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蔡葵 《中国信用卡》2008,(22):39-39
近年来,青岛市银行卡受理市场规模不断扩大,市区特约商户不断增多,终端机具数量也不断增加,而市区银行卡受理市场发展速度却开始放缓。与此形成鲜明对照的是,郊区各市(县)的银行卡受理市场规模偏小,建设严重滞后。根据2008年前5个月的统计,青岛市所辖5个县级市的银行卡交易笔数、清算笔数、清算金额的合计数分别只占全市总数的15.82%、14.46%和7.23%。由此凸显城乡银行卡受理市场之间的巨大差距。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着银行卡产业的迅速发展,银行卡市场的规模不断发展壮大,大连市入网发卡银行已达到16家,银行卡受理环境也不断得到改善。截至2008年6月底,大连市累计发行银行卡1885.7万张;入网直联商户10145家;直联POS14082台;入网ATM1768台;ATM交易成功笔数1880.52万笔,ATM清算金额63.81亿元,同比分别增长39.03%和53.05%;POS交易成功笔数1417.73万笔,POS清算金额157.79亿元,同比分别增长42.96%和53.39%;上半年POS交易金额占大连市社会消费品零售总额的27.89%。  相似文献   

2009年,中国工商银行(以下简称工行)银行卡跨行业务快速发展。交易金额和成功交易、清算交易笔数等核心业务指标继续领跑同业。受发卡量、消费额和透支额“三驾马车”的拉动作用及特约商户不断拓展、清算系统运行质态平稳等驱动因素的影响,2009年,工行银行卡跨行业务受理方9月交易总金额在同业中首破1000亿元,12月更是达到了1186亿元的峰值:发卡方、受理方成功交易、清算交易笔数总量上继续稳居同业榜首。  相似文献   

孙勇 《青海金融》2013,(6):57-59
中国银联青海分公司在省委、省政府的正确领导和人民银行西宁中心支行的指导下,积极以银联跨行交易清算系统为依托,与各商业银行等成员机构共同构建联网通用的银行卡受理环境,加强受理市场建设,推动银行卡产业稳步发展。截至2012年末,发行银行卡达900万张,人均持卡1.6张;全省共有ATM1558台,特约商户18170户,POS终端22860台,银行卡受理市场已基本覆盖宾馆、饭店和旅游购物场所,受理市场进一步改善;2012年,青海省实现银行卡清算交易1489.62万笔、交易金额409.09亿元,同比增长45.32%和  相似文献   

近几年来,随着银行卡产业的迅速发展,银行卡市场的规模不断发展壮大,大连市入网发卡银行已达到16家,银行卡受理环境也不断得到改善.  相似文献   

一、银行卡清算市场开放的背景 随着国内经济的腾飞,我国银行卡产业实现高速发展,截至2019年末,银行卡累计发卡量85.3亿张,当年新增发卡量7.0亿张,同比增长8.9%;全国银行卡交易金额822.3万亿元,同比增长4.1%;交易笔数3,219.9亿笔,同比增长53.1%.  相似文献   

中国银行卡产业经过二十多年的发展,目前的银行卡收单市场已初具规模.虽然中国银行卡产业和收单市场规模增长迅猛,但与境外成熟市场相比,我国银行卡市场规模还较小.目前我国大部分地区特别是一些欠发达地区还无法通过刷卡进行支付,银行卡受理环境有待进一步改善.对银行卡收单业务战略的研究,将有利于银行卡中心提高收单市场份额和收入水平,改善我国的收单受理环境,以及不断提升银行卡专业人员的业务水平和经营能力.  相似文献   

2006年,本刊和银联商务有限公司(以下简称“银联商务”)对陕西、吉林、山西、安徽四省的银行卡受理市场建设情况进行了调查。就全国范围来看,四省的经济发展状况与经济发达地区和沿海省份相比有不小的差距,但在银行卡受理市场建设上,四省的银联商务公司根据各省经济发展现状和未来规划,积极与当地人民银行及商业银行合作,使四省的银行卡受理市场得以迅速拓展,持卡消费观念日益普及,持卡消费笔数和消费金额快速攀升。四省银行卡受理市场的发展只是全国银行卡受理版图拓展的一个缩影。截至2006年11月底,银联商务已在全国28个省市区设立了37家从事银行卡专业化服务的分支机构,在216个地级以上中心城市开展了银行卡收单专业化服务。2007年,我国金融领域全面开放。这一新的形势将对我国银行卡产业发展带来怎样的影响?银联商务将如何应对银行卡专业化服务领域更加激烈的竞争?带着这些问题,本刊记者采访了我国银行卡收单专业化服务的领军人——银联商务有限公司总裁李凌。  相似文献   

中国银联青海分公司在青海成立两年多来,作为中国银行卡组织在青海的分支机构,中国银联青海分公司积极发挥卡组织职能,不断提升服务水平,积极为商业银行和银行卡持卡人提供更加优质高效、贴心方便的服务,并以银行卡跨行交易清算系统为依托,与各商业银行等成员机构共同改善全省银行卡受理环境,加强受理市场建设,防范银行卡风险,推动全省银行卡产业实现了较快发展。本刊记者对中国银联青海分公司总经理孙勇进行了专访。  相似文献   

一、工程目标本示范工程的目标是:完成高效、稳定、灵活、安全、济的全国银行卡信息交换系统,实现全国范围内所有行银行卡业务的信息转接和资金清算工作。银行卡信交换系统的设计指标为:平均每天处理交易笔数160笔,平均每秒处理交易笔数50笔,峰值每天处理交易数400万笔,峰值每秒处理交易笔数600笔,网络可率(无故障率)99.99%,项目技术指标达到目前国际平。二、银行卡共用平台示范工程的完成情况中国银联股份有限公司承担的银行卡共用平台示工程专题的研究内容是:构建全国银卡信息交换网络方案和跨硬件平台、件平台的银行卡信息交换系统,实现…  相似文献   

We study the extent to which unsecured credit markets have altered the transmission of increased income risk to consumption variability over the past several decades. We find that unsecured credit markets pass through increased income risk to consumption, irrespective of bankruptcy policy and the information possessed by lenders. If risk sharing has indeed improved over this period, the reasons do not therefore lie in the unsecured credit market.  相似文献   

This article investigates different aspects of global financial markets, specifically relationships among equity markets, money markets, and foreign exchange markets across countries. To represent the three major financial markets of the world, Japan is the proxy for Asia, Germany is the proxy for Europe, and the United States is the proxy for North America. Strong evidence exists that international money markets and international equity markets are becoming increasingly integrated over time. This article incorporates foreign exchange values as partial determinants of equity returns and money market returns and investigates the interactions among these three asset markets from a global perspective.  相似文献   

Financial integration for emerging economies should be seen as a long-term objective. In this paper, we examine stock market integration among five selected emerging stock markets (Brazil, China, Mexico, Russia and Turkey) and developed markets of the US, UK and Germany. The bounds testing approach to cointegration and error-correction modeling are used on monthly data from January 2001 to December 2014 to determine the short-run and long-run relationship between emerging stock market returns and the returns of the developed stock markets. The results show evidence of the existence of short-run integration among stock markets in emerging countries and the developed markets. However, the long-run coefficients for stock market returns in all emerging countries show a significant relationship only with Germany stock market return. The empirical findings in this study have important implications for academicians, international investors, and policymakers in emerging markets.  相似文献   

The high-tech sector accounts for the majority of corporate innovation in modern economies. In a sample of 38 countries, we document a strong positive relation between the initial size of the country's high-tech sector and subsequent rates of GDP and total factor productivity growth. We also find a strong positive connection between a country's equity (but not credit) market development and the size of its high-tech sector. Our main difference-in-differences estimates show that better developed stock markets support faster growth of innovative-intensive, high-tech industries. The main channels for this effect are higher rates of productivity and faster growth in the number of new high-tech firms. Credit market development fosters growth in industries that rely on external finance for physical capital accumulation but is unimportant for growth in innovation-intensive industries. These findings show that stock markets and credit markets play important but distinct roles in supporting economic growth. Stock markets are uniquely suited for financing technology-led growth, a particularly important concern for advanced economies.  相似文献   

This study examines global diversification benefits from the perspective of local investors in the frontier markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council using two diversification measures: the correlation index and return dispersion. The findings suggest a strong link between market volatility and both diversification measures in all markets, with the exception of Bahrain, indicating that investors in these frontier markets will face significant challenges achieving desired levels of diversification using domestic stocks only. However, I also find that significant amount of market risk in these countries can be eliminated by supplementing domestic portfolios with positions in advanced markets. Finally, I show that risk minimization strategies using foreign traded assets also lead to favorable risk adjusted returns for investors in these markets, stressing the potential benefits of financial liberalization in developing markets.  相似文献   

A dealer needs access to order flow and information to make a market profitably in a Nasdaq stock. Several variables that proxy for the stocks that an individual market maker's brokerage customers trade, including volume, location, underwriting participation and analyst coverage, are significant determinants of market making activity. Informational advantages may also factor in the market making decision as evidenced by dealers specializing in industries. These findings suggest that individual dealers have competitive advantages in making markets in specific stocks, and that potential market making competition comes from the dealers who share those advantages rather than all Nasdaq market makers.  相似文献   

债券市场对外开放,对于促进人民币跨境使用具有重要意义。文章通过对美元和日元外国债券市场和离岸债券市场的比较研究,发现由于管制落差的存在,离岸债券市场发展明显快于外国债券市场,同时,离岸债券市场发展对在岸的外国债券市场发展具有明显的促进作用。文章指出,应通过减少对在岸外国债券市场的管制、有效利用香港等离岸人民币债券市场的创新优势等手段,进一步促进我国债券市场的对外开放效率和健康发展。  相似文献   

Auctions with resale markets: an exploratory model of Treasury bill markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article develops a model of competitive bidding with aresale market. The primary market is modeled as a common-valueauction, in which bidders participate for the purpose of resale.After the auction the winning bidders sell the objects in asecondary market, and the buyers in the secondary market, receiveinformation about the bids submitted in the auction. The effectof this information linkage between the primary auction andthe secondary market on bidding behavior in the primary auctionis examined. The auctioneer's expected revenues from organizingthe primary market as a discriminatory auction versus a uniform-priceauction are compared, and sufficient conditions under whichthe uniform-price auction will yield higher expected revenuesare obtained. An example of our model, with the primary marketorganized as a discriminatory auction, is the U.S. Treasurybill market.  相似文献   

We develop a method to find approximate solutions, and their accuracy, to consumption–investment problems with isoelastic preferences and infinite horizon, in incomplete markets where state variables follow a multivariate diffusion. We construct upper and lower contractions; these are fictitious complete markets in which state variables are fully hedgeable, but their dynamics is distorted. Such contractions yield pointwise upper and lower bounds for both the value function and the optimal consumption of the original incomplete market, and their optimal policies are explicit in typical models. Approximate consumption–investment policies coincide with the optimal one if the market is complete or utility is logarithmic.  相似文献   

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