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The optimal distinctiveness perspective argues that firms face competing pressures to be both ‘like’ and ‘different from’ their peers. On the one hand, institutional scholars assert that firms need to be similar to peers in order to gain legitimacy. On the other hand, strategy scholars insist that firms need to strive to be different to gain competitive advantage. In order to enrich the optimal distinctiveness perspective, the present study builds a conceptual model that addresses the relationships among organisational regulatory legitimacy, entrepreneurial orientation, and SME innovation under the context of China’s transition economy. Our empirical results show that organisational regulatory legitimacy has an inverted-U relationship with SME innovation. Further, entrepreneurial orientation strengthens this inverse-U shaped relationship. That is, entrepreneurial orientation magnifies both the positive and the negative effect of organisational regulatory legitimacy on SME innovation. This study echoes to the call to conduct broader optimal distinctiveness research by integrating institutional theory and strategic management. Furthermore, our findings provide new evidence for the strategic balance perspective of optimal distinctiveness.  相似文献   

利用新制度主义理论,通过对284家非国有制造企业的问卷调查,采用多元回归分析方法,探讨了制造企业绿色创新对政府支持的影响机制,以及合法性在其中的中介作用。在此基础上,进一步分样本分析了政治关联和所处行业竞争强度在制造企业绿色创新与政府支持关系中的作用机制。研究发现,制造企业绿色创新有助于企业获得政府支持,且合法性在其中发挥了中介作用;在没有政治关联及处于高强度竞争行业的情况下,制造企业绿色创新通过合法性影响政府支持的效应更强。运用新制度主义理论中的合法性观点,将制造企业绿色创新视为一种获得政府支持的战略,将绿色创新后果的研究从企业经济绩效层面拓展到企业与政府关系层面,不仅跳出了学术界关于制造企业绿色创新能否提升经济绩效的争论,也为更好地理解制造企业绿色创新动力提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

以往品牌研究大都注重经济导向层面,却忽略了品牌成败所受到规范、规制和文化等非经济因素影响,从而无法系统解释这些品牌成败的原因。本文从制度理论中的合理性理论出发,通过内容分析和深度访谈,全面剖析国际品牌在中国成功转化所需的品牌战略和合理性,采用调研数据的结构方程模型方法验证国外品牌的中国转化过程,即通过提高品牌合理性来提升品牌绩效(品牌资产)。这一结论有助于国外品牌在中国的成功转化,也对中国民族品牌国际化提供了新的视角和重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

企业排名作为一种兼顾横向比较和纵向比较的公开信息,会对组织合法性产生重要影响,进而影响企业信心、利益相关者行为以及资源和信息的获取,从而影响企业创新活动。本文基于组织合法性理论探索排名变动对企业创新活动的影响。本文对A股上市的中国500强企业2011—2015年的面板数据进行分析发现:排名上升时,企业的创新强度会显著增强。排名连续下降时,企业的创新强度会显著减弱。高管技术背景在上述过程中发挥着重要作用。实力获得提升的企业倾向于增加创新强度来获取更强竞争优势,这种情况促进了市场中强者更强的现象。  相似文献   

基于认知评价理论,通过173家企业中高层管理者有效问卷调查,采用层次回归分析、结构方程模型探讨管理者认知如何影响企业开放式创新与企业成长。结果表明:①管理者对开放式创新的易用性与合法性认知评价,有助于促进企业开放式创新,进而推动企业成长;②管理者感知有用性与感知易用性对企业开放式创新存在替代效应,而管理者感知有用性及易用性与感知合法性存在互补效应,且管理者感知有用性、易用性与合法性对企业开放式创新存在三阶交互效应;③两职合一能够增强管理者感知合法性与企业开放式创新的正相关关系。  相似文献   

Based on legitimacy theory and resource dependence theory, using 111 listed companies among China’s typically high pollution-emitting listed corporations, research into the effects of environmental disclosure on environmental innovation is undertaken. From the perspective of stakeholders, we analyse the moderating effects of different proportions of institutional investor holdings and types of enterprises on the relationship between environmental disclosure and environmental innovation. The results indicate that corporate environmental disclosure has a positive role in promoting environmental innovation; the proportion of institutional investor holdings has a positive moderating effect between environmental disclosure and environmental innovation. However, there is no significant difference between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in terms of the effect of the environmental disclosure on environmental innovation, which possibly arises because both types of enterprises make full use of their own advantages to instigate environmental innovation through environmental disclosure. The conclusions may help enterprise decision-makers implementing environmental innovation and government policy makers formulating scientific policies to promote the clean production in enterprises.  相似文献   

谦卑型文化是组织生存与发展的内在精神动力。作为组织文化理论研究的新兴主题,谦卑型文化研究正处于起步阶段。整合社会交换和内在动机理论,旨在探讨谦卑型文化影响知识型员工创新绩效的心理中介机制。采用问卷配对法调查268对有效知识型员工及其直接领导的研究结果表明:谦卑型文化对知识型员工创新绩效具有显著正向影响;情感信任和风险承担意愿在谦卑型文化与知识型员工创新绩效关系中发挥链式中介作用,即谦卑型文化通过增强知识型员工对组织的情感信任,提高其风险承担意愿,进而促进其创新行为。研究结果首次从谦卑型文化视角探索知识型员工创新绩效的影响因素和诱发机制,可为组织创新管理提供理论指导。  相似文献   

沈江  柳洲 《科技进步与对策》2016,33(19):132-138
高校协同创新是一种制度安排,其目的是从系统层面提高创新效能。根据网络分析结构洞理论,协同创新是一个发现并填补创新结构洞的活动过程。协同创新表现为创新网络结构的变迁调整,从社会-认知视角看,其实质是异质性知识、资源和文化相互耦合的过程。基于复杂网络非线性耦合思想,重点分析了协同创新知识耦合与协同机制,并从知识、资源和文化整合等角度,提出了我国高校协同创新存在的问题及若干改进建议。  相似文献   

获取合法性是新创企业谋求生存与开展经营活动的重要前提。梳理并比较了不同视角下新创企业合法性获取机制的基本观点,基于合法性获取理论,构建了新创企业合法性管理框架,以加深对新创企业以及组织如何实现合法性与获取资源的理解。  相似文献   

Current persistent sustainability challenges are widely understood to require transitions and system innovations. As these systemic changes typically emerge from multiple co-evolving innovations, Schot and Geels [2008. Strategic niche management and sustainable innovation journeys; theory, findings, research agenda, and policy. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 20, no. 5: 537–54] urge to study the interactions between innovation journeys. Their call for multiplicity has been met through several studies. Yet considering that these analyses still leave the attendant navigational challenges underexposed, this article demonstrates the usefulness of nested-case methodologies. Focusing on the ‘intersections’ between interpenetrating case histories, in-depth investigation is combined with broader attention to next-order changes. The relevance and implications of these intersections are illustrated through four innovation journeys in the Dutch traffic management field: unfolding largely in parallel, but sometimes intersecting, they yield a mixed picture of trajectory formation and fragmentation. The phenomenon of emergent incoherence is identified as a key strategic challenge in system innovation processes.  相似文献   

精神层面的文化对一国经济社会的发展特别重要。本文从经济学角度论述了精神层面的文化对于经济社会发展的重要意义,文化的特征,与市场经济相适应的文化、我国传统文化的特点等问题。论文认为对传统文化必须通过改造使之与社会主义市场经济相适应,而不是囫囵吞枣地接受。  相似文献   

王兰云 《现代财经》2007,27(3):52-56
企业文化被看作竞争优势的一个重要来源。然而,企业文化具有的刚性特征又导致它对竞争优势的保持与创新产生了抑制作用。应以企业文化的权变观为基础,分析企业文化刚性的成因和表现,探索文化的刚性与适应性之间的矛盾,选择化解文化刚性的有效途径。  相似文献   

根据经济增长理论及影响变化因素,结合我国经济发展实际,本文论证了技术创新促进经济增长的不同模式,提出了发展中国家促进技术创新发展的框架,技术创新是企业发展的根本动力。提高区域经济的增长速度和转变经济增长的方式是发展中国家的必由之路。在区域经济视角下研究影响企业技术创新的因素,通过政府和企业联动改善这些因素作用的效率,非常必要。论文首先根据技术创新理论,分析了不同层面的企业技术创新发展的影响因素。最后提出了区域经济视角下提高企业技术创新能力的对策,强调了政府、企业在技术创新中的不同作用。  相似文献   

We investigate the role of mercantile culture in corporation innovation from the perspective of Chinese historical culture. Using a sample of listed firms located in areas with cultural origin in China, we show that mercantile culture has a significantly positive effect on firm innovation. Higher level of marketization with better legal environment and less market distortion strengthen the association of culture and corporate innovation. Furthermore, much more internal resource slack also helps to realize the positive role of mercantile culture on firm R&D activities. We conclude that regional culture, as an informal institution, makes a difference in corporate innovation decisions.  相似文献   

持续创新是企业获取长期竞争优势的重要保证,信用是企业赖以生存和发展的重要基础。从信用角度深入探讨持续创新企业具有的特殊信用画像特征,采用关键词迭代法,利用CiteSpace分析持续创新和企业信用两类中文文献的关键词,发现企业合法性、践约度和企业信用文化3个维度对两类文献关键词具有交叉重迭性。为了验证上述假设,进一步细化3个维度的评价指标体系,并通过全面筛选2010—2019新三板和创业板企业数据,选择符合持续创新条件的189家企业共1890个面板数据,应用Bootstrap模型验证持续创新企业信用画像3个维度特征,取得创新性理论成果。结论进一步拓展了创新研究视角,丰富了信用理论体系,可为企业开展持续创新活动提供实践指导。  相似文献   

目前,中国的地方政府是否面临着深刻的合法性危机?本研究假定影响地方政府合法性的因素主要有4个:政府服务绩效、制度的公正性、传统文化中的威权主义观念以及制度创新。文章根据在实地调研中收集的10省20个乡镇的资料数据,就地方政府的合法性及其来源进行实证检验。根据检验结果,公推直选制度的实施,比较明显地提高了民众对基层政府的支持和信任,但其他类型的制度创新对地方政府合法性的影响并不显著。政府服务绩效、制度的公正性和威权主义观念对政府的合法性均有显著影响,但影响程度不同。公推直选也在一定程度上改变了乡镇政府合法性的生成机制。根据分析结果,作者就地方政府如何克服合法性危机提出了若干政策性建议。  相似文献   

互联网环境下协同创新中的知识增值运行机制发生重大改变。从知识流视角出发,整合资源基础观与知识基础观,在完善软创新资源概念的基础上,通过对4个案例的深入探索,分析软创新资源各维度对协同创新知识增值的影响。结果表明,互联网的群智性、泛在性等特点可以孕育出软创新资源,进而影响协同创新中的知识增值。其中,软创新资源包括开放型信息资源、协同型关系资源、创新型文化资源以及技术型能力资源4个维度,并分别作用于知识获取、知识转移、知识创造和应用,从而实现知识增值。最后,针对如何最大程度地发挥互联网在促进知识增值方面的作用,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

跨界转型、产业融合时代背景下,文化与科技融合作为一种技术诱发型产业发展模式,具有促进文化业态衍生、产业价值链延伸、产业商业模式创新等重要意义,其实践路径表现为文化科技化与科技文化化。基于产业融合内涵与特征,从生产链协同规划维度分析生产融合、市场融合、资源融合与渠道融合4种典型的文化与科技融合创新模式及其促发机理,归纳出融合创新过程中强化可治理性、重视文化需求、增进制度保障等促进产业融合的关键举措。最后指出,在当前环境下,文化与科技融合模式的优化与革新亟需从政策规章、法律规制、产业结构及自主创新等方面切入,通过文化与科技协同发展实现。  相似文献   

In the few last decades researchers have paid attention to the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in productivity, employment, and economic and social development. In addition, literature has focused on the entrepreneurship that occurs within organizations, such as corporate entrepreneurship. Also, the role of culture is crucial for the development of innovation. Consequently, it is vital to understand why some firms are more innovative and develop more entrepreneurial projects than others, and what determines innovation performance. This research uses Institutional Economics as a conceptual framework with the objective of analyzing the environmental factors that condition innovation within the firms. Specifically, the study determines the moderating effect of cultural values on corporate entrepreneurship. The study uses a logistic regression and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – GEM – database from the years 2004–2008, with information of 62 different countries (718.758 observations). The main findings highlight the impact of the environmental factors on organizational innovation, specifically on corporate entrepreneurship. Variables such as living in an entrepreneurial culture and media exposure (informal factors), and the number of procedures necessary to create a new business or access to finance (formal factors), appear to be significant for corporate entrepreneurship. Moreover, informal factors behave as moderators between formal factors and corporate entrepreneurship. The article has several implications from both theoretical perspective (advancing in the application of Institutional Economics for the study of innovation within the firms) and from the practical point of view (providing insights for governmental policies interested in fostering innovation and corporate entrepreneurship).  相似文献   

This article identifies and articulates the foundations of the theoretical approach of the new book ‘Soft innovation: Economics, product aesthetics and the creative industries’ by Professor Paul Stoneman. This book is likely to open a new research area within the economics of innovation. The source of economic growth and prosperity is technological change and the economics of innovation to date has mainly focused on technological approaches to innovation. However, the development of the technological base of product and process can explain only a part of economic growth as soft innovation represents a relevant additional source of economic development that has received little attention so far. The source of a unified economic approach for soft innovation relies on Lancaster's theory of consumer behaviour coupled with the variety approach, innovation in services and the economics of knowledge. It appears as though industry structures favouring the successive emergence of new variants are characterised by soft innovations.  相似文献   

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