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发展离岸金融中心是国际金融竞争新趋势对我国金融业发出的新挑战.伴随着中国经济的持续增长和资本项目管制的进一步放松,人民币的国际地位不断提高,在境外的流通数量和范围也呈现扩大趋势,建立人民币离岸金融中心的问题已经提上议事日程.香港作为一个国际性的离岸金融中心,具有内地的上海、北京、深圳、广州都无法比拟的优势.在香港建立人民币离岸金融中心,其正面影响远大于其负面影响.事实上,内地对把香港建设成为人民币离岸金融中心早已未雨绸缪,且随着<内地与香港更紧密经贸关系安排>中提出的金融方面的四大调整措施的全面实施,香港将在实事上成为人民币的离岸金融中心.  相似文献   

张建海 《金卡工程》2010,14(5):266-266
本文通过对国际典型离岸金融中心的发展路径的探讨,总结出了离岸金融中心形成的必要条件,对中国建立离岸金融市场具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

陈杨  陈三毛 《浙江金融》2020,(1):9-19,47
本文利用中国1988~2016年宏观经济数据、金融数据,分别构建金融压力指数与普惠金融发展指数来反映我国的金融稳定状况和普惠金融发展状况,并利用ARDL-ECM模型来分析金融压力指数、普惠金融发展水平、金融深化水平之间的关系。实证结果表明我国普惠金融的发展虽然短期会加大系统性金融风险,但是长期来看是有利于金融稳定的。并且对于我国来说金融深化短期内有利于缓解系统性金融风险,但是长期不利于金融稳定。同时,长期内金融深化可以加大普惠金融对金融稳定的有利影响,但是短期却会加大普惠金融不利于金融稳定的作用。  相似文献   

随着人民币国际化进程的推进、香港离岸人民币金融中心的建立和发展,香港的离岸人民币存款在近年内急剧增长.本文从“跛足”的跨境人民币结算、人民币回流可能造成的在岸市场流动性过剩、离岸人民币市场对在岸金融市场的影响及跨境金融犯罪风险四方面对离岸人民币的跨境流动对在岸金融市场可能构成的风险逐一进行分析,提出了香港与大陆可以通过金融监管合作,大陆相关部门通过完善离岸人民币业务审批核准机制、使用货币财政政策防止由于上述风险导致的异常情况、也可与国际组织及周边地区政府合作进行金融监管防范洗钱等金融犯罪的发生.  相似文献   

CEPA的实施不但给深港两地带来了发展的机遇,同时也规划了双赢的格局。然而,在香港与内地的经济往来中仍然存在一道鸿沟,那就是人民币与港币尚难自由兑换。本文在探讨深圳建立港币离岸金融中心的必要性和可行性的基础上,进一步分析了深圳建立港币离岸金融中心的模式选择,并提出配套的政策措施,以期推动深圳在适当的时机,建立港币离岸金融中心。  相似文献   

陈璐 《新金融》2012,(10):17-20
随着人民币国际化进程的推进、香港离岸人民币金融中心的建立和发展,香港的离岸人民币存款在近年内急剧增长。本文从"跛足"的跨境人民币结算、人民币回流可能造成的在岸市场流动性过剩、离岸人民币市场对在岸金融市场的影响及跨境金融犯罪风险四方面对离岸人民币的跨境流动对在岸金融市场可能构成的风险逐一进行分析,提出了香港与大陆可以通过金融监管合作,大陆相关部门通过完善离岸人民币业务审批核准机制、使用货币财政政策防止由于上述风险导致的异常情况、也可与国际组织及周边地区政府合作进行金融监管防范洗钱等金融犯罪的发生。  相似文献   

本世纪六十年代以来,国际金融市场的一个突出的发展是,出现了一批新兴的离岸金融中心(offshore Financial Centers),如卢森堡、拿骚、开曼群岛、巴拿马、新加坡、香港、巴林等。这些新兴的离岸金融中心,同伦敦、纽约、巴黎、苏黎士等发展较早的国际金融中心一起,形成了一个连接全球的国际金融市场网络,这些金融中心则成为网络中的各个环节。最近,东京和我国的台湾省都在加快建立和发展离岸金融中心的步骤。这些发展正在引起广泛的重视。在这种情况下,了解和研究离岸金融中心的发展动因,其主要的经营特点。  相似文献   

离岸金融是金融创新和金融自由化的产物,从国际经验来看,建设离岸金融市场是一个国家金融发展的必然趋势.本文结合天津的实际情况,对天津离岸金融中心的发展路径进行初步探讨并提出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

哪里应成为人民币离岸中心:香港还是上海?香港的优势与劣势 正方观点:在香港,人民币的流量和存量是我国任何一个周边国家或地区所不能比拟的,因而香港最有可能办理人民币离岸金融业务。如果香港成为人民币离岸中心,国家金融监管部门就可将境外流通的人民币纳入银行体系,便于掌握其流动规模的变动,从而根据不同的情况采取相应的措施;就可以形成一个完全市场化的人民币利率指标。  相似文献   

海南发展离岸金融中心的优势及路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁斯琪  陈弦 《时代金融》2015,(8):59-60,74
离岸金融的产生是经济发展的必然结果。海南省作为中国最大的经济特区,未来定位国际旅游岛,发展离岸金融是必然选择。而面对不同类型的离岸金融模式,海南离岸金融市场的建设该如何定位、如何选择发展模式是海南省探索发展离岸金融业务要解决的首要问题。本文通过对海南金融业现状和外资引入状况进行分析,结合离岸金融不同模式的特点,并将海南省自然、经济状况与上海等离岸金融试点地区进行对比,综合分析得出海南省离岸金融的发展路径,即采用内外分离的融资发展模式以促进海南金融业的快速发展。  相似文献   

The global financial crisis of 2008–2009 illustrates how financial turmoil in advanced economies could trigger severe financial stress in emerging markets. Previous studies dealing with financial crises and contagion show the linkages through which financial stress are transmitted from advanced to emerging markets. This paper extends the existing literature on the use of financial stress index (FSI) in understanding the channels of financial transmission in emerging market economies. Using FSI of 25 emerging markets, our panel regression estimates show that not only advanced economies FSI, but also regional and nonregional emerging market FSIs significantly increase domestic financial stress. Our findings also suggest that there is a common regional factor significantly affecting domestic FSI in emerging Asia and emerging Europe. Furthermore, the results from a structural vector autoregression model with contemporaneous restrictions indicate that although a domestic financial shock still accounts for most of the variation in domestic FSI, regional shocks play an important role in emerging Asia.  相似文献   

We analyze the international transmission of financial stress and its effects on global economic activity. Our analysis is based on country-specific monthly financial stress indices (FSIs) over the sample period 1970–2012 for 20 major economies. First, we show that co-movement between the FSIs increases during major financial crises and towards the end of our sample period. Second, we show that the risk of large financial stress spillovers to an economy increases with its level of economic openness. Third, we show – using a global VAR (GVAR) model – that (i) a financial stress shock in the US quickly transmits internationally, (ii) financial stress shocks have lagged but persistent negative effects on economic activity, and (iii) that a negative US demand shock induces only limited financial stress on a global scale. Finally, we show that spillovers of financial stress run mainly from advanced to emerging economies and not in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,东亚地区金融市场的开放推动了资本在国际间的大规模流动,大量的国际资本在促进东亚经济增长的同时,也埋下了经济波动的隐患。结合东亚经济体的实际特点,本文采用Aghion等(2004)提出的动态开放经济模型来分析金融开放对东亚不同类型国家(地区)经济波动的影响,并利用东亚国家(地区)的面板数据对模型的结论进行实证检验。研究发现,由于国内金融体系发展程度的差异,金融开放对于东亚不同类型经济体产生的影响不同,金融开放缓解了东亚发达经济体的经济波动,但加剧了发展中国家的经济波动。随着金融开放程度的不断提高,东亚的发展中国家要加快推进国内的金融体系建设,以降低国际资本流动对宏观经济稳定的冲击。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of credit rating agencies in international financial markets. With an index of speculative market pressure it is analyzed whether sovereign ratings changes have an impact on the financial stability in emerging market economies. The event study analysis indicates that sovereign rating changes have substantial influence on the size and volatility of emerging markets lending. The empirical results are significantly stronger in the case of government's downgrades and negative imminent rating actions than in the case of agencies’ positive rating adjustments. Sovereign rating changes anticipated by market participants have a smaller impact on financial markets in emerging economies.  相似文献   

在任何一种经济中都需要建立一种金融机构与证券市场能够共同发挥作用的、完善的金融体系。但是,考虑到各种经济制度建立基础和发展历史与传统上的差异,以及金融体系与企业部门之间的关系不同,各国金融体系的架构并不需要保持完全的一致。本文从不同融资制度中金融中介的作用,探讨经济中金融中介的发展。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of financial regulation on financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa, considering the moderating role of financial stability. By analysing the relationship between financial inclusion and the most prominent macro-prudential regulation (capital adequacy), we find that tightening prudential regulations could negatively impact access to finance, thereby conflicting with Sub-Saharan African economies’ financial inclusion goals. More specifically, the capital adequacy requirement tremendously reduces banks’ capacity to provide financial services and this could lead to credit rationing thereby reducing financial inclusion. The results also indicate that, the interaction of financial regulation with financial stability positively impacts financial inclusion. Thus, financial stability augments financial regulation to have an affirmative impact on financial inclusion. The practical implications of this paper are that, one of the ways central governments and policy makers in Sub-Saharan African countries can increase and get the most out of financial inclusion is to formulate policies targeted at reducing capital adequacy requirements of financial institutions and other constraints that limit the operations and efficiency of financial institutions. Such policies should also aim at creating an enabling environment to promote financial stability.  相似文献   

Financial stress and economic contractions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines why some financial stress episodes lead to economic downturns. The paper identifies episodes of financial turmoil in advanced economies using a financial stress index (FSI), and proposes an analytical framework to assess the impact of financial stress – in particular banking distress – on the real economy. It concludes that financial turmoil characterized by banking distress is more likely to be associated with deeper and longer downturns than stress mainly in securities or foreign exchange markets. Economies with more arm's-length financial systems seem to be more exposed to contractions in activity following financial stress, due to the greater procyclicality of leverage in their banking systems.  相似文献   

The analysis of the build-up of risks in emerging economies have traditionally been scarce and focused mostly on external risks, despite the recent substantial development of their financial system. This paper builds an index of financial vulnerabilities tailored to emerging economies, grouping 32 indicators around four poles: valuation and risk appetite, imbalances in the non-financial sector, financial sector vulnerabilities, and global vulnerabilities. It adopts a model-free approach, purposely departing from early warning models or complex econometric constructs, and rely on data made already available by international organisations. Our index of financial vulnerabilities enables a granular mapping of where risk originates and how it spreads to other parts of the financial system. Using various data visualisation tools and benefitting from the flexibility of our index’s methodology, we are able build a narrative of the evolution of financial stability in emerging economies from 2005 to 2015. Finally, we also discuss the relation between our index and both the business cycle (proxied by GDP) and the credit cycle (proxied by the credit-to-GDP gap).  相似文献   

从历史上考察,中央银行实施货币政策和充当最后贷款人,客观上使其具有了保持物价稳定和维护金融稳定的职能。20世纪80年代以后,许多国家的金融调控出现了明显变化,逐步向稳定物价的单一目标方向发展,金融监管则出现了"去央行化"的趋势,使中央银行失去了维护金融稳定的能力和手段。经济全球化产生了很多影响物价稳定与金融稳定的新因素,要求中央银行在保持物价稳定的同时,对金融稳定给予更多关注。全球金融危机后,国际社会和主要经济体加快了宏观审慎管理体系的构建,这为解决物价稳定与金融稳定的协调配合提供了新思路。如果将物价稳定与金融稳定纳入到宏观审慎管理的视野,就有可能在金融调控中二者兼顾,建立起新的金融调控范式。  相似文献   

One of the biggest challenges of keeping Euro area financial stability is the negative co-movement between the vulnerability of public finance, the financial sector, security markets stresses as well as economic growth, especially in peripheral economies. This paper utilizes a ARMA-GARCH based R-vine copula method to explore tail dependance between the Financial Stress Indices of 11 euro area countries with an aim of understanding how financial stress are interacting with each other. We find larger economies in the Euro area tend to have closer upper tail dependence in terms of positive shocks, while smaller economies tend to have closer lower tail dependence with respect to negative shocks. The R-vine copula results underline the complex dynamics of financial stress relations existing between Euro Area economies. The estimated R-vine shows Spain, Italy, France and Belgium are the most inter-connected nodes which underlying they might be more efficient targets to treat in order to achieve a quicker stabilizing. Our results relate to the fact that Eurozone is not a unified policy making area, therefore, it needs to follow divergent policies for taming the effects of financial instability to different regions or groups of economies that are more interconnected.  相似文献   

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