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Tourism and cultural revival   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cultural change is a recurrent concern in tourism anthropology studies. Host societies frequently remodel their culture following the creation of a tourist resort. But, that does not necessarily imply an acculturating process, since what actually takes place is pragmatic cultural production work in response to the touristic demands that offer consolidated economic alternatives and livelihood. As for the Pataxó Indians of Porto Seguro of Brazil, they have sponsored a “cultural revival” process. In other words, they have generated the traditions that start being exhibited commercially in arenas where the prospect of emergent ethnic tourism is perceived.  相似文献   

Despite numerous articles detailing the consequences of tourism, one's understanding of the conflict caused by tourism development is limited. This paper attempts to identify generalizable features of the tourism development debate in the United States through the use of a locational conflict framework. A typology of tourism development was created using content analysis of newspaper articles that described conflict over tourism related land use changes. The results of the analysis indicate that the number of tourism development conflict incidents and the issues involved in these incidents varied substantially across the United States. Analysis also indicates that the participants involved in the conflicts aligned themselves into different coalitions, depending upon the particular issue. This suggests that the particular tourism development issue is the most important variable affecting generalizations about tourism development conflict.  相似文献   

Tourism and crime in the Caribbean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study reviews the general literature on tourism and crime and the recent history of violent and property crime in several Caribbean destinations. It highlights the failure of most previous research to discriminate crimes against tourists vs. residents. Annual crime data for Barbados for 1989–93 are analyzed and reveal that overall guest victimization rates are higher than host rates. Residents are significantly more likely to be victimized by violent crime while tourists are significantly more likely to experience property crime and robbery. Monthly data on guest victimization for 1990–93 show similar patterns. The paper concludes with a number of measures to enhance tourist safety.  相似文献   

TOURISM CRISIS MANAGEMENT: US Response to September 11   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Policymakers are faced with the predicament of if and how they should respond to an unexpected and sudden downturn in tourism demand. In the past, they have made these decisions in the absence of research into the relative effectiveness of different responses. The downturn in the United States following September 11 is a particularly vivid example of tourism crisis. This paper analyzes the effects of this crisis using a computable general equilibrium model of the US and also examines potential and actual policy responses to the crisis. Sector-specific targeted subsidies and tax reductions are found to be the most efficient means of handling the situation.  相似文献   

Tourism development: Assessing Social Gains and Losses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Resident attitudes toward tourism, and perceptions of its impacts, are often diverse, with development often generating gains for some and losses for others. The net effect has been discussed conceptually for many years. This study illustrates an empirical evaluation of it, as well as of gains to tourists. Survey responses to hypothetical ski resort development in Åre, Sweden, indicate that some residents gain from such an expansion while others lose; the net effect on the community is negative over the range of slopes evaluated. Tourists gain from expansion, but their gains are not great enough to outweigh the net losses for residents, such that the welfare change for society as a whole is negative.  相似文献   

This study examines the contemporary interactions in Micronesia between tourism, the production of handicrafts, and native perceptions of their culture and society in relation to foreigners. Special attention is given to the traditional distinctions made between mundane everyday handicrafts and highly valued products made by master artisans. Changes in the status of the latter products and their producers have occured as a result of varied colonial governments' policies affecting local economies. These political changes in the Twentieth Century with their attendant social and economic consequences as Micronesia approached political independence and a growing emphasis on tourism are examined with regard to the changing nature of native-foreign interactions and ethnic identity. The study suggests that the careful examination of the manner in which the local handicraft production system has changed can provide an important perspective on concurrent changes in ethnic identity.  相似文献   

The apparent mismatch between tourism and technology can be reconciled by a closer examination of the tourism production system (TPS) and the technologies likely to affect it. It is found that a whole system of information technologies (SIT) is being adopted by all segments of the travel industry. The SIT, however, will not attack the human content of tourism. Rather, it will affect the core information-intensive areas of management, organization, product blending and packaging, marketing, distribution and industry linkages. Factors likely to affect the diffusion of the SIT in tourism are identified. Implications of technology adoption for future organization, management, and distribution of tourism services are drawn out.  相似文献   

Tourism and attitude change: Greek tourists visiting Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates attitude change of Greek tourists towards Turkish people inclusive of their political beliefs and institutions, as a result of their visit to Turkey. A sample of 97 Greek first-time travelers to Turkey completed a structured questionnaire measuring attitudes towards Turkey before and after their visit. A control group of 82 Greek citizens who remained in Greece also completed the questionnaire twice. The major results showed that travel to Turkey had a negative impact on Greek tourists perceptions of the host population. This was particularly true concerning such aspects as the quality of life in Turkey, Turkish institutions, and the cultural aspects of its people.  相似文献   

The total disaggregated economic impact that cruise industry tourism has on Dade County is examined in economic terms using a regional input-output model developmen by the Regional Science Research Institute. The analysis indicates that cruise industry tourism at the Port of Miami had a total economic impact on Dade County of $546 million in 1982. The total direct, indirect and induced number of jobs generated by the cruise industry and cruise passengers is 21,627. Wages totalling $271 million were paid in 1982 in Dade County as a result of the total impact of the cruise industry. Finally, the model revealed that cruise industry tourism contributed $264 million to the county's Gross Regional Product in 1982  相似文献   

The purposes of the study were to define the construct of novelty in the context of tourism, to conceptualize its role in the destination choice process, and to develop an instrument to measure novelty. The novelty construct was comprised of four interrelated but distinctive dimensions: thrill, change from routine, boredom alleviation, and surprise. A 21 item instrument was developed to measure the construct and its dimensions. The scale was judged to have content validity by an initial panel of experts. It was demonstrated to have convergent, theoretical, discriminant, and criterion validity in terms of its expected correlations with other measures. Items measuring the dimensions were internally consistent, and both test-retest and split-half reliability were satisfactory.  相似文献   

Past research has not addressed the specific procedures needed to estimate the total number of people traveling by motor vehicle in a state or the number of vehicular trips they take based on a sample of those travelers. Methods were developed in a study in which leisure travelers were surveyed enroute throughout a state over a year's time. Procedures involved in trip estimation are discussed, and a simple method for cross-validating estimates obtained is proposed. An estimate of one segment of these trips was validated by comparing it with a figure obtained from a state agency, suggesting that the approach is sound. Implications of the method and its results are discussed.  相似文献   

Multicity trip patterns: Tourists to the United States   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study examines international tourists’ multicity trip patterns within the United States. Actual and perceived distance from the country of origin to the destination is assumed to affect the likelihood of multicity tourism behavior. In addition, higher opportunity costs for first-time tourists are expected to lead to increased multicity patterns. An analysis of the trips of international tourists to US metropolitan areas confirmed that multicity patterns differ for groups of tourists with different origins and varying levels of familiarity with the destination. Differences lie in the directionality of flows as well as the extent and nature of multicity tourism behavior.  相似文献   

Tourism dependence and resident attitudes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many rural communities view tourism as a major vehicle for addressing rural economic decline, but several empirical studies suggest that its growth can bring negative social impacts. One group of studies suggests a direct relationship between the level of tourism development in a community and the presence of negative resident attitudes toward it. This “tourism dependence” hypothesis is evaluated using survey data from four rural communities in the United States Rocky Mountain West. Results support the hypothesis with some important qualifications, and suggest a typology of rural communities experiencing tourism growth that includes tourism-saturated, tourism-realized, and tourism-hungry community types.


La dépendance envers le tourisme et les attitudes des habitants. Les communautés rurales voient le tourisme comme un véhicule important pour aborder le probème du déclin économique, mais plusieurs études empiriques suggèrent que la crossance du tourisme entraîne des impacts sociaux négatifs. Certaines études suggèrent un rapport direct entre de développement du tourisme dans une communauté et la présence d'attitudes négatives de la part des habitants. On évalue cette hypothèse de “dépendance de tourisme” en utilisant des données d'enquêtes de quatre communautés rurales dans les montagnes Rocheuses de l'ouest des États-Unis. Les résultats appuient l'hypothèse avec quelques réserves importantes et suggèrent une typologie des communautés qui font l'expérience de la crossance du tourisme, comprenant les types de communautés saturées, réalisées et affamées de tourisme.  相似文献   

TOURISM AND CULTURAL PROXIMITY: Examples from New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While tourism products based on Maori culture are popular among some overseas tourists to New Zealand, there has been little research as to their appeal to the domestic market. This paper discusses notions of indigenous tourism and the role of cultural and spatial difference in European conceptualizations of the exotic other. It argues that although there is a common cultural antecedence between non-Maori and European culture, the lack of spatial distance between Maori and tourists means that European New Zealanders are not drawn to Maori culture as an attraction in the manner that those from Europe and North America are. The paper discusses “kiwi culture” and familiarity as determinants of tourist demand.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism and the question of the commons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sustainable development calls for wise management of natural, built, and sociocultural resources in destination areas. Resources created mainly for tourism are used in time by the local population as well. Many others are shared in common with local people in everyday life. More often than not, resources are overused and degraded, as is the unfortunate fate of most ‘common pool resources’. When this happens, sustainable development is severely threatened: economic wellbeing declines, environmental conditions worsen, social injustice grows, and tourist satisfaction drops. This paper analyzes the central role that common pool resources play in sustainable tourism development, outlines policy design principles for their management, and offers future research directions.  相似文献   

Susan   《Annals of Tourism Research》2007,34(4):1056-1077
This paper proposes a “facilitated access” model to describe how local people make and have made use of tourism. Although Western travel accounts of the Arab Middle East have been studied by various disciplines, the Ottoman Empire has not been treated from a tourism studies approach. Travel narratives from 1835 to 1870 are used to reconstruct how, and tentatively why, Ottoman subjects adapted existing tourism services and expertise to the new Western tourists of the era. It is argued that Western tourism in the empire flourished in the foundational period before Cook Company tours began in 1869 because some Ottoman subjects could thus increase their own autonomy.  相似文献   

Forecasting tourist arrivals in Barbados   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Importance of forecasting in tourism is not a controversial issue. Recently, there has been increased attention on forecasting models in tourism. The value of a forecasting model depends on the accuracy of out-of-sample forecasts. At present, there is no indication as to which model or class of models is suitable for forecasting tourism. This paper specifies, estimates, and validates an ARIMA model for forecasting long-stay visitors in Barbados. The accuracy of the short-term forecasts surpasses most recent forecasting studies. The implication of the study is that customized model building may be highly rewarding in terms of accurate forecasts compared to standard or simple methods.  相似文献   

This paper examines potential improvements in measures of international travel demand elasticities by pooling cross sections and time series of travel receipts. International travel receipts for 18 European countries are pooled and estimates of elasticities with respect to income, exchange rates, relative prices, transport costs, and number of terrorism events are computed. Indexes are developed for the purpose of measuring and aggregating transport costs and terrorism. The results show that the responses to changes in these variables are significantly different across countries. When the countries are constrained to have the same elasticities, but the constants are allowed to be different, it is found that all variables affect tourism in the expected direction and are statistically significant.  相似文献   

Competing industries in islands a new tourism approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many islands host both tourism and offshore finance, but their coexistence has been little researched. This paper examines their relationship via a case study of the British Channel Island of Jersey. Both sectors require labor, land, and capital—all frequently scarce in small islands. The study considers the nature of the relationship and resource competition. In light of the unusual context of small polities and the political power of external actors, it also analyzes the dynamics of tourism, offshore finance, and the state in islands. The overall impact of the relationship between tourism and offshore finance is further examined, to suggest how this affects islands’ economic development.  相似文献   

Economic impact of sporting events   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Major sporting events have their main economic impact via the direct expenditure of tourists associated with the event. Care is needed to count only that expenditure that would not have occurred in the absence of the event. This means avoiding expenditure by tourists who would have visited regardless, but who timed their visit to coincide with the event. When all such expenditure has been avoided, the net remaining expenditure can be assessed using an input-output model of the host economy. It is argued that, because of its climatic and cultural advantages, Australia may be able to capitalize on the economic benefits of tourism resulting from major sporting events.  相似文献   

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