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招贴广告依靠两个重要元素来传达信息,由于招贴广告分布以及媒体的特点,造成广告与受众之间接触的瞬时性,因此需要让受众快速理解并记住表达广告主题的文案.文章从审美角度、阅读速度、文化程度、相关程度和可辨程度等五个方面提出一些个人观点.  相似文献   

宋岩峰 《活力》2011,(6):49-49,58
一幅优秀的设计作品除了形态因素外,往往还包含色彩因素。网络的界面与广告招贴、电视画面一样,都要与醒目而恰当的色彩相搭配,切中主题,给人以美的享受。色彩在网络界面设计中占有非常重要的地位,是最先也是最持久地给受众以网站形象的视觉元素。所以说,色彩所体现的情感特征应与形态性格吻合一致,进而最大限度地发挥色彩在版面构图中的作用,使形与色在共同的主题下产生共鸣。  相似文献   

旅游广告翻译是跨文化交际的重要手段。旅游广告翻译的好坏可以极大程度地影响国际旅游的发展。符合外国受众群体的旅游广告翻译可以极大提高外国游客的旅游意向,增加游客量。本文拟从生态翻译学的角度对桂林旅游广告翻译进行分析,从语言、交际、文化三个维度考察分析桂林旅游广告的翻译。  相似文献   

1、广告 广告的媒介很多,包括电视、广播。报纸、杂志、网络、电传、招贴、路牌等。公司可根据自己的实际情况选择适合自己的广告媒介。企业通过广告宣传树立公关形象的主要方式有:产品广告──直接对产品作广告宣传,通过树立品牌形象来树立良好的企业公关形象;企业形象广  相似文献   

受众接受心理与企业广告策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>要想使广告获得成功,不仅要吸引广告受众注意,更要使广告符合受众获取广告信息的心理反映规律。广告受众通过什么来获取广告信息呢? 一般认为是通过眼睛、耳朵来接收的, 但这并不全面,准确的答案是通过受众的感觉器官来接收广告信息并做出判断,即对广告进行感觉与知觉。因此,广告受众对信息的接收依赖其感知系统。  相似文献   

刘青山 《经营者》2010,(3):46-46
如果让一个消费者描述自己十几年前的媒体接触方式,可能两句话就可以描述清楚:白天看报纸,晚上看电视。而广告客户也只需要在几个媒体上投放广告就可以起到立竿见影的传播效果。但在今天,媒体如何影响受众的上网习惯,从而和广告主傲更深一层的合作,是必须要深入思考的问题——就内容而言,要让受众有兴趣加入;就产品而言,还是需要通过广告来体现。  相似文献   

儿童广告是广告创意中的一种重要形式,具体可以分为两大类,一是给儿童看的广告;二是有儿童参与表演的广告。据有关数据显示,儿童广告占我国广告总量的近1/3。广告创意对儿童符号的偏爱,导致了作为一种符号的儿童元素表征了的众多意义,对儿童符号意义的滥刚,在一定程度上扭曲了儿童符号的内涵,形成了对儿童形象的刻板认识,甚至于对儿童受众的认知形成了不良影响。  相似文献   

广告活动是信息的活动,信息熵是信息活动的度量标准。本文利用信息熵理论对广告活动中的信息处理、广告传播、广告效果测定和广告受众进行了论证,指出了广告信息活动的规律。  相似文献   

曲宏宇 《活力》2013,(24):65-65
一、电视广告简要概述 电视广告是广告产业众多分类中的一种,是当今时代的产物,极具代表性与影响力,电视广告也是我国受众群体最多的广告类型之一。我们在生活中常常都能够看到电视广告,电视广告以其优质的画面感、连贯的内容、鲜明的主题及多样的形式迅速地赢得了广大受众的喜爱及认可。然而,虽然我们常常见到、常常说起电视广告,但是电视广告的真正含义是什么呢?顾名思义,电视广告就是电视中的广告,也可以说成是广告在电视中的应用,正所谓“存在即合理”,万事万物的存在都是合理的,广告产业能够存在这么长时间,并不断地进步与发展,说明其具有极强的竞争力与适用性,而电视广告作为广告产业中的主要类型,其主要特点也是非常明显的,总的来说,电视广告的特点可以表现为:传播范围广、传播效率高、影响力强等几个主要方面。而电视广告中也存在着一些特有的问题,像是广告的时间长、真实性低等。总而言之,电视广告作为当今时代背景下及社会环境中最主要的广告类型,其将会在很长一段时间内对我国受众、社会及国家产生影响,其发展对于我国整体的环境来说是非常重要的,应该对电视广告给予充分的重视并尽可能地将其中的问题加以完善与解决。  相似文献   

在眼球经济的今天,传统的户外广告受到了越来越多的挑战缺乏创意、形式单一,与受众互动有限.无法吸引受众足够的关注。长期以来,为了克服这些问题,获得更好的广告效果.业界一直在强调户外广告的创新。但是其强调的创新形式也只停留在如何取巧地使人“眼前一亮”,仍然没有做到深度的受众参与。因此.如何在纷繁复杂.瞬息变化的广告市场中,突破传统,以更为新颖的方式吸引受众.与受众进行深度互动.就成为广大户外媒体经营者需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

刘晓丹 《企业技术开发》2009,28(8):85-85,87
从一波又一波侵袭的"韩潮"中,中国媒体以及广告人们领教了韩国电视传媒的发达,而韩国电视广告针对受众的"精准制导",使得韩国产品广告能够直抵受众心灵,顷刻激发购买欲望。而对光鲜华丽外衣下的韩国电视广告有着怎样的监察管理机制,我国的受众却是知之甚少。韩国能拥有如此繁荣而巨大的电视广告事业,其背后一定存在着一套结构合理,运行有序,规章严密的庞大审查机制,能够支撑其有条不紊地运行。  相似文献   

文章针对数字移动电视播放和收看的现状分析了其及时效性强、内容易获得、强迫收视等特点,以及运营成本居高不下,广告规模有限,对受众权利有所侵犯等局限,提出了最大效用地利用移动数字电视的受众及广告资源的途径。  相似文献   

The authors present an overview of the academic literature on charity advertising. Through systematically reviewing 63 empirical studies on charity advertising, a synthesis of the body of work is framed in a general model. Predominant antecedents in the charity advertising literature include various appeal tactics and victim portrayals. Research streams on moderators and mediators include various ad characteristics and audience characteristics. The audience's intentions to donate were the most used outcome variable. Recommendations for continuing theoretical advancement in the field are presented. Managerial implications are also presented. This literature review contributes a knowledge base to guide future charity advertising research.  相似文献   

Minimum Differentiation in Commercial Media Markets   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
We examine a model of locational choice in commercial media markets. Commercial media (stations) compete for audiences with their choice of programming variety in order to attract advertising revenues from advertisers. These advertisers (producers) compete in a differentiated product market and rely on advertising to inform consumers about their product. We use the model to show that media have incentives to minimize the extent of differentiation between them. This incentive is an implication of the assumed role of advertising as information and as an ultimate nuisance to the audience. When stations minimally differentiate their programming offerings, producers choose lower levels of advertising. Consequently, lower levels of product information are available to consumers, permitting producers to gain higher margins on product sales. As a result, stations can negotiate higher payments for advertising space.  相似文献   

王志芬  张雷 《价值工程》2010,29(20):231-231
二十一世纪是一个飞速发展的时代,以网络为发布平台的电子杂志,是目前中国领先全球的一项新型产业机构,电子杂志就是借助P2P的传输技术,融文字、图片、音乐、视频、flash等网络元素为一体的极富视觉表现力的新媒体工具。快捷的发行传播,电子杂志都通过专门的P2P平台进行下载订阅。强大的广告表现力、互动性、个性化、细分的目标受众等特点使电子杂志具有传统杂志无可比拟的广告表现力。  相似文献   

Many observers of the media argue that advertiser support of the news insulates business from critical scrutiny. News organizations know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. I examine several weaknesses in this corporate advertising bias argument. Most significantly, a favorable political climate for business is a public good, so individual businesses have an incentive to support anti–business messages that generate an audience. Transmission of messages that fail to generate sufficient demand is inefficient. In short, advertising does not create a significant political bias.  相似文献   

李莉 《价值工程》2014,(31):318-319
近年来,伴随着科技的飞速进步和经济的日益发展,传播信息的媒体形式及速度越来越强,媒体种类不断丰富。互联网作为一种崭新的媒体在世界范围的快速普及,导致了网络广告业的迅速崛起,成为很多广告业主和代理商普遍看好的强势媒体。网络广告要发展,离不开对环境政策、设计理念、受众心理的深层研究。  相似文献   

张璇 《价值工程》2011,30(31):99-100
本文基于媒介融合的背景下,从传媒格局、传播技术、营销环境与受众关系分析出发,探讨了媒介融合对广告策划的影响,同时阐述了广告策划的内容。  相似文献   

To compete with the flood of environmental messaging from corporations and industry groups, environmental advocacy groups must adopt the most effective communication strategies to connect with audiences and motivate their behaviors toward environmental issues. This study examines the framing of environmental messages by advocacy groups in contrast to messages by other organizations in 30 years of environmental advertising in National Geographic Magazine. It measures changes in the degree to which environmental actions were framed in terms of gain for the environment versus avoidance of ecological loss and in terms of impacting current generations versus future generation. In addition, the study examined behavioral frames of taking less (conservation) versus doing more (recycling, volunteering, etc.) in environmental advocacy groups' advertising to better understand the kinds of actions the organizations are promoting. The organizations' strategies to engage audience behavior were also measured through message focus on reader behavior versus organization behavior. Findings suggest that frames engaged by environmental advocacy organizations have remained fairly stable over time but may not represent the best practices for message creation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

HelpAd is a simple idea, Brand A allows Brand B to advertise on its packaging thereby creating an effective and targeted medium to reach Brand A's consumers. The new dimension is that the advertisement is placed inside a space given by Brand A for the use of the International Red Cross. Immediately several benefits accrue to all parties; Brand A makes a statement of its ‘corporate caredness’ at point of sale, Brand B gets to reach a specifically targeted audience with little or no waste, and the International Red Cross receive payment based on the sale of valuable commercial media. The core product ‘the world's most ethical advertising’ is simply embellished by line extension through Help Ad's involvement in sport and entertainment sponsorship. The following paper sets out not only the reasoning behind this cause-related marketing but the synergies needed to make it successful.  相似文献   

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