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A supermartingale deflator (resp. local martingale deflator) multiplicatively transforms nonnegative wealth processes into supermartingales (resp. local martingales). A supermartingale numéraire (resp. local martingale numéraire) is a wealth process whose reciprocal is a supermartingale deflator (resp. local martingale deflator). It has been established in previous works that absence of arbitrage of the first kind (\(\mbox{NA}_{1}\)) is equivalent to the existence of the (unique) supermartingale numéraire, and further equivalent to the existence of a strictly positive local martingale deflator; however, under \(\mbox{NA}_{1}\), a local martingale numéraire may fail to exist. In this work, we establish that under \(\mbox{NA}_{1}\), a supermartingale numéraire under the original probability \(P\) becomes a local martingale numéraire for equivalent probabilities arbitrarily close to \(P\) in the total variation distance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a company whose surplus follows a rather general diffusion process and whose objective is to maximize expected discounted dividend payments. With each dividend payment, there are transaction costs and taxes, and it is shown in Paulsen (Adv. Appl. Probab. 39:669?C689, 2007) that under some reasonable assumptions, optimality is achieved by using a lump sum dividend barrier strategy, i.e., there is an upper barrier $\bar{u}^{*}$ and a lower barrier $\underline{u}^{*}$ so that whenever the surplus reaches $\bar{u}^{*}$ , it is reduced to $\underline{u}^{*}$ through a dividend payment. However, these optimal barriers may be unacceptably low from a solvency point of view. It is argued that, in that case, one should still look for a barrier strategy, but with barriers that satisfy a given constraint. We propose a solvency constraint similar to that in Paulsen (Finance Stoch. 4:457?C474, 2003); whenever dividends are paid out, the probability of ruin within a fixed time T and with the same strategy in the future should not exceed a predetermined level ??. It is shown how optimality can be achieved under this constraint, and numerical examples are given.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide an assessment of alternative frameworks for the fair valuation of life insurance contracts with a predominant financial component, in terms of impact on the market consistent price of the contracts, the embedded options, and the capital requirements for the insurer. In particular, we model the dynamics of the log-returns of the reference fund using the so-called Merton (1976 Merton, RC. 1976. Option pricing when underlying stock returns are discontinuous. J. Finan. Econ., : 125144.  [Google Scholar]) process, which is given by the sum of an arithmetic Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process, and the Variance Gamma (VG) process introduced by Madan and Seneta (1990 Madan, DB and Seneta, E. 1990. The variance gamma (VG) model for share market returns. J. Bus., 63: 511524. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and further refined by Madan and Milne (1991 Madan, DB and Milne, F. 1991. Option pricing with VG martingale components. Math. Finan., 1: 3945. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Madan et al. (1998 Madan, DB, Carr, P and Chang, E. 1998. The variance gamma process and option pricing. Eur. Finan. Rev., 2: 79105. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). We conclude that, although the choice of the market model does not affect significantly the market consistent price of the overall benefit due at maturity, the consequences of a model misspecification on the capital requirements are noticeable.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to obtain the family of the so-called generalized Weibull discount functions, introduced by Takeuchi (Game Econ Behav 71:456–478, 2011), by deforming the q-exponential discount function by means of the Stevens’ “power” law. The obtained discount functions exhibit different degrees of inconsistency and so they can be classified according to the value of their characteristic deforming parameters. Moreover, we extend the construction of the generalized Weibull discount function starting from any discount function instead of the q-exponential discounting. In any case, the value of the parameter \(\theta \) of these new discount functions is extended from (0, 1] to the union of the intervals \((-\,\infty ,0) \cup (0,+\,\infty )\).  相似文献   

Let \(S^{F}\) be a ?-martingale representing the price of a primitive asset in an incomplete market framework. We present easily verifiable conditions on the model coefficients which guarantee the completeness of the market in which in addition to the primitive asset, one may also trade a derivative contract \(S^{B}\). Both \(S^{F}\) and \(S^{B}\) are defined in terms of the solution \(X\) to a two-dimensional stochastic differential equation: \(S^{F}_{t} = f(X_{t})\) and \(S^{B}_{t}:=\mathbb{E}[g(X_{1}) | \mathcal{F}_{t}]\). From a purely mathematical point of view, we prove that every local martingale under ? can be represented as a stochastic integral with respect to the ?-martingale \(S :=(S^{F}, S^{B})\). Notably, in contrast to recent results on the endogenous completeness of equilibria markets, our conditions allow the Jacobian matrix of \((f,g)\) to be singular everywhere on \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\). Hence they cover as a special case the prominent example of a stochastic volatility model being completed with a European call (or put) option.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of the critical price of an American put option near maturity in an exponential Lévy model. In particular, we prove that in situations where the limit of the critical price is equal to the strike price, the rate of convergence to the limit is linear if and only if the underlying Lévy process has finite variation. In the case of infinite variation, a variety of rates of convergence can be observed: we prove that when the negative part of the Lévy measure exhibits an α-stable density near the origin, with 1<α<2, the convergence rate is ruled by $\theta^{1/\alpha}|\ln \theta|^{1-\frac{1}{\alpha}}$ , where θ is the time until maturity.  相似文献   

The papers (Forde and Jacquier in Finance Stoch. 15:755?C780, 2011; Forde et al. in Finance Stoch. 15:781?C784, 2011) study large-time behaviour of the price process in the Heston model. This note corrects typos in Forde and Jacquier (Finance Stoch. 15:755?C780, 2011), Forde et al. (Finance Stoch. 15:781?C784, 2011) and clarifies the proof of Forde et al. (Finance Stoch. 15:781?C784, 2011, Proposition 2.3).  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss a new approach to extend a class of solvable stochastic volatility models (SVM). Usually, classical SVM adopt a CEV process for instantaneous variance where the CEV parameter γ takes just few values: 0—the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, 1/2—the Heston (or square root) process, 1—GARCH, and 3/2—the 3/2 model. Some other models, e.g. with γ = 2 were discovered in Henry-Labordére (Analysis, geometry, and modeling in finance: advanced methods in option pricing. Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series, London, 2009) by making connection between stochastic volatility and solvable diffusion processes in quantum mechanics. In particular, he used to build a bridge between solvable superpotentials (the Natanzon superpotentials, which allow reduction of a Schrödinger equation to a Gauss confluent hypergeometric equation) and existing SVM. Here we propose some new models with ${\gamma \in \mathbb{R}}$ and demonstrate that using Lie’s symmetries they could be priced in closed form in terms of hypergeometric functions. Thus obtained new models could be useful for pricing volatility derivatives (variance and volatility swaps, moment swaps).  相似文献   

Researchers often assume that preferences over uncertain consumption streams are representable by $$E\left[ {\left( {{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 \gamma }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \gamma }} \right)\sum\limits_{t = 0}^x {\delta ^t \tilde c_t^\gamma } } \right]$$ , where \(\tilde c_t \) , is (random) period t consumption. It is moreover often asserted that estimates of γ cannot be unambiguously interpreted, since the quantity 1 ? γ measures both relative risk aversion and the reciprocal of the elasticity of substitution. Clearly, this ambiguity arises only if 1 ? γ indeed measures risk aversion. Although changes in γ cannot reflect changes in risk aversion according to standard definitions of comparative multivariate risk aversion, we show that γ is rationalizable as a risk aversion measure provided that the “acceptance set” of sure prospects is restricted. We also show, however, that there is essentially no relationship between changes in γ and optimal consumption, even in a simple two period model; this finding casts doubt upon the interpretation of γ as a risk aversion measure.  相似文献   

This paper aims at examining risk perception, worry and demand for risk mitigation in transport and to compare judgements made by lay people, politicians and experts. The results are based on three questionnaire surveys carried out during autumn and winter 2004. The first study involved a representative sample of the Norwegian population (n = 1716), the second sample a group of Norwegian politicians (n = 146) and the third a group of experts on transport safety (n = 26). Studies carried out previously (Sjöberg, 1998a Sjöberg, L. 1998a. Worry and risk perception. Risk Analysis, 18(1): 8593.  [Google Scholar], 1999 Sjöberg, L. 1999. Consequences of perceived risk: demand for risk mitigation. Journal of Risk Research, 2(2): 129149.  [Google Scholar]) have given support to the idea that consequences are more important for demands of risk mitigation than probability assessments. In the present study it is hypothesised that this may be because they are associated with worry and it is also proposed that worry relates more strongly to demands for risk mitigation than evaluation of consequences. The results of SEM‐modelling showed that worry was a stronger and more significant predictor of demands for risk mitigation compared to consequences and worry mediated the effect of consequences. Probability assessment was a totally insignificant predictor. In accordance with previous studies, the results showed that experts demanded less risk reduction than lay people and politicians. The results indicate that this is because they stress the probability more than the other two groups.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of finding an optimal dividend policy for a class of jump-diffusion processes. The jump component is a compound Poisson process with negative jumps, and the drift and diffusion components are assumed to satisfy some regularity and growth restrictions. Each dividend payment is changed by a fixed and a proportional cost, meaning that if ?? is paid out by the company, the shareholders receive k???K, where k and K are positive. The aim is to maximize expected discounted dividends until ruin. It is proved that when the jumps belong to a certain class of light-tailed distributions, the optimal policy is a simple lump sum policy, that is, when assets are equal to or larger than an upper barrier $\bar{u}^{*}$ , they are immediately reduced to a lower barrier $\underline{u}^{*}$ through a dividend payment. The case with K=0 is also investigated briefly, and the optimal policy is shown to be a reflecting barrier policy for the same light-tailed class. Methods to numerically verify whether a simple lump sum barrier strategy is optimal for any jump distribution are provided at the end of the paper, and some numerical examples are given.  相似文献   

Following the framework of Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004), we study the problem of super-replication in the presence of liquidity costs under additional restrictions on the gamma of the hedging strategies in a generalized Black–Scholes economy. We find that the minimal super-replication price is different from the one suggested by the Black–Scholes formula and is the unique viscosity solution of the associated dynamic programming equation. This is in contrast with the results of Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004), who find that the arbitrage-free price of a contingent claim coincides with the Black–Scholes price. However, in Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004) a larger class of admissible portfolio processes is used, and the replication is achieved in the L 2 approximating sense.  相似文献   

We prove new error estimates for the Longstaff–Schwartz algorithm. We establish an $O(\log^{\frac{1}{2}}(N)N^{-\frac{1}{2}})$ convergence rate for the expected L 2 sample error of this algorithm (where N is the number of Monte Carlo sample paths), whenever the approximation architecture of the algorithm is an arbitrary set of L 2 functions with finite Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension. Incorporating bounds on the approximation error as well, we then apply these results to the case of approximation schemes defined by finite-dimensional vector spaces of polynomials as well as that of certain nonlinear sets of neural networks. We obtain corresponding estimates even when the underlying and payoff processes are not necessarily almost surely bounded. These results extend and strengthen those of Egloff (Ann. Appl. Probab. 15, 1396–1432, 2005), Egloff et al. (Ann. Appl. Probab. 17, 1138–1171, 2007), Kohler et al. (Math. Finance 20, 383–410, 2010), Glasserman and Yu (Ann. Appl. Probab. 14, 2090–2119, 2004), Clément et al. (Finance Stoch. 6, 449–471, 2002) as well as others.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an extension of the minimal Hellinger martingale measure (MHM hereafter) concept to any order q≠1 and to the general semimartingale framework. This extension allows us to provide a unified formulation for many optimal martingale measures, including the minimal martingale measure of Föllmer and Schweizer (here q=2). Under some mild conditions of integrability and the absence of arbitrage, we show the existence of the MHM measure of order q and describe it explicitly in terms of pointwise equations in ? d . Applications to the maximization of expected power utility at stopping times are given. We prove that, for an agent to be indifferent with respect to the liquidation time of her assets (which is the market’s exit time, supposed to be a stopping time, not any general random time), she is forced to consider a habit formation utility function instead of the original utility, or equivalently she is forced to consider a time-separable preference with a stochastic discount factor.  相似文献   

We pursue a robust approach to pricing and hedging in mathematical finance. We consider a continuous-time setting in which some underlying assets and options, with continuous price paths, are available for dynamic trading and a further set of European options, possibly with varying maturities, is available for static trading. Motivated by the notion of prediction set in Mykland (Ann. Stat. 31:1413–1438, 2003), we include in our setup modelling beliefs by allowing to specify a set of paths to be considered, e.g. superreplication of a contingent claim is required only for paths falling in the given set. Our framework thus interpolates between model-independent and model-specific settings and allows us to quantify the impact of making assumptions or gaining information. We obtain a general pricing–hedging duality result: the infimum over superhedging prices of an exotic option with payoff \(G\) is equal to the supremum of expectations of \(G\) under calibrated martingale measures. Our results include in particular the martingale optimal transport duality of Dolinsky and Soner (Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 160:391–427, 2014) and extend it to multiple dimensions, multiple maturities and beliefs which are invariant under time-changes. In a general setting with arbitrary beliefs and for a uniformly continuous \(G\), the asserted duality holds between limiting values of perturbed problems.  相似文献   

Event studies typically use the methodology developed by Fama et al. [1969 Fama, E., Fisher, L., Jensen, M. and Roll, R. 1969. The adjustment of stock prices to new information. International Economic Review, 10(1): 121. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]. The adjustment of stock prices to new information. International Economic Review 10, no. 1: 1–21] to segregate a stock's return into expected and unexpected components. Moreover, conventional practice assumes that abnormal returns evolve in terms of a normal distribution. There is, however, an increasing tendency for event studies to employ non-parametric testing procedures due to the mounting empirical evidence which shows that stock returns are incompatible with the normal distribution. This paper focuses on the widely used non-parametric ranking procedure developed by Corrado [1989 Corrado, C. 1989. A nonparametric test for abnormal security price performance in event studies. Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2): 38595. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. A nonparametric test for abnormal security price performance in event studies. Journal of Financial Economics 23, no. 2: 385–95] for assessing the significance of abnormal security returns. In particular, we develop a consistent estimator for the variance of the sum of ranks of the abnormal returns, and show how this leads to a more efficient test statistic (as well as to less cumbersome computational procedures) than the test originally proposed by Corrado (1989 Corrado, C. 1989. A nonparametric test for abnormal security price performance in event studies. Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2): 38595. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We also use the theorem of Berry [1941 Berry, A. 1941. The accuracy of the Gaussian approximation to the sum of independent variates. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 49(1): 12236. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]. The accuracy of the Gaussian approximation to the sum of independent variates. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 49, no. 1: 122–36] and Esseen [1945 Esseen, C. 1945. Fourier analysis of distribution functions: A mathematical study of the Laplace–Gaussian law. Acta Mathematica, 77(1): 1125. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Fourier analysis of distribution functions: A mathematical study of the Laplace–Gaussian law. Acta Mathematica 77, no. 1: 1–125] to demonstrate how the distribution of the modified Corrado test statistic developed here asymptotically converges towards the normal distribution. This shows that describing the distributional properties of the sum of the ranks in terms of the normal distribution is highly problematic for small sample sizes and small event windows. In these circumstances, we show that a second-order Edgeworth expansion provides a good approximation to the actual probability distribution of the modified Corrado test statistic. The application of the modified Corrado test developed here is illustrated using data for the purchase and sale by UK directors of shares in their own companies.  相似文献   

We price a contingent claim liability (claim for short) using a utility indifference argument. We consider an agent with exponential utility, who invests in a stock and a money market account with the goal of maximizing the utility of his investment at the final time T in the presence of a proportional transaction cost ε>0 in two cases: with and without a claim. Using the heuristic computations of Whalley and Wilmott (Math. Finance 7:307–324, 1997), under suitable technical conditions, we provide a rigorous derivation of the asymptotic expansion of the value function in powers of \(\varepsilon^{\frac{1}{3}}\) in both cases with and without a claim. Additionally, using the utility indifference method, we derive the price of the claim at the leading order of \(\varepsilon^{\frac{2}{3}}\) . In both cases, we also obtain a “nearly optimal” strategy, whose expected utility asymptotically matches the leading terms of the value function. We also present an example of how this methodology can be used to price more exotic barrier-type contingent claims.  相似文献   

Recent literature has investigated the risk aggregation of a portfolio \(X=(X_{i})_{1\leq i\leq n}\) under the sole assumption that the marginal distributions of the risks \(X_{i} \) are specified, but not their dependence structure. There exists a range of possible values for any risk measure of \(S=\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}\), and the dependence uncertainty spread, as measured by the difference between the upper and the lower bound on these values, is typically very wide. Obtaining bounds that are more practically useful requires additional information on dependence.Here, we study a partially specified factor model in which each risk \(X_{i}\) has a known joint distribution with the common risk factor \(Z\), but we dispense with the conditional independence assumption that is typically made in fully specified factor models. We derive easy-to-compute bounds on risk measures such as Value-at-Risk (\(\mathrm{VaR}\)) and law-invariant convex risk measures (e.g. Tail Value-at-Risk (\(\mathrm{TVaR}\))) and demonstrate their asymptotic sharpness. We show that the dependence uncertainty spread is typically reduced substantially and that, contrary to the case in which only marginal information is used, it is not necessarily larger for \(\mathrm{VaR}\) than for \(\mathrm{TVaR}\).  相似文献   

Nie and Rutkowski (Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 18:1550048, 2015; Math. Finance, 2016, to appear) examined fair bilateral pricing in models with funding costs and an exogenously given collateral. The main goal of this work is to extend results from Nie and Rutkowski (Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 18:1550048, 2015; Math. Finance, 2016, to appear) to the case of an endogenous margin account depending on the contract’s value for the hedger and/or the counterparty. Comparison theorems for BSDEs from Nie and Rutkowski (Theory Probab. Appl., 2016, forthcoming) are used to derive bounds for unilateral prices and to study the range for fair bilateral prices in a general semimartingale model. The backward stochastic viability property, introduced by Buckdahn et al. (Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 116:485–504, 2000), is employed to examine the bounds for fair bilateral prices for European claims with a negotiated collateral in a diffusion-type model. We also generalize in several respects the option pricing results from Bergman (Rev. Financ. Stud. 8:475–500, 1995), Mercurio (Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative Finance, pp. 65–95, 2015) and Piterbarg (Risk 23(2):97–102, 2010) by considering contracts with cash-flow streams and allowing for idiosyncratic funding costs for risky assets.  相似文献   

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