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We present a number of related comparison results, which allow one to compare moment explosion times, moment generating functions and critical moments between rough and non-rough Heston models of stochastic volatility. All results are based on a comparison principle for certain non-linear Volterra integral equations. Our upper bound for the moment explosion time is different from the bound introduced by Gerhold, Gerstenecker and Pinter [Moment explosions in the rough Heston model. Decisions in Economics and Finance, 2019, 42, 575–608] and tighter for typical parameter values. The results can be directly transferred to a comparison principle for the asymptotic slope of implied variance between rough and non-rough Heston models. This principle shows that the ratio of implied variance slopes in the rough versus non-rough Heston model increases at least with power-law behavior for small maturities.  相似文献   

Given an investor maximizing utility from terminal wealth with respect to a power utility function, we present a verification result for portfolio problems with stochastic volatility. Applying this result, we solve the portfolio problem for Heston's stochastic volatility model. We find that only under a specific condition on the model parameters does the problem possess a unique solution leading to a partial equilibrium. Finally, it is demonstrated that the results critically hinge upon the specification of the market price of risk. We conclude that, in applications, one has to be very careful when exogenously specifying the form of the market price of risk.  相似文献   

The Black–Scholes implied volatility skew at the money of SPX options is known to obey a power law with respect to the time to maturity. We construct a model of the underlying asset price process which is dynamically consistent to the power law. The volatility process of the model is driven by a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter less than half. The fractional Brownian motion is correlated with a Brownian motion which drives the asset price process. We derive an asymptotic expansion of the implied volatility as the time to maturity tends to zero. For this purpose, we introduce a new approach to validate such an expansion, which enables us to treat more general models than in the literature. The local-stochastic volatility model is treated as well under an essentially minimal regularity condition in order to show such a standard model cannot be dynamically consistent to the power law.  相似文献   

We study the parametric problem of estimating the drift coefficient in a stochastic volatility model , where Y is a log price process and V the volatility process. Assuming that one can recover the volatility, precisely enough, from the observation of the price process, we construct an efficient estimator for the drift parameter of the diffusion V. As an application we present the efficient estimation based on the discrete sampling with δ n →0 and n δ n →∞. We show that our setup is general enough to cover the case of ‘microstructure noise’ for the price process as well.   相似文献   

We provide the first recursive quantization-based approach for pricing options in the presence of stochastic volatility. This method can be applied to any model for which an Euler scheme is available for the underlying price process and it allows one to price vanillas, as well as exotics, thanks to the knowledge of the transition probabilities for the discretized stock process. We apply the methodology to some celebrated stochastic volatility models, including the Stein and Stein [Rev. Financ. Stud. 1991, (4), 727–752] model and the SABR model introduced in Hagan et al. [Wilmott Mag., 2002, 84–108]. A numerical exercise shows that the pricing of vanillas turns out to be accurate; in addition, when applied to some exotics like equity-volatility options, the quantization-based method overperforms by far the Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

We model the volatility of a single risky asset using a multifactor (matrix) Wishart affine process, recently introduced in finance by Gourieroux and Sufana. As in standard Duffie and Kan affine models the pricing problem can be solved through the Fast Fourier Transform of Carr and Madan. A numerical illustration shows that this specification provides a separate fit of the long-term and short-term implied volatility surface and, differently from previous diffusive stochastic volatility models, it is possible to identify a specific factor accounting for the stochastic leverage effect, a well-known stylized fact of the FX option markets analysed by Carr and Wu.  相似文献   

We determine the variance-optimal hedge for a subset of affine processes including a number of popular stochastic volatility models. This framework does not require the asset to be a martingale. We obtain semiexplicit formulas for the optimal hedging strategy and the minimal hedging error by applying general structural results and Laplace transform techniques. The approach is illustrated numerically for a Lévy-driven stochastic volatility model with jumps as in Carr et al. (Math Finance 13:345–382, 2003).   相似文献   

Alizadeh, Brandt, and Diebold [2002. Journal of Finance 57, 1047–1091] propose estimating stochastic volatility models by quasi-maximum likelihood using data on the daily range of the log asset price process. We suggest a related Bayesian procedure that delivers exact likelihood based inferences. Our approach also incorporates data on the daily return and accommodates a nonzero drift. We illustrate through a Monte Carlo experiment that quasi-maximum likelihood using range data alone is remarkably close to exact likelihood based inferences using both range and return data.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a general method for deriving closed-form approximations of European option prices and equivalent implied volatilities in stochastic volatility models. Our method relies on perturbations of the model dynamics and we show how the expansion terms can be calculated using purely probabilistic methods. A flexible way of approximating the equivalent implied volatility from the basic price expansion is also introduced. As an application of our method we derive closed-form approximations for call prices and implied volatilities in the Heston [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343] model. The accuracy of these approximations is studied and compared with numerically obtained values.  相似文献   

We present in a Monte Carlo simulation framework, a novel approach for the evaluation of hybrid local volatility [Risk, 1994, 7, 18–20], [Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance, 1998, 1, 61–110] models. In particular, we consider the stochastic local volatility model—see e.g. Lipton et al. [Quant. Finance, 2014, 14, 1899–1922], Piterbarg [Risk, 2007, April, 84–89], Tataru and Fisher [Quantitative Development Group, Bloomberg Version 1, 2010], Lipton [Risk, 2002, 15, 61–66]—and the local volatility model incorporating stochastic interest rates—see e.g. Atlan [ArXiV preprint math/0604316, 2006], Piterbarg [Risk, 2006, 19, 66–71], Deelstra and Rayée [Appl. Math. Finance, 2012, 1–23], Ren et al. [Risk, 2007, 20, 138–143]. For both model classes a particular (conditional) expectation needs to be evaluated which cannot be extracted from the market and is expensive to compute. We establish accurate and ‘cheap to evaluate’ approximations for the expectations by means of the stochastic collocation method [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2007, 45, 1005–1034], [SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2005, 27, 1118–1139], [Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2012, 22, 1–33], [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2008, 46, 2309–2345], [J. Biomech. Eng., 2011, 133, 031001], which was recently applied in the financial context [Available at SSRN 2529691, 2014], [J. Comput. Finance, 2016, 20, 1–19], combined with standard regression techniques. Monte Carlo pricing experiments confirm that our method is highly accurate and fast.  相似文献   

Whether or not there is a unit root persistence in volatility of financial assets has been a long-standing topic of interest to financial econometricians and empirical economists. The purpose of this article is to provide a Bayesian approach for testing the volatility persistence in the context of stochastic volatility with Merton jump and correlated Merton jump. The Shanghai Composite Index daily return data is used for empirical illustration. The result of Bayesian hypothesis testing strongly indicates that the volatility process doesn’t have unit root volatility persistence in this stock market.  相似文献   

We introduce a variant of the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard stochastic volatility model where the non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process describes some measure of trading intensity like trading volume or number of trades instead of unobservable instantaneous variance. We develop an explicit estimator based on martingale estimating functions in a bivariate model that is not a diffusion, but admits jumps. It is assumed that both the quantities are observed on a discrete grid of fixed width, and the observation horizon tends to infinity. We show that the estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal and give explicit expressions of the asymptotic covariance matrix. Our method is illustrated by a finite sample experiment and a statistical analysis of IBM? stock from the New York Stock Exchange and Microsoft Corporation? stock from Nasdaq during a history of five years.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the pricing and hedging of options on realized variance in the 3/2 non-affine stochastic volatility model by developing efficient transform-based pricing methods. This non-affine model gives prices of options on realized variance that allow upward-sloping implied volatility of variance smiles. Heston's model [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343], the benchmark affine stochastic volatility model, leads to downward-sloping volatility of variance smiles—in disagreement with variance markets in practice. Using control variates, we propose a robust method to express the Laplace transform of the variance call function in terms of the Laplace transform of the realized variance. The proposed method works in any model where the Laplace transform of realized variance is available in closed form. Additionally, we apply a new numerical Laplace inversion algorithm that gives fast and accurate prices for options on realized variance, simultaneously at a sequence of variance strikes. The method is also used to derive hedge ratios for options on variance with respect to variance swaps.  相似文献   

In this research, we investigate the impact of stochastic volatility and interest rates on counterparty credit risk (CCR) for FX derivatives. To achieve this we analyse two real-life cases in which the market conditions are different, namely during the 2008 credit crisis where risks are high and a period after the crisis in 2014, where volatility levels are low. The Heston model is extended by adding two Hull–White components which are calibrated to fit the EURUSD volatility surfaces. We then present future exposure profiles and credit value adjustments (CVAs) for plain vanilla cross-currency swaps (CCYS), barrier and American options and compare the different results when Heston-Hull–White-Hull–White or Black–Scholes dynamics are assumed. It is observed that the stochastic volatility has a significant impact on all the derivatives. For CCYS, some of the impact can be reduced by allowing for time-dependent variance. We further confirmed that Barrier options exposure and CVA is highly sensitive to volatility dynamics and that American options’ risk dynamics are significantly affected by the uncertainty in the interest rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we characterize the multiperiod minimum-risk hedge strategy within the stochastic volatility (SV) framework and compare it to other hedge strategies on the basis of hedging performance. Using crude oil markets as an example, we demonstrate that the SV model is appropriate in depicting price behaviour. However, ex ante and ex post comparisons indicate that the SV strategy is inferior to conventional hedging strategies. There is also evidence that the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) strategy may be better than the SV strategy, at least in terms of variance reduction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a heteroskedastic model in discrete time which converges, when the sampling interval goes to zero, towards the complete model with stochastic volatility in continuous time described in Hobson and Rogers (1998). Then, we study its stationarity and moment properties. In particular, we exhibit a specific model which shares many properties with the GARCH(1,1) model, establishing a clear link between the two approaches. We also prove the consistency of the pseudo conditional likelihood maximum estimates for this specific model.Received: December 2002Mathematics Subject Classification: 90A09, 60J60, 62M05JEL Classification: C32This work was supported in part by Dynstoch European network. Thanks to David Hobson for introducing me to these models, and to Valentine Genon-Catalot for numerous and very fruitful discussion on this work. The author is also grateful to Uwe Kuchler for various helpful suggestions, and to two referees and an associate editor for their comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

In this paper the performance of locally risk-minimizing delta hedge strategies for European options in stochastic volatility models is studied from an experimental as well as from an empirical perspective. These hedge strategies are derived for a large class of diffusion-type stochastic volatility models, and they are as easy to implement as usual delta hedges. Our simulation results on model risk show that these risk-minimizing hedges are robust with respect to uncertainty and misconceptions about the underlying data generating process. The empirical study, which includes the US sub-prime crisis period, documents that in equity markets risk-minimizing delta hedges consistently outperform usual delta hedges by approximately halving the standard deviation of the profit-and-loss ratio.  相似文献   

Existing evidence indicates that average returns of purchased market-hedge S&P 500 index calls, puts, and straddles are non-zero but large and negative, which implies that options are expensive. This result is intuitively explained by means of volatility risk and a negative volatility risk premium, but there is a recent surge of empirical and analytical studies which also attempt to find the sources of this premium. An important question in the line of a priced volatility explanation is if a standard stochastic volatility model can also explain the cross-sectional findings of these empirical studies. The answer is fairly positive. The volatility elasticity of calls and puts is several times the level of market volatility, depending on moneyness and maturity, and implies a rich cross-section of negative average option returns—even if volatility risk is not priced heavily, albeit negative. We introduce and calibrate a new measure of option overprice to explain these results. This measure is robust to jump risk if jumps are not priced.   相似文献   

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