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An applicant's electrocardiogram contains a low amplitude P, QRS and T wave pattern in lead I. The diagnostic and prognostic implications of this ECG pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

并购是融资的一个重要途径,为了让读者了解国内外的并购形势.本刊和全球并购中心(并购公会)联合推出并购月数据报告,供读者参考  相似文献   

股份制商业银行组织架构改造与扁平化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对商业银行来说,建立合理的组织架构是保证业务平稳、高效运行的基本前提.我国商业银行股份制进程虽然起步较晚,但是,由于组建时吸取了国有银行实践工作中的经验教训,吸取了国外银行业部分先进经营理念,因此在组织结构和经营机制方面拥有一定优势.然而,与发达国家商业银行成熟的组织结构相比较,我国股份制商业银行的组织结构仍较为繁琐,大部分银行管理人员的思想还较为保守和落后,块块管理的组织结构仍欠合理,"统一管理、分级经营"的经营理念未充分体现,分行仍类似"行中行"拥有过大的行政权力,这一切严重制约了银行进行管理创新、服务创新和技术创新的步伐,无法应对金融业全面开放外资银行在资本、管理、服务和技术方面发起的挑战.  相似文献   

Increased QRS voltage accompanied by repolarization abnormalities in a life insurance applicant's electrocardiogram should alert the medical director to the possibility of left ventricular hypertrophy. If confirmed, left ventricular hypertrophy or increased left ventricular mass is a strong independent risk factor for future cardiac events and all cause mortality. The use of the electrocardiogram to diagnose left ventricular hypertrophy can be helpful, but there are limitations that need to be considered. This ECG case study illustrates some of the pitfalls in the electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Stephan Hobe 《Futures》2006,38(2):169-179
The Treaty establishing the Constitution of Europe is cause to raise the question yet again as to whether Europe is headed for super-statehood, at the expense of the sovereign independence of the member states. In his analysis from the perspective of public law, the author places this latest legal re-characterization into the context of the history of European integration, makes further analogy to the German Constitutional Court decision when German citizens raised a similar question at the signing of the Treaty of Maastricht, and concludes that the Treaty has not provided sufficient change in legal power to create a European super-state.  相似文献   

The probate process is a way to recover hospital payment while respecting the feelings of the patient's loved ones and protecting the hospital's reputation and bottom line. A healthcare organization's probate strategy could include internal staff who are dedicated to this process or outsourcing to specialists in probate recovery. Several strategies, including setting up a system for flagging the records of a person who has died within a provider's facility, can be used to recover payment from estate accounts.  相似文献   

Tall R waves in lead V1 present the life insurance company medical director with a diagnostic dilemma. This ECG pattern may be present in applicants with right bundle branch block, right ventricular hypertrophy, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, posterior myocardial infarction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, muscular dystrophy, dextrocardia, misplaced precordial leads, as well as in normal individuals. This ECG case study discusses the ECG features involved in the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

张明莉 《银行家》2006,(5):38-41
全球风险协会(Global Association of Risk Professionals,简称 GARP)成立于1996年,是目前世界规模最大的金融风险管理专业组织, 拥有来自135个国家和地区的51590 余名会员,这些会员服务于全球 5000多家金融及非金融机构,如银行、证券公司、保险公司、资产管理公司、学术机构和政府管理机构等等。GARP组织的金融风险管理师 (Financial Risk Manager,简称FRM)资格考试是国际公认的标准资格考试, FRM成为国际上风险管理领域的权威认证,目前,持有该认证证书的各类人士已达8400多人,其中在中国有近200人。2000年,GARP落地中国,成立中国分会,开始了帮助中国金融业提高风险管理水平的工作。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的迅速发展,电能已成为是国民经济建设及现代化生活的最重要能源之一。目前,各个行业都高度依赖电能,对供电的质量要求越来越高。  相似文献   

被誉为"华人经营之神"的香港著名实业家李嘉诚,1950年开始创业时只有5万块港币,开业的那一天是5月1日,公司只剩下几千块港币. 在谈到自己理财致富的经历时说:20岁以前,所有的钱都是靠双手勤劳换来,20至30岁之间是努力赚钱和存钱的时候,30岁以后,投资理财的重要性逐渐提高,到中年时赚钱已经不重要,这时候反而是如何管钱比较重要.  相似文献   

Using trended Brownian motion to characterize borrower cash needs over time, we are able to derive a probability density function for the time to depletion of a bank credit line as well as the likelihoods for the time to exhausting the sources of liquidity that fund the loan. Armed with these analytic results, we solve for the credit line mark-up rate and the configuration of stored liquidity that maximizes the bank’s intertemporal expected profits from the loan. The optimality conditions produce a system of integral differential equations whose solutions we then simulate over a host of scenarios.  相似文献   

自2007年2月中国银监会印发<中国银行业实施新资本协议指导意见>后,中国银行业就拉开了实施新巴塞尔资本协议(以下简称新资本协议)的序幕.在随后的几年时间里,中国首批新资本协议银行在组织上和资源上进行了大量投入,与此同时,银监会陆续下发了14个专门的监管指引(另有部分指引尚在征求意见中).2009年10月银监会正式启动了达标申请的预评估工作,新资本协议的实施进入最后攻坚阶段.  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代开始,美国针对课税基础掀起了一场归一税改革运动,并引发了学术界的争论和广泛的研究。本文首先对美国归一税改革理论的内容、观点等做一梳理,之后重点围绕改革对税收负担、税制公平、储蓄率、价格和工资、长期经济增长等几个因素可能造成的影响展开阐述,并对改革实施的必备条件进行了评价。  相似文献   

人民银行职能调整后,基层央行主要履行执行货币政策、提供金融服务、维护区域金融稳定等职能。这些职能的履行主要以资金为操作对象,包括信贷资金、国库资金、联行资金、发行基金、存款准备金、备付金以及人民银行自身财产、财务资金及衍生的利息、租金等,具有涉及面广、金额巨大、风险点多、难以控制等特点。因此,如何加强内部控制、确保资金安全变得日益重要。然而,受多种因素的制约,目前人民银行的内控监督机制已经远远不能适应新形势的需要,为提高监督成效,防范案件发生,  相似文献   

The surprising economics of a "people business"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When people are your most important asset, some standard performance measures and management practices become misleading or irrelevant. This is a danger for any business whose people costs are greater than its capital costs-that is, businesses in most industries. But it is particularly true for what the authors call "people businesses": operations with high employee costs, low capital investment, and limited spending on activities, such as R&D, that are aimed at generating future revenue. If you run a people business-or a company that includes one or more of them how do you measure its true performance? Avoid the trap of relying on capital-oriented metrics, such as return on assets and return on equity. They won't help much, as they'll tend to mask weak performance or indicate volatility where it doesn't exist. Replace them with financially rigorous people-oriented metrics-for example, a reformulation of a conventional calculation of economic profit, such as EVA, so that you gauge people, rather than capital, productivity. Once you have assessed the business's true performance, you need to enhance it operationally (be aware that relatively small changes in productivity can have a major impact on shareholder returns); reward it appropriately (push performance-related variable compensation schemes down into the organization); and price it advantageously (because economies of scale and experience tend to be less significant in people businesses, price products or services in ways that capture a share of the additional value created for customers).  相似文献   

Deanna Petherbridge   《Futures》2007,39(10):1191-1200
This article proceeds from the position of an in-depth analysis of present visual art practice, in so far as it reflects past histories and contains the germ of a not very enticing future. Beginning with the refusal of contemporary art to define its field (contrary to the evolving skill- and specialist-based practices of other art forms), it is argued that post-modern artists exploit the universalist doctrines of conceptual art to plunder other disciplines in a romantic, laisser-faire, if ironic manner. This colonisation is the result of post-modern theory and the influence of Duchamp and a consequence of the abandonment of drawing in its structural relation to art practice. In arguing for the importance of abstract and conceptual ways of exploring new ideas through drawing (as a complex and rhyzomic set of graphic connections, evolving in time) distinction is made between the rigidly systematic and the broadly systemic infrastructure of drawing in relation to creative acts. Following a notion borrowed from the short-lived Polish writer Bruno Schulz, that ‘time is too narrow for all events’, the second part of the article proposes an alternative post-Duchampian future dependent on the slogan ‘there cannot be a future for art without drawing, and drawing is the future of art’. Within this practice-based scenario, artists will also have to re-invent a culture of philosophical and moral responsibility for representation, specifically in relation to the field of animation, the meeting of drawing and high technology. This field cynically promotes brutality and pornography of all kinds, within negative graphic images of sexist and racist stereotypes, yet falls outside of artistic discourse. The recovery of drawing is linked to questions of artistic agency as well as notions of critique and probity.  相似文献   

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