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陈涛 《经济研究导刊》2012,(34):145-146
进一步提升浙江船舶交易市场在国内沿海航运业和船舶交易方面的话语权,浙江应该采取内外协调的发展策略。内部加强资源整合,构建以舟山、宁波船舶交易市场为心,以温、台船舶交易市场和杭嘉湖船舶交易市场为补充,覆盖沿海船舶交易和内河船舶交易的"一核两翼"船舶交易市场体系;外部加强协调,处理好与其他交易市场的衔接。  相似文献   

近年来,随着政府高度重视和促进水运经济的发展,私营船舶(也称个体船舶,下同)已经成为海上、内河交通运输不可忽视的生力军。而私营船舶的安全监督管理,一直是各级政府和海事部门安全管理工作的重点和难点。从江苏目前情况看,沿海、内河运输更趋繁忙,大量的大吨位私营船舶建造下水并陆续涌向水上运输市场。与此同时,  相似文献   

本文将对我国航海技术的悠久历史,内河船舶航海技术的现状以及内河船舶驾驶技术革新的对策等方面展开论述。  相似文献   

断沉船舶大都是2002—2005年所建的船舶,船长在60米以上,在船舶重载情况下,从船中间断裂。其主要原因是货舱区边甲板强度太弱,船舶重载中垂情况下,边甲受挤压强度失稳而引发的。另外一个原因是船舶长期超载,边甲板不堪重负,经过几年的运行,疲劳损坏严重,船舶的强度下降,如任其下去,断船事故将会进一步加剧。统计分析内河船舶断裂事故案例,研究船舶断裂事故原因,讨论遏制内河船舶断裂的长效机制。  相似文献   

中国积极推进船型标准化 提高船舶运输效率 近年来,中国在京杭运河、长江等内河流域积极推进船标准化工作,取得显著成效,有效地提高了船舶运输效率,提升了船闸通过能力,大大促进了内河航运发展。  相似文献   

3月17日,连云港市交通执法支队地方海事部门开展船舶燃油检测工作,从源头治理内河船舶污染.执法人员在船舶较为集中的新云台、海州港等码头、作业区,采集了10余艘在港停泊船舶的燃油样本,同时询问并了解船舶燃油的来源及渠道,加强船舶燃油排放源头监管.船舶燃油样本将集中送至质量监督部门进行技术筛查和数据分析,最终根据检测结果依...  相似文献   

一、2004年水路电煤运输情况 近几年来,随着我省国民经济的持续发展以及“水运强省”工程顺利实施,我省水运运力迅猛增长,电煤运力随之长足发展,为我省电煤输入提供了有力的水路运输保障。截至2004年底,我省已拥有沿海电煤运输船舶120万载重吨,内河电煤运输船舶46拖队、8.3万载重吨。同时,为确保电煤运输,部分内河航运企业还积极组织安排机动运力以补充不时之需,形成充足的运力储备。  相似文献   

国外的保险公估业监管制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险公估活动具有很强的技术性和专业性,其行为后果对保险合同当事人的权益具有重大影响,因此,世界各发达国家和地区对保险公估业一般都实行严格监管。如日本与法国分别授权大藏省保险部(现为金融监督厅)、经济财政部的保险司对保险公估人进行监管;保险业历史悠久的英国强调保险公估业的行业自律;而美国在全国有保险专员协会NAIC,在各州也有管理保险公估人的机构,同时还通过行业自律来规范公估人行为;澳大利亚有保险及退休委员会ISC、澳大利亚消费者权益委员会ACCC等若干组织同时对保险公估人进行监管,并强调公估人的自律。…  相似文献   

保险公估人与保险代理人、保险经纪人共同构成了保险中介的三大支柱,是保险业发展不可或缺的重要组成部分.文中分析了我国保险公估行业的发展现状,指出了发展保险公估行业的必要性和未来趋势,为促进我国保险公估业的快速发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

内河行政规范性文件是一种特殊政令,是具有法律效力的国家政令,与船舶航行有关的公民、法人或者其他组织在进行与船舶航行相关的活动时,必须严格遵守相关行政规范性文件的规定.  相似文献   


This paper retraces the origins of the unbundling of infrastructure, which is a monopoly, from services, which are subject to competition. Using the case of the railroad industry in France, I examine how both natural monopoly theorists and legislation dealt with this subject in the nineteenth century. I argue that the origins of vertical unbundling date to this period with legislation pertaining to inland waterways and railroads. This was particularly the case for the railroad industry due to pricing and competition rationales. I analyze the writings of Dupuit and Walras, and show that they both agreed that infrastructure and services had to be unbundled for the inland waterways. In contrast, they expressed different justifications to defend the monopoly for the railroad industry. Following a chronological progression, the first section explores the origins of unbundling in legislation. The second section analyzes how theorists approached the way railroads had to be managed. Throughout, I highlight the interplay between their work and legislation.  相似文献   

Since the rise of the railway, and the later development of road transport, the economic value of inland waterways in the UK as freight carriers has steadily declined. The reduction in the economic importance of canals has been somewhat offset by their growing popularity as a recreational resource, and by the amenity value which they provide to that part of the population living in close proximity to them. Focussing on two case study areas, this paper uses an hedonic price model to estimate the economic benefits which residents gain from a waterside location. These benefits may have important policy implications for those bodies who own undeveloped land bordering waterways.  相似文献   

This study proposes a decomposition framework for quantifying contributions of the determinants of poverty to spatial differences or temporal changes in poverty. This framework is then applied to address the issue why poverty incidence is higher in inland than in coastal China. The empirical application requires household or individual income observations which, generally speaking, are not available. Thus, a data‐generation method developed by Shorrocks and Wan is introduced to construct such observations from grouped income data. It is found that inland China is poorer than coastal China, mainly due to lower efficiency in resource utilization rather than less endowment of resources. Also, trade became poverty‐reducing in coastal China in the late 1990s but remained poverty‐inducing in inland China. Policy implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In China, regional disparities are significant. We find that firms in inland regions rely more on their internal funds in terms of their investment activities than those in coastal regions, and that the sensitivity gap between inland and coastal firms widened in the recent contractionary monetary policy period. This suggests that firms in inland regions find it harder to obtain outside funds due to the unfavourable social and economic environments they face. Our findings suggest that capital markets in China respond rationally to the potential impact of regional disparities on a firm's performance.  相似文献   

中国沿海与内地贫困差异之解析:基于回归的分解方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文提出了一个分解框架,旨在量化相关决定因素对贫困空间差异或跨时变化的贡献。同时,本文引入了Shorrocks and Wan(2008)提出的数据生成法,以便将分组数据转化成微观个体数据。把这些方法论运用于中国,我们解析了中国内地与沿海城市间的贫困差异。研究结果表明,内地的高贫困主要归因于资源利用效率的低下而不是资源禀赋的欠缺;收入分配的不平等也是造成内地高贫困的又一重要原因。贸易、FDI等衡量经济开放度的指标与贫困之间的关系因时因地而不同。  相似文献   


This study uses China's provincial panel data for 2003–2016 to estimate the turning point of technology spillovers promoting economic growth in the coastal and inland areas. The results show that the turning point in coastal areas is significantly higher than that in inland areas. However, improved absorptive capacity as a result of regional disparity increases the threshold of technology spillovers from promotion to suppression in inland areas but decreases it in coastal areas. Then, this study further tests the threshold characteristics of absorptive capacity factors influencing international technology spillovers using a double-threshold regression model and estimates the threshold values of both forward and reverse spillovers from the viewpoint of knowledge context, economic development, opening degree and human resources infrastructure. In conclusion, the effect of absorptive capacity factors on international spillovers is nonlinear, that is, when absorptive capacity factors are between the two threshold values, technology spillovers are maximised.  相似文献   

中国居民物质性消费与收入关系及其空间特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗志辉  琳琳 《经济地理》2002,22(2):192-195
对1993年起中国开始步入过剩经济时代进行了实证分析,给出了沿海与内地城镇及农村居民物质性消费与收入的恩格尔函数及其特征;在收入-消费关系空间特征分析的基础上,指出居民消费倾向内地高于沿海,内地城镇高于农村。最后从居民物质性消费与收入关系及空间特征角度讨论了现阶段加速中西部地区发展的必要性与合理性。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of coastal wind turbines on local coastal tourism and recreation for residents of the northeastern coastal counties in North Carolina. A combination of telephone and web survey data are used to assess the impact of coastal wind farms on trip behavior and site choice. Most of the respondents to our telephone survey claim to support offshore wind energy development, and independent survey data suggest that the observed levels of support may be indicative of the broader population in this region. Overall, we find very little impact of coastal wind turbines on aggregate recreational visitation; loss in annual consumer surplus associated with wide spread wind development in the coastal zone is insignificant at $17 (or about 1.5% of annual consumer surplus). Results suggest that NC local coastal tourists are averse to wind farms in the near-shore zone; average compensating variation for wind farms one mile from the shore is estimated at $55 per household. On average, we find no evidence of aversion to wind farms 4 miles out in the ocean, or for wind farms located in coastal estuaries. For all wind farm scenarios, we find evidence of preference heterogeneity—some respondents find this appealing while others find it aversive.  相似文献   

外商直接投资区域变化与中西部地区引资困境   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
李小建 《经济地理》2004,24(3):304-308
根据中国内陆地区对外开放程度逐渐加大、国家对西部开发的重视程度不断加强,以及外资投资区位转移的“雁行理论”等条件推理,内陆地区近年来引进外资的增长幅度应该快于沿海地区。然而,实际分析结果表明,1979年以来的外资由沿海向内陆地区的转移,从1997年开始停滞,中西部地区引进外资总体表现不佳。文章从“路径依赖”、市场规模、基础设施、劳动力素质、产业关联和投资软环境诸方面分析了形成这种现象的原因。在此基础上,提出了加快中西部地区引资的思路。  相似文献   

辽宁省港口物流效率及其与腹地经济协同发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李谭  王利  王瑜 《经济地理》2012,32(9):108-113
以辽宁省为例,根据港口物流效率指标体系对2001—2009年辽宁省港口物流效率进行分析,结果表明辽宁省港口物流效率较高。通过构建港口物流与腹地经济协同发展指标体系,以2001年为基期计算2002—2009年辽宁省港口物流与腹地经济协同度。分析表明:辽宁省港口物流与腹地经济之间存在协同发展关系,并随时间变化逐渐增加;辽宁省各地级市的均值协同度高于全省总体协同度;沿海地区均值协同度高于内陆地区。研究认为:港口物流效率的提高应该依靠技术进步作为支撑;港口物流与腹地经济之间的协同发展应考虑到地区间的差异,统筹兼顾沿海地区和内陆地区的发展状况。  相似文献   

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