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在竞争激烈的市场环境中,企业持续经营不确定性问题日渐突出,成为利益相关者最为关注的问题,同时也对注册会计师审计产生了重要影响。文章依据沪深两市A股上市公司2009年的年报资料,采用实证研究方法,对持续经营假设和审计意见之间的关系作研究。 相似文献
本文采用实证研究方法,分析被审计单位持续经营假设对注册会计师的审计意见的影响,并从持续经营能力判别因素变量中,找出四个与非标准审计意见显著相关的指标变量进行分析,试图为注册会计师控制执业风险提供一种定量分析思路,以期提高注册会计师持续经营审计的准确性。 相似文献
有效市场假设及其对投资者的启示 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
1905年,美国《自然》杂志刊登的一封通信中,向人们提出了这样一个问题:如果将一个醉汉置于荒郊野外,之后又须将他找回来,那么,从什么地方开始找起最好呢?答案是从醉汉最初所在的地点找起,该地点可能是醉汉未来位置的最佳估计值,因为我们假设醉汉是以一种不可预期的或随机的方式游走。 相似文献
审计合谋与审计意见的关系:理论与证据 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
注册会计师在利益的驱动下丧失其应有的执业独立性,主动迎合被审计单位财务造假、提供虚假会计信息,对财务报告做出虚假鉴证与虚伪陈述.注册会计师往往通过对审计意见类型的操纵或变通处理来达到审计合谋的目的,通过对相关案例的剖析,找出审计合谋与审计意见类型之间的相关关系,并籍此对投资者理性分析财务报告信息提出警示. 相似文献
审计独立性 会计信息质量与市场反应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
会计盈余信息有用性的研究都是以无差别的审计服务和盈余作为现金流的替代指标为前提的。本文放宽了这些假设,通过模型建立、实证研究,经验地研究了审计独立性与市场反应的关系。研究结果发现,除非预期盈余具有信息含量外,审计意见具有增量的信息含量,尤其是非标审计意见的影响。 相似文献
审计独立性、会计信息与市场反应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国资本市场中表现出的会计信息质量差、使用效率不高的问题,仅仅从完善法规和提高市场参与主体的素质方面着手解决,效果并不显著,而加强信息监管,提高审计质量则有助于提高会计信息质量.审计独立性影响审计质量,必将影响会计信息质量和会计信息的市场反应.应采取措施加强审计独立性,以提高会计信息质量,从而促进市场反应的有效性. 相似文献
随着中国会计准则、审计准则与国际会计准则和国际审计准则的实质性趋同,肇始于2001年的针对发行境内上市外资股上市公司的强制境内境外审计(即所谓的"双重审计")自然失去了其存在的根由,由此,2007年9月12日中国证券监督管理委员会发布通知废除了"双重审计"的强制规定,而这将大大节约相关上市公司财务报告的编制成本和审计成本,消除两套标准披露可能引起的误解和歧义,进一步提高和保障上市公司财务信息披露透明度,从而有助于其股东价值的提升.本文采用事件研究法初步考察该政策的可能效果.研究发现,整体上,投资者并未给予积极的反应,不过先前采用同一集团审计模式的公司其市场反应显著好于先前采用不同集团审计模式的公司. 相似文献
巴塞尔委员会在其1996年颁布的“包括市场风险的资本协议修正案”中明确了两种可用来计量市场风险的方法:一种是标准法(监管模型),一种是内部模型法。本文通过比较内部风险管理模型与监管模型两种市场风险计量方法得出这样的结论:内部风险管理模型在提高市场风险计量准确性及提高资本监管效率方面更优于监管模型。两种模型的比较分析对于我国商业银行进行市场风险管理也具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
可雇佣性与胜任能力的关系解析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
宋国学 《内蒙古财经学院学报》2008,(5):60-63
可雇佣性和唑任能力是近年来人力资源管理相关研究领域中的热门术语:可雇佣性是对传统的“胜任能力”概念的发展,它与胜任能力有相同之处,如可雇佣性与胜任能力是同一范畴的术语,有共同的核心。可雇佣性与胜任能力也有不同之处,主要表现在视角的差异,与雇主关系的差异,与劳动力供求关系的差异,与经济发展状况关系的差异,与文化关系的差异等。胜任能力的研究在中国已渐成熟,可雇佣性的研究刚刚起步,解析可雇佣性与胜任能力两者的关系有利于将可雇佣性研究建立在胜任能力研究这“巨人的肩膀”上,为可雇佣性研究开辟方向和途径。 相似文献
The business of auditing is heavily regulated. Auditor regulation exists through licensing, professional standards and liability. The auditor's liability for losses to financial statement users from audit failure is subject to a test of negligence. What constitutes due audit care is, however, not generally well-specified. Furthermore, reviews of litigation against auditors conclude that compliance with professional audit standards does not always act as a complete defence to allegations of negligence. The current situation can be described as one where (ex ante)—from the point of view of the auditor—uncertainty exists about the ‘legal’ standard of due audit quality (as seen by the courts in the event of litigation). This uncertainty about legal standards fundamentally affects audit behaviour in ways that are not immediately intuitive. This paper draws on insights from the economics and law literature (e.g., Kolstad et al., 1990; Shavell, 1984a, 1984b and 1987; Calfee and Craswell, 1984 and 1986) and provides an analysis of the effects of uncertainty about auditor negligence on the produced level of audit quality and on audit fees. The auditor subject to a negligence rule will produce too low or too high an audit quality level, as compared to the socially optimal level. It is shown that uncertainty about the legal standard of ‘due audit quality’ is fundamental to understanding audit quality supplied. This uncertainty is the explicator of an insurance component in audit fees. A surprising insight is that a large uncertainty about the legal standard of care can reduce rather than increase the quality of audit work supplied and increase the insurance component. Relying on insurance premiums can be more effective than direct expenditure in reducing risk. The effect of the imposition of ex ante precise audit quality standards, in combination with an uncertain negligence rule, is discussed. Since the influence of ex ante standards is indirect through its effect on ex post liability, auditing standards cannot be analysed independently of ‘legal’ standards. If the legal standard of care were clear, there would be no role for audit standards. Audit standards only affect audit behaviour if legal standards of care are unclear, and they help to clarify the legal standard. An effective combination is for ex ante standards to be set below the ex post standards of care so that they provide a lower bound on acceptable work. Under a lowest common denominator approach set too far below legal standards, audit standards would be irrelevant as far as operational decisions were concerned. As the level of standards are raised, so costs are first imposed on the lowest quality providers. 相似文献
以我国2002~2008年期间A股上市公司为研究对象,延续Sloan的方法,利用mishkin检验来考察公司盈余持续性、审计师类型对盈余持续性的影响及股票市场反应。发现公司盈余中应计成分持续性低于现金流量成分;四大审计客户的盈余持续性要高于非四大审计的客户;与公司盈余中现金流量成分相比,四大审计师更显著提高公司盈余中应计成分的持续性;股票价格中所包含的公司盈余预期不能反映公司盈余中应计成分和现金流量成分持续性的差别;股票价格中包含的盈余预期可以总体上反映四大与非四大审计师对公司盈余持续性影响的差异,但股票价格中包含的盈余预期不能反映四大与非四大审计师对公司盈余中应计成分和现金流量成分持续性影响的不同,市场符合"幼稚投资者"假说。 相似文献
Nobuyoshi Yamori 《Journal of Financial Services Research》1999,15(1):57-68
Previous studies investigating the stock market reaction to U.S. bank failures rejected the bank run or domino hypothesis. However, if providing relevant bank information to the public is crucial to preventing bank panics, Japanese banks with limited disclosure are more vulnerable to bank runs than their U.S. counterparts. In this paper, I investigate the stock market reaction to Hyogo Bank's liquidation on August 30, 1995, which was the first bank liquidation in Japan and placed the financial burden on the general public. I find that stock market participants distinguished solvent banks from problematic banks. That is, my results, supporting the informational effect hypothesis, suggest that it is questionable even in Japan for the government to bail out an insolvent bank based on the potential risk of bank runs. 相似文献
On August 12–13, 2005, the department of finance at theKelley School of Business, Indiana University, collaboratedwith the Review of Financial Studies to host a conference titled"The Causes and Consequences of Recent Financial Market Bubbles."This article begins with our overview of the themes and findingsof the conference, and it ends with the questions that the literaturehas yet to answer. 相似文献
审计市场结构与审计质量:来自中国证券市场的经验证据 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
本文以我国证券市场2004年~2005年的上市公司为研究样本,使用调整后的KS模型估计出的公司操纵性应计利润的绝对值作为审计质量的衡量指标,考察了审计市场结构和审计质量的关系。研究发现在控制了影响审计质量的相关变量之后,市场结构与审计质量存在以下关系:审计市场集中度与审计质量成正相关关系;市场的进入退出壁垒越高,审计质量越高;但审计师的行业专长不但没有提高审计质量,反而在一定程度上降低了审计质量;审计市场的强地域性与审计质量也没有明显的相关关系。 相似文献
This article studies the performance of the high-order moment capital asset pricing model (CAPM) market models in emerging markets. We apply the cubic market model (4-moment CAPM) to 16 emerging market stock indices ranging from January 2010 to September 2015. Performance of the model is evaluated through the Fama and MacBeth’s two-step regression and through different corrections proposed in the literature, as well as generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation. According to Fama–MacBeth’s procedure, CAPM, the quadratic and cubic market models seem to be insignificant for the analyzed sample; however, the GMM estimation shows that quadratic model is valid for Indian, Polish, and Thai country indices, whereas cubic market model is accurate for Indian country index. 相似文献