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Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) has been a problem since organizations have hired employees. Recently, there has been increasing interest in explaining and addressing deviant behavior in the workplace. Our review of the research on CWBs shows a gap between theory development and the development of procedures to address deviant behavior. Moreover, studies in, for example, clinical psychology, have relevance for understanding CWBs, but cross-fertilization with other relevant literatures is not in evidence. We summarize the contributions of three relatively distinct lines of research. We contend that current dimensional personality theories should guide the implementation of interventions seeking to reduce CWBs. We describe validity studies that incorporate the development of employee selection procedures based on the assumption that CWBs should be anchored within a dimensional model and we present empirical results that support the utility of that model.  相似文献   

We present an attribution-based explanation about how helpful organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and harmful counterproductive work behavior (CWB) are positively related under some circumstances. Attributions concerning controllability and locus of causality are important factors. Controllability attributions for OCB-eliciting demands, such as coworker lack of performance, organizational constraints, or supervisor expectations, can lead to CWB. Conversely, controllability and internal attributions for one's own CWB can lead to OCB.  相似文献   

The workplace literature relating personality to CWB is integrated with complimentary literatures from other disciplines including developmental and social psychology. The literature is reviewed showing how both broad-based personality dimensions reflected in integrity tests and measures of the five factor model, and specific personality traits relate to counterproductive work behavior (CWB). A model is developed showing how different personality variables shown to relate to aggression and/or (CWB) might affect different steps in the process linking behavior to precipitating environmental conditions or events. Specifically Hostile Attribution Bias and Narcissism are most relevant to appraisal and attributions, Negative Affectivity and Trait Anger connect to negative emotions, and Locus of Control and Self-Control are thought to play a CWB inhibiting role. Distinctions among reactive, proactive, and relational aggression are extended to CWB.  相似文献   

We advance the understanding and measurement of the concept of time by offering a taxonomy of four distinct time constructs: duration, frequency, timing, and sequence. On the basis of a literature review of human resource management and allied fields (i.e., organizational behavior, industrial and organizational psychology, general management, entrepreneurship, and strategic management studies), we offer recommendations on how to measure each construct as well as illustrations drawn from different domains and theories on how these recommendations can be implemented. In addition, for each construct, we offer specific, practical, and actionable recommendations regarding critical design choices, dilemmas, and trade-offs that must be considered when investigating time conceptually and empirically. We discuss these recommendations in the form of a sequential decision-making process that can be used as a roadmap by researchers. We hope our conceptualization and recommendations will serve as a catalyst and useful resource for future conceptual and empirical research that aims to formulate better time-sensitive and temporally falsifiable theories.  相似文献   

Strategies aimed at facilitating the job retention and return to work of sick and injured workers are currently the subject of growing attention. In this article the authors examine the nature and potential significance of such strategies to absence management and utilise interview findings to shed light on current employer policies and practices relating to the management of long‐term absences. They conclude that at the national level a large proportion of working days lost through sickness absence stem from relatively long spells of absence and that the adoption of a proactive approach to supporting the return to work of ill and injured workers can have beneficial consequences. However, they further conclude that few organisations appear to have comprehensive arrangements in place to handle cases of long‐term absence. A number of areas where present employer arrangements could usefully be reviewed are therefore identified.  相似文献   

We performed a systematic literature review to explore and understand how the 23-year long debate about dynamic capabilities has addressed sustainability issues. Based on this, we propose a unifying framework that distinguishes different facets of dynamic capabilities for sustainability (DCsS) based on the different types of performance they are more suitable to predict. The theoretical contribution is twofold. First, we add to the literature by highlighting the dependence of different forms of DCsS on different levels of the centrality of sustainability outcomes in corporate strategies. Second, we shed light on the operationalizations of DCsS by providing guidance on the adoption of pertinent constructs and measurement models. The review concludes with a discussion of the managerial implications of the proposed conceptual framework to help decision makers better understand, which strategic moves to make to achieve their intended sustainability goals.  相似文献   

From aformal point of view, all behavior involves thechoice orselection of one from among a set of behavioral options. While this commits us to a probabilistic and quantitative approach to behavioral inquiry, it tells us neither whatbehavioral probabilities are, nor how we should measure them. From a material point of view, however, behavior essentially involveseffort, that is, the expenditure of materialresources. For it is this which makes behavior bring about any observable effect on the state of the agent or its environment. This article analyzes the relationship between these two viewpoints. In particular, it explores the possibility and implications of interpreting and measuring behavioral probabilities in terms of the relative amounts of resources spent or invested in behavior, an issue which turns out to be a good deal more complex than it might initially seem to be.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to bridge the gap between the theorists and modellists approaches to the conceptualization of theoretical constructs. The former approach assumes that every theoretical construct has a surplus meaning over and above its operationalization and measurement as a concept. The latter approach denies this: it only accepts theoretical constructs as functions of relations between observations, i.e. measured concepts.This gap can be bridged by explicating the definition of a theoretical construct before making attempts to operationalize and measure it. An explicated definition should cover all relevant aspects (or: facets) of a construct, systematically brought together in an ideal type model. On this basis, operationalization of the construct can be directly linked to model elements, so that any possibly remaining surplus value is made explicit. The distance between theoretical construct and the measured concept can then be made as small as seems feasible; in principle, the distance can be made zero. The manner in which conservative ideology is conceptualized in a longitudinal research project in the Dutch electorate is presented as an example of this strategy.  相似文献   

顺着社会发展,新技术、新设备不断进入我们的视线。测量技术也随之发展,采用GPS或全站仪测量,利用电脑支撑,用Excel代替计算器直接在电脑上计算,并转换为Access通用数据库,并赋值。其通用数据库可直接导入CAD或Mapgis成图。  相似文献   

Emotion and power as manifested in forms of social influence have been studied throughout millennia, and have recently enjoyed intense scientific scrutiny. However, their joint effects on important classes of discretionary behaviors in work organizations have not been well elaborated. This paper provides a theoretical framework derived from past research within which these joint effects are described, and offers hypotheses to guide future research. A primary theme is that emotion and social influence, when considered at individual, dyadic and organizational levels, have a reciprocal causal relationship and jointly affect organizational behavior, especially behavior that is largely discretionary, including organizational citizenship and counterproductive work behavior (OCB and CWB), as well as counterproductive organizational behavior (COB).  相似文献   

文章结合在嵩山煤矿测量工作中的实践,首先针对矿山贯通测量的主要工作内容进行了简要分析,进而提出了在贯通测量过程中需要重点关注的几方面问题。在此基础上,以结合实际案例的方式,论证了贯通测量在嵩山煤矿测量工作中及矿山生产建设中所发挥的重要意义。  相似文献   

Kraljic's purchasing portfolio model, which was introduced in 1983, still is the dominant approach in the profession. Contrary to the growing use of the Kraljic matrix, there are problems and unanswered questions with respect to measurement and strategic issues. Based on explorative case studies, the critique of Kraljic's model has been disputed and refuted to a large extent. This study describes the solutions of experienced practitioners to the problems which have been put forward in literature. The case studies point out which measurement methods are possible and which supplier strategies are feasible, including additional strategic movements of commodities within the matrix. The research findings indicate that there is no simple, standardized blue print for the application of the portfolio analysis. It requires reflecting on results, critical thinking and sophistication of purchasing management.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of an investigation of the relation between one measure of the performance of firms, work injuries, and the number of first level supervisors for 140 chemical, paper, and wood product manufacturing firms. Additional numbers of supervisors were found to be associated with lower work injuries in most cases, and the cost of such additional supervision was found to be partially justified in terms of the reduced costs of work injuries, although there was considerable variation across industry.  相似文献   

In this study, we draw from human agency theory to develop the construct of work-related connectivity behavior during non-work time, and conduct a survey to investigate the organizational and individual antecedents of this behavior. Data from 139 full-time working adults in the marketing division of a media organization revealed that work connectivity behavior after-hours is significantly related to the distribution of wireless enabled devices by the organization and organizational norms about connectivity. Our results also indicate that individual characteristics exert different levels of influence depending on the functionality of the device through which connectivity behavior is enacted. Polychronicity was more strongly related to laptop connectivity behavior than to handheld connectivity behavior, whereas role integration preference is only related to handheld connectivity behavior. We also found that organization members were more likely to exhibit continued workplace connectivity behavior during generic “downtime” activities such as traveling or commuting. These results have important theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The validity of using local market data to measure the benefits associated with policies adopted in an urban area is investigated. It is shown that the rest of the world is affected by taxing decisions undertaken in a single urban area, so that local data cannot perfectly measure the welfare effects of a policy change. Specifically, the fact that the willingness to pay for a tax increase is positive in the rest of the world suggests that cost-benefit analyses which do not account for the rest of the world may be biased.  相似文献   

近20多年来,随着社会工作职业化、专业化进程的加快,社会工作专业培训在中国大陆也获得了快速发展,主要形成了普及型培训、提高型培训、职业资格考前培训等三个培训模式,取得了较好的成效。然而,当前的社会工作专业培训中存在学员的需求得不到完全满足、学员的学习时间得不到充分保障、社会工作专业培训教材和参考资料严重不足及相关机制不健全等诸多问题,必须采取配合工作要求设计社会工作专业培训的内容及方式、完善社会工作专业培训网络、加强社会工作专业培训教材和参考资料建设及健全相关培训机制等有力措施,这样才能使社会工作专业培训收到预期的效果。  相似文献   

Based on social loafing theory, we develop and test the relationships between employee perceived identifiability, shared responsibility and innovative work behavior in the team context. Additionally, we investigate the moderating effect of coworker trust on these relationships. In a study of pair data from 142 ward heads and nurses in Indonesian hospitals, we find that perceived identifiability is positively associated with innovative work behaviors while perceived shared responsibility is negatively associated with the innovative work behaviors of employees. Meanwhile, employee perceived coworker trust moderates the negative relationship between perceived shared responsibility and innovative work behaviors. We discuss details of the relationships among these variables, and offer suggestions and implications.  相似文献   

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