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医疗保健包装全球能力中心的核心———M-REAL??NEKOSKIBoardM-real?nekoskiBoard是芬兰林业总公司消费品包装部业务领域的一部分,主要侧重于医疗保健纸板的生产,并推出了专业的医疗保健纸板系列,即CartaSolida,以满足国际品牌制造商的包装需求。此外在?nekoskiBoard也生产优质绘图纸板,即CartaIntegra。早在106年前(即1896年),?nekoski就开始了纸板的生产,在为纸盒印刷商以及全球品牌制造商提供优质服务方面已有多年历史。2002年9月,芬兰林业总公司消费品包装部投入7,000万欧元重建了?nekoskiBoard…  相似文献   

自2002年创立以来,广东惠州市天泽盈丰科技有限公司致力于为纺织服装生产现场提供实时数据采集和生产管理系统,并为传统纺织和服装制造行业提供与生产管理  相似文献   

德国豪赫蒂夫公司:"国际航母"是怎样炼成的法国万喜集团:协同效应铸就骄人业绩瑞典斯堪雅集团:成就源于专注奥地利斯特拉巴格公司:何以驰骋欧洲日本日挥株式会社:化"危难"为"先机"  相似文献   

我国是名副其实的服装大国,然而在服装生产企业对信息化建设需求日益强烈的同时,服装行业的信息化建设却举步维艰。在少数服装生产企业的经营者眼里,信息化处于说起来重要,做起来次要,甚至不要的尴尬位置。众多  相似文献   

煤炭成本管理中存在问题及其对策(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤炭成本管理中存在问题及其对策(上)山东矿业学院济南分院姚庆国龙口矿务局曹善春在社会主义市场经济条件下,如何最有效地提高煤炭企业的经济效益,事关煤炭工业的生存和发展。从煤炭企业自身的情况来看,通过提高煤炭价格来提高经济效益的余地和潜力越来越小;在不大...  相似文献   

黄立冲 《董事会》2007,(10):56-60
上市公司进行投资者关系管理的目的非常清晰,就是最终获得能持续筹集资本的平台,这决定了企业整体战略实施的成败,只有获得市场支持的企业才能筹集充足的资金  相似文献   

一、电力行业班组建设的回顾班组是企业的细胞,是企业组织员工进行物质文明建设和精神文明建设的最基层组织。企业的经营发展战略、方针目标和工作任务,最终都要靠班组和班组员工来实现。我们电力行业历来高度重视班组建设工作,坚持围绕企业改革发展稳定的大局,不断开拓思路,积极探索,做了大量扎实有效的工作,主要表现在以下两个方面:1、管理综合素质有长足进步(1)管理理念不断转变。随着市场观念在企业管理中普遍确立,班组员工的竞争观念、效益观念、安全观念、质量观念、学习观念、团队观念都不同程度地得到更新和强化。同时,一些国外先进…  相似文献   

世界性的提高以信息产业为核 心的高新技术水平,并使信息技术与传统经济密切结合的发展现状,迫使中国纺织业界的生产者、经营者、研究者不得不共同思考如何提高企业竞争力的问题。2002年元月至2月的一段时间,笔者有幸赴欧洲多国考察了纺织服装企业和市场,分别在德国的科隆和杜塞尔多夫参观了男装与女装的博览会,在比较中,形成了一些中国纺织服装企业如何提高竞争力的思路。 中国加入WTO后,纺织服装企业能不能在国内外市场中为自己抢得一个有利的竞争位置,最核心和关键的是能否创造出企业独具特色的核心竞争力。无论何种所有…  相似文献   

博弈危机,国有企业有何灵丹妙药?冲浪海啸,民营企业怎样加减乘除?根据中国人民银行所作的调查,2009年第一季度我国的企业景气情况仍习惯性下滑,但在一系列经济方案刺激下,企业对下季度经济景气预期有所回升。前路难测,未来仍不容乐观,如今,我们面临的形势将更加复杂和严峻,挑战将更加激烈,可能遇到的困难将会更多,但我们从72家地方企业中不难看到:有认清形势,坚定信心,从容应对的;有推进体制机制创新,加快结构调整的;有开源节流,增强集团调控力的;有抓住发展新契机,积极拓展市场的;有以项目管理为重点,加强企业内部管理的;有强化安全生产,保障企业健康发展的;有增强"免疫力",有效防范系统风险的。总之,从地方建筑施工企业高层管理者所思所行中,看不到哀声叹气,看不到慌不择路,也看不到病急乱投医,看到的却是临危不乱,运筹帷幄,逢山开路,遇水架桥,决胜未来。  相似文献   

为探讨当前电力企业标准化建设的现状及问题,总结电力企业标准化建设的成功经验,推进电力行业标准化事业的发展,中国电力企业联合会和国家电网公司于 2011 年 7 月 26 ~ 27 日在大连联合举办了以电力企业标准化管理完善与创新为主题的中国电力企业管理年会·2011,各大电力企业相关领导、年会专家委员会部分专家、电力企业中高层管理者等近400名代表参会。  相似文献   

2001年11月11日至15日,“2001全国油墨行业年会”在上海隆重召开。此次年会由中国日用化工协会油墨分会、中国印刷及设备器材协会油墨专业委员会主办,上海牡丹油墨有限公司协办;云集了国内外260多家油墨制造商、材料商,共400多位与会代表。中国日用化工协会计石祥理事长、中国日用化工协会油墨分会吴立中理事长、冯静秘书长、中国印刷装备及器材协会器材分会李永昌副理事长、中国印刷及设备器材协会工业协会专利委员会刘克谦副秘书长、曹凤翎副主任等领导和嘉宾出席了会议。年会由天津东洋油墨有限公司总经理、中国…  相似文献   

Measuring New Product Success: The Difference that Time Perspective Makes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Management is often criticized for overemphasizing short-term profits at the expense of long-term growth. On the other hand, although numerous studies have explored the factors underlying new product success and failure, such studies rarely distinguish between short- and long-term success. In fact, little research has been conducted to explore the relationship between a company's time perspective and its choice of criteria for measuring new product success. For that matter, little consensus exists as to just what we mean by the term success. Expanding on work done by a PDMA task force on measurement of new product success and failure, Erik Jan Hultink and Henry S.J. Robben identify 16 core measures of new product success. In a survey of large Dutch companies, they explore managers' perceptions of new product success, hypothesizing that the importance attached to each of the 16 core measures depends on the company's time perspective. For example, they propose that criteria such as development cost and speed-to-market are more important in the short term, and return-on-investiment (ROI) is more important in the long term. The study also examines the type of market served, the innovation strategy, and the perceived innovativeness of the company's products. It is hypothesized that these factors will influence the importance the company attaches to the core measures of new product success. For example, it is expected that speed-to-market is probably more important for technological innovators than for fast imitators or cost minimizers. The findings support the hypothesis that the firm's time perspective influences the perceived importance of the core measures of success. For the short term, the respondents emphasize product-level measures such as speed-to-market and whether the product was launched on time. In the long term, the focus is on customer acceptance and financial performance, including attaining goals for profitability, margins, and ROI. Four factors are perceived as being equally important for short-term and long-term success: customer satisfaction, customer acceptance, meeting quality guidelines, and product performance level. Customer satisfaction was found to be the most important measure, regardless of a company's time perspective. Contrary to expectations, the perceived importance of the 16 core measures does not differ on the basis of the type of market, the innovation strategy, or the product's perceived innovativeness. In addition, the firm's functional orientation—technology push or market pull—does not affect the importance attached to the core measures of new product success.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies investigate how student achievement is impacted by educational vouchers and charter schools, there appears to be no research on how these programs impact the surrounding environment. This study examines residential relocation of families whose children attend a charter school. We develop a conceptual model that predicts where relocating families are likely to move, given ex ante distance and direction to the school. The model is parameterized using data from student mailing address changes. We find that families are almost twice as likely to relocate toward the school as would be expected if the school did not exert any attraction. Moreover, although families are not required to live near the school, the child's school exerts a significantly stronger attraction than parent workplaces. This result may have important implications for mitigating urban sprawl, fostering urban renewal and promoting sustainable real estate development.  相似文献   

纸业专家郭永新提出创建世界“纸业强国”的论题,引起业界广泛的共识,业内人士各抒己见,表达了对中国成为纸业强国的看法和观点,也认识到中国与纸业强国间的差距。  相似文献   

Upon initial review of the proposed subject, Plant Modifications and Mechanical Integrity, there is a bit of a disappointment, a lot of the subject matter can easily be placed under the heading “Common Sense.” However, after reviewing successes and failures in this area one finds that common sense may not be as common as one would like. While the successes are much more frequent than the failures, the failures tend to overwhelm the impact of the successes.  相似文献   

In the recent literature on workplace innovations, two competing views stand out. One strand of literature emphasizes positive outcomes for employees in the form of increased discretion, improved job security, and enhanced job satisfaction. In turn, critics argue that workplace innovations lead to increased job intensity and mental strain, and compromise job security. We address these issues by using a representative data set on individual employees from Finland. Our results indicate that workplace innovations are mainly associated with beneficial outcomes for employees. They are consistent with the view that institutional features of the Finnish labor market may mediate the outcomes.  相似文献   

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