a fixed exchange rate is anticipated, the absence of data has limited empirical work on the subject. We show that in the first part of the sample, the DM-Ostmark exchange rate behaves as a random walk. In the second half, when monetary union appeared more likely, the exchange rate behaves as a weighted average of fundamentals and the expected “terminal” exchange rate.  相似文献   

This article aims at showing heterogeneity in the degree of exchange rate pass-through to import prices in major advanced economies at three different levels: (1) across destination markets; (2) across types of exporters [distinguishing developed economy (DE) from emerging economy (EE) exporters] and (3) over time. Based on monthly data over the period 1991–2007, the results show first that large destination markets exhibit the lowest degree of pass-through. The degree of pass-through for goods imported from EEs is also significantly lower than for those from DEs. Regarding the evolution over time, no clear change in pricing behaviours can be identified and the well-identified decline in the exchange rate pass-through between the 1980s and 1990s appears to have stopped during the period considered.  相似文献   

Summary. A replica theorem is shown to hold for exchange economies with asymmetric information. In a replicated exchange economy with asymmetric information the set of all core elements with equal treatment is nonempty, but it is in general only a subset of the core. Nevertheless, the replica theorem and the presence of at least one core element with equal treatment suffice to show existence of a competitive quasi-equilibrium. Conditions on the initial endowments and the communication system are given to ensure that every competitive quasi-equilibrium is a competitive equilibrium.Received: 24 February 2003, Revised: 3 July 2003JEL Classification Numbers: C70, D50, D82.I thank an anonymous referee whose comments led to an improvement of the paper.  相似文献   

We study the stabilizing properties of exchange rates in five small open economies during to periods of floating exchange rates and inflation targeting. In the cases of Sweden and Canada, the nominal exchange rates behave in a stabilizing manner. Most exchange rate movements emanate from the exchange rate itself and are hence not responses to fundamental shocks. However, these non-fundamental shocks have only negligible effects on output and inflation. Our findings indicate that exchange rates display some stabilizing properties but can mainly be characterized as disconnected from the rest of the economy. We would like to thank Nils Gottfries and participants at seminars at Uppsala University and the Riksbank for helpful advice and useful comments. Post gratefully acknowledges financial support from Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser.  相似文献   

This article presents theoretical arguments for a nonlinear pass-through relationship for import and export prices and investigates the relationship empirically. The theoretical argument is based on the menu-cost approach in which small absolute changes in exchange rates may not prompt price changes because the costs of doing so exceed the extra profits generated for firms involved in international trade. This relationship is investigated empirically using quarterly data for the period 1979q1-2015q1 for a sample of 17 countries. In the case of import prices, evidence is found of nonlinear adjustment consistent with the theoretical model in 4 out of 17 cases. In the case of export prices, such a relationship is only evident for two economies in the sample. However, for both the import and export price cases, a significant positive nonlinear relationship is found for the two largest economies in the sample, i.e. the United States and Japan.  相似文献   

This paper takes a systematic look at the portfolio choice problem faced by Investment Banks or Funds investing in transition economies. We relate the performance of projects in the transition economies to the broader macroeconomic and international environments, which affect the project through their input-output structures and financial balance sheets. Among the macroeconomic determinanst of enterprise behaviour are productivity growth, real wage growth, movements in the international terms of trade, shocks to the relative price of traded and non-traded goods, domestic and foreign interest rates, currency depreciation and the rate of inflaction. We evaluate the attractiveness of alternative investment strategies and provisioning rules from the perspective of portfoio theory.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to analyze inflation dynamics in a small open economy as the result of the interaction between wage and price determination behaviors and the interest rate-exchange rate feedback in the context of Dornbusch's model. An extended version of this model is specified and analyzed formally. Then the model is estimated for five OECD countries using a full information maximum likelihood technique. Finally, simulations of the effect of monetary shocks are presented for four countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the stability of the exchange rate in an economy with noise traders. Noise trading is restricted to agents investing in the domestic stock market. The agents pricing foreign exchange hold rational expectations. Monetary policy is affected by the behavior of investors in the domestic stock market and in turn affects fundamental stock evaluations as well as noise trading. We show that when monetary policy affects only fundamentalists bifurcation appears in the exchange rate. When monetary policy also affects noise trading, fixing the exchange rate or switching to a low money growth rule imply stock bubbles converge to zero.  相似文献   

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