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索马里海盗事件对国际贸易运输成本的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、相关背景 北纬10度线是国际海运业的黄金航道,同时又是令人胆寒的恐怖水域所在地,世界海盗高发区恰好分布在这条线附近,其中以亚洲的马六甲海峡、北非的索马里海域和几内亚湾的尼日利亚海域最为出名.  相似文献   

Suzhou is located in the center of the Yangtze Delta,in the south of Jiangsu Province,with Shanghai to the east,Zhejiang Province to the south,Wuxi City to the west and the Yangtze River to the north. Since 42%area of the city is covered by water,including a vast number of ponds and streams,Suzhou is praised as the"Oriental Venice". Taihu Lake,four fifths of which is in the territory of Suzhou,is one of the four largest fresh lakes in China,with East Hill,West Hill and other scenic spots in its vicinity.The city is cut by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from north to south.  相似文献   

中国自改革开放以来,对外经贸活动已经有了很大发展,且日益呈现出诸多市场化特征,政府所采取的各种政策以及国内外的宏观经济变量均对贸易和资本流动起着不同程度的影响.理解这一复杂的相互作用过程是非常重要的,因为未来一段时期内,如何在外部帐户自由化的改革进程中维持国际收支的稳定和平衡,将成为中国面对的一项艰巨任务.具体地讲,大致包括如下几方面的考虑:  相似文献   

彭运鹗,上海市第七、八、九届政协委员.现任十届政协经济委员会特邀委员.同济大学教授和世界银行特约顾问、美国哈佛大学ARIES研究员和上海市外国投资促进中心高级顾问等。  相似文献   

徐亮 《国际市场》2011,(2):24-25,10
去年年底,商务部公布了2011年我国第一批稀土出口配额,数量为1444吨,相比2010年首批出口配额1630吨,同比减少了11.4%。另据工信部透露,中国稀土生产在满足国内需求的  相似文献   

MadSummer船身长度79.2米疯狂夏天号,2008年下水的最引人注目的超级游艇之一.除去充满现代感的外观设计,在游艇主亲自参与之下,该艇拥有同级别有听众绝对独一无二的内装设计.例如,该艇内部没有主门厅、没有巨大的楼梯,游艇主制造这艘游艇的最重要要求就是私密性,这在你第一次登上她的时候就能感觉到.  相似文献   

最重要且紧迫的外交课题--当前的中日政治经济关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们普遍认为,近年来中日关系的主要特点是“政冷经热”。如果2005年中日贸易增长速度仍能保持上年同期水平,双边贸易总额有可能突破2000亿美元,但中日政治关系却不容乐观。2004年,美国前国务卿鲍威尔称美中关系是30多年来最好的时期,而中日政治关系则堪称是中日邦交正常化以来最糟的一年。2004  相似文献   

The Residentie Orchestra (Dutch: Residentie Orkest) is an orchestra from The Hague in the Netherlands. Outside the Netherlands it is often known as The Hague Philharmonic. The name "Residentie" ("Residence") shows that it comes from The Hague, which is where the Dutch parliament meets. The Hague is the "residence of the Queen's parliament", although it is not the capital city of the Netherlands. The orchestra are internationally famous.  相似文献   

World-renowned Soprano Kiri Te Kanawa Solo Recital
Time: October 21, 2009
Venue: NCPA-Concert Hall
Price: RMB 180/280/380/580/680/880
Ticket booking hotline: (86-10) 6417 7845
Kiri Te Kanawa from New Zealand Will show you the extreme beauty of human voice by her pure melodious sound Kiri Te Kanawa is among the best sopranos in the world. Possessing a warm, mellow yet vibrant voice, she has shown the whole world her charm and appeal. During the past tens of years, Kanawa played in many operas in different styles in German, French, Italian, Austrian and Russian. Her lyric voice, expressive tones, skilled musicianship, and deep emotions helped to create quite a number of vivid characters, making her a undeniable excellent interpreter of many masters' works including Mozart, Verdi, Puccini and Richard Strauss.  相似文献   

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