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How can governments and civil servants be controlled? Professor Roland Vaubel, of the University of Mannheim, explains how competition between nations improves economic policy.  相似文献   

Laurence S. Moss was a great scholar and author of countless articles and books. During his long career he continued to be excited by economics and history and made these subjects interesting to his students. For almost 30 years, undergraduate students enrolled in his Scams and Frauds class and Contemporary Economic Systems class in large numbers. Larry would engage students to think, to independently question prevailing truths, and to probe further. This essay is a reflection of our shared experience teaching in the full-time MBA program at Babson College.  相似文献   

"All of them are learned; some are almost readable." R. H. Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism .  相似文献   

经济责任审计的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本作在回顾海门市经济责任审计实践的基础上,总结了抓计划、抓队伍、抓网络、抓查处四个方面的经验,分析了捉“蛀虫”、查违纪、 考察干部、督促财务管理、提高审计权威等五个方面的社会效益,提出了对解决审计力量不足、处理好任前、任中和任后审计之间的关系以及评价问题的三点思考,有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

经济函数是联系经济和数学的纽带,建立相应的数学模型,找出经济变量之间的函数关系。本文主要介绍了几种常用的经济函数,结合经济案例讨论了最大利润问题、最低成本问题、需求弹性问题和价格弹性问题。  相似文献   

A bstract . Hill and Rouse's formulation of Mannheim's framework for the sociology of knowledge as a means of examining the history of economic thought is rejected although it is held that they render an important service to economics by arguing the need for employment of the sociology of knowledge as a research tool. They have not appropriated Mannheim's categories authentically and they apply them in an overly simplified and undialectical manner. Even Mannheim's authentic formulation of the sociology of knowledge suffered limitations which more recent work enables us to overcome. What is believed to be a superior sociology of knowledge framework for investigating the evolution of economic thought is constructed by joining the Berger-Luckmann model of legitimation with Habermas's philosophical anthropology. Increasingly economists are recognizing that their discipline is in a state of crisis. The crucial issue is how we can better understand the sociological nature of economic thought—its social functioning—to enable us to formulate our own economic theory so as to maximize human welfare.  相似文献   

陈超凡 《价值工程》2010,29(33):5-6
本文以管仲的经济思想为基础,通过对比管仲与凯恩斯在宏观管理和市场经济中类似的经济理论,从而找寻先哲留下的智慧。  相似文献   

A bstract . Justice in the economy is a subject of renewed interest among contemporary economists. In the growing literature, Joseph A. Spengler's Origins of Economic Thought and Justice may become a standard reference work. Its great merit is the way it handles values and value judgments. Economics as an objective science cannot tell us anything about ends, Spengler holds, but it illuminates Valuation and facilitates isolation of costs and some benefits of realizing ends. Still, economists "need to base their policy-oriented arguments on distributive justice and not on efficiency. "  相似文献   

本文分析了农林院校经济管理类专业经济法课程案例教学存在的问题,从案例选择、教学组织方式、教学总结等方面提出了农林院校经管类专业经济法课程"启发式"教学案例教学的思路与措施,以适应培养高素质复合型经济管理人才的需要。  相似文献   

杨磊 《价值工程》2012,31(2):240-241
《西方经济思想史》理论性强,涉及的经济思想流派多,传统教学方法效果不理想。教师选择与经济思想密切相关的经典案例,将案例教学应用到《西方经济思想史》的教学中,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效果。在《西方经济思想史》教学中采用了经济现象描述、小组讨论、视频讲座、电影片段放映等教学形式来组织课堂教学,学生教学评价良好。  相似文献   

This article explores the nature of economic thinking among indigenous Americans prior to European contact using a methodology that can best be described as applied cultural materialism. The article begins with a discussion of the approach used to infer the economic thought in the preliterate societies that populated the USA before 1492. This analysis is followed with an overview of aboriginal economic practices and thinking. The article's third section—an interpretation of Amerindian economic thought—builds on the materials in the previous sections. The article concludes with two case studies: Cahokia and the Iroquois.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Noneconomic objectives were a significant part of the international economics subspecialty in economics.  相似文献   

This study investigates recent reforms in financial reporting enforcement in Germany. The objective of these reforms was to promote a consistent and faithful application of accounting standards. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find some evidence of a decrease in earnings management, an increase in stock liquidity, and, to a limited extent, an increase in market valuation for companies that fall under the new enforcement regime. Our results also provide some support for the notion that companies characterized by an overall low level of enforcement through other internal and external mechanisms are particularly affected by these reforms. The results are largely robust in several sensitivity analyses, but the results must be interpreted with caution because we cannot completely rule out the possibility of other explanations.  相似文献   

The article concerns some European thought on the issue of city and country. We discuss the contributions of Henri von Storch, Gustav von Schmoller, Werner Sombart, Wilhelm Röpke, and Friedrich Hayek and attempt to translate these theories into practice in documenting the case of the city of Marl.  相似文献   

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