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九州 《中外管理》2006,(6):115-115
授权的主要目的无外乎提高效率和培养梯队,在不同情况下,这两种情况的选择会有所不同,在注重效率的前提下,员工容易上手是授权的前提。  相似文献   

王悦承  赵亮 《英才》2003,(1):63-66
“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。”一本《三国演义》,翻演多少人间悲喜。而其中的权谋、诡计、智慧,又在现代社会中一演再演。  相似文献   

培育核心竞争力的策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 我国加入WTO,对国内企业而言,打造核心竞争力具有无比的紧迫性。一方面WTO将给我们带来巨大外部动力和市场机会,促使中国经济更快地与世界接轨;另一方面随着关税和非关税壁垒的减弱消除,外国企业也可以更自由地进入国内,依照透明原则和国民待遇原则,与国内企业同一起跑线上竞争。  相似文献   

差距,是要提醒中国企业家把握好“术”与“道”的关系,中国企业与世界级企业的差距不是具体招数上的差距,而是发展逻辑上的差距。只有认识到这一点,才能从根本上实现超越与自我超越。中国企业与世界级企业的差距,主要体现在以下六个方面:1、战略规划。2、绩效管理领导力。3、企业文化。4、公司管理控制。5、营销。6、团队与沟通管理。可口可乐的启示——战略规划的差距在哪里?我在《差距》中指出,可口可乐和百事可乐通过对灌装厂的收购与兼并,不断地塑造有利于“两乐”的行业结构,通过在行业结构中制造“高门槛”阻止竞争者或替代产品的进入…  相似文献   

团队精神与企业文化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代的管理制度中,团队建设常常被人们当作一个典型的无可替代的管理模式,它代表着一种工作方式的转变,是工业经济时代的线性分级制向新经济时代的环节结构转变的结果.但是,对团队建设的追求不能仅仅看作是管理者的意识,也不能对它进行机械式的组织实施.一个不健康的、缺乏和力的、没有主题的团队,对职工只能是浪费精力和时间,对企业的发展也毫无意义.  相似文献   

企业历来都把人、财、物和信息作为运营的基本要素,即强调人的工作效率,财的增值程度,物的流转速度,信息传递的及时性与可靠性。然而,纵观这四种要素的运转过程,都与一项重要的因素密切相关,这就是——时间。把时间作为运营的基本要素之一,利用好时间资源,必将成为企业管理的一个主题。  相似文献   

寻求重复创造新的破坏性增长浪潮的公司高级主管有三项工作。首先是短期任务,亲自横跨在破坏性增长业务和主流业务的交界面上,判断决定应当把公司的哪些资源和程序用于新业务,哪些不应当;其次是一项长期责任,领导创建我们称之为“破坏性增长引擎”的一种程序,它能够重复开创成功的增长业务;第三项职责具有永久性,感知环境何时会发生变化,并且不断教导别人去认识这些信号。  相似文献   

品牌建设任重道远中国改革开放20年来已经出现一批明星企业,比如说中国国际海运集装箱公司在世界市场上的占有率已经达到37%,2001年销售总额已经达到67亿员,人均出口创汇7.9万美元。海尔集团是我国最大的家电集团,去年在世界白色家电排名第六位。中国远洋运输集团拥有船队五百多艘,已经居世界第五位,在国际航运市场上享有很高的信誉。万象集团生产汽车摩托零部件,已经连续多年被评为世界上的名牌企业。联想在PC市场上连续六年中国第一,连续四年成为亚太市场第四,笔记本市场已经成为亚太市场第一。这些企业的牌子,不仅在国内而且…  相似文献   

<正> 企业预算管理是国外成功企业普遍采用的一种管理模式。近年来,随着我国企业改革的深入发展,企业内部控制体系的逐步建立,在企业内部推行全面预算管理,已成为我国企业加强管理、建立现代企业制度进程中的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

Miguel Martinez Lucio and Syd Weston, who are Lecturers in Human Resource Management at the Cardiff Business School, emphasise that, in seeking to understand trade union responses to HRM and new management practices, it is important to take into account their traditions and internal decision-making processes as well as external influences. They suggest, in particular, that it is possible to identify three main ‘clusters’ of opinion which have emerged in recent years and which go to make up the complex position of the TUC. They go on to argue that, as unions learn more about HRM and new management practices, they will tend to exert a more significant influence on the form and implementation of such initiatives.  相似文献   

据权威部门统计,世界上大约80%的企业寿命不足3年,10%的企业寿命只有8年,仅有2%的企业寿命超过40年。足见把企业办好,使企业长寿,是件很难的事情。办好这件难事,做好这篇文章需要做的工作很多。就企业本身而言,要抓好五大要素,强化三大支撑。 第一个要素,要有好班子。企业带头人的素质决定着企业的兴衰成败。拿破仑有句名言,一头狮子率领的一  相似文献   

The recent interest in cultural analysis of organizations is based on the belief that organizations have symbolic aspects that affect organizational behaviour. Underlying this research, however, are different assumptions about the nature of symbols and the role they play in organizations. The majority of writers have assumed that symbols perform an expressive function and are used in a type of action they call 'symbolic action’which they contrast with ‘substantive action’. This dichotomy between symbolic and substantive action has resulted in the development of models that assume culture is a causal factor in organizational change, and should be controlled by the management of symbols. In this article, this approach - the management as symbolic action approach - is examined and found to be inadequate. An alternative approach is developed - the culture-as-context approach - that assumes all actions have a symbolic aspect, all actions are value-laden, symbols are meaningful only in terms of their relations with other symbols, and symbols are dispositions to action, not causes of it. The study of culture is seen, then, as the explication of action in terms of the system of symbolic forms - goals, plans, ideas, roles and traditions - that people use to give meaning and order to their experience. This approach is applied to the interactions of the members of the‘Transition Team’in a Bell Telephone operating company preparing for the deregulation of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, its parent corporation, in 1981. It is demonstrated empirically and explained conceptually that culture leads to a certain class of possible actions which makes certain attempts at change, or reactions to change, probable in a given situation.  相似文献   

This article examines the way the personnel role has developed in the United Kingdom, and argues that three main models of personnel management may be discerned. The way these models have been influenced by the recession is discussed and it is suggested that the personnel function, both as a specialized activity and as one aspect of all managerial work has been forced to change, in response to the need for increased competitiveness, to structural and ideological changes, and to industrial reorganization. Looking to the future, the paper anticipates the ‘balkanization’ of the personnel function as new specialisms emerge, and as personnel activity becomes more closely associated with corporate marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This paper explores the operational characteristics of a new systems approach for monitoring the prudential strength, or safety, of modern commercial banks. It exploits the principle of feedforward control through the simulated contingency analysis of a bank's planned financial and associated management positions. This approach will be shown to have operational potential for both individual bank managements and the supervisory authorities who monitor the prudential soundness of all banks. Most of the research to date in this field has been concerned with assessing the adequacy of a bank's capital funds, its capital adequacy position. The primary function of bank capital is to act as a kind of internal insurance fund in order to protect a bank against uncertainties.  相似文献   

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