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Abstract The cointegration technique is now a common method of estimating any money demand function. Numerous studies that applied this technique to estimate the money demand function in Greece, interpreted their finding of cointegration as a sign of stable money demand. In this paper, after incorporating CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests into cointegration analysis, we show that even though M1 and M2 monetary aggregates are cointegrated with income and interest rate, the M2 money demand function is unstable while M1 is stable. 相似文献
One of the key elements of implementing the monetary policy is stability of the demand for money. The literature includes a large number of studies that have tested the stability of the money demand in developed as well as less-developed countries but not in emerging economies of Eastern Europe. As market-based data becomes available from these countries, there is an urgency to test old theories for these modern market-oriented economies. In this article we consider the experiences of Armenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia and the Slovak Republic. Using the bounds testing approach to error-correction modelling and cointegration, we show that money demand is stable in these countries. 相似文献
We address empirically the factors affecting the dynamics of income inequality among industrialized economies. Using a panel for 32 developed countries spanning the last four decades, our results indicate that the predictions of the Stolper–Samuelson theorem concerning the effects of international trade on income inequality find support in the data if we concentrate on imports from developing countries as a trade measure, as theory would imply. We find that democratization, the interaction of technology and education, and changes in the relative power of labor unions affect inequality dynamics robustly. 相似文献
《Journal of economic behavior & organization》2010,73(3):797-810
Empirical evidence shows that not all countries with high levels of corruption have suffered poor growth performance. Bad quality governance has clearly been much less damaging (if at all) in some economies than in others. Why this is so is a question that has largely been ignored, and the intention of this paper is to provide an answer. We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model in which growth occurs endogenously through the invention of new goods based on research and development activity. For such activity to be undertaken, firms must acquire complementary licenses from public officials who are able to exploit their monopoly power by demanding bribes in exchange for these (otherwise free) permits. We show that the effects of corruption depend on the extent to which bureaucrats coordinate their rent-seeking behaviour. Specifically, our analysis predicts that countries with organised corruption networks are likely to display lower levels of bribes, higher levels of research activity and higher rates of growth than countries with disorganised corruption arrangements. 相似文献
Kangoh Lee 《Journal of Economics》2012,107(2):157-181
The government for a jurisdiction has both capital and labor taxes at its disposal. It taxes mobile capital to finance the public good despite the desire to attract capital and despite the tax on immobile labor if capital incomes are distributed more unequally than labor incomes among the residents of the jurisdiction. The result extends to progressive taxes and to pure redistribution. 相似文献
Why is child labor illegal? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We present a theory of the emergence of laws restricting child labor or imposing mandatory education that is consistent with the fact that poor parents tend to oppose such laws. We find that if altruistic parents are unable to commit to educating their children, child-labor laws can increase the welfare of higher-income parents in an ex ante sense. On the basis of an empirical analysis of Latin-American household surveys, we demonstrate that per capita income in the country of residence has the predicted effect on child labor supply, even after controlling for other household characteristics. 相似文献
Pekka Ahtiala 《International Review of Economics & Finance》2009,18(2):318-326
The paper studies the conditions for the neutrality of money under flexible exchange rates in an extended real-wage Mundell–Fleming model, with special emphasis on the specification of the behavior functions to correspond to their foundations in closed-economy macrotheory.It is shown that monetary expansion causes output first to decline, to eventually rise above its original level. However, if interest earnings on foreign securities dominate the trade balance in the expression for the exchange rate, monetary expansion leads to an appreciation of the exchange rate, while having an expansionary output effect. Money is neutral in the long run if either the wealth effect or foreign interest payments are abstracted from; if both are abstracted from, it is neutral also in the short run. Short and long-run neutrality results also if wealth consists only of foreign securities. The above responses hold both for net creditors and – with a minor qualification – debtors. 相似文献
The money multiplier collapsed in the USA in the wake of the Lehman crisis, and since then it remained at particularly low levels. The main reason for this collapse is to be found in the significant increase in banks’ excess reserves and the modest increase in deposits. The weak growth of deposits resulted from a contained growth of loans. Most scholars attribute the latter to the low propensity of banks to grant credit. Using quarterly data for the period 1991–2017 we estimate a demand for loans by firms and households. We show that the modest increase in deposits and the persistence of low levels of the US money multiplier has been due to the weak demand for loans by the private sector. 相似文献
Raul Ibarra 《Applied economics》2016,48(36):3462-3484
This article empirically examines the importance of the credit channel of monetary policy in Mexico for the period 2004–2013. We estimate a vector autoregressive (VAR) model to analyse the effects of a monetary policy shock on real output, and we also use a threshold VAR model to investigate asymmetric effects of contractionary and expansionary policies. The empirical results suggest that a contractionary monetary policy results in a fall in the supply of loans together with an increase in the spread between the lending and deposit rate. To the extent that some borrowers are dependent on bank loans for credit, the reduced supply of loans amplifies the effects of monetary policy on output associated with the traditional interest rate channel. Our results also suggest that the importance of the credit channel is larger for contractionary shocks than for expansionary shocks. 相似文献
Bhupal Singh 《Empirical Economics》2012,42(3):915-927
We examine how shocks emanating from changes in the stock wealth affect the consumption demand in India using a Bayesian VAR framework. The effect of the stock market wealth shock on consumption demand in India is relatively small in magnitude. The estimates suggest that a 10% increase in the real stock wealth raises the consumption demand by 0.3%, which seems to be consistent with some empirical estimates for the emerging market economies given a relatively low share of stock wealth in the household asset portfolio and its asymmetric distribution. The stock market wealth effect being short run in nature does not have a large and persistent effect on consumption demand since consumers may not perceive the changes in the stock wealth to cause a permanent shift in their wealth. 相似文献
Research shows that total factor productivity (TFP) growth is weak in European countries. This is inter alia attributed to the fact that substantial TFP growth is limited to a few industries. Because TFP growth is typically understood as technological progress, it is concluded that technology diffusion between sectors in Europe is hampered. We use EU KLEMS data sets to decompose sectoral TFP for nine European countries by means of a Malmquist approach in order to identify potential sources besides technical progress. Applying Harberger diagrams, we describe the sectoral distribution of TFP growth, efficiency gains and losses, economies of scale and technological progress. The analysis reveals that technological progress is quite evenly distributed across sectors in most European countries. The wide scattering of TFP growth is explained by deviating efficiency developments and the unused economies of scale. We conclude that the technology transfer between sectors in most European countries seems to work. Therefore, Europe in general does not need a new technology policy, but a further integration of the markets and a reduction of national market entry barriers. This requires further unification of pan-European standards in fields like trade and crafts codes or consumer protection policies. 相似文献
Beatriz Junquera Jesús Ángel del Brío 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2017,29(10):1139-1152
This paper aims to thoroughly look into the effects of the differences between the diverse leadership styles on innovative outputs (intensive, efficient and eco-efficient) in Spanish industrial companies. A questionnaire for the factories was sent and was received between the months of September 2013 and June 2014. A total of 142 valid questionnaires were received. Several regression models were used in the empirical analysis. The results show that charismatic leadership positively induces an intensive innovative output, at the same time as it improves firms’ eco-efficient innovative output. Likewise, the individualised consideration that characterises transformational leadership makes this leadership style produce positive results on the whole group of innovative outputs considered. At the other end of the leadership spectrum, the transactional style causes negative effects on the relationship between innovative activity and innovative outputs, and more specifically, on the efficient innovative output. 相似文献
Virgil Henry Storr 《The Review of Austrian Economics》2014,27(4):495-503
This article responds to the points raised by Deirdre McCloskey, Emily Chamlee-Wright, Rob Garnett and Solomon Stein in the symposium on my book Understanding the Culture of Markets (Routledge 2013). 相似文献
Ross M. Starr 《Economic Theory》2003,21(2-3):455-474
Summary. The monetary character of trade, use of a common medium of exchange, is shown to be an outcome of an economic general equilibrium.
Monetary structure can be derived from price theory in a modified Arrow-Debreu model. Two constructs are added: transaction
costs and market segmentation in trading posts (with a separate budget constraint at each transaction). Commodity money arises
endogenously as the most liquid (lowest transaction cost) asset. Government-issued fiat money has a positive equilibrium value
from its acceptability for tax payments. Scale economies in transaction cost account for uniqueness of the (fiat or commodity)
money in equilibrium.
Received: February 15, 2002; revised version: August 12, 2002
ID="*" This paper has benefited from seminars and colleagues' helpful remarks at the University of California - Santa Barbara,
University of California - San Diego, NSF-NBER Conference on General Equilibrium Theory at Purdue University, Society for
the Advancement of Behavioral Economics at San Diego State University, Econometric Society at the University of Wisconsin
- Madison, SITE at Stanford University-2001, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Midwest
Economic Theory Conference at the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, University of Iowa, Southern California Economic
Theory Conference at UC - Santa Barbara, Midwest Macroeconomics Conference at University of Iowa, University of California
- Berkeley, European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory at University of Paris I, Society for Economic Dynamics at San
Jose Costa Rica, World Congress of the Econometric Society at University of Washington, Cowles Foundation at Yale University.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge comments of Henning Bohn, Harold Cole, James Hamilton, Mukul Majumdar, Harry Markowitz, Chris
Phelan, Meenakshi Rajeev, Wendy Shaffer, Bruce Smith, and Max Stinchcombe. 相似文献
Why Experiment in Economics? 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ken Binmore 《Economic journal (London, England)》1999,109(453):16-24
Pieter A. Gautier Michael Svarer Coen N. Teulings 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2009,111(3):439-456
Divorce rates are higher in cities. Based on Danish register data, this paper shows that of the marriages formed in the city, those couples who remain in the city have a 23% higher divorce rate than those who move out. In this paper, we test whether this observation is due to sorting of more stable marriages into rural areas or if there exists a causal effect of living in urban areas on marriage instability. Our identification strategy supplements the timing‐of‐events approach with an instrumental variable. Our findings suggest that the effect of living in an urban area on the divorce risks drops substantially and loses statistical significance once we address sorting. 相似文献
KH. Zhang 《Contemporary economic policy》2000,18(1):82-94
While the United States is the largest source of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world, and China is the largest FDI recipient among developing countries, U.S. direct investment (USDI) in China has been surprisingly small. This article investigates the determinants of USDI through a relative-demand model with time-series data. Evidence presented in this article indicates that the small USDI cannot be fully appreciated without understanding differences between USDI and Hong Kong direct investment (HKDI), the latter being the dominant source of FDI in China. Empirical results suggest that the USDI in China was primarily motivated by market access and that the HKDI was export oriented. The small USDI thus is a result of U.S. investors' preference for market access and China's export-promotion FDI regime, along with the troubled Sino-U.S. relations and political instabilities in China. 相似文献
Daniel A. Dias Carlos Robalo Marques Christine Richmond 《Review of Income and Wealth》2020,66(2):361-393
Recent empirical studies document that the level of resource misallocation in the service sector is significantly higher than in the manufacturing sector. We quantify the importance of this difference and study its sources. Conservative estimates for Portugal in 2008 show that closing this gap, by reducing misallocation in the service sector to manufacturing levels, would boost aggregate gross output by around 12 percent and aggregate value added by around 31 percent. Differences in the effect and size of productivity shocks explain most of the gap in misallocation between manufacturing and services, while the remainder is explained by differences in firm productivity and age distributions. We interpret these results as stemming mainly from higher output-price rigidity, higher labor adjustment costs and higher informality in the service sector. 相似文献
Simulating a real world environment is of utmost importance for achieving accurate and meaningful results in experimental
economics. Offering monetary incentives is a common method of creating this environment. In general, experimenters provide
the rewards at the time of experiment. In this paper, we argue that receiving the reward at the time of the experiment may
lead participants to make decisions as if the money they are using were not their own. To solve this problem, we devised a
“prepaid mechanism” that encourages participants to use the money as if it were their own. 相似文献