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张海容 《中国纺织》2005,(5):106-109
4月1日,超过47家欧洲纺织企业访华,此行的目的主要是与中国纺织品企业商讨合作事宜;欧盟于4月6日公布了"对出口欧盟的中国纺织品采取保障措施的行动指南";4月7日中国商务部有关负责人就纺织品设限问题与美国、欧盟方面展开紧急磋商……一时间,中欧纺织品贸易成为世人关注的焦点.  相似文献   

中欧企业社会责任高层论坛近日在京召开.欧盟与中国的高层官员在此论坛上讨论了企业社会责任问题,标志着双方在该领域一系列技术合作活动的开始.  相似文献   

9月5日,中国与欧盟终于就纺织品贸易达成协议,而有迹象表明,中美也将在近期就此问题达成协议。时至今日,中国经济已经在产品出口和资源(尤其是能源)进口两大环节形成了高度对外依赖的格局。现在,中国每年进口石油大约占了总消费的40%,而且这个比例还会继续上升。目前看来,摆在中国面前的路不外乎以外几种:  相似文献   

近日,中组部和国家环保总局联手,在我国部分省份进行试点,将环保方面的指标纳入干部考核体系.环保业绩将直接影响到地方官员的政绩~在环保问题日益受到重视的今天,我们需要学习借鉴国外先进的环境管理理念和技术手段,而中欧环境管理合作计划(EMCP)工业发展项目,就是欧盟委员会在环境领域对华资助的最重要的计划之一,旨在帮助和促进中国企业走可持续商业发展道路。为此,本刊特约撰稿人赵晏彪采访了中国欧盟环境管理合作计划负责人简妮女士,请她就化学工业发展所带来的环境问题以及如何走可持续发展的新型工业化道路谈谈看法。  相似文献   

有人说,中国纺织服装行业的社会责任建设已经不仅仅是形象问题,而是关系到整个行业乃至国民经济建设和社会发展的问题。企业社会责任已经成为中国纺织行业在国际贸易和可持续发展过程中不可或缺的重要因素。  相似文献   

基于自由贸易的新的国际分工,我们不再仅仅做世界游戏规则的跟随者,而开始站在全球的角度考虑世界纺织经济与贸易发展趋势。  相似文献   

日前,在京访问的欧盟贸易委员彼得·曼德尔森与中国商务部长陈德铭举行会谈,就新的中国,欧盟高端经贸机制进行了讨论。新经贸机制有望4月启动,主要涉及知识产权保护、中欧贸易、投资和市场准入等诸多领域。  相似文献   

余宝 《中国纺织》2008,(1):84-87
2007年12月18日,中国纺织工业协会主办的“2007中国纺织服装行业社会责任年会”在北京人民大会堂召开。本届年会的主题为“以人为本、承担责任、科学发展”,年会总结了一年来纺织服装行业大力开展社会责任建设推广工作所取得的成果,邀请了供应链利益相关方代表开展推进社会责任建设的务实性对话与交流,同时表彰了一批在推进社会责任建设中做出突出贡献的先进人物。[编者按]  相似文献   

6月18日,中国纺织工业协会发布了《中国纺织服装企业社会责任报告纲要》,并发布了《2007中国纺织服装行业社会责任年度报告》。这是我国第一套关于社会责任报告的指标及规范体系,也是我国第一个行业性的关于社会责任绩效披露制度的指导文件。  相似文献   

文化的本质是人的外化,是人的存在和意识、能力和愿望的反映,是人类创造性思维活动的产物。企业文化是人类先进文化的重要组成部分。有什么样的企业家,就有什么样的企业文化。  相似文献   

计划于8月起在国内各电视台播出的国产动画《高铁侠》曝光了部分片花,遭到网友们“抄袭日本动画《铁胆火车侠》”的质疑。网友称,根据网上所曝光的片花,日本动画片《铁胆火车侠》的“饭团大作战”和中国动画片《高铁侠》的第一集“饭团大战”相比,  相似文献   

文章从中日两国项目法人责任制决策和融资的对比 ,研究分析了日本项目法人责任制的特点和我国二滩水电站工程试行项目法人责任制的情况,以及在我国衽项目法人责任制的重大意义。  相似文献   

An issue that confronts the top management of every multinational company is that of determining where in the organization basic strategy decisions should be made. The firm may concentrate responsibility for a broad range of strategic tasks at headquarters, or cede strategic responsibility to foreign affiliates. This paper argues that deriving an appropriate apportionment of strategic responsibility is largely a matter of recognizing the unique strategic imperatives imposed on the multinational firm by the conflicting requirements of integration within a global context, and responsiveness to local environments. For the firm whose businesses can benefit from world-wide co-ordination and standardization of manufacturing and product development, there is strong pressure to consolidate strategic responsibility at headquarters. For the firm whose businesses require attention to the idiosyncracies of national markets, the strategic autonomy of subsidiaries may be requisite for success. A variety of factors renders difficult a clear-cut, one-time identification of the strategic imperative facing a business. For example, even within a single business, certain functions respond to the logic of integration, whereas others require a posture of responsiveness. At times both imperatives exist at full strength within a single functional area. Often, in a multi-business, multinational firm, different businesses are subject to different pressures for integration and responsiveness. It is shown that managing strategic responsibility in situations of such ambiguity forces the firm to look far beyond traditional structural mechanisms in order to enact an appropriate division of strategic responsibility between headquarters and affiliates.  相似文献   

食品包装是现代食品工业的最后一道工序,它起着包装、保护、美化、宣传和方便食品储藏、运输与销售的重要作用,而且在一定程度上,食品包装已经成为食品不可分割的重要组成部分。目前,我国食品包装行业面临的形势却不容乐观,市场上很多食品包装材料难以符合国家对食品安全、卫生和环保方面的要求,甲苯等芳烃类溶剂大量被使用。据统计,2004年我国规模化厂家生产的食品及药品包装用塑料油墨中,其中用于BOPP膜印刷的氯化聚丙烯油墨的量占到60%以上,而该体系的油墨溶剂及稀释溶剂中,苯类溶剂的量一般占到50%左右,不但危害人类身体健康,而且影响到我国的食品包装业,甚至整个食品工业的健康发展。  相似文献   

Research Summary: Multinational enterprises (MNEs) invest significant resources in corporate social responsibility (CSR), but their attempts to build a global “social brand” may clash with the execution of operational strategies at a subsidiary level. Using a game-theoretic model, this research addresses the complex interplay of different contingencies that shape the coordination and control challenges facing MNEs when they implement global CSR strategies, including brand spillovers, the risk of public scandals caused by irresponsible behavior, the size of the MNE network, as well as the roles played by nongovernmental organizations and altruistic managers. Challenging the view of CSR as insurance against lapses of responsible conduct, our model shows that investment in social brands helps avoid irresponsible practices across the MNE network, thereby inducing subsidiaries to “walk the talk.” Managerial Summary: Global social brands are increasingly valuable to multinational enterprises (MNEs), which makes the control and coordination of responsible behavior across their network of foreign subsidiaries a relevant managerial challenge. Indeed, lapses of responsible conduct at the subsidiary level often generate reputational damage at the multinational level. This research explores several mechanisms that help MNEs manage this coordination and control challenge. First, it shows under what conditions MNEs can leverage their investments in social brands to induce responsible practices across their global network. Second, it illustrates how MNEs can exploit collaborations with nongovernmental organizations to reduce the costs of coordinating and controlling their subsidiaries. Finally, it identifies conditions under which MNEs benefit from hiring altruistic managers to run their subsidiaries.  相似文献   

本从分析监理工程师的工作特性入手,进而分析了监理工程师的责任,责任风险,责任风险控制。  相似文献   

中国是欧盟第一大进口来源地,2013年,中国出口欧盟总额达3702.7亿美元,其中,儿童用品是拳头产品,主要包括童装、玩具、童车等。但近年来,中国输欧儿童用品频因不同形式的贸易保护措施而受限,产业安全已遭受不利影响,三大现象须引起高度重视。  相似文献   

温家福总理在铅川看望煤矿工人时说:“煤炭是我国能源的主体,煤矿工人从事的工作带头国家经济建设,十分光荣,应该得到全社会的关注,得到全社会的尊重,得到全社会的爱护”。  相似文献   

张浩 《中国纺织》2003,(11):130-131
可能是出于习惯,也可能是出于默许,似乎从来没有人质疑;为什么我们总是在季节差异的两个极点体验即将到来的流行讯息。或许这样能使我们更深切地感受到与周遭环境全然不同的新感觉。  相似文献   

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