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This paper compares the responses of consumers who submitted answers to a survey instrument focusing on Internet purchasing patterns both electronically and using traditional paper response methods. We present the results of a controlled experiment within a larger data collection effort. The same survey instrument was completed by 416 Internet customers of a major office supplies company, with approximately 60% receiving the survey in paper form and 40% receiving the electronic version. In order to evaluate the efficacy of electronic surveys relative to traditional, printed surveys we conduct two levels of analysis. On a macro-level, we compare the two groups for similarity in terms of fairly aggregate, coarse data characteristics such as response rates, proportion of missing data, scale means and inter-item reliability. On a more fine-grained, micro-level, we compare the two groups for aspects of data integrity such as the presence of data runs and measurement errors. This deeper, finer-grained analysis allows an examination of the potential benefits and flaws of electronic data collection.Our findings suggest that electronic surveys are generally comparable to print surveys in most respects, but that there are a few key advantages and challenges that researchers should evaluate. Notably, our sample indicates that electronic surveys have fewer missing responses and can be coded/presented in a more flexible manner (namely, contingent coding with different respondents receiving different questions depending on the response to earlier questions) that offers researchers new capabilities.  相似文献   

Several researchers declared that the telephone survey reaches more accurate voting tendencies than the face-to-face surveys. Telephone survey shows numerous advantages compared to a face-to-face one but, however, the telephone survey also has some inconveniences. Among these it is important to highlight the scant quality of the sampling frame; absence of a telephone in some homes and the wide expansion of the mobile phone; low response rate of certain collectives and the overrepresentation of others. There are also some new barrierswhich make access more difficult (e.g. the automatic answering phone) and the saturation of the telephone medium because of the large amount of publicity activities which generate a large number of “unsuccessful” calls and interruptedinterviews. The objective of this paper is evaluating the adaptation of the telephone surveys in the electoral forecasts; in an attempt to see if it shows substantial improvements when they are compared to face-to-face interviews.  相似文献   

This study examines trends in the distribution of gross earnings in Hungary since 1988, using official household budget surveys and enterprise-based earnings surveys. We find a significant growth in inequality since 1988, to levels comparable with western Europe. There is little evidence of a serious discrepancy between the two data sources used.  相似文献   

Social desirability issues are long known, but not long gone. Across major purchasing and supply management (PSM) research streams, surprisingly few empirical studies explicitly address social desirability bias (SDB), despite SDB constituting a potentially limiting factor. With regard to surveys and behavioral experiments as two of the most widely used empirical methods in PSM, SDB can represent a critical issue. A first step should therefore be to collect and fully report data on SDB in all such studies. The present note then continues by providing an overview of methodological considerations for PSM researchers to mitigate social desirability issues before they arise in their surveys and behavioral experiments. We describe eight potential mitigation approaches, namely disguising the study's research purpose, assuring anonymity and confidentiality, indirect questioning, adapting the wording of single items, broadening response modes, conducting preparatory cognitive interviews, using multiple sources, and applying multiple research methods. In describing this repertoire of preventive measures, we point authors and review teams to both the broader methodological literature and PSM studies that have used such approaches.  相似文献   

Measuring the performance of Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) is a complicated issue: data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a popular quantitative tool in the past literature. However, the subjective opinions of NPOs could disturb their actual performance, and this problem is seldom considered. In this study, we use the qualitative DEA as a tool to find the emphasized inputs and outputs for these NPOs. Most DEA models are established by the basis of quantitative data, they are difficult to describe the qualitative performance of NPOs. This paper proposes a new perspective for computing the efficiency of a Decision Making Unit based on qualitative data by affinity Set. The DEA model for qualitative data could be traced back to the work of Cook et al. early in 1993. Our contribution prevents the identical efficiency scores from the model of Cook et al., and a combinatorial optimization technique is used to solve the new problem. Finally, we found most NPOs would like to get more resources from outside; but interestingly, they don’t like to be officially monitored. Therefore, we should use the quantitative DEA on NPOs very carefully.  相似文献   

Context effects are known to affect responses to surveys. We report effects of information and task contexts in surveys of inflation expectations. Information context refers to contextual information about earlier inflation rates or other economic indicators. Task context refers to judgement tasks performed prior to the inflation judgement task under consideration. In three experiments, we show that contextual information improves judgement accuracy. As this information is given in expert, but not in lay surveys, its provision may partly explain why expert judgements are superior to those of lay people. In both expert and lay surveys, respondents make inflation judgements in the context of already having made other inflation judgements. We show that when different groups of people make inflation judgements either for the current or for the upcoming year, their judgements do not differ. However, when the same people make judgements for both the current and the upcoming years, the latter are significantly higher than the former, perhaps because people expect inflation to increase over time.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to compare two alternative survey designs in terms of resultant response rates, non response bias and cost. The first design is a simple postal survey with follow-up mailings; the second design is a two-phase multi-mode design, where the postal survey is followed at the second phase by a telephone survey of non-respondents. We present a case study based on a survey of employers. In this study we find evidence that the sample obtained using only postal methods is biased in important respects. Bias is not apparent in the demographic characteristics of the employees. But bias is observed in some of the employees’ employment characteristics and some of the characteristics of the firms in which they work. The multi mode design seems, overall, to have reduced or removed the bias of the postal sample. Only in marginal respects was some further bias introduced. We also compare costs of the two designs, to enable a comparison of cost-effectiveness at bias reduction.  相似文献   


With the technology development in cyber physical systems and big data, there are huge potential to apply them to achieve personalization and improve resource efficiency in Industry 4.0. As Industry 4.0 is the relatively new concept originated from an advanced manufacturing vision supported by the German government in 2011, there are only several existing surveys on either cyber physical systems or big data in Industry 4.0. In addition, there are much less surveys related to the intersection between cyber physical systems and big data in Industry 4.0. However, cyber physical systems are closely related to big data in nature. For example, cyber physical systems will continuously generate a large amount of data which requires the big data techniques to process and help to improve system scalability, security, and efficiency. Therefore, we conduct this survey to bring more attention to this critical intersection and highlight the future research direction to achieve the fully autonomy in Industry 4.0.  相似文献   

FDI对高新技术产品出口比较优势的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放30年来,中国吸收外资取得了举世瞩目的成就,外商直接投资(FDI)对我国的贸易,特别是对高新技术产品出口的贡献作用非常大。文章采用线性回归模型进行实证分析,得出FDI作为解释我国高新技术产品出口竞争力提升的解释变量是显著的,特别是滞后一期的FDI对我国高新技术产品出口竞争力的影响更明显,并根据该结论为发展我国高新技术产品出口提出建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of survey mode on respondent learning and fatigue during repeated choice experiments. Stated preference data are obtained from an experiment concerning high‐speed Internet service conducted on samples of mail respondents and online respondents. We identify and estimate aspects of the error components for different subsets of the choice questions, for both mail and online respondents. Results show mail respondents answer questions consistently throughout a series of choice experiments, but the quality of the online respondents' answers declines. Therefore, while the online survey provides lower survey administration costs and reduced time between implementation and data analysis, such benefits come at the cost of less precise responses. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the main theoretical frameworks for analysis comparative cultural attitudes. A critical discussion of the work by Kluckhohn Strodtbeck, Hofstede and Trompenaars leads to a new theoretical approach for study the national cultural attitudes and norms of behaviour. A methodology based on research is designed to compare the 'internalized' norms of behaviour with 'perceived' norms. Two different but complementary techniques are applied to a sample of Polish students to investigate Polish cultural attitudes using Hofstede's dimensions. Significant discrepancy is found between what people perceive communicate in public as the 'national cultural norm', and what they have internalized cultural attitude and norm of behaviour. The findings from this exploratory research indicate that there are different levels of internalization of cultural attitudes, and respondents express different cultural values in response to different research tools.  相似文献   

This paper addresses differences in survey response across city size by applying an explanation from House and Wolf to areas within cities. The data are from Toronto, Hamilton and Kitchener, in Canada. Consistent with other literature, response falls sharply from largest to smallest place, but variation in response rates within the cities is negligible. The intra-city analysis is accomplished by factor analyzing variables such as population density, crime rate and ethnic structure, mostly computed for census tracts, into a variable labelled social disorganization. What House and Wolf termed compositional variation in response is handled by record linking with municipal assessment information. The analysis is based on micro data taking the people listed for the sample as unit of observation.  相似文献   

Refusals and noncontacts generally make up the two most important components of unit nonresponse. It is important to separate noncontacts from refusals when examining survey participation, a simultaneously analysis of both components seems relevant when assessing interviewer effects. Using data from a survey of the German Youth Institute Munich, this paper presents an application of the hierarchical regression model, which offers a comprehensive way of analyzing the simultaneous effects of specific interviewer and respondent characteristics. The results provide evidence that the participation on panel surveys is subject to interviewer, respondent as well as area characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the adoption of Open Innovation in the bio-pharmaceutical industry, studying through which organisational modes it is put into practice and how these modes are interwoven with the different phases of drug discovery and development process. Two rounds of interviews with industry experts were carried out to develop a model describing the adoption of Open Innovation by bio-pharmaceutical companies. This framework was then applied to an extensive and longitudinal empirical basis, which includes data about the adoption of Open Innovation by the top 20 worldwide industry players, in the time period 2000-2007. The paper provides a thorough discussion of how bio-pharmaceutical firms have used different organisational modes (i.e. licensing agreements, non-equity alliance, purchase and supply of technical and scientific services) to enter into relationship with different types of partners (i.e. large pharmaceutical companies, product biotech firms, platform biotech firms and universities) with the aim to acquire (Inbound Open Innovation) or commercially exploit (Outbound Open Innovation) technologies and knowledge. The implications of the study for Open Innovation research and possible avenues for future investigation are discussed at length in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper compares women managers in Poland and the United States in the context of their contrasting political and economic systems—the socialism of Central and Eastern Europe and the liberal democratic tradition of the West. We discuss the two political philosophies and their impact on gender roles and labour markets, and then compare this theory to the reality of Poland's transition. Finally, this background is used to analyse differences between Polish women managers and their American counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper contributes in three dimensions to the literature on health care demand. First, it features the first application of a bivariate random effects estimator in a count data setting, to permit the efficient estimation of this type of model with panel data. Second, it provides an innovative test of adverse selection and confirms that high‐risk individuals are more likely to acquire supplemental add‐on insurance. Third, the estimations yield that in accordance with the theory of moral hazard, we observe a much lower frequency of doctor visits among the self‐employed, and among mothers of small children. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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