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网络广告的现状及监督管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、网络广告的现状及存在的问题由于我国的网络广告还处于起步阶段 ,有关网络广告的法律尚未立法。因而目前网络市场上出现不规范的网络广告 ,主要表现形式有以下几种。1 未经依法核准登记擅自在网络上发播广告。由于网络广告的广域性特点 ,使一些非法经营者有机可乘 ,随便伪造一个企业名称或者冒用某某企业在Internet上发布经营性广告的现象时有发生。一般有以下几种方式 :利用自有网站、利用代理服务商网站、利用Internet服务商提供的免费网站、利用国内、外著名的搜索引擎 ,等等。2 发布虚假广告 ,进行虚假宣传。域名…  相似文献   

与传统广告媒介相比,网络广告具有信息量大、传播范围广、互动性强以及成本低等优势。然而,在其迅猛发展的过程中,也相应地出现了诸多的问题,主要是网络广告监管困难,缺乏相应的法律约束;网络广告自发无序性;网络广告可信度不高以及网民问题等。我国在发展网络广告营销策略时应做好改善政策与法律环境,加大网络广告监管力度;做好充分的广告策划;精准的广告投放;强化互动优势;重视广告创新等工作,从而充分发挥其积极的作用。  相似文献   

网络广告法律规制思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁园 《现代商贸工业》2009,21(20):269-270
网络广告以它超大的覆盖范围、多维性、交互性、高效性、成本低等特点受到了许多广告主的青睐。由于我国目前还没有关于网络广告的专门法律,而网络广告这一广告形式是在《广告法》颁布之后迅速发展起来的,我国现行法律规制制度呈现出明显的滞后性。网络广告发展过程中产生的问题日显突出,已严重威胁到广告市场的健康有序发展。对网络广告产生的现实问题进行分析,认为应该采取相应措施加以规范,并提出了对网络广告立法模式的建议。  相似文献   

袁园 《中国商办工业》2009,(20):269-270
网络广告以它超大的覆盖范围、多维性、交互性、高效性、成本低等特点受到了许多广告主的青睐。由于我国目前还没有关于网络广告的专门法律,而网络广告这一广告形式是在《广告法》颁布之后迅速发展起来的,我国现行法律规制制度呈现出明显的滞后性。网络广告发展过程中产生的问题日显突出,已严重威胁到广告市场的健康有序发展。对网络广告产生的现实问题进行分析,认为应该采取相应措施加以规范,并提出了对网络广告立法模式的建议。  相似文献   

李金英 《中国市场》2010,(36):110-112
网络广告作为一种新兴的广告形式,已经成为各大网站收入的重要组成部分。与传统广告相比,网络广告具有很强的优势,其表现形式不断创新,广告总额持续上升。但作为一种全新的广告形式,在其发展过程中也存在着种种问题和不足。如:网络虚假广告与监管问题、弹出式广告问题,以及网络广告创意问题等。本文针对这些问题提出了进一步完善网络广告的宏观管理,完善网络广告法律规范,改变网络广告的传播方式,加强网络广告的创意管理等建议。  相似文献   

进入互联网时代以后,网络广告铺天盖地而来,在极大促进广告市场繁荣的同时,也出现了隐性广告、不正当竞争、欺诈虚假广告、个人信息的泄漏、取证难等监管问题。我国现行法律对网络广告的某些概念缺乏规定,没有合理有效的标准进行界定;部分规定笼统空洞,缺乏技术性,难以适用;证据很难保留,监管部门存在技术上的薄弱,不能进行有效监督和管理。我国应借鉴互联网大国美国的法律规范与广告管理经验,从完善立法、完善监管部门、广告自律三方面采取对策。  相似文献   

孟祥梅 《中国市场》2010,(41):102-103
本文根据现行的广告法律及法规,结合网络广告的特点,对网络广告的监督和管理进行探讨。  相似文献   

戴榆 《中国广告》2010,(1):124-127
互联网的飞速发展带来了网络广告的异军突起,但其现状却不容乐观,网络广告面临诸多法律问题亟待解决。本文针对网络广告面临的法律问题现状,从网络广告性质及主体的界定、审查机制的缺失、网络违法广告、网络广告侵权问题以及网络广告的法律适用与管辖权问题等五个方面进行了归纳与梳理,并结合中国目前的研究现状展开了评价,以期对我国未来网络广告法律问题的理论构建以及实践活动提供更为重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

网络广告存在的问题及监管策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息时代,网络广告进入飞速增长阶段,其在企业营销中的地位和价值越显重要。随之而来的垃圾邮件广告,违禁、虚假广告的频繁出现污染了互联网的环境,也给人们的生活带来了极大的危害。客观分析网络广告存在的问题,建立一套完善的网络广告监管法律、行成一个完整的广告监管体系,迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

网络广告的政府监管是广告活动政府监管的新领域。利用国际互联网这种载体发布盈利性的商业广告即网络广告活动,属于广告市场的经济活动。政府应通过制定《网络广告法》及其相关的法律、法规、规章和条例,对网络广告注意力资源的产权加以界定和保护,并建立以国家行政执法机构为主,委托代理的社会监测机构为辅的网络广告监管体制和实施机制,实现网络广告市场注意力资源的有效配置。  相似文献   

网络广告监管机构体系与手段   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夏露 《中国市场》2009,(6):58-60
本文在分析网络广告监管机构及其职能基础上,提出在现有管理框架下,以新思路、新方法和手段多角度构建网络广告市场监管体系,包括立法、行业自律、行政执法、舆论监督、国际协作与联动监管,并以追究责任手段,落实网络广告监督。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing popularity of online streaming television (OTV), there is little information regarding how perceptions of the new medium differ from traditional television (TV) viewership. The research employed online interviews among young adult viewers of OTV and traditional TV to determine whether young adult consumers (aged 18–34) regard advertising viewed within online TV programming differently than they regard advertising viewed within traditional TV programming. While advertising has long been accepted by American consumers as a necessary element of most mass communication, this research suggests that viewers of OTV programming do not regard advertising as a means to subsidize the cost of online content. Rather, young adults appear to regard advertising as an intruder in the OTV environment. Furthermore, the results indicate that Ducoffe's Advertising Value model (1995) does not predict attentiveness to advertising viewed within the OTV context. Therefore, while OTV advertising may be held to a higher creative standard than traditional TV advertising, there is no indication that entertainment value contributes to an improved attitude toward advertising in the OTV environment.  相似文献   

This study investigates how consumer attitudes toward advertising in general affect their attitudes toward online advertising. It also investigates the moderating role of the personality traits of introversion and extroversion in explaining this relationship. An online survey is used to collect data from a convenience sample of 244 respondents living in Canada. Results show that attitude toward advertising in general has a positive and significant impact on attitude toward online advertising. Introversion is found to have no moderating impact on the relationship between both attitudes. However, extroversion moderates this relationship.  相似文献   

Culture and advertising are intrinsically linked. Recent years have witnessed growing interest in examining the mechanism and influence of online advertising. However, the foci of most studies have been on the USA or other developed countries. Little is known about online advertising in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate consumers' beliefs and attitudes toward online advertising (ATOA) across different cultures such as China and Romania. Among the major findings, (1) all five belief factors (i.e. information seeking, entertainment, economy, credibility, and value corruption) were statistically significant predictors of ATOA, (2) ATOA was a statistically significant predictor of both online ad clicking and frequency of online shopping, and (3) as compared to the Chinese, Romanians tended to hold a more positive attitude toward online advertising and were more likely to click advertisements, whereas Chinese were more likely to buy online than Romanians.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is: (1) to expand upon prior research into general online content, (2) to analyze the acceptance and rejection factors of Internet advertising messages, and (3) to examine the moderating role of brand trust in this process. The results show that, when displaying intentions relating to the acceptance of online advertising, brand trust is not a significant influencing variable. However, when studying the intent to reject a message, brand trust does act as a barrier against the negative effect of irritation, while when this trust does not exist, irritation exercises a significant negative effect on advertising value.  相似文献   

随着网络购物的飞速发展,网络购物中的诚信问题也越发明显,主要表现在网络商家的不诚信,客户隐私遭到侵害,物流配送机制不健全。其原因是信息的不对称性,缺乏诚信意识,社会约束机制不健全。在网络购物活动中,应加强诚信建设,建立健全法律制度,加强物流企业的管理,建立科学的服务标准和服务质量体系,使网络购物诚信健康发展。  相似文献   

This study explores the concept of online brand personality, creation of online brand personality, and the role of personal difference in terms of advertising effectiveness – memory and attitude. The primary research question is whether individual's matching personality to online brand creates different responses toward online brand in terms of advertising effectiveness, such as memory, attitude and behavior. The results found that: first, website structure is an important factor on subjects' attitude toward the website; second, individual's personality is an important moderator on the effects of website structure; and third, individual's personality and brand personality have a significant interaction effect on attitude and behavioral intention.  相似文献   

Online advertising has been one of the fastest growing industries worldwide, due to the increased number of Internet users. From the perspective of marketing management, identifying the profile of web users who click online ads will enable designers to create better online advertising campaigns. Hence, the main objectives of this article are (1) to segment web users based on their beliefs about online ads, (2) to identify personality traits of each segment, and (3) to investigate attitudinal and behavioral differences across segments about online ads. Data were collected through an online survey and by using cluster analysis, web users were segmented into three groups based on their beliefs about online ads: “Supporters,” “Neutrals,” and “Opponents.” Personality trait differences as well as attitudinal and behavioral differences among three segments were examined and significant differences were found in terms of their personality traits, such as variety seeking, market mavenism, and innovativeness.  相似文献   

视频播放页面中,关联广告的不恰当出现会干扰消费者正常观看视频,限制其自由,进而使消费者产生逆反心理,采取关闭广告的躲避行为。这严重影响了消费者对网络视频关联广告的接受意愿,造成商家大量广告费用的浪费。本研究针对超限逆反和评定逆反两种逆反心理构建消费者对网络视频关联广告躲避行为影响因素的理论模型,并利用结构方程进行实证分析。结果表明,消费者的躲避行为主要来源于超限逆反与评定逆反。信息暴露程度、恼怒感对超限逆反产生正效应,认知评价对其产生负效应;恼怒感、感知风险对评定逆反产生正效应,网络广告激励、关联程度则对其产生负效应,信息暴露程度对评定逆反的影响不显著。  相似文献   


With the increasing popularity of the internet and online sales as a viable way of doing business, many merchandisers have attempted to do much of their marketing by creating advertising campaigns directed at online customers. However, just as in the physical marketplaces of the real world, there are complexities to promoting online businesses. Although the ideas of prospecting, promotion, and push-pull marketing are the same, the manners in which they are approached are quite different, and different systems have begun to develop to address each of these needs. Several different campaign types have been developed. Branding campaigns, click-through campaigns, and sell-through campaigns are the ones that will be discussed here, as well as basic electronic prospecting and final advertising hosting of the campaign. The purpose of this study is to provide the managers with a systematic method for examining a more comprehensive understanding of electronic advertising, as developing the actual campaign. The implications of such examinations will be addressed, in regards to a few important issues. Costs associated with these systems will be touched on, not only monetary but also in terms of times and opportunity, and specific strategies for maintaining such a system will be discussed. Such information should be helpful in developing and maintaining a successful online advertising strategy, one that will stand the test of time.  相似文献   

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